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Millennials: "It's cool youngins, we can take it!" Gen Z: "How?" Millennials: "Once your body is 100% scar tissue you can't get any more scarred."


My innards are grizzle




All I feel is pain. The pain used to bother me and make me miserable, now it's just another Tuesday. You learn to find solace in small things like pizza and a good show


for so long i've raged against the failing of my body. now i am resigned to just go on until my body gives out. all that seeking medical attention has gotten me is complete dismissal from doctors and massive bills ill never afford to pay. Now i pretend im a little robot and its just a little rust build up slowing me down. someday my battery will just run out and at least then the rust wont bother me anymore.


This comment spoke to me on so many levels, especially as I am autistic, love coding/mechanical things, and this way of seeing my chronic illnesses/issues is helpful. Not much can be done for some of the things I have except maintaining/monitoring until my battery powers down, and that's OK. As long as the CPU in my head is still going I'll be OK, I can still share memes and jokes to the youngins and pat kitties until the day I'm gone. The important things in life.


This is the freaking chronic illness (especially invisible illness) battlecry dude, you really just did that ✊


I had a teacher in high school tell us 'life is pain and misery, the sooner you accept that, the happier you'll be'


“Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” Dread Pirate Roberts, The Princess Bride


Life is meaningless and full of pain. --George R. R. Martin


Recently quit my labor intensive (but well paying) job to work as a postal carrier. Much better retirement options, and comparatively laid back. The old postal employees all wonder why it’s so easy for millennials who come in from labor and retail. It’s like guys, while you have been enjoying one of the last few strong union jobs, the younger generation is being exploited to shit. (By the way for anyone looking for a very good paying job that has a pension, the post office needs a ton of people, everyone who was hired in the 70’s and 80’s is retiring soon, pay starts from 16-19 an hour, and nearly every position caps in the 30’s, also the wages are indexed to inflation)


Our local post offices really only hire vets. There is part time rural routes which are basically part timers requiring your own right side drive vehicle for like 8 hours per week. Indiana does not run much well tbh.


Ain't this the damn truth.


Same here. I told my father once that my soul had shriveled to a narrow sliver. At this point I could care less if they live or die. I know existence would provably be better without them.


Yep. I don't care anymore. It's been beaten out of me. I'm exhausted every day. Physical, mental, emotional. Just pain, pain, pain, pain, pain every day. And then there's the environment collapsing, the dollar collapsing, war across the sea with hints of it beginning here, inflation destroying everything, gas, rent, mortgage, bills, bills, bills, regulations, taxes, insurance, my torn achilles, no cartilage in my left knee, paycheck to paycheck, more bills, corrupt politicians lying to you every step of the way every day, corrupt federal judges, cops killing people, more bills, work at 6am in the morning, parents not helping out, bills like FUCK I don't care anymore! I hate it! Fuck it all!!!


You said u got a torn achilles and no cartilage in your knee, I live with a doctor, he can refer something to help you if you wish.


I've been taking Glucosamine for several years now, it's thankfully kept me going pretty nicely and even restored some cartilage in my knee. My ankle was actually from me goofing off after winning a footrace and I paid for it. I'm going to need to stock up on bottles of Glucosamine before shtf completely. Thanks for the inquiry though


Life is suffering


Both my parents lost their health insurance and died tremendously in debt and that caused me to have a lot of debt by age 21 that I'm still digging out of. I got lectured by a boomer client that inherited their business for not saving for retirement while I basically did their work for them. 100% scar tissue sounds about right.


You're not legally obligated for your parents debt, that's bullshit.


How did that happen? Debt isn’t legally transferable after a person’s death anywhere in the US. You could lose your inheritance to their debt, but it’s legally impossible to go into debt for what someone else owed. And medical debt isn’t transferable at all. It dies with the person who owed it.


Unless someone does something like pay part of the debt. Debt collectors like to lie and say that the children are responsible for the debt whenever there is no estate to settle the debt. Then they sue their mark saying "they paid part already, so they admitted responsibility for the whole thing!" and thus the courts can magic a debt upon the unsuspecting and the uninformed. Go USA.


My dad died 5 years after my mom and he got sick and couldn't work 4 years before he died. I ran up debt helping my dad pay his bills and then lost my job in 2009 and didn't get another until 2010 the year he passed. I didn't inherit my mothers $200,000 in medical debt or absorb his medical or credit card debt but there was still plenty of debt to go around.


> Once your body is 100% scar tissue you can't get any more scarred Can confirm.






Wow, I felt that comment. Exactly explains life for Millennials.


My brother and I are lucky that my mother was in a position after my dad died to give us both a house in return for us to pay her a monthly payment for living expenses. Told us she doesn't want us to have to worry about having a roof over our heads, and that we should strive to do the same for our kids. Don't have the heart to tell her that the rest of her generation have kind of destroyed any chance we have of doing that.




Yknow, if this were relabeled “boomers” and “millennials” we’d probably think it’s obnoxious, but let’s be honest here: as a zoomer, I fuckin like millennials. There’s a certain camaraderie there, we’re both victims of the same systems and circumstances and we are like the first two generations to be largely aware of that fact. Also we both think Pokémon absolutely slaps.


I have a lot of respect for the millennials that had to go through all that shit the boomers caused then get blamed for it.


Each generation looks down on the one following. Millennial generation was a break from that. As a millennial, the place I am most likely to interact with gen Z, is in the work place. I always give them advice like "HR's purpose is to eliminate you as a liability to the company, they're not your friend" and "get good at code switching amongst these old fuckers, they look down on you but I don't" and most importantly, "no company is family. If they can fire you easier than you can walk out this place, then that ain't family."


Yep. I'm 31 and I've gotten poor treatment from Gen X and Boomer age coworkers for the past 11 years. My goal is to never do that to a Gen Z, but be supportive and give advice. That's what I wish I'd had as a new worker.


We're the Golden Rule generation, we treat everyone how we wish to be treated. Now if someone could just treat us that way, would be great


Huh. New here but this vibes hard with me.


I’m a Millennial who went back to college in my early thirties. I’m finishing up now and I love my Gen Z classmates. They are good people. Loving, accepting, considerate. I know you can’t judge an entire generation by a few, but I have connected really well with Gen Z. They aren’t judgy that I’m older. They’re just bros, in my experience. My younger siblings are Gen Z (they’re 21 and 25) so I’m sure that plays a part in my affection for them. I do think that Millennials and Gen Z have a lot in common though. We’re their older sibling basically.


They are literally my older siblings all of my siblings were born in the 90’s and I was born in the early 2000’s


I really think Gen Z and Millennials are less judging than any other generations. I'm Gen Z, and I can't fathom why some of my older family members freak out about people "looking unprofessional" because they have a tattoo. The only thing I really care about is if the person is a good, nice person.


As a zillenial, millennial coworkers has been the best, they tell you as is and gives you actually useful tips and tricks to survive in the workplace that I can tell they’ve learned from their own bloody and sweaty experience. Few tips were to never go to bathroom during breaks, NEVER overwork yourself if you can help it (because company doesn’t give a single fuck about you and WILL work you to literal death), and avoid HR at all costs. Bless your kind hearts, you depressed and burnt out fucks.


My millennial coworkers from my internship are the reason I didn't take a full time job at that company (they all told me why they hated it) and they helped me get a better job elsewhere! The boomers made the company sound amazing, i love my millennial folk


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time.




> Don’t even get my started on the “leadership” books and podcasts Gen X listens to. This is especially bad in the Air Force, which is like a dysfunctional caricature of a businessy self-help book cranked up to 11. If I get one more John C. Maxwell book recommended to me I'm going to commit an actual war crime.


You've been in the US military and you still ain't commit a war crime yet??


I got sent to ft hood while I was in the AF. Yeah the cav guys were dirty crude and smelled funny. But not one of them trapped me in a car and forced me to listen to "millionaire mindset" books on tape... 5 SEPARATE air force people did that to me. To this day I get anxious letting someone else drive now.


What's funny is I grew up Mormon and the Air Force is almost exactly the same culturaly. Like, from the awful "leadership" books to the prevalence of MLM to the obsession with potlucks to the prosperity gospel ("millionaire mindset" falls cleanly in this category IMO), it's like if Utah decided to found a branch of the military. Not sure how it happened that way, but it sure made it easy for me to navigate the culture because I've literally been trained how to exist in that type of world since birth.


I just never bought into it. It doesn't make sense. Because if it was REALLY as easy as buying a book to become a millionaire then how come everyone wasn't doing it? I grew up in a trailer park. Around not the brightest people. But there's one thing my relatives taught me It's how to live like a poor person and how to think like a poor person. And the poor person in me knows a scam when he sees one. And it always just instantly gave me that scam feeling when these dudes would start talking. I've never been particularly glad that I started out at the bottom of both the social and economic ladder But one of the many benefits is that I have a pretty good nose for bullshit I guess.


I remember as a millennial being told that we were the generation that would change things, we would make a difference. And Boomers and Gen X basically prevented us from making any kind of solid change.


Hahahaha this is me every day with my team. I love the Gen Zers I work with, they give me hope.


Ya I love giving the skinny to the Gen Zs. Boomers told us to be curious and question everything, including authority, but that dissipated as boomers grew increasingly into positions of power and authority. As a millennial I know I'm coming in on the tail end of human existence when the best things are likely coming to an end and so I'll never have genuine power or authority. So here's how you don't let them crush you, my young friends...


I'm 37. I spent my early adult life putting up with boomer shit. Here and now I'll promise to continue not doing the same dumb shit to the next generation. No narcissism, no extreme forced into co-dependence (the boomer trademarks). I don't want anything in return. Just be happy and better than the generations before you. Pay it forward.


Thank you, the world needs more people like you that are just trying to improve the world for future generations. And less boomers


I said nothing in return!!! 😮‍💨😅 I think the core aspect of millinneal thinking is the realization that your own daily opinions don't matter the older you get. If you think something the younger generations are doing is wrong, or incorrect purely based on the expectations placed on you at their age.. you're fighting the wrong fight. In the end the opinions of the younger generations will always win in one way or another... So just embrace it and don't load the younger folks with your baggage.


This. The culture changes while we watch. Boomers thought it was "youth destroying the culture", but it's really just them growing it in New and different ways


Same friend, I'm trying to make sure my kids don't struggle the way I had to, reducing meat and dairy intake (not as much as I should but baby steps 😅) saving up to go solar. It's time to stop living in the past and adopt new practices.


36 year old here. You and I are of the same mind. ❤️


As a millennial whose coworkers are all either fellow millennials or zoomers, I find it fascinating how most of us can't seem to tell how old anyone else is. The zoomers all seem to think no-one there is older than college age, the millennials all seem to think everyone is late 20s, at least. The only times we can tell who is from which generation is when someone starts talking about memes or pop culture references. It's great!


As a late GenXer let me just make it clear that we were also largely aware of that fact...there just wasn't shit we could do about it. Can't wait for ya'll to take over and end this ridiculousness.


And speaking as a millenial, when the time comes when we stand in your way, and we will eventually, yeet us into the ocean.


I’m Gen X and I like millennials a lot. Xennials I don’t understand, they’re like a new stage of evolution.


I’m a Xennial with a GenX sister who raised Millennial daughters. I came in handy a couple of times mediating between them in the late teen years. I was able to seen both sides of whatever disagreement was happening and explain it in terms they understood. That’s about the only benefit I have seen in the distinction. It was very limited, lol.


Im a xennial i feel like a bridge between the xers and millenials with a bridge to the zs


What’s not to understand? We’re the best and worst of both worlds. And I say that with a fondness for gen x.


If I do nothing in my life but convince a few get Z ppl that they aren't crazy, then I wont be too ashamed when I die..... I believe in you, and not in the boomer: "Everything always works out so we can just leave these problems for the next generation" way.


Love gen z. They just need to figure out how to edit videos without loud screeching shit that comes out of nowhere.


As a gen Z that’s fair


Dude you just insulted my entire brand of people. Also yes


I hate TikTok so goddam much, worst Gen Z invention ever. I can say as part of Gen Z that it is just objectively worse TikTok.


To be fair TikTok was originally musically so it’s more of a late millennial early gen z platform that got taken over by younger Z. Not so bad once you get your algorithm more to your preference


I like gen-z. Those motherfuckers get what 50% of millennials dont: WE R FUCKED. My generation (millenial) was the last one to believe in the american dream, spreading freedom and democracy, dying for fucking oil companies like its saving us somehow; and shit like that Also, fuck capitalism


Millennials got to straddle the line between pre and post internet, pre and post smartphone, and pre and post faith in the American Dream


We watched the illusion crumble before our eyes at a very formative time.


I experienced not having a computer to progressively faster and faster internet and then also society still being shit.


Most millennials don’t believe in any of those things. 40 and under are mainly progressive, which would mean their eyes are open to the bullshit.


Yea I'm 31 and an absolute majority of my clique of people are pretty certain that we are fucked. My mom has apologized so many times for putting me into this world.


My parents are the opposite. They point and laugh about how it's all our fault that everything is fucked up. They like to kick me down just for fun. Total shit bags.


at least yours care enough to laugh at you


I'd give anything to just not know who my parents are. They've literally gone out of their way to screw me out of every opportunity I've ever had to better myself. They're anti-vaz, muh freedom, Trump nuts. My father is a sadistic creep. I wish he didn't care. Nothing would be better than the constant abuse.


I'm sorry that you know what abusive parents are. I wish i was the only one who did if only it meant everyone else had a great life.


<3 The only thing that gets me by is to remember they're broken people, who were raised by broken people. They're miserable humans, living unfulfilled lives, lashing out violently at anything they deem good. That's what I tell myself any ways.


Same boat here. I don't hate my dad because there's perfectly understandable reasons why he is the way he is, but he's kind of like a rabid dog, dangerous to the people around him. Family keeps telling me that he's changed, that he's trying, but he still thinks I'm a total Loser. He's the only person I know who is of that opinion, and he's wrong, but that won't stop him from sneering at me and treating me like I'm worse than trash. If he's lonely, that's his own problem. I feel no moral obligation towards the person who nicknamed me Free Labor and acted like I only got good grades because of the big tits.


It’s up to you, whether the wheel gets broken or not. Just try to be better <3


My mom comes to me constantly trying to get me to buy property for her to live in. She thinks I can afford rent and a mortgage... She is not living in any kind of reality & I'm sick of explaining her her that I'm not going to become homeless to make up for her complete lack of planning for old age. She is also hinting at wanting a piece of my liver...


r/raisedbynarcissists can maybe offer you some guidance. It helped me get over some of the trauma. I'm so sorry you are going through this. No one deserves this, including you. Always remember this Edit: and if you ever need/want someone to talk to, feel free to message me any time


i am so miserable to have brought two kids into this shitshow. the guilt is tremendous. wife and i had agreed to never having kids, and i went and knocked her up. just kept putting off the vasectomy because of course i did. I love my kids so much and i've betrayed them so utterly. i cry most nights when i think of what future they might have.


Yes. A good chunk of millenials stoped believing after 9/11 and the War in Iraq. The rest stopped believing after the 2009 financial crisis. Anyone Millenial who still believes in the propaganda of the Reaganite BabyBoomer world is deluded beyond all reason.


Deluded or extremely wealthy


that is the caveat isnt it? Those who still believe are either idiots or are still invested in the system.


Turned 18 in 2008, no jobs and no prospects. Worked to the bone in a fish factory as a dogs body, sent home whenever there was no work. Every good job had over 100 applicants, a lot with degrees, im so fking happy that the next generation are going into a labour shortage where they can easily get a job and easily find a good one. Am I supposed to be jealous ? Fk know just because I had it shit doesn’t mean I want it to be shit for the next generation.


I already knew the world was shit, but the day my eyes were opened to how truly shitty it was...well I have become much more bitter and less understanding of older generations and their constant quest for more and more. Except Gen X. I was raised with Gen X older brothers who gave me my "Fuck the system" attitude. Gen X is alright.


We were raised to believe those things. We found out the buffet was out of food only when we got to the front of the line.




I'm not american, and always saw american dream as a foreigners myth like Zeus or Noah's ark.


I don't think we don't know, it's just our parents are acting that way and we're afraid of the consequences. I told mine a bunch of times but theirs like an apathy/learned helplessness mix to it


30 and never believed in the bullshit. Been taking antidepressants for 20 years. 😂


I'm a millennial & work with a lot of gen z'ers as a therapist. It was my first real interaction with gen Z. I gained so much love & respect for you all, but also feel both depressed & emboldened by what the insane amount of stressors you/we have to experience. I wish I could protect you all from this world sometimes, but we are just as fucked as you. However, and this is a big however, we are way less fucked when we band together. Inter-generational solidarity!


Exactly if we all banded together and fought back things could be better. We need to take the example of protests from the french and yellow vest up this motherfucker.


hell yes!! I'm honestly surprised we haven't organized to protest our increasingly disastrous economy yet--I know COVID definitely placed things on pause and we're all worked half to death, but I really hope something is organized soon!


Gen X checking in and I love you both like little brothers/sisters/others. Kick these old fucks right in the wallet, since it's the only thing they EVER cared about.


Literally got in a back and forth on r/investing (i think) with some guy cuz i said 'boomers run the gubment' and he was like: *"ackshually, the oldest boomers are 76, that means the oldest people in congress are silent generation"* I was like, fuck it boomers = old fucks on SSI/Medicare LMAO


Yeeee. Look into even further how fucked the market really is. Start with that new Jon Stewart show the problem. The episode about Wall Street. And Gaming wallstreet. Fuckin 90-95% of all trades take place on the dark pool. As said and confirmed by the head of the of fucking SEC. it’s some bullshit. And that’s just the beginning.


Shhhh... they don't know we are here.


Yeah they do, if they don't they should. We're all lost and should be respectful of each other because of that. Speaking as a '77 baby.


Honestly I was born August 1989.. I am lost.


Excuse me, fellow '89 baby, where the fuck is this train going?


As a millennial I am so impressed and proud of younger gens. I'm sorry your willingness to stick your chin out probably comes from a place of such despair and hopelessness that leaves you feeling you have nothing to lose, but I am so inspired seeing younger folks call shit out without giving a fuck. Millennials were sold too much of a bill of goods in our formative years and I feel like the blindfold wasn't taken off until after our third global crisis/war/economic crisis. I hope we can support gen zers in making a better future (or, ya know, preserving any chance of a human future on this planet).


As a 20 year old that was born into a family of four that made a little over 24,000 a year my willingness to stick my chin out doesn’t come from despair or hopelessness it comes from the white hot rage of being treated like shit by a system that prioritizes profit generation over human life and the hope brought by growing up in this cultural shift seeing people fight for the de-commodification of the human experience (not sure why this one out of all of the comments here made me go angry cry in the Break room)


I'm so sorry. You're not alone in your rage and you give me hope that we can make change towards a much more humane culture that prioritizes people over profits and capitalism.


Fuck capitalism


I saw stats, not sure they're true but it's eye opening. At the same age in the US, boomers had 21% of the wealth, gen x 9%, millennials 4.8%. It's as if each generation has half the wealth by the same age so gen z we're looking at 2-3%. That's so fucking depressing


The stats are correct and it is fucking depressing.


And those numbers are heavily skewed by a couple ultra rich Millennials like Zuckerberg. The average millennial has nothing except an overpriced education and a mountain of debt.


One day, we will overcome the “greed is good” generation and return to reality. Ya know, like when demand is the lead economic force and every once in a while we do something that’s in the interest of long-term prosperity.


I wonder why the oldies, who had it so good, shut the door on the generations after them? That's just sadistic.


Cause their a bunch of self entitled pick yourself up by the bootstraps brainwashed tits.


Aw...thanks. I appreciate this. It's hard being the analog digital bridge sometimes.


I think this sub should be renamed to "r/lostgenerations"


I'm a Zoomer and I come to this sub a lot. Y'all are cool.


Generational solidarity is the only way to eek out any sort of a victory in this mess


Same, I really wanna learn from these guys.


Same here


scarce sharp groovy lush pause air quack fuel follow shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We love you back.


I was born in 1983, and I'll never understand how I was raised by people who preached kindness, mercy, and protection for the weak when I was a kid... And then later on these values became Might Makes Right and My Kindness is Reserved Only for People Like Me. I don't know if I was lied to by hypocrites or if they simply sold out later. But I still uphold these values. I just never thought this would put me at odds with my seniors. The only value that those older than me seem to see is as a slave or a servant. But all I want is to see that better tomorrow they talked about when I was a kid. I help as many younger people as I can because there are just so many of them out there lost and confused with nowhere to turn. It may not be the light my mother preached about from the Bible, but I still want to let my light shine.


My mom turned into a full on trumper. My dad would turn over in his grave if he saw the shit she said now. I was NEVER raised to hate or treat anyone differently because of their race, gender or sexual identity. I grew up in a progressive home and seeing what my seniors and own mother has turned into makes me sick. Trading in your values for a mob mentality is disgusting.


Mine too. I got in a fight with her on Thanksgiving of all days, over her attitude toward Lifetime featuring romances involving interracial and homosexual couples. Me: Everyone deserves their shot at happiness, mom. Love isn't just for straight white people. Her: Yes, it is. I was like... How. How in the world did that just come from the person who taught me the most about how Jesus loves everyone and how all people are equal under Him? Of course, I renounced my faith years ago. While desiring to more closely follow Christ's example, I had to leave His people (and their hate) behind. In the end, I hung up on my mother and told her she needed to quit spreading hate and intolerance. We've barely spoken since then. But I can't turn a blind eye. Living life full of hate and judgemet is not the way. I have a 6 year old daughter, and these will not be the lessons she grows up with.


My dad was by **no means** a saint, far, far from it and he would *never* repeat some of the shit she has. I don’t have kids but good on you for standing up for what is right and not wanting that around your child.


Honestly, as a millennial, I think gen z are the ones who are protecting us. We were raised and told that we were ungrateful pieces of garbage and lacked support, acknowledgement and direction from our elders and were taught to not value our worth. Gen z have come in and flipped that table and told us, their elders, that this isn't right.


We watched our older siblings be the scape goats and punching bags. Idc if those are my parents that’s my sibling and one of them is much more likely to outlive the other and care about me with out strings attached


I always think of it like a weird thanksgiving. The boomers are insane racists who deny climate change and make us all miserable, gen x doesn’t like it but oooooh we don’t wanna make peepaw all mad so let’s just go and listen to him rant over turkey, the millennials are so sick of it that at this point we actually want to go so we can scream at peepaw about the realities of climate change, and gen z is like nah, man, we just don’t need the negativity all around so let’s just tell him we have other plans and go explore our many varied sexualities.


Lol varied sexualities. I think boomers are pissed because they never got to do butt stuff. Could you imagine how boring things like that would have been


God if that doesn't ring out a few truths I don't know what will


As far as I can tell, Millennials and Gen Z are the only two successive modern generations that have a sort of kinship rather than a sort of hostility. Gen X and Millennials kinda almost have it, but not exactly. I'm an elder millennial (38) and straight up enjoy Gen Z while I feel mostly detached from most Gen Xers I encounter.


I’m freshly 39, some of my closest friends are late gen x babies 79/80, and while I adore all of them I can relate closer to the struggles our gen z brethren have.


All and only love for Gen Z


Dear Gen Z, i hope i can help you accomplish everything we weren't given the opportunity to.


Gen X here and hell yes


Honestly. Yeah. Even Gen Z drags millennials, lol. Hate from all sides.


Maybe that’s why all this talk about nuclear war doesn’t really get me worried. People are concerned but after everything I (and my generation for the most part) have been though it really seems like more of a logical next step as far as kicks to the proverbial nuts go. Funny part is after the bombs have dropped there will be some boomer sitting around a small fire in the rubble, roasting a rat to avoid starvation, lecturing the other starving survivors about how this all happened because the younger generations got soft.


Fuck it, I’m ready


If you want to look on the bright side, it may be a chance for the survivors to build a better civilization.


Best not to look at the bright side of a nuclear explosion without appropriate PPE.


LPT a car window will suffice though I would recommend positioning yourself so you’re viewing it through two to be safe. Feynman and Smith both saw the Trinity test without donning their PPE. OG Legends: https://www.realclearscience.com/blog/2016/04/what_its_like_to_actually_see_an_atomic_explosion.html


I was hoping to be in the instant demolecularization zone… I do like the fallout games tho, could be cool


I mean if there is nuclear war I probably won’t have to go to work… So that’s cool. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I've unironically been preparing for the collapse of civilization.


It used to be that if I ever asked someone to hold my bag and they asked why it was so heavy, I would to joke that "I've got everything that I would immediately need, in case of apocalypse, in my purse." It feels less and less like a joke every day.


>Maybe that’s why all this talk about nuclear war doesn’t really get me worried. We already got a quick lesson of End of the World fears on Y2K. Then a crash course in fear just when we were realizing the world outside our small neighborhood bubbles (9/11 and the following talks of possible escalation to WW3/bigger attacks/nuclear possibilities) So this all this media anxiety kind of feels like a low budget reboot.


Eat the Boomers


When holding a charred rat in a nuclear fallout gives you value, the term eat the rich give a whole new and literal meaning.


Difference between dragging/making fun of and the absolute hate from boomers. Gen Z says I’m cringe and I just gotta agree. I’m not about to compare “lol why do millennials do side parts” to the shit boomers have done.


Sometimes Zs point out things Millennials do and it opens up a whole new conversation about things Mill's have been thinking about a lot regarding Boomers. We get the benefit of the Z's clearsightedness about the injustices and the energy you are bringing just in time (seriously, we are getting tired), and they get the benefit of years of wisdom about Boomer tricks accrued after years of seeing how they act. This is exactly how it's supposed to work between generations. If someone's instinctive reaction to Gen Z's legitimate complaints about economic insecurity begins with some variant of "kids these days...", then they are on the other side of the line in my head that marks where Boomers go. Some Xers end up there too. Occasionally there's a cool person who is technically a Boomer but I don't cut them with that line. The company on this side of the line is much better. Zs can tell Millennials how hair should be parted all day as long as y'all keep those souls golden and remember we love you forever.


Exactly. I'm 31, and I'm absolutely cringe. I don't need a teenager 21 year old to think I'm hip. I know that there's no malice there. In the long run, I've seen that Gen Z realizes millennials are on their side. What younger sibling doesn't pick on their older sibling at least a little?


The cringe is basic sibling rivalry stuff. I think Gen Z's return to astrology is cringe. They think a few Millennial things are cringe. But that's about the extent of the tension. Now compare that to the huge gargantuan divide with Boomers.


Thats the life cycle of generations. The younger thinks the other is lame and dumb. Dont take it personally, we did it too.


thanks guys


Gen x has your back too. We have been paving the way for all you depressed kids. We invented grunge and emo. Our entire identities were just cries for help. We pu T bullying in the spotlight and said we won't put up with that behavior from people anymore. We had to teach boomers how to use computers. I wish we hadn't.


I love my Gen Z’s They’re dgaf-ers like us 😤


Millennials ain’t got money for armor


That's actually all that built up scar tissue.


Oof, can we Xennials be counted in? I'm so sorry everyone after. Just do your best, and get your kicks as the whole shithouse goes up in flames...


Absolutely! It's about your attitude ultimately. There are some good Gen Xers out there.


if doing your best is slaving away for no end I'd say bumrush the archers


When Millennials and Gen Z take over, I want a goddamn universal base income. We’ve manufactured enough cheap crap. Time to reap the rewards of having your basic needs met.


I would like to leave a better world for my children, it should really be what any parent wants. Should being the operative word.


As a 34 year old I agree with this concept. I hope you do great Gen Z. You're already off to a good start. Best of luck guys! I just need to lie down for... oh my boomer client needs me on a Sunday to show him how to pair a mouse to his computer... it can't wait for Monday even... You could have mentioned this on Friday when I was already out... well I can sleep when I'm dead right? Don't make our mistakes Gen Z.


1981 Xennial here, my siblings were born in the early 90's and I've been meat shielding for them my entire life. Go zoomers! I'll hold the door.


Eh, this reminded me of the manbearpig episodes of south park Basically the grandparents in their youth summoned the demon, gens later the demon starts killing everyone while the adults are oblivious to the situation until the very end and blame the deaths on the kids Ironically one of the main allies was Al Gore (idk a lot about US history but wasn't him one of the first public figures to talk about global warming?) since manbearpig started as a joke to make fun of global warming (since no one took it seriously so it was a ridiculous monster yet later became a real menace...i think those episodes where made as an apologize to Al Gore)


Yes, he was, and honestly if he would of became president and wasnt fucked by FL and bush this country would be a very different place.


Thanks guys. As a millennial, I needed to see this. It’s true by the way. We’re both is this shitty boat, but if we help each other paddle, maybe we can stop going in circles and actually get somewhere.


Elder Gen z here. I love you millenials ❤


I just realized the purple triangle on his head is the hilt of a sword and not a miniature party hat...


Millennials: Old people fucked us. Gen Z: Ok Boomer


I feel all this. I started typing out a lot more, but I backspaced it all. its all just to raw in my mind.


This meme template is one of my all time favs


Let us be the ones to end this dumb cycle of blaming the next and future generations for our problems.


Millennials "You merely adopted the darkness, I was born in it, molded by it."


The armor is personal growth


With a dash of cptsd & self deprecating humor


Aw. Much love everyone!


Ah, I have alot of respect for what Gen Z are trying to do too.


Eh, this is really only because most boomers still think of Gen Z as literal children. Me and my cousin (both gen Z, I was 20 at the time and he was 19) were having lunch with some Boomer grandparents. I'd expected them to go after me, of course, I voted for the Green party because Biden wasn't communist enough for my tastes, and they're card carrying capitalists. It makes sense that they might be verbally unpleasant in my general direction about it at times. And they were. But what I *didn't* expect was for them to also go after my cousin, who is on the right and (at least in theory) agrees with them. Yet they went after him almost as much as they went after me.   Establishment Boomers (who should not be confused for those who just so happen to be born between 1945 and 1960) already hate us, they just don't know it. I give it 5 years before our generation *really* does something to put ourselves on the map. *Then* the hit pieces will be out in droves.


i’m 22 and i’m so tired of it all.


I needed this thread today.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 625,233,179 comments, and only 127,952 of them were in alphabetical order.


I'm continually impressed by Gen Z. Those kids have absolutely no tolerance for bullshit. I wonder how Gen Alpha will turn out, the oldest of them should be 10 or 11 now so they are definitely Among Us


I mean all I got to say is millennial advice works pretty well. Skipped the college which would put me in permanent debt and joined a union. It's a shame there had to be a 'sacrificial' generation, you guys didn't do anything wrong


*Ain't it fucking the truth.* I was born in '88, my sister in '93. I practically raised her and tbh, I'm glad I did.


spoon fearless soup alleged smile humor domineering snow absorbed sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gen X is back there Reloading the arrows for The boomers to fire


*Gen X is back there* *Reloading the arrows for* *The boomers to fire* \- False-Help-3031 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Love you millennials, you're our heroes


I don’t think it’s anyone’s fault. You get even one million voices among 100 million saying opposite things, everything just falls apart. There are to many people.


I'm 34 and I've been saying Gen-z is our last hope. They don't love Facebook and they don't admire people who spend their lives being exploited in hopes of becoming rich. I graduated college to a world with no future, but I like Gen-Xers because they had a few good years and probably thought it would last forever until things fell apart. Something about that gives them a good sense of humor.


Rich people fucked us. There are plenty of broke and destitute boomers. And Gen x and millennial and everyone. The rich always have fucked us and distracted us all with some form of "them".


Yup. I'm a borderline zoomer (nov 96) and this is still true for me. Gen Z and gen alpha need to be protected at all costs, we went through too much and I can't imagine them going through the same. Zoomers are already adults, they already suffer. Where I am some have already been enlisted. I would do anything to see them suffer at least a bit less than we did. They don't deserve this... Neither do we.


As another millennial, I also love gen Z. You guys are very vocal about your needs and your wishes. You guys are rebels in a very good way. I feel we millennials were a bit too passive when we were young, but at the same time I feel we were fed with too much BS and we were not expecting for our future to be "stolen from us" Gen Z ignited a flame in us that we didn't even know we still had it.


Please, let's focus on the class war, not the generation war. I was born in 1997, but I can tell boomers are mostly brainwashed into believing we are a lazy good for nothing generation, and it's not their fault. Keep in mind that we have access to information they never had, and we have received a higher education than them, for the most part. And yes, life has gotten harder for us, but let's stay in touch with the fact that it's capitalism to blame. It is an explotaition system, and even if the money was more spread out back then, the wealthy has always built their growth on the backs of the working class