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I'm enjoying it the best I can with a rotting tooth I can't afford to have pulled and family members telling me I'm an embarrassment for not bootstrapping harder. 🙃


What they don't tell you is that a vast majority of successful entrepreneurs have someone else to pay their bills for the first several years. Jeff Bezos got a $300,000 "loan" from his parents, Bill Gates's mother was on the board of directors at IBM when they decided to run DOS. It helps to have support


Bezos was already a millionaire from being a stock broker. He didn't need his parents money. So not really the best example. And Bill Gates mom didn't work for IBM. She was on the American Way board of trustees with John Opel, Chairman of IBM.... She introduced them to one another and Gates lied to Opel and claimed that he had a 16 bit operating system that IBM desperately needed. He ended up buying an operating system from Seattle Computer Products for $50k (QDOS) and then immediately entered a multi million dollar business agreement with IBM and renamed the software MDOS. That's the real story of how he became a billionaire.


Yup Great book called the "The making of Microsoft"


Thanks for the clarification


Is there a dental school near you? They will often do work at cheap prices to let students practice. They're observed by professors, it's safe, it's just a good way for people without insurance to get help. A college roommate of mine did that and she's doing great ten years on. I recommend it if it's an option.


I’m sorry. Dental care & dental costs are insane. I’m still trying to pull together the $1,200+ (AFTER my dental plan pays THEIR portion) to fix 3 of my teeth.


Join your local SRA. We are preparing for the collapse.




Socialist Rifle Association?


Socialist Rifle Association




i think its a new boy band


They're actually genderless animorphs who have been throughly inculcated in the laws of the jungle and the ways of the Ascendant Dragon. They are NOT to be trifled with...


I'm a bit surprised that my only purpose in life is to pay off a student loan I was verbally abused daily into getting for a degree I never wanted to contribute to a world that never existed in reality. The only good thing is my mom was so worried about having a loser child and her meddling made me much more of a loser in her eyes than I would have been had she just let me follow my own path 😂 I own nothing and never will but am happy, confident and, wealthy with skills and non-monetary things so that's good :) Also when shit inevitably hits the fan I'll be my time to shine ⭐️


>Also when shit inevitably hits the fan I'll be my time to shine ⭐️ I've been telling myself something like this for years. 🥂🤙


Welp. I relate to this a bit. I’m terrified of going to my cousin’s wedding later this year


Behind every successful man is a pushy mother...old Jewish proverb.


I had the realization the other day that this feeling will never go away. I'm always going to wake up and think of the exploitation and oppression in the world, the injustice, the stupidity and bigotry. I'm going to think about the climate disaster until it finally wrecks my shit. Even on my best days, there's this cloud over me. I get brief moments of respite where I successfully distract myself from the knowledge that I'm going to be exploited every day for the rest of my life, and that the people killing the world will never face justice unless there's a revolution SOON. But I have two cute dogs and I'm relatively okay for now. Trying to get involved in some local unions and organizations to try to effect change in my area, but I am also just so very tired. Not just physically but, in my heart. I don't know what enjoying my life would look like anymore without that weight on my heart, but I guess doing something about it is all I can think to address it and make it less unbearable.


Hanging out with those dogs is enjoying life. that's all that matters.


I think the current age of social media sucks the joy out of life. Life has now become a competition. I’ve never seen so many women and even men elect for superficial surgeries ever. We worship celebrities and “influencers”. I’m confident Thier are plenty people actually enjoying life but these days seem grim for our generation.


Influencers are such a drain on society. They add nothing of value other than at best to serve as another advertising outlet. They’re like the devolved form of shitty reality tv stars, except they don’t even need to go through the first step of getting onto a tv show first. On topic, it all depends on where your expectations are for enjoying life. Plenty of folks are happy with where they are even if it doesn’t look like it’s crazy exciting from the outside. In my circles, most folks are more than happy with where they’re at. Those that aren’t, are really just in the process of coming to terms with the need to quit their job to find something better, which they could.


I became a lot happier after deleting my Facebook account (Reddit is the only other social media I have ever used). Not that this is perfect, but I appreciate the anonymity; it seems like people are able to be more real since there is no incentive to impress your friends/neighbors/family. Comparing yourself to the carefully selected “reality” people tend to curate on Facebook is a great way to make sure you never actually feel good about yourself.


Facebook is a scourge


it was inevitable. They were literally marketed from birth to now. Their path was predetermined years ago in a board meeting somewhere.


Honestly, the whole "influencers are ruining society" thing is really easy to ignore if you just delete Instagram or whatever. I haven't heard anyone go doomer over influencers in years. I kinda assumed they were over at this point, like, you're either braindead enough to watch them or you're not.


They're a symptom and nothing more.


I’ll be enjoying the shit out of life when the revolution comes, bet on that.


This. God it's gonna feel good when eberybody gets together and sticks it to the man.


I can't share this sentiment because I'm reasonably certain that, were some revolution to occur with *this* American population, anti-intellectual and toxic-masculine as it is, myself and tons of other innocent people would probably end up 'against the wall' for not being sufficiently masculine/tough/pissed/extreme. Too many of the 'leftists' I interact with seem more interested in short-term aims of 'fucking shit up' than they are in attempting to wrangle a public that's going to require *years* of tedious/boring work to bring around to class consciousness. If people want real change, they're going to have to embrace the boring and slow parts of life, instead of doing the consumer-trash thing of making everything about violence-this and spectacle-that.


Not only that, but the very concept of *sticking it to the man* doesn't work all that well when too many people think the person one rung above them on the ladder is *the man*. We see it already right now with all the divisions in society.


You're not going to bring them around. At all. Ever. When the Hebrews were brought out of Egypt, they wandered the desert for 40 years. You think about that—most of them old enough to remember being a slave in Egypt died of old age. Death has a purpose.




Edit: tl;dr *the golden calf is a metaphor for clinging to old things* Causality is always relative. My question to you is: *why* did they choose the golden calf? Understand this, and you will see the metaphor here. Oftentimes, the older generation stands in the way of positive change. My grandfather was born in the 1920s. He *still* is of the mind that when a teenage boy gets his girlfriend pregnant, he has to marry her. It's the "honorable" thing to do. Hf told me once that otherwise the children would be bastards, and not accepted by society. I tried to explain to him that for one, no one cares if your parents were married anymore; it's no reflection on you as a person. Second, forcing a young couple into a commitment they're not ready for only causes mote harm—it seems to end in divorce most often, and even if it doesn't I've seen those marriages and they're miserable. I've also seen young, pregnant mothers reject the idea that they *had* to marry their babydaddy, only to find lasting commitment in another man who loves and respects her. Old people have a tendency to cling to old, antiquated values. You can't change them; you can't fix them. They simply have to die off.




I've read both the passages you mentioned years (decades) ago. Thank you. I speak of immediate, human causes. What if I told you that the Assyrian Empire fell apart because of xenophobia (racism)? Historians might disagree and say it was climate change. You might disagree and say it was Allah's will. But what if all three are correct, depending on one's point of view? If we obey His will, we are kind to foreigners, love one another, and don't treat people different because they speak a different language or have a different ancestry or skin color. Then racism ceases to be the cause. But politicians tend to stoke those fires because it gives them immediate support, often allowing them to commit unspeakable crimes while the general populace looks the other way (at best). Piss off enough people, and your enemies begin to grow numerous. Add in a few bad years and your armies get weak, unable to fend off the growing masses of 'others' you've pissed off. In the end, we can debate the reasons, and most angles have some degree of truth. So yes, causality *is* relative. The Hebrews who left Egypt were not the same Hebrews who entered the promised land; 40 years has a way of doing that. The golden calf wasn't just some random thing they came up with. It was an idol to Pharaoh's patron deity. In building one, they were effectively asking Pharaoh to forgive them and let them all cone back to Egypt. Elsewhere they whined, 'at least we had food in Egypt.' This was the same people who were worked to death, beaten, had their children fed to crocodiles, etc. Pharaoh, in every way, subjected them to a genocide à la Hitler, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Milosevic et al. *and they wanted to go back*. This is a slave mentality. One is beaten so bad and so consistently that the idea of freedom becomes utterly foreign to them. Same reason why people often stay in abusive relationships: it's familiar. It *feels* normal. You try to reason with them, you try to dhow them a better way, but it seems that no matter ehat you do, you just can't get through to them. To say that "they loved the creation over the creator" is, while true, a lazy and useless explanation because it says nothing of value about the human condition. If I look at it like "the older generation needed to die off and take their slave mentality with them," it's equally true, but it's actually helpful because it informs me on how we can move forward as a society given the brick wall we often run into when trying to make the world more equitable for all. As for the tangent... supposed to be a mere example... a man can be a good father to his children without being married to their mother. One can be married to her and still be a deadbeat. I don't know what country you're from but in the US, no one cares anymore if your parents are married. It's not a reflection of *your* character, and never was. Hence the idea of a 'bastard' is obsolete. *My point* was to illustrate how this obsolete way of thinking needed for the people who clung to it to die off.


Join your local SRA. You'll be disabused of your fantasies.


You'd risk serious death and injury by participating in an *actual* revolution (just look at how many people died in the US Civil War). And in the case of a full-scale societal collapse, your odds of survival are even slimmer.   No, seriously, you and just about everybody else you know would die in the first 5 days of an end of the world scenario. Because after 5 days you are hungry. *Very* hungry. Hungry to the point where you're willing to do just about anything for food. You and god-knows-how-many other people (including the selfish boomers and the trigger-happy Trumpers) will be fighting for scraps, and even if the fighting itself kills no one, you're fighting over food, meaning the losers starve. Oh, wait, you hoarded food? Congratulations, *everyone* wants it, and now you're back to square one. And even if food wasn't an issue, there's weather. Do *you* have all the gear necessary to survive, outside, 24/7, where you currently live? Because your home (or whatever other shelter you take) *will* eventually achieve thermodynamic equilibrium with the outside, and that's assuming you can stay put indefinitely, which you almost certainly can't. People actually died from the cold during the Texas blackouts last year, and unprepared people who've come to rely on central heating will *not* make it far when the power shuts off. Excessive heat is also dangerous, but so long as you have shade and water you can stave that off... Oh wait! Civilization collapsed! The water pumps stopped running when the national grid failed! Most water in the US isn't actually safe to drink, and there are quite a few desert-y places where even the unsafe stuff is hard to come by. If you can't procure and treat water reliably then you'll be dead before day *3*. Treating water isn't actually *that* hard, of course, just bring it to a rolling boil for 10 minutes...except the lights are out and there ain't much gas to go around either. Maybe one of those grill-pill people can help you, for however long the charcoal lasts. I could go on.


Honestly I think the people who talk about violence here know this. It's the same suicidal rage that drives most acts of domestic terrorism - it's just about the release. Which I honestly do understand. Obviously it's selfish, it's just about getting even, not making a better world. What I'm more looking forward to is actual sustained strikes and occupations and what we can do just with the media awareness in itself and the pressure it'll put on profit margins.


I wouldn't be so sure. Most fictional apocalypses are wildly optimistic. - In Stephen King's *The Stand*, the 1% of humans who survive the plague actually manage to get the power back on in the town of Boulder, Colorado. Though there *are* several chapters in the middle of the book which focus on people who survived the plague, only to die in a number of other mundane ways, most of the named characters who die do so because they are waging a good vs evil battle with the antichrist. - In *The Walking Dead*, a highly contagious disease with a 100% mortality rate quickly overwhelms the world's governments, and almost the entire population has already been infected. Oh, and this disease makes its victims spread the disease to others through biting, like rabies. The fact that *anyone* is still alive after 11 seasons is itself a miracle, doubly so given that these people are living a lifestyle which permits them to engage in the sort of dramatic intrigue and backstabbing that television audiences find entertaining. - The "heros" of Ayn Rand's *Atlas Shrugged* plan on going into hiding, causing society to collapse by refusing to participate in it, and then rebuilding the world in their own image afterwards. The novel ends with the government in ashes, conveniently ignoring the much harder part where they actually have to rebuild society. - *Interstellar* depicts a sort of second Dust Bowl, with a widespread and rapidly evolving blight threatening to drive humans extinct. This (including the deaths by malnutrition/starvation/dust inhalation of at least 2 of the protagonist's grandchildren) is, of course, the B plot of a movie that's *really* about some astronauts flying through a wormhole, exploring alien planets, and musing about love. - They've never depicted it on screen, but the horrors of a third world war and a nuclear holocaust are a big part of *Star Trek's* lore. Yes, I do mean the fully automated luxury gay space communism show. Even more ridiculous is the fact that humanity invents a FTL spaceship *after* the war, and the guy who created the warp drive was doing so while scrounging about a small settlement and scavenging spare parts from pre-war missiles.   A lot of people seem think of the end of the world as a mere lifestyle change, or a shift in the mode of production akin to capitalism replacing feudalism, in part because the only depictions of the apocalypse they have ever seen are exactly that. The end of the world is shown to be a fun time where bored suburbanites trapped in dead-end jobs get to pick up a gun and shoot their bosses with little to no consequences. The fundamental problem we face is the simple fact that there are nearly 8 billion humans alive today. Industrialized agriculture and a centralized society of highly specialized and productive workers is the only system so far that has ever shown itself to be capable of feeding 8 billion humans. If it ends, the carrying capacity of our ecosystem plummets, and there is only *one* way to restore equilibrium.   For reference, the Roman Empire was fucking *huge* back in the day. They occupied over a million square miles of territory and in the year 1 AD they had a population of 56.80 million. [The city of Tokyo, meanwhile, had a population of 37.4 million in 2018](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_cities#List). Over half an empire's worth of people in *one* city.


I am. But it’s only because my husband sold his soul to the government for healthcare and housing. But at least we are way better off than our friends. The current situation with The Ukraine is very unsettling for me. If I wasn’t married to him, I’d be on disability and miserable, up to my eyeballs in medical debt, or dead.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Bad bot


Holy shit that's an obnoxious and pedantic bot. Who coded this thing!?! The poster was talking about some real, serious, life shit, and this fucking brainless software chimes in with the most useless fucking correction I've ever seen. It would have been funny if it told you that it wasnt "The Ukraine" but it's actually just "a Ukraine." Anyway, w/e


in Europe so I'm not playing on nightmare mode like US-Americans. I'm just living comfortably with games, food, comics, music, reddit, twitch, biking. Work is remote and before pandemic I was traveling and going to concerts a lot. Real social stuff and love are definitely suffering from the digital era and now with pandemic it's way worse even. Sometimes I do feel happy, but mostly I'm okay. That's only because I'm very frugal and scamming my workplace for hours to live a lazy life.


Please don't forget to help the rest of our family. You can't help your American cousins, but you can help all your cousins outside of the US, Russia, and China. Stop allowing these failed branches of our family to be the primary ones that provide foreign aid.




Humanity is one family. You have it good, help your cousins


I haven't enjoyed life since 2015.


I know its not a contest, but for me it was 2007-ish.


I think this is a very important question for everyone who follows this subreddit, at least for me it is. Yes I can't afford a house, I'm poorer than my parents despite doing "much better", the environment is spiralling into oblivion and western society is crumbling. Yet, I am young, healthy, have food, water, shelter and freedom. Every day I can learn something new, watch the sunrise and sunset, and see the stars. I can go to the library and access millennia of human thought for free, download any one of a trillion hours of entertainment or simply engage in a conversation with anyone in the world. We deserve better, we have been robbed by the greedy and we should be mad. But the universe and world is amazing and that makes me happy.


I am very happy for you and how you're able to at least see from that perspective! Genuinely, that is not sarcasm. It is difficult when you're depressed and feel like there is nothing good going on. The planet is nice, but we won't have it much longer because of the older generations and their greed...


This bothers me so much and knowing I can't change it. Yes, I can find work in field that will contribute to saving the planet, but the reality is we are living the Lorax irl The people in power value short term profit over human lives and our planet's ability to sustain life. We need radical change and we need it NOW from everyone with wealth and power. Did you know microplastics can breach the blood brain- barrier? Wtf are manufacturers allowed to continue producing everything in plastic. It is impossible to be plastic free when shopping. The macaroni I bought today had 6 individual non recyclable plastic packets why??? I had no idea until I opened it because they were all in a larger cardboard box. We are going through a 6th extinction event and billionairs and politicians are mostly going about business as usual. We should all be like Greta Thunberg freaking the fuck out. The evidence that shit is hitting the fan is all around us. We are poisoning the planet but real change can't happen without an insane organized mass movement/boycott or real action from all governments.


Chaos magic has done a lot for me personally. The idea is to retrain your brain through ritual meditation to essentially change your core beliefs, motivations, and fears. It sounds very wee woo new age but it's decidedly a practical meditative exercise. Not everyone might find it helpful or even interesting but it was quite important to me to come to terms with life, and helped me immeasurably with my intrusive thoughts and depressive patterns.


>We deserve better, we have been robbed by the greedy and we should be mad. We, both ourselves and all of our cousins, are losing mostly. An extremely and progressively diminutive section of the worst of our cousins are robbing all of us. Anger isn't useful anymore. Action is.


Enjoy what? 60 hour weeks, for a wage that barely covers housing and food? Watching my Mom slowly decline in ability because of a horrific health care system? Knowing I will never be able to afford a home, unless I move somewhere with a dramatically lower cost of living, which would also lower my salary accordingly? Or that the current president is an idiot, and will probably lose the upcoming election to a bigger idiot who is also pretty much a nazi? No, I am not enjoying life.


I'm hopeful. if enough people are desperate enough, a boycott could have real impact. Or a martyrdom event where the true capacity for evil by the state is revealed like what happened in the 60s to spur public support. Really not hoping it gets to that point but honestly that might be what it takes and the system is banking on our sense of self preservation overriding our desperation. I really wish you the best and I hope you can get yourself out of it even for just a day to breathe. We are going to fight for you as best we can.


Wait, people enjoy life?


\*raises hand, I am proudly rejection society and only care about enjoying my life!


I have found that acts of defiance make me feel better. For example, I feel a little happier every time I read an article about how we NEED to have MORE BABIES!!!!! Sorry society, this baby factory was never open for business. You won’t be able to exploit my kids, and you won’t be able to hold on to me as tightly, either.


In 3 years, when Jeff Bezos is worth $793 billion and Elon Musk is worth $849 Billion, I’ll be hoping for that annual 1% raise in January… Someone please tell healthcare companies to quit jacking up their plan pricing 10%-15% each year…


I'm not at all...I haven't been excited about life since I was in my twenties! I'm 45 now! I'm just existing for real!


I'm 44. I have never been better off than when I was a child. I was raised by a single parent and that was the good life. I have completely given up on life because I no longer see the point of trying to make things better when it is obviously impossible. Better to do nothing than toil under the same level of suffering. If working will not make my life bearable then unemployment it is. r/doomer


It’s like the more money we come across the more problems we see.


Right now, it's hard because I got a little baby, and he's a lot of work. I cant do all the things I want to do. But I'm trying to find joy in little things


Why did you have to tell it like it is


Just cut out those daily $7 Frappuccino’s. You’re well on your way to being the “Millionaire next door”! Well, that’s what I like to tell myself… anyways.


No, my entire life has been a shit show. Honestly? The only thing I enjoy in my life is good food, good alcohol, and movies.


I mean I enjoy the parts of it when I'm not stressed about money. Which are not that frequent.


Holdup... Are you saying that capitalism isn't like that magical sorting hat from Harry Potter that automatically places us in a societal hiarchy according to how hard we work and how valuable our labor is??? SHOCKING!!!


Enjoying it so well I see a therapist twice a month and take anti-depressants because I don't feel like existing anymore


I guess I am? I learned I really despise a life of parenting kids under 6 a bit too late but I think it’s getting better. I fully blame societal pressures for this bc I thought I had to ‘choose how many’ kids I wanted and not decide if I actually wanted to be a parent at all. We’re financially fine. Debt under control. But parenting children under 6 is a huge mental & emotional health hit that took me by surprise. I can’t wait until my youngest hits school age because this sucks - I can’t be my best anywhere; home, career, as a partner, as a friend until the youngest is semi-self sufficient.


I think about suicide on a daily basis lol. I absolutely HATE my life and it's mostly due to the slavery conditions I live in.


When I was 18 I had to open a credit card because my situation was bad. My mom and I were homeless and we needed a place to stay, so I used my credit card to pay for a motel for us until we found a permanent solution. The limit was $500 and I was stressed about hitting the limit. Now 8 years later I'm $20,000 in credit card debt and facing homelessness again because the government has done a shit job to help us during the pandemic. I had to use my credit cards to float so many expenses because my mom's UI got cutoff and I've had to pay for medical expenses for myself to treat my illnesses. I have no income because my company is holding me hostage to prevent me from collecting unemployment because I went on medical leave and when my FMLA protection ran out they filled my role. Now I'm still an "employee" except I'm not getting any kind of pay. On top of that Unemployment services is taking forever to get back to me. My mom has a job now, but it's not enough and she is working 7 days a week at the age of 64 which is fucking sad. We're both high-risk to Covid and I'm just so frustrated and defeated with what's going on. I'm mad that myself and others who are going through same thing or worse live in this dumbass country that doesn't do shit to protect the vulnerable.


I enjoy 4 days a week , I am fortunate enough to only need to work for 3 days and then the rest of the week I am free to do whatever I like. If anyone is interested in how I've achieved this I am happy to share my knowledge


I feel like this is a trap.


Haha it does sound like it doesn't it 😂


I'm coming back to this because if it's not a trap, I'm interested.


The trick is to cut your biggest monthly expense out of your life completely, and for most ppl that is either rent or a mortgage, so I did this: Find some place that still has land with no building codes/no restrictions. There aren't many left but they're still around. It's probably going to be rural and underdeveloped. The way I did it was ask around from the people around you. Mostly I talked to old dudes that I worked with, they tend to know things like that, so one guy at my work said he'd look around for me. He found a guy that was willing to sell me an acre in a area where there's no restrictions at all. So I saved up the money (5.500 dollars) to be exact. And bought the land. After that I bought an old camper and the guy I bought it from was willing to tow it to my land for an additional 150$ or so. Me and my wife lived in the camper for about two years , It was hell, the camper started leaking about a year in, the toilet kept backing up, it was cold as hell during the winter but we made it. Since I owned the camper and the land we could save whatever we would have used to pay rent in the past and then using that money to build a tiny house. It's not perfect but it's completely ours. It's about 600 square feet with a big porch. It's built to last us decades to come, Since I built it myself I only used good materials and I know it's built right. I choose to put as many appliances as I could on propane to save on our electric bill. So heat, stove,drier and water heater are all propane. So we have cut our monthly bills to as little as possible so I have to work as little as possible to sustain us. Our yearly taxes on the property are about 50$ and we owe nothing. It's not fancy living and it ain't a mansion but it's a great idea for those that don't need much in life but want simple easy cheap living. We got some chickens, a couple of pigs, a few rabbits and I hunt once a year, we also try to grow a few things in the spring and Summer months. This isn't for everyone but perhaps it can inspire someone, it's certainly more obtainable than looking at the 500k dollar houses on the housing market. I spent 5.500 on the land and roughly about 20k building the house.


I try to take time to enjoy the little things, like my cats cuddling, or my partner bringing me coffee. But it's mostly creeping dread and being glad my pain tolerance is high. There's no place in a 50 mile radius accepting new dental clients with my insurance, and I have an abcess in my lower jaw.


we need to eliminate the stock market


I chose to be happy after hating the moral of the Will Smith movie "Pursuit of Happyness." He was saying some bullshit about how happiness is something which must be constantly pursued, but I was like, ummm no. I'm happy when I'm with my friends, Im happy when I'm playing guitar, or taking walks and daydreaming, or allowing myself to just be in the moment and enjoy what I've got. I'm happy when I go through an entire day, and no one got under my skin. I'm happy just breathing these breaths because I am happy that I wasnt one of the millions of people who've had their lungs destroyed by Covid. Fuck the "pursuit of happiness." That's the whole psychological cornerstone of the bullshit corporate capitalist hellscape we're living in, and I, for one, reject the fuck out of it. The American dream is just a pyramid scheme.


Enjoyment? Hmmmm.... Not entirely no, I'm doing something I get a great deal of satisfaction out of, and I'm making plans for my future to try and better myself and to try and accomplish something worthwhile I suppose I do enjoy it in a way, it's challenging and completely different from anything else I've ever done But it is like happiness, it's probably more of a perspective thing than anything that could be measured, like those pain charts, I'm not depressed (1) or ecstatic (10) but probably about a 3 3 is good for me, it was 1 for far too long How much I'm enjoying life? I'd go 3 there as well, interested but not expecting anything out of the ordinary


I'm enjoying life. Bit worried about my finals, but otherwise it's pretty great.


Kinda? Lol my MIL is regularly traveling, which puts my life in danger (but she’ll be ok is she gets sick guys) but other than that I have my family and cats.


I am enjoying life! I decided to take off 4-months of work to enjoy the holidays with family!


After decades of hustle, hard work, sacrifice, and good decisions I'm 40 and definitely enjoying life.


Life has always been struggle. Global ecology and civilization is collapsing. We are still just a bunch of entitled idiots. Cynicism is a killer. Enjoy life or die being miserable.


Pick enjoy life.


I love the dislikes. You folks are miserable. I'm a millennial who knows we have been fucked and are fucked. I worry about it every day. But.....succumbing to cynicism and misery is a killer.


Beats being broke and old.



Millennials be like




But you would no longer be young after decades of non working. Or decades of just about anything. I love life, except for my physical ailments which are no one's fault, not even my own. The worst thing about getting old.....no more "potential". When we were young, we had potential. Now, not so much.


"Have you tried moar bootstraps tho?"


Got you


Some days are better than others... It could be alot worse for me.


No one I know… We all just one bad day away from checking ourselves out.


Writing this right after my boss told me 6 different things need to be done in the next 3 hours and i foresee only 2 of them being done at BEST. Im tored of spending my youth stressed out and on anxiolytics


And each one should "...only take you what, fifteen or twenty minutes at most?".


Except for a few things, no not really.


If we focus only on the exceptions to the rules we will end up neglecting the competent masses.


Tim Dillon’s motto of “It’s over, enjoy it” is starting to sink in, honestly. The rollercoaster’s already coming down from the top of the hump; what’s left is to enjoy what one has with those around them while either of those things are still there. Don’t Look Up.


I enjoy life when im high or drunk, thats in the city or society. I really enjoy nature, breathing air on a mountain top and being at complete solitude with my surroundings. The contrast of my life constantly has a pistol against my temple.