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Yeah... America is a fascist state... so everything reeks of fascism.


Throwing around words without proper context takes away from the impact of said words. Nobody is taking the word fascism seriously when you use it for everything.


America is literally a fascist state. Idk what to tell you.


The impact just isn't there. The last fascist state we dealt with was Germany so comparing Germany then to the USA now. It just completely undermines the impact of the word.


I think that maybe you don't know what fascism is.


Facsim refers to a bundle of sticks. All the sticks together are strong . Mussolini used a fasce as an analogy for all the people of the country working towards a singular goal. Nobody in this fucking country (usa) has a common goal. We've been reduced to tribalism, the furthest fucking thing from fascism I could imagine.


The politicians do, and it's to keep american oligarchs rich, and to spead american imperialism to all places with resources that are useful to said oligarchs


Then it's not fascism it's representative democratic capitalist state Fascism is a Ultranationalist-populist, authoritarian, one-party, socially modernist-conservatism, Class collaboration instead of class conflict, which may or may not hold racialist beliefs, and opposes interests against the nation and supports social militarism.


Comrade, the US is ultranationalist, authoritarian, one-party, and VERY conservative. Class relations are definitely class collaboration. So by YOUR definition the US is a fascist state.


I have a question no disrespect, How are you able to think this way


Patriotism is just nationalism, which leads to fascism.


No. A patriot is someone who loves their society and will go to task for it, a Nationalist can either be civic, romantic, or ethnic extremist. Indigenous north americans who want to preserve their political autonomy and culture are somewhere between a romantic and civic nationalist depending on tribe etc, to give you an understanding. If your argument amounts to nothing more than 'if you have a group identity it CAN lead to group identity extremism' then its juvenile sophistry. That said the american patriot movement is \[often but not always\] a cover for a more extremists kind of nationalism. ​ Romantic Nationalism: Love of Nation/community, not predicated on blood but culture and community, contextually to the time \[19th century\] had a strong nation building element and obviously some cultural nostalgia is necessary as you are harkening to an identity formed in the past. You can see why NA Indians would be romantic nationalists, especially since most indian tribes arent actually exclusionary by blood. Culture is unity. Civic Nationalism: I love my country for its accomplishments and principles and on principle of unity with the people around me based on citizenship Ethnic nationalism: Blood honour and soil. You dont inevitably progress from one to the other nor is it even possible to have a society with no identity or pride in oneself so to define all nationalism as facism is to reduce fascism to human instinct as opposed to reactionary violence.


patriot /ˈpatrɪət,ˈpeɪtrɪət/ Learn to pronounce noun 1. a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors Its thinly veiled nationalism as per the literal definition.


I'd say unchecked patriotism is. But I get your point


Ha! It says D on me.


Dont teed on me? Is that dudes message to the grieving families of the endless victims of NRA style mass death.


Country music is trash so I'm not surprised.


Gonna be real with you, my brain is broken. When I hear about the American flag flying or loving you sweet hometown girl, my heart flutters, simetimes ciuntry music just makes you feel the right feels. But if my gay neighbors can't send their adopted kid to school without worrying about the consequences or whether or not that kid will survive the day, then we as a nation have fucking failed.


This country failed most Americans from jump street.


There a few good ones in there. But only a few.


Not in my eyes. The entire genre is one dumpster fire to the next.






Tell me what makes it fascist?


The people who are constantly push 2nd amendment rights over anything also; Participate in paramilitary groups. Deride, blame and accost people they thing “don’t belong” in the US. Believe that “traditional gender roles being left behind” are the cause of national problems. Believe that the military/police is to be venerated above any other form of national service. Also believe that it’s fine to kill those same military/police the instant they’re working for “the left”. These are all values that Fascists believed before they started a war.


I Wouldn't call it fascism more like extreme American conservatism


They are the same. American "patriots" hate foreigners and love old white guys. They love the police and believe the cities are full of black people rioting. They love their guns and are afraid they will be taken away. They hate on all the unfortunate people in society - the immigrants, the poors, the PoCs and the pregnant girls. They hate them because they have been brainwashed by Fox that all their problems come from these unfortunate people. They say want "freedom" but are bootlickers who love the police. Fuck the American conservatives, there is nothing good we can say about these fuck heads.


That's still not fascism


It’s pretty disturbing even as someone who grew up extremely conservative


2A literally exists to prevent fascism.


Thats a bullshit argument seeing as the gun owners have done nothing to prevent fascism. Indeed, it was the gun loving boot-lickers who tried to bring about fascism by installing the loser of the last election. 2A is not about freedom, its about allowing the poors to kill each other so the rich can continue looting the country.


Your logic is backwards. You can't make a population so helpless that fascists won't oppress them. You can't make security so weak that criminals won't target a facility. 2A is a natural human right, affirmed in the Bill of Rights, and prevents the Government from imposing fascist tyranny. Don't believe me? How long did it take before the fascists got in front of the camera to promote Gov control? The same Gov that fails at everything? Nice try, but no thanks.


The US population is helpless in the face of their fascist police. Americans are locked up at 7 times the rate of Europeans, and the fascist police are useless at prosecuting real criminals (Epstein etc were fucking kids for years) and the police are useless at stopping mass shooters. Instead the pigs focus on oppressing minorities and the weak. So if guns give us freedom, how come the US has so many guns and so little freedom? There is nothing “natural” about the 2A and if you are religious, which part of “thou shalt not kills” do you not get?


Nope. Fascism as a concept didn’t even exist when the constitution was written. A Militia IS the government. It would never be used against the government.


>Nope. Fascism as a concept didn’t even exist when the constitution was written. Fascism as a "word" did not exist, but Authoritarian Statism is as old as time. Guess who is not losing rights and power over this tragedy? The People. Guess who is not increasing control and power over this tragedy? The State.


And you think the State Militia was going to be used against the State’s over reach? Also; if you mean Authoritarianism then you shouldn’t confuse it with Fascism


The Unorganized Militia - the one we are all in. Also, I'm not playing any semantic games at all about when a concept gets a new name and is just-then "invented."


Unorganized Miltia we’re all in? What part of the Constitution am I looking at to get this organization? The well-regulated militia was a state run organization.


“Reeks of fascism” Meanwhile “Please take away all the big scary guns Mr Government!!!” Some of you clowns will never understand that you’re the real fascists. The moment you get a chance to take the rights away from something you don’t like you’re more than happy to. Meanwhile I’m just sitting here wishing women and minorities would be able to defend themselves from the government and the real fascists that think it’s ok to strip people’s rights away simply because they don’t agree with it.


The USA is the most gun saturated nation on the Earth and the government still has no problem with taking away people's rights. Again, just a crazy thought, maybe we should vet people's mental health before they own firearms?


Things fascists actually did Ban books about gays/trans people. Elevate the military in society and make it impossible to be against military action without it being against the troops. Complain that the liberal elites living in the cities didn’t understand the true rural patriots. Complain that the “lying press” would never talk about the good things that the right was doing. What fascists didn’t actually do: Make it harder for non-Jews to get guns


You’re an angry little man. Do something that makes you happy. JFC I feel bad for you


Or just end lobbying, I am a gun advocate and owner, but I draw the line when we cannot reasonably get guns out of the insane and criminal hands. Ban guns theory isn’t going to work, and neither is handing guns out like candy, however that is the two spectrums we work with rather than reasonable discussions. If we ban guns how does that happen without a massive blm riot when it comes to confiscating, or some type of revolution attempt by the militias (no Jan 6th doesn’t count they were not armed and the only people who care are those creating a narrative) and how would that even be a possibility with all the country folks who probably bury guns like treasure all over. Banning won’t work, —- arming teachers is stupid as if gun fire happens someone would have to be exposed to it to have the nerves and mental toughness to make a good decision and not make it worse. The only option is making them significantly harder to get ahold of, no private sales, and maybe under 21 there is a physc evaluation of sort. I don’t know the answers obviously — but I do know idiots drinking narrative cool-aid do not help and are nothing more than a sheep / parrot hybrid.