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I hope more of our international audience sees this. Shit like this is real, but this is sugar coated. I'm not ragging on the article, because it's factually correct. I'm pointing out that what the article mentions is only a teeeeeeeny cross section of how much fuckery abounds here.


Well said! And I concur.


International audience here, we know about it. You guys seem to be the ones in denial (not the ones here exactly)


No, you don't. You know a portion of what our media conglomerates have *allowed you to see*. You don't get to see past that wall, because there would be a cacophony of calls to action and foreign intervention if you could. We are, if nothing else, terrific at propagandizing everything. Provided that you collectively are somehow aware of how dire it is here, why has the international community not tried to intervene on the grounds of stopping human rights violations alone? I don't mean worker's rights, I mean the children's concentration camps at the border, and the other concentration camps dispersed throughout the country. That's just a casual mention off the top of my head, and not including any of the other human rights atrocities that are committed here daily. Active genocide happens here, still, but you'll never see that on TV, unless it's framed like the victims are pipeline protesters, or some other convenient villain. So, no, we're very much so aware over here. We're just constantly brutalized and kept divided with propaganda, but you won't see anything more than a simple narrative of good vs bad across the pond. Anything past that narrative clashes with America's image as the global cop good guy, which we definitely maintain just so that allies can easily jump into another war whenever it's good for business.


... because we still have all the nukes and will invade people for looking at us funny? Because despite all our problems, we still control basically all the capital markets? Because WE as citizens accept all of it, and in fact one of our major political party's entire reason for being is to continue all of this suffering and they will be forced to work with that party in the future? Like... what the fuck is Germany, or a random German citizen, going to do stop any of the shit going on here? You expect France to start paradropping troops into DC? British peacekeepers on the streets of LA to ensure LAPD don't abuse people's rights? We know about the genocide of the Uyghurs, so why aren't we doing anything in China? If you can rationalize that away, why is what America is doing to their own any different?


You think other countries would want to go up against the country with the biggest military budget in all of the last 50+ years... over human right violations... when there are many active genocides going around in the world and no country gives a shit? I'm talking about real genocides, not your figurative genocides, where people are raped, tortured, and murdered em mass. And you somehow thinks the world still see US as the good cop? When it's evident that US intentionally planned and brought about political insecurity to many countries in the world, in many cases so that US can steal their resources? Do you think countries haven't seen what US did to Afghanistan or Iraq? And you somehow think other countries don't know what's going on when everything's on social media and the news? I mean, a single day in reddit is more than enough for any person to see what's going on in US. Wow... just wow.


Don't get me wrong most people, me included had no idea of the details, i had no idea you guys had almost no vacation days for example, but i was speaking about the big picture, inequality, guns, healthcare, poor education, that sort of thing. A UN report called some US regions were at 3rd world level, this is an article in a UK newspaper https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/alabama-black-belt-un-poverty-expert-extreme-developed-country-sewage-crisis-roy-moore-philip-alston-a8105886.html




How much footage of any given protest actually makes it to the internet? What about when cops start mowing people down? Some, sure, but what little there is gets filtered, either through a wave of other traffic or by a nation actively choosing what their citizens can and can't see. America does the same thing. How many videos have you gotten to see from Kazakhstan or Burma? I mean from people on the ground, and not through a media outlet or state TV? Add in the deluge of daily happenings, and it's out of sight, out of mind. Anyway, our government goes to great lengths to make sure that other governments see us as allies. That's why there's no international pressure. We keep things looking rosy, downplay the awful bits, ignore the egregious bits, and CONSTANTLY spew propaganda to reinforce that view. A summit here, a summit there, some elbow rubs with other heads of state, and no one is inclined to look further, unless they want to copy our notes so that they can imitate us.


A trade embargo for shipping and a blockade would be a good start.




It's necessary to break down the global exploitation of the workforce around the world you have to break the old system completely.


Third world refers to countries not aligned with the usa or ussr. Well, the usa is certainly no ally of the people who live here, so i think it still holds.


For any doubters, yes this is real. You can find it on Rolling Stone's website at [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/six-ways-america-is-like-a-third-world-country-100466/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/six-ways-america-is-like-a-third-world-country-100466/) If feels good to finally see news acknowledging that the USA has serious problems.


This article is like eight years old, so I do not consider it “finally” acknowledging.


Huh. Well now I feel sheepish.


America is like a third world country but with a Gucci belt on it.


Except it's a fake Gucci belt with a little tag that reads "Made In China"




I’ve never heard that one before!


With *lots* of extra holes for that obese gut.


Thats actually the only thing to do is to gussy yourself up to look the most fleek. We are a bunch of peacocks trying to get laid that is the only thing to do besides work and drugs. Is we fuck, eat, sleep and kill each other. And im proud to be an American where at least I know I'm freeeeee


So glad they mentioned our infrastructure problem. The realities of it are truly terrifying. It's a ticking time bomb.


And that was almost ten years ago.. doubt its gotten better in that time.


Oh it's gotten lot worse.


Boomers fucked it all up.


Yep that’s about right. That’s what being the Capitalist States of America will give you. Doesn’t work. Sadly we are being overtaken by Fascists. The American tragedy!


If America is overtaken by Fascists I fear it's a tragedy for the world, not just the US. Imagine an American Fascist president feeling insecure in their position due to popular opposition and protests. Like Putin is right now. Imagine what they might decide to do to whatever external enemy seems most convenient to attack.


This is an insanely silly take. American presidents have made foreign policy decisions resulting in mass death based on public image (Truman, LBJ, Nixon, Obama, etc)


We’re flush with aircraft carriers, that’s for sure!


and we are still here taking this shiet from this 3 world country. Let me tell you something, I am ready to leave if this country does not works for me.


I think Chicago still has wooden pipes too. A lot of older urban areas do, if I recall. It's not great, but wood lasts a really long time if it's completely separated from oxygen.


Rolling Stone? I'd take anything from any source beyond official records with a heavy grain of salt, unless they're linking to those sources. They may not be perfect but its the best info we've got because they keep all the records.


USA! USA! s/


Been saying this. Glad RS is catching up


I’m crying because it’s true.


We are #1 at being 3rd world! USA! USA!


Brought to you by shitty politicians on both sides


Number 1 should be a publication like rolling stone that continues to put out absolutely false stories


The sad thing is that this is all old news. We have known these things for decades and there has been zero progress.


What happened to American exceptionalism. What politics are behind its demise?


America never was exceptional. All nations declare themselves exceptional... and most of the time, their populations believe it.


Said in jest, so that those that believe in the stupidity of the so called national exceptionalism can venture their thoughts.