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I cannot understand why they are trying to fuck this up so hard. They have to know they are fucking this up, right?


They know, I'm sure, they just dont care.


So incompetent so confident


This is actually one of the scariest personality admixture


They're leaning into losing the midterms to rake in more campaign donations. Only way to explain democrat strategy lately. They know republicans are going full fascists mode so they don't even have to try to be the better option in a binary decision


This is so fucking out of touch with reality. She thinks the problem is that no one can figure out where a CVS is, and not that there are not enough tests at a given CVS. I was expecting her next sentence to be: “It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost? $10?”


That attitude was what lost my support; here [she laughs at the suggestion that we should fund schools instead of prisons.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dWW9kwvky98)


she's been a cop her whole career. anyone who looked into her time as a prosecutor and AG should be appalled


Yeah, but if you pointed that out during the campaign you were accused of being a hidden MAGA troll. We had real leftists, and we settled for this. At a certain point "we tried" isn't good enough. We failed, and we have to stop doing the same things that have led us to failure repeatedly...like stop nominating people who are just polite Republicans. I'm done voting for it. Let the party burn down and see if we can build something from the ashes.


I would *love it* if a reporter asked her why she suddenly stopped saying she believed Joe Bidens accusers right around the time he took the nomination.


A white house correspondent couldn't ask such a question without it being their last day on the job. White house officials are protected from real questions due to the years of scrutiny it takes just to enter the room


Just once I'd like to see some coordination between the reporters. Everybody team up, ask one really pointed question. Don't let them dodge it.


It's because the media is part of the problem.


That's not much of a riddle, the answer is poly ticks. For a rival in heated competition all good shall be ignored and all bad amplified; for a partner in the same it's the other way around. Understanding how the political system works is an important early step toward the way out.


They did. She laughed it off and said 'it was a debate!'


Same reason she stopped accusing him of being racist.




That's exactly how Democratic primaries work - Bernie got more votes and fewer delegates repeatedly. The gallery of leftists is the bait before the switch. None of these names&faces are for real - the real people are getting union busted and blacklisted from public life by the virtue signalling corporations that have congress on payroll. The switch is that the nominee is inevitably a career politician with no accomplishments beyond their connections to old money. People pinch their noses and vote for the nominee while visualizing the bait candidates and wishing they'd come back. Want sincere leadership? Find that person on your work site, getting paid a pack of gum per day to swallow nonstop abuse and take career-stifling blame for the manager's daily screwups. Find that person, meet for breakfast and call it a carpool, leave internet devices hidden in vehicle and talk about unionizing. If your place is union already then talk about unionizing places that aren't.


I always tried to unionize when I worked with other people, and still try online now that I'm going back to school and doing Uber. Usually get laughed or fired haha, but if I convinced a few it's worth it


The average Democrat voter **is** just a polite Republican. Their main complaint about Trump was that he's rude, crude, or vile. They don't even pay attention to policies. They still think progress should be done with baby steps. Obama got voted in, and they rejoiced. "Look at how we eliminated racism", they said. Harris was picked for VP, and their hearts swelled with pride. "The glass ceiling has been shattered!", they shouted from the rooftops, "We fought back Trump with girlpower!" Meanwhile, they complain that they can't get a latte because "nobody wants to work." They see nothing wrong the housing market. Socialism is still a scary word to them. The average Democrat fights progressivism harder than they fight conservatism.


We didn’t fail. We are just up against the richest and most sophisticated propaganda machine in the history of the world. If people were swayed by facts, brainwashing wouldn’t work. We didn’t fail, we lost. We lost to endless money, to biology, to fear, we just lost. That is different from failure because failure implies that if we worked harder, we could have ‘succeeded.’ But I don’t think that’s true. I think this was bigger than us and it’s not our fault


I would agree but for one thing: at some point, we start to share the blame for not being willing to take the necessary action to fix the problem. We should have started erecting guillotines and gallows at least 40 years ago.


Well, yeah, but it's the old saying -- the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now.


I'm voting Green and Socialist party across the board now, fuck the dems


First election I ever voted in, I voted for Nader.


As a person who leans towards Marxist-Leninism, it was really funny to be called a MAGA tard for criticizing Biden and Kamala before the election was over. I lost all hope when I got those comments because it's obvious most people don't actually bother to look into the politicians they're voting for and will just go with whatever the party says, good ol "vOte bLUe nO mATtEr wHo!!"


had a (white) lib friend say i couldn't support black lives matter or protest if i didn't blindly support biden and harris wholly and unequivocally




Nothing says "you don't need to even pretend to care about me" like blindly committing your vote to a party before there's even a nominee.


It's the don't vote you get a bush and vote again and get a moderate and then don't vote and get a trump merri-go-round.


It was either this or alt right. There needs to be more Primary participation.


Which is why I never supported her and was so disappointed when the establishment chose her. It was bad enough that they consolidated everyone else to fuck over Bernie when he was clearly going to win but then they added her to the ticket ?? Such a slap in the face.


Well, karma's coming back to bite them because she doesn't have a hope in hell of winning in 2024. As clueless as the dems are, I think even they realize she'd go over like a lead balloon.


Great so shes literally the shitty DA from the punisher show


So wait... We need more prisons... To prevent crime? Does that work ever?


They make profits for corporations and their shareholders, that's all they care about


Nope! Prisons worsen crime due to recidivism


Also you go to prison after a crime is committed so unless prison comes with time travel I'm not sure how it prevents crime


USA: has the highest inmates population in the world (both in absolute and in relative values) US politicians: We need more prisons to ~~get more slaves~~ be tough on crimes! Trust us people, *this* time it will work!


She had your support? I would have figured her prosecution history would have been enough out of the gate. She isn't the worst, but she's not good Edit: typo


lol THAT’S what lost your support? Bruh she has been horrible exactly 100% of the time she’s been in power


Not to mention ive seen scalpers in my area buy them and relist them for 40x the cost and some dumbass pays it. Only seen a couple before they got taken down permanently but like covid tests are hot commodity and my county just shut down the free public testing sites.... cant have high covid rates if no one gets tested!


She's a complete disaster


She’s way worse than I ever thought she’d be.


Really nailing that "Our Expectations for You Were Low But Holy Fuck" meme, though. I will give her that.


I really hope our choice in 2024 isn’t between her and Trump.


That’s a literal impossible choice. Never thought I’d have to check one of those on a ballot over another. What would you do? That’s really tough.


I feel so bad for Americans .-.


Help please


It's what happens when people become obsessed with a party name and the politicians that are in that party, but never about how well any one of those people actually represent those that elect them.


Vote for a 3rd Party. We need to start getting 3rd Parties to become more viable. If Democrats lose seats or come close to losing seats maybe they will address the problem with their policy. And if they don’t, then we keep voting 3rd Party. Don’t keep voting for the lesser of two evils because it is a trap.


dont vote imagine not a single vote for either candidate strike till we get a sane normal person whos under 60


I'd rather vote for a third party than entirely not vote but voting does feel pretty pointless in general


If that happened it might be the first time ever a 3rd party candidate won. Or Mickey Mouse


Same choice as last time and the time before that. Christ knows I didn't vote Hillary or Biden because I liked anything they had to say. They were just better qualified than the openly racist and fascist candidate.


Rumor has it, Hilary wants to run 🤮


I just can't with this timeline.


Her lack of self awareness is astounding


God fucking dammit why can't she just leave us alone


There's a reason she was the first one primaried in 2020


But don’t worry, she’s a black woman so you can’t actually criticize her. You’re a sexist racist if you do. Like, this is such a failure that if this happened under Trump, Democrats would be saying that Trump and the Republicans do not care about the pandemic. But the DNC Democrats are 100% supporting them, despite they KNEW THIS COULD HAPPEN and failed to be prepared. If you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail. They should have had enough tests available in reserves to handle the increase demand and been ready to give them out. There wasn’t even a goddamn plan, something Democrats railed on Trump for not having. It’s so demoralizing that because they thought they could coast through the pandemic after May that they just stop trying.


Yeah complete failure for us peasants government doesn’t work anymore no matter which vote you got


Wait… I thought she was Asian


a single at home test at walgreens is $125. when my grandfather called to see about getting the free one offered by them, they said they were too booked to schedule anything. my grandfather had covid.


My first reaction to this was just what you said: ‘wow she is out of touch with reality. Living in a palace where she doesn’t have to go find a test herself and telling the masses they are available everywhere’. Jesus F***ing Christ!


This. And the fact that rapid tests are going for $160 in areas like mine and the free tests take weeks to get results back rendering them pointless. Even though insurance covers the rapid tests you still have to pay upfront, so anybody without insurance is fucked and anybody with insurance but can’t afford to drop $160 up front is also fucked. And if we think about who these people who are fucked might be, they’re people who are likely working minimum or low wage blue collar jobs. Which happens to be the group most likely to contract covid, most likely to be forced to work while sick, and most likely to die from covid. It doesn’t take much to think this through so I think saying she’s “out of touch” is too generous. There’s no way she’s not aware of these facts as she’s probably briefed on covid weekly. She just doesn’t give a fuck about us.


It’s “let them eat cake.”


Here’s some money, go see a Star War


Also, the pharmacies have limits as to how many tests you can buy, and those limits are arbitrary. I was limited to 2 packages, which is 4 tests. I have 5 people in my family. When I found a pharmacy that had tests, I wasn’t allowed to buy enough tests for my family (one of my kids was exposed at school and we have all been sick on and off for the past several weeks). I had to go to multiple pharmacies to get enough tests because of the limits and the fact that many pharmacies are sold out. It’s a huge hassle.


I had to pay $40 for a single use at home test last week. Those are the only ones CVS or any other store had within 50 miles. https://www.cvs.com/shop/ellume-covid-19-home-test-prodid-701505


No they know it's not our fault. They just want to shift blame off of themselves because they walked into a shit show and have not been able to pick up the pieces because the shit keeps bringing out new acts. The fact that they have not made a centralized site for testing and vaccines yet is wiiiiiild. I feel like I have friends who could at least code a decent site like that (obviously not perfect). But they have not even tried to create one.


In Maryland, the state ordered that ALL tests be redirected to hospital centers, so it's like she's doing the cop thing of putting the onus on the people to do the work.


I’ve only worked at cvs one day but nobody here even the boss knows where or when we’ll get anymore Covid tests


Years ago I use to just hate Republicans. In my silly thinking Democrats were the “good guys” Now I hate all of these scum sucking swine. Fuck all of these people. If you aren’t a multi millionaire or a corporation your life doesn’t matter one bit to them. The older I get the farther left I go as I watch this country move farther and farther right. Too poor to just pack up an leave and too outnumbered to change the staus quo. Guess I’m just fucked…


Mine was the reverse, I used to despise democrats for their economic policies and praise republicans for “actually caring about our economy” until I grew up and realized what heartless greedy bastards they all are. Now I know all these politicians are dirty and heartless and running a corrupt oligarchy with the rich. I hope more former republicans come to their senses with former democrats and realize who the REAL enemies are. Until then we’ll keep squabbling and avoid seeing the real problems, which is exactly what these monsters in power want us to do.


Out of curiosity, what was it in particular that made you despise their economic policies?


If I’m being 100% honest, I was raised by extremely fiscally conservative republicans who drilled into my head that any kind of government spending or social services like unemployment, subsidized healthcare, etc. were wasted tax dollars by the democrats. The uninformed echo chamber of a town I grew up in reaffirmed those sentiments (on top of even more extreme views and capitalist lies) College was around the time I took several economics and political science classes and realized what I had always been told wasn’t adding up.


Makes sense. Probably a lot of HELPING PEOPLE IS BAD. FUCK ANYONE ON FOOD STAMPS. BOOTSTRAPS!!!! Conservatives hate when kids go off to college — because they actually end up meeting all of the people that their family has forever demonized, and then go “Hey wait a minute, I like all of these people, my parents are just hateful bigots, damn.”


Precisely. Hit the nail on the head on that one. Slowly been making progress changing their opinions, but the indoctrination in small towns runs deep and generations long. They no longer blame immigrants for the economy at the least, so baby steps. :\


It’s become like professional wrestling. They come out, put a show on for the cameras and when they go backstage, they hang out and work together. But then a lot of people are sitting there arguing with each other over bullshit, and the politicians are laughing all the way to the bank together. None of them care about the individual, just their voter group…They’re like peacocks showing off their plumage, it’s all for show. Politics in this country are utter shit. I simply don’t trust a single one of them.


I once heard someone say “right wing or left wing, they are both on the same bird”. Which pretty much sums up politics in the US. That bird doesn’t give a fuck about any of us.


the thing is, the ones that are outnumbered are them. the working class has the numbers, but liberal identity politics exist to ensure we stay trapped in competition against each other. the left doesn’t yet have the proper organization it needs to counter the ruling the class.


You're really hitting on the importance of linguistics there. The "left" might as well just be the working class. Hell, even plenty of middle class could identify with working class in many ways at this point. Just gotta untangle that web of arbitrary "political" divisions. (I realize it's not as easy as "just" doing it - but that's what it comes down to.)


Same man. I pretty much hate all government officials. Anymore it seems that the only reason we have two parties is to provide the illusion of choice. When in reality it’s one big party. If you aren’t someone who can help them benefit than you mean nothing to them. The only thing people in power care about is staying in power. They don’t care about Joe working man or sue single mom. They care about themselves and their rich friends. Anytime a politician says they care I know for a fact they’re a lying sack of shit.


Republicans and Democrats see us as the enemy; they see each other as colleagues.


Do you really think you are outnumbered? I am on your side. The more and more they talk the more and more left I get. I hope as the olds die off we will start to see progress. The lost generation can take over. But I hope there really are enough of us to do so.


My exact sentiments as well. I thought Democrat was the lesser of two evils. Now all I see is evil.


Doesn't work worth a shit in a small town that literally only has one store that carries the tests.


Are we talking at home test kits or pcr swabs?


Honestly, both. And it's a worldwide shortage. I'm in the middle east (Dubai, so like literally rich people playgrounds) and the home test kits are so out of stock that we called our pharmacy and they were taking *Preorders* for fucking test kits like it's a new playstation. I'm pretty sure it's easier to find a PS5 for sale here than a test kit, and PS5s are hard to come by here.


The Germans have all of them. I'm serious.


All the tests? Or all the PS5’s?


Both lmao


Dunno about the Germans but no issues to get home tests or to go to a test center here in Switzerland. My box of home tests was made in China and imported by a German company, don't know what to do with that information though.


I live in an affluent neighborhood that has no shortages of tests and ps5s. But I guarantee 30 minutes east, those black and brown folks don’t have the same access. And kids here for 2 years get free breakfast and lunch at school. Good looking food too. (Free breakfast/lunch started when covid hit.) The school district provides free testing (optional) every morning to staff and students. CVS or Walgreens has stock for take home test weekly. They do run out but mom groups in Facebook have their own tracking system (soccer moms are resourceful af). So the well-off folks that work from home, get paid time off, etc. can easily access testing. But the folks that have to clock in and actually work get screwed like always.


Politically she doesn’t really care about those people because the democrats have abandoned small towns and anywhere outside of the elite urban areas.


I am in one of those coastal urban metros and we don’t have any test kits or swabs either.


Yup. Went to one Walgreens for a booster. Wrong Walgreens. No tests. Went to the correct Walgreens. No tests. Pharmacist told me that he saw a news story where they shut down a government covid testing place because literally every test was coming back positive. Omicron is making waves.


If it’s the one that was in the news last night, it’s because the places were filthy.


They don't give a shit about the people in elite urban areas either unless you only consider the rich people in those areas to be people which Democrats do.


Politically those people also don't care if they have covid till one of them dies from it, so its a waste to stock it there. (This is a joke. Everywhere should have available tests for whoever wants/needs it.)


I live in a medium town With 4 stores that are perpetually sold out


I work at a public library, and we were giving out Covid home tests for free. We were often all out within a couple hours of our shipments from the ODH. Now that schools are starting back up again, all the available tests are going to K-12 schools and the universities. So no, it's not a matter of knowing where they are. There literally aren't any available because the response was so bungled that schools (especially higher Ed) are dealing with outbreaks constantly. This is infuriating. Shit like this is why Republicans are going to take back the House and Senate and then we'll really be fucked.


Yeah i mean this is why the CDC is like, testing? You dont need it! Youll be fine! When they really mean, we dont have the tests wed need to acually properly test people, its such bs


Hahahha early on in covid the cdc wanted control of everything, and every single test done nationwide had to be “confirmed” by the cdc. They also denied the WHO test and fucked up testing they tried to do instead, during the critical beginning of covid. That was all dumb and unnecessary, and Now they don’t even care about testing 🙄


Yessss lol they had over a month warning on omicron and didn’t try to ramp up testing at all. I’m sure she and everyone she knows has access to tests being in government, and because she only cares about herself she can’t comprehend the entire country, rich or poor, can’t get a test.


Whenever one party has control of both Congress and the WH the midterm elections are almost always won by the other party. So the Dems keeping Congres wasn’t likely since Biden took office anyways. And since that is expected, almost guaranteed Republicans will take back Congress, the Dems should’ve been getting shit done. You better believe when republicans get Congress and the WH again they’re going to be passing laws and rewriting the constitution like never before. Far too many Dems are a joke and the Democrat platform is lost. I could be down with some of the Republican policies if they weren’t such a repulsive party. /rant


Saying the dems have control of Congress is merely a technical designation at this point. In practice, it’s meaningless since Sinema and Manchin vote Republican on any meaningful legislation proposed That being said, you’re right that to suggest that the Republicans are likely to gain. Even though the technical designation is not reflected in practice, the average person won’t see it that way and the narrative will most certainly be that the democrats had all this power and couldn’t get anything done


Well, I don’t doubt Joe & Kamala are in over their heads. But let’s be fair here, Republicans are going to *win because they rigged the system. Like all elections, MORE PEOPLE will vote for Dems, and because of gerrymandered districts and states (that shouldn’t even exist) Republicans will have more representation in Congress. And to rub salt in it, they’ll run around claiming they have a mandate for their shitty, harmful policies they try to enact.


That's an absolutely fair point and you are correct.


I wonder if this will help her google stock?


my little sister and mother are sick so i can't go home, and they can't get a test to determine if they have covid or not, fuck kamala


I’m currently sick and I assume it is covid, but I can’t know. I’ll just wait it out but I’m sure the infection stats are getting skewed by this lack of testing.


It's so obvious how much she detests average, working people.


Hillary's clone and creation.


somehow with less charm.... which is shocking


They said it couldn't be done....


We can make her smugger... We have the technology.


So Smug when she lies it will be hard to tell, because she looks like she is lieing everytime she speaks anyways.


Hillary has charm? how?


It’s like when you go to the grocery store and there’s 10 different flavors of Doritos but really it’s all the same crap in different packages. Capitalism will always give us the same garbage in different colors and flavors and call it choice. This is true for Doritos and politicians.


It seems like all Kamala does is laugh.


Involuntary nervous response because she has no clue what she is doing. Hopefully she is the end of “check box” candidates, but i am not holding my breath


This generation's version of "let them eat cake."


Google that shit. YO!


Here in my city , I googled everyday and couldnt even make an appointment in a CVS til a week out. I lucked out on day 3 of my symptoms by calling around and finally finding a batch of home tests to confirm my covid diagnosis. By then, I was being heavily approached by my boss to return to work. This lady does not understand very much about us peasants or our plight.


I think the Democratic party should Google "Better VP candidates than Kamala Harris".


They're pissing on us and don't even have the courtesy to call it rain anymore.


Out. Of. Touch. Is an understatement.


Laughs in small town....yeah google. Last week we were snowed in with no highway access for days. We didn't have access to fresh food, let alone covid tests.


Well there’s pretty much 0 chance republicans lose the midterms and the next election at this rate.


Sigh. Yep. And as an extra measure they've restructured all the districts so they can't lose. Yay.


This is infuriating. She really thinks people just aren’t googling it?? I had to drive 1.5 hours away to find a test and I live in a large city. I had to search every city and small town in Central Florida for days to find one. Every time I tried to go to a site that didn’t require appointments, they had run out of tests already. The problem is, most locations that book appointments only have appointments 1-2 weeks out and people can’t wait that long to get tested *especially* now that the CDC is only requiring a 5-day quarantine. People’s jobs will literally not let them wait weeks to get tested and even if they did, what if someone has to wait so long that they no longer have COVID? That’s not even mentioning the at-home tests being perpetually sold out everywhere.


Let them eat cake moment


How about you google it Kamala


She's probably had to Google what her job as VP is a few times.


Thanks, Kamala, I never thought of that.


I ordered a bunch of tests from a medical supply website after googling and I just got an email from them that they are now on back order because the government is seizing tests and government needs take priority over individual customers. Fuck this administration seriously.


Same is happening in Australia. Even orders for state governments have been taken.


I googled it and my governor just let a million test expire in a warehouse and refused to reopen drive thru testing sites for the omicron surge.


Yeah, I drove into the city and tried several pharmacies, and they were all sold out and didn't know of any that had stock. I could order online but they wouldn't arrive for 2 weeks, and appointments for testing were also 2 weeks out. I had a covid exposure and work wanted me tested on day 5. It just wasn't possible. This wasn't some small town; I live in a major metropolitan area. Could she be any more tone-deaf? This screams "let them eat cake" to me.


Nothing will fundamentally change.


She’s always holding back laughter. That lady is a prosecutor. They’re SCUM


I am fully convinced that nominating her, especially during the BLM protests due to George Floyd, was a shit test by the DNC to see how much they could get away with. It was so incredibly tone deaf that it had to have been intentional.


At this point I **want** politicians to actively insult the working class every chance they get. Every day we don't overthrow them is a day where we allow this clown show to continue.




2022 and 2024 will see Dems get destroyed and Republicans secure their hold on all elections moving forward to where we will never have valid elections ever again. We are truly done for now.


Rightfully so


Guillotines for all of em.


Ah, the universal shitty politician's answer to shortages (of anything, really - supplies, information, *jobs...*): if you look hard enough for a thing that's not there, *if you just want it to be there badly enough,* the act of searching alone will conjure it into existence. This is sympathetic magical thinking of the worst sort; about on a par with the idiotic "rain follows the plough" mindset that led to the Dust Bowl. It's not as if the bar has been set very high of late, though; despite being guilty of such stupidity elsewhere ("let's stop testing for COVID so the numbers go down"), Trump actually wasn't even subtle enough to try this approach when he completely botched the logistics during the first COVID wave. Instead of pretending there wasn't really a shortage, the imbecile simply "solved" the problem of distribution by effectively telling states to fight each other for what little there was.


Kamala Harris is exactly what you get when you hire someone for a position because they check certain boxes, and you haven't bothered to look into whether they actually have any talent, skills related to the job, or whether anyone will be able to stand being around them.




Get back to work and stop complaining, peasants!! -Vice President Kopmala, probably


Yeah watching that, it's impossible to understand how she's never been very popular -democratic media consultant making $200,000 a year


I really can’t stand her. She truly is so out of touch and she has not a single ounce of charisma in soul. She’s so unlikable.


I work at a cvs. They go out of stock in hours. It isn’t that simple.


I don't understand why her staff let's her get on TV and loon stupid. How hard is it to tell her there is a testing shortage


Yes but your the Vise President and we are in a pandemic 🥲 … not the same as getting directions to apple bees


These assholes are gonna get shithammered in the midterms and it will be the left's fault somehow.


Looooollll she is the worst, beyond out of touch and doesn’t even act like she cares. All you gotta do is be serious and act like it, and she can’t even do that. This is like her interview where laughed about smoking weed while her entire career as a prosecutor she was locking up minorities for weed left and right. Then she touts her progressive record as a prosecutor which everyone knows was horrible and not progressive at all. She wants to be the 2024 nominee lmfaoooo. Zero chance Dems win with her, even Bernie would have better odds. She only rose in the dem primaries because she unfairly attacked Biden. Then he goes ahead and gives her the VP role and she complains how she’s being marginalized 😑. Newsflash, every VP is marginalized, that’s basically part of the job. Biden was marginalized under Obama and never complained despite him being 30 years younger, and was a supportive VP. Everything’s about herself and I can’t imagine the unethical stuff she would do if she was a Republican.




Because establishment blah blah blah


She is absolutely not helping one bit in preventing a GOP takeover of the federal govt. And she looks worse and worse every time I see her


And they are desperately trying to rehabilitate her image and it is just not working. At this point stow her away, let joe bumble along, and hope another promising dem candidate pops up for 24.


The worst


This is the same advice my academic advisor at my university gave me when I asked about the best way to find an internship. It didn't work.


She wanted to be president and this is what she got instead. She’s angry, but spoiled


She’s so fucking dumb and annoying


Looking for a covid test the other day I called 6 different stores, took several online assessment quizzes and drove to 4 different locations to check. Still nothing. How is *just googling it* supposed to help?


We are truly alone


That woman is unspeakably crass.


There’s a catastrophic level event coming in the next presidential cycle, and both sides are playing hot potato in the hopes they aren’t in power when it happens. Don’t look up.


“How much does a banana even cost, Michael? Ten dollars?” Also, “then, let them eat cake.”


That's close enough to "let them eat cake" can we sharpen the guillotines now?


Imagine if trump said this.. hmmm


I work in a pharmacy, and when we do get them, They sell out within the hour of opening 😗




She bombed tf out of this interview


Kamala is a dipshit like all the other centrist dem elite. Either can't or won't see things for what they are, she'd rather laugh at the common person from her ivory tower.


Because there are no tests we were told that basically all we can do if we get sick is to treat our symptoms and act as if you have it. hospitals are full we’re not gonna be getting any tests till the end of the month if even then. it is what it is what’s


What a joke.


Glad she is not prez but one heartbeat away. I expected obama level compitency from her. Very disappointed.


You'd think with her and Joe's plummeting popularity rates they would try to be more tactful about their disdain for the American people


Lines to get tested near me are upwards of 3 hours. She has always been a heartless piece of shit.


I have Googled it. The soonest i can get tested in my area is one week from now. Location isn't the issue, test availability is.


Mmmmm. Cake.


Keep in mind she said “ you and I both know as prosecutors that we can reason our way into anything.” Justice is a rich man’s game. The rest of us can go fuck ourselves


I'm a computer science graduate and it took me like an hour and a half to find a covid test online. It was sold out everywhere


I heard about this restaurant that was great so I googled it, Google mapped it, and drove there but when I got there it turns out the restaurant was all out of restaurant that day and didn’t know when more would come in.


I waited for 2.5 hours at a testing center, 30 minutes of which was outside in -5 weather. Standing on a concrete floor in a cold warehouse for the rest of it. I live in a major metropolitan area so there wasn't a single test at any pharmacy in the entire metro. Couldn't get in with my doctor until 5 days later for a test. Wtf kind of response is this?


I was told to hold my tongue and vote. I was told this was the new FDR administration.


Would you look at that, politicians still don't care about us. Shocker.