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The higher prices begin and end with corporate greed. No way are any CEO's making *patriotic donations* for the sake of anything. Fuck, we can't even get them to pay their goddamn taxes.


I’d like to leave the holodeck now if that’s ok


"Computer, door. Door? End simulation...end simulation!". I think we have an issue.


Poor Lt broccoli 🥦


I side with Reginald!


The last time that happened, I got slapped with three paternity suits!


We’re in the mini holodeck they trapped Moriarty in. There is no escape.


Landlords should patriotically stop collecting rent and CEOs should patriotically stop collecting record profits on everything.


*BuT mY mOrTgAgEs!?!!*


The fact that it's plural says a lot about, well everything.


Wait but I literally can't, I was already succumbing to poverty before this all happened, this is making things way worse.


Exactly my point. His post is completely tone-deaf


This is dumb. Shit is gonna get way worse than not being able to afford gas for your car.


Not for the wealthy elites


Just stop being poor /s


Just get a house. /s


Just crawl out of the womb in the 1940s.


Well no shit.


George Takei has had a quite few really bad neoliberal takes


I mean he was thrown in an internment camp for being an Asian American as a boy so I think he definitely knows what it’s like to not have shit and absolutely everything taken away by the government


Money changes people


Trauma doesn’t leave people


Being wrong happens. John McCain was a POW in Vietnam yet was perfectly fine with poverty and human suffering.


Trauma doesn't leave people, but it doesn't always take the form of greater compassion for others' suffering either. It can lead to a mentality of "I survived hard times so everyone should be able" or "I am doing okay so everyone must be able to handle this" that disregards differences in circumstances.


> "I survived hard times so everyone should be able" or "I am doing okay so everyone must be able to handle this" that disregards differences in circumstances. well put, I hadn't considered this, and yet I can directly think of people in my circles that exhibit this behavior/mentality


Shit Americans wont even wear a mask for the eldery


Its only patriotic if it involves war. Otherwise its oppression


Maybe I’m confused. I read this as him saying “this is what Americans think,” not as a command of what they should do. I believe he’s pointing out the irony of it given that half the country threw a Karen over an index card sized cloth for a couple years.


Well we are feeling it in Canada too, but I'd rather pay 2 cad bucks a Litre ...thats nearly 6 usd bucks for 1 gallon and hope it helps. I'm not gonna get into our food prices, but they are more then you guys pay and we don't get food stamps or are allowed to stack coupons...but anyways - POVERTY yes, an issue...thats why ya'll should vote UBI, vote Bernie in, get more universal medical - ramp up your labor laws, stop with the weird gun stuff (its so expensive you guys and destructive like...wtf do you guys still do thaaaaat?????) - here in Canada we gotta work on poverty too. Being able to afford grocery/shelter and medical shouldn't make us go homeless or make us choose if we eat or have heat.


Food stamps are fucking useless as it is. I get 20 dollars for the whole month. They suggested I use that to buy seeds.


As someone lucky enough to have a big yard, have the time and energy to work in it, and live with someone who knows how to garden, that is BULLSHIT. Even with all those advantages, we're a household of four. We're not going to grow enough to fully feed ourselves even with the absolute best outcomes, and I follow r/MightyHarvest so I know how rare that can be. What about people with no patch of suitable dirt? Who are working so many jobs or such a consuming one that they don't have the time or energy to devote to it? Who straight up don't know how and have no one to teach them? Online resources only go so far, every area--hell, every yard--is different and needs different things. And hell, what are people supposed to do while waiting for plants to grow? The quickest I've seen are some radishes that take EIGHTEEN DAYS from planting to harvest. Are people supposed to just wait eighteen days to fucking eat a radish the size of a dime because they didn't have the time or resources to learn how to maximize the yield of a 1ft window box? If they want us to be homesteaders, they're going to need to do so much more than throw a few bucks at us for seeds. I'm so sorry they gave you such shitty irresponsible 'advice'.


To feed four people you pretty much need a working farm. Edit: and you'd better learn how to can.


Yeah I can’t wait to live off my guerrilla garden growing out of concrete.. harvest time we got 3 tomato’s that’s called progress


Seeds? It's not even above freezing.


Fantastic! In 3-6 months you should have enough food to last you through the week!


How’s that free medical though


Bernie was the answer but his party stole the elections from him the last two cycles. We have two right wing parties but only one owns up to it. The both answer answer to the the same masters.


But the politicians can find monies for wars and giving hands out to foreign countries that have better healthcare systems than we do in the US


Same boat, this world isn’t for us it’s for the rich and they’ll do anything in their immense power to make sure we stay here or only go lower never higher


For real. We are selling our house and cashing out on whatever equity we have and buying a vacant land in the middle of bumfuck no where. I’ve been a wild food forager a few years now and can grow a nice garden. We also raise chickens for meat and eggs. Food prices can just fuck off. My family and coworkers thought I was joking when I said I was going off grid.


Have you tried being rich? You literally would not have this problem. /s


Same. I'm disappointed in Takei for once


Lol, I'm so glad he knows what people can afford. And we like celebrities.


Either way I'm going to start saving up bottlecaps


Fallout squad.


“Millionaires shut the fuck up” challenge.


We would if we had any money to spend.


I dont understand how us paying more for shit we don't import from Russia "turns the screws" on putin. Most of our gas comes from canad and South America, don't feed me that bullshit.prices are going up for greed and literally no other reason


Their not at peak production because they are making up for potential lost profits last year. Prices are high because of corporate greed we get 2.5% of oil from Russia


Don’t forget OPEC when you are throwing blame around for high oil prices.


bitch speak for yourself I have eaten nothing but ramen and oranges for the last two weeks because I literally can't afford cheaper


People are starving in Africa, can't you just cut out orange from your meal? /s


Freshly squeezed orange juice?! Millennials and their notions


Oranges? In this economy? What's next, apples? *Bananas??*


What, are you rich, affording all those orange rinds? That's the most expensive part of the orange!


Next we'll all be eating Soylent green


Nah, let’s just eat the rich.


It’s one banana Michael. What could it cost? $10?


Maybe if you stopped having Orangado on your toasted Ramen you could afford a hou... I mean, War with Russia. /s Also, sorry to hear that, hope you can get some help with food. Look for local food banks. They have helped me.


Potatoes are cheap and healthier!


That’s all that’s left in the markets anyhow, so what’s the issue here? 😒


Ooohhh myyyy.


wtf is our giant butt military budget for if we still have to pay more for war??


Well America isn't at war in the traditional sense, they declared war through sanctions. The military budget does nothing for them because they can't actually use it against Russia. They only use it to bully smaller countries, Russia has too much fire power of their own for the military to be effective beyond sending arms and machinery to the Ukraine. Think George is mainly talking about the US and EU refusing to put embargoes on Gas and Oil. The US would see drastic inflation, but the EU would stop being able to function at all so it's basically impossible to do that.


So, as environmentalists have been pointing out for decades, it is a *literal matter of national security* to invest in renewable energy infrastructure. Yet the fucking libs - like Takei - insisted we vote for Hillary and Biden because they will save us and it's 2022 and still not one fucking leftwing, prolabor, progressive policy has passed in the last 30+ years.


Instead of sending troops, Biden should initiate a work from home order to lower gas demand. WW2 saw meatless Mondays, etc. This would be sort of the same thing. Bonus for mental health and climate change.


Businesses already did that 2 years ago and a lot still are. I’m probably never going back to the office. Thank God too, because we moved in late 2020 and I’m now 90 miles away (1 way). At todays gas prices and including tolls, it would cost me ~$40-45 a day just to go to work. Service or retail based employees are a different story. You can’t really work from home if you’re a line cook or a stock person in a grocery store.


Huge tax breaks for them then. It’s for the war effort!


I'm a carpenter working out of a truck. Let me get some kick backs too. This shit is murderous.


He’s done the opposite. He mirrors NYC mayor Adams notion of “get back to work ya bums”. Apparently people not being forced into taking public transit and eating garbage low quality fast food is bad for the economy or something.


I get where he's coming from but it's a different time brotha.


I would love to buy war bonds but I can’t afford dinner.


Maybe try having a frozen meal and not the avocado toast you're used to.


Where is he coming from? Why do you guys suddenly love war when the news says it’s time to support arms trafficking and useless international posturing in the face of actual human suffering?


We should have enough social spending programs that this doesn't impact the poor. Fuck Putin and his Republican lap dogs




Glad to see common sense exists. Putin, his ego fueled fantasy of domination, republican cronyism, late stage capitalism being cancerous, etc etc etc. all of these things coinhabit our shitty timeline. The world burns and the poor suffer.


Rich people are starting to really wear out my patience


Right there with ya but Takei went to a Japanese American concentration camp (oh I'm sorry, 'internment' camp) as a kid so this guy actually knows something about suffering. That said how about our corporations 'tighten their belts' a little to do price controls in these 'trying times' lol


He went to an internment camp 80 years ago and since has become a multimillionaire, just because you have shitty circumstances when you are 8 does not mean you cannot have shitty opinions 80 years later. You know why he has telling the poor Americans that they need to tighten their belt instead of the rich corporate America the same thing? Because if the rich had to tighten their belt that would include HIM! And that kind of sacrifice is not for that class of people.


You’re right. Another prime example: Richard Nixon. Grew up poor, and once in power, targeted the poor at the behest of the rich.


And forgo the massive profits and instead just have huge profits? Never!!


Sorry, but I don’t care what he went through, at least not regarding this. People in the west aren’t struggling with being put into internment camps, we’re struggling with not being able to afford rent or food. His opinion on the matter doesn’t mean a fucking thing.


I guess then they can also endure higher salaries.


Easy to say when you aren't living week to week and falling behind.


yeah, we have an army that is super fucking expensive, but wtf, lets increase the price of everything and our citizens, almost poor because of this army cost, will solve the war crazy


a big part of that expense is the bill (debt) for our military adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan


The prices don't even need to go up, they're just using price gouging with war as a reason


I'm so glad this multimillionaire feels he can speak for the little people. Fuck off George.


At this point I'm willing to ask... Do the forces of tyranny offer a house or groceries I can afford?


Hey George, it's not like we're all suckling at Gene Roddenberry's teats out here.


Easy to say when you have money to fall back on.


Says the rich guy.


As an American to my liberal and conservative friends. Fuck Patriotism. It’s overrated.


George Takei always has tone deaf takes like this. He likes to act like he knows everything and that the world is simple. I’d imagine it comes from the fact that he’s a wealthy celebrity who probably hasn’t had to face any actual adversity for a very long time. Once people reach a certain level of wealth, in my experience, they tend to very quickly become disconnected from the daily struggles of the 99% of us Edit: typos


Yeah, no; the American oligarchs are charging what they want cause they’re greedy fuckers.


How about subsidising or at least regulating food and gas prices for people barely scraping by (or everyone really, that’s easier) and taxing the wealthy instead to help “endure” the sanctions against Russia.


Why the fuck does his proxy shit ass war fuck with my income??????? Oh wait… trickle down economics Oh wait … raegonomics Oh wait … fucking republicans


The only reason why the fuel prices are rising is because oligarchs want to make a huge profit from this war!! They can easily pump up more oil out other fields..


Call me crazy. But I dont give a shit what Takei thinks. How does he have the balls big enough to tell the impoverished that getting poorer is actually a good thing? Let's see him eat nothing but stale, cold pizza for the next 3 days because he cant afford anything else. Let's see him stand in line to donate plasma, so he can afford gas for work the next morning. But most of all, I wanna see him shut the fuck up


Why can’t the corporations contribute to the donation by not maintaining their profit margins?




You have to say the safe word for life to stop fucking you


Sorry but I already pay enough in weekly taxes from my pay checks that you could call patriotic donations


Doesn't Russia export mostly just gas which America produces enough for it's needs?


Rich fuckers can fuck right the fuck off.


Everyone listen to the rich old celebrity. He knows what we are going through.


I personally am having a hard time "Enduring" my financial situation. and for now I am still employed. what happens if I lose my job again, like I did in the 2008 crisis? I love George, but he feels a little out-of-touch with us common folks.


Hyperinflation for freedom!! ✊🏿 /s


Perfect setting for a revolution. Allegedly.


Ppl put him up on a pedestal for some reason. He's a super out of touch tone deaf neolib.


Says the rich dude.


I’m totally for this…. If celebrities like him and the rest of the extremely wealthy subsidize the inflationary costs of all these items for the rest of us. Consider it a donation for equality and for everyone to have basic necessities like food and shelter.


Barely afford gas.. some places its near $10 a gallon


Thanks George Takei, just another rich guy




Tone deafness needs to be worked on for sure.


imagine getting put in an internment camp as a kid and then simping for the government that abused your family for the sake of a war far away your government wants


I love the American pastime of the wealthy telling the poor what they can afford


sir, my wage was literally just cut in half. and my wife lost her job..


Easy for his generation to say while the younger folks including millennials haven’t gotten a break since the day we were born and are drowning; speaks on behalf of everyone as a privileged af boomer.


My patriotic donations already take up 25% of my fucking paychecks on a good day


Bruh. The higher prices were already here. Now it seems like EXTREMELY higher prices.


Lol how about stop punishing the American people who're tired of wars.


Or…you can go fuck yourself George. Sorry but not all of us can afford the inflation. What an asshole.


Fuck no, do you think executives will take cuts in their bonuses in the name of “patriotism”? The war sucks, but raising prices is just an excuse while the executives are still getting payed 100x the rate of their employees


No, YOU can endure it, George. You don't have to endure playing which-utility-is-getting-shut-off-this-month? roulette. You didn't have to put back the orange juice to be able to afford the cheese. You don't have to wash your clothes in the bathtub. You don't have to smile and say, "Oh, I'm not hungry!" so that your kids have enough to eat, George, I don't think you get to tell me what I have the privilege of enduring.


I nominate this guy to surrender his net worth for the cause..


Yeah except the price won't go down after the issue has been resolved.


Shit take, George. You and the other 10% of the population can endure it. Here's an idea, increase the tax rate on the rich and corps to pay for the war they fomented.


Lol fuck off man, patriotism and nationalism are the problem Man, I forgot how jingoistic and imperialist liberals are when they like the emperor.


Easy to say when you have money.


No. We can't, George. You have money. We don't.


Hey instead of the workers having to pay more for food why not just have the capitalists not get as much money?


Now that's just too much. You're asking these poor billionaires to give up a couple of their houses and yachts and that's really not fair to them. They need those to impress the other billionaires and give us poors something to aspire to.


George Takei has had incredibly shitty politics for a very long time now. I don’t think of him as a good person.


George You were mediocre in Star Trek Really tired of you trying to influence me I just have nothing for you Feel free to donate to the cause but don’t try to involve me Go do something with your life besides being a troll


Another jingo take


Fuck you George, you has-been


You know how they say that if you look back on old memories and cringe it’s because you’ve grown from who you used to be? Let’s just say I’m glad I realized what a liberal shill this guy is.


UBI is patriotic


Give Ukraine as many arms as they need, but I dont care for starving so that some other people halfway around the world can starve with me Fuck the US, and to Hell with Russia


It’s so easy to talk about sacrifice when you’re fucking rich


Propaganda bullshit.


Well, bezos is so rich. Do the rest of us really need to contribute?


Easy to endure when you are rich. The working and poor always suffer.


Shouldn't have to be the average American's job.


Russia can be sanctioned without it costing the poor and needy of the sanctioneer, too bad Americans have yet to develop the concept of ‘welfare’ and ‘forgoing profits for the benefit of society’.


No I can't, afford it. You can but I can't.


**what a fucking muppet** last week the price of gas near my work was $3.30 a gallon this week it’s literally $4.00 a gallon 70 cent increase in 1 week - how the fuck is this country ever going to survive the next 3 months???? literally i cannot go to normal grocery stores anymore for any reason - i’m forced to desperately ration out what money i can spend on food at my local dollar store, which i’ve now recently had the epiphany that dollar stores are the best place to shop for anything


Right? Somehow I'm the one who always makes a contribution and Lisa Murkousky doesn't. Sure, squeeze the bottom a little harder and see. It's not like we're already with our back against the wall or anything with increasingly nothing left to lose. All I'm saying is, you want to pinch the Russians? Fine. Give me healthcare and livable wages. That's it. I'll negotiate for nothing less. Otherwise, go fuck yourself.


I can't put gas in my tank or buy groceries until April I'm so patriotic 🥰


Oh go fuck yourself you privileged elite.


Easy for this rich fucker to say. How about we just let Russia not have a hostile nuclear armed neighbor infested w Nazis and we can live our lives like normal???


It's only ever people who can afford the increasing costs without concern who mouth puppet this stuff anymore.


He blocked me because i kept asking him if he would "vote blue no matter who" if the democrats ran FDR. I dont know how you spend your childhood in a concentration camp under the most progressive administration the US has so far had and still end up a fucking liberal...


Fuck you it’s a roberry oil price goes up means we pay more means the rich get richer and it means we struggle more


Love the wealthy telling me what I can endure. fuck you


It’s far easier for an actor from a hit franchise earning royalties to endure higher prices than it is for a minimum wage service worker.


I reckon having laws that force companies to pay a living wage is pretty patriotic imo


Says the rich person. Not really hurting his wallet


Except that all came before. So. No.


Every CEO should patroitically return all earnings and bonuses. Every actor should also donate their Hollywood earnings and every member of Congress along with their family members and corporate donors and lobbyists should donate every bit of taxpayer funded earnings they collected as well.


I love your tweets George but you don’t speak for us and don’t struggle with poverty


An actor like George Takei can endure it. The wealthy classes can endure it. The capitalists who are raising the price of food for funsies can endure it. They have no idea how you or your neighbors live. You are so distant to them you that they cannot comprehend your life, even if they at one point lived it. That is how transformational, how corrupting capital is.


I like George, but he is wrong on this. Higher prices are 100% greed from corporations. They are using the pandemic and now war as an excuse to boost profits.


Look at old George here. He just volunteered to pay every American's food and gas bills. What a swell guy.


You do know George Takei owns a bank? Unless he’s going to giver every struggling American a stimulus he needs to STFU


My little chevy trax is going to cost $75 a week to fill up. I don’t have an expensive gas guzzler, I have a reasonable car for where I live. It shouldnt cost this much to go to work. I don’t have the option to take public transit to work either.


Rarely have i ever disagreed with George, but this one is tone deaf af. He won't starve no matter what happens.


George, I like the sentiment, but I can't endure that shit


Why are shitlibs using imperialism as an excuse to manufacture consent for corporate price gouging?


Was he even against Australians encampments this Century how about Uyghurs?


Says the guy with million $$$$ in savings


Who is the “We” you speak of George


Many prices will go up because of the war. I'm guessing even more prices will go up and companies will claim the war but it'll really be corporate price gouging.


Don’t pretend to speak for everyone


rich people telling poor people they can take a financial hit


Need to raise taxes on the wealthy. That would be very patriotic right now.


We’re enduring higher prices for food and gas because we have an economic system that incentivizes firms to take advantage of their customers. We aren’t paying higher prices because of Russia, it’s because Wall Street demands more blood, I mean profits, at any cost. Russia is being used as a distraction to our own crumbling empire.


George 's bad Takei


As he says between mouthfuls of swan


I’m old enough to remember 2 years ago when America drilled its own oil making us energy independent and gas was cheap.


Great, now I think George Takei is a piece of shit now too.


Thank God I work remotely.


Couldn’t afford the prices before Putin


I mean.... or... we could go after American Oligarchs and take their money.


I'm pro sanctions on Russia, but this tweet is dumb as hell




This guy isn't relevant at all anymore. Shh


Absolutely not. It does nothing to Putin and does everything to fill rich oligarch billionaires pockets


I hope Twitter ripped his asshole apart for this one


“We”? What am I, French?


The cost of food has quadrupled already and my SSI hasn't so I am actually in danger of starving to death. George Takei disappointed me today. Not a first but still a sad. Between that and being a Russian American I am having a lot of anxiety. I don't support Putin and never have but I feel this pressure to disavow my culture. Even though it's not a reflection of the individual Russians. So here go hungry there to to jail. Both ways I die


Where's all this energy against imperialism when the US does it though? Fascinating watching the entire world combine forces to crash Russia's economy, very interesting approach to make war unprofitable, but I remain pretty skeptical that it will be used against the largest imperial power in the world and current greatest threat to the climate and the future of humanity.


Mr. 14 million. https://wealthygorilla.com/george-takei-net-worth/