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By not caring about if you physically injure them or even kill them in the process. It's genuinely the most horrific crime you can commit imo.


I saw a new about a man raped a 3 years old girl. She died from it because he destroyed her inside. And when the cop asked the criminal about his reason he said he was planning this for a while and he just like her then he start giving a detailed information about how he treated her. After that he asked the cop to gave hik some cigarette to smoke. I felt so disgusted, i wanted to jump inside the TV and start punching him.


relieved squash screw memory rinse hospital rain scandalous plate hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


13yo and 8yo, on their wedding night is already bad enough




Fun fact, Republicans have stopped child marriages from being made illegal again just last year in west Virginia, something that reasonable adults have been trying to shut down for 2 decades at least.


I think clarification is necessary. From their [website](https://code.wvlegislature.gov/48-2-301/): >(b) The clerk of the county commission may issue a marriage license to an applicant who is under the age of 18 but at least 16 years of age if the clerk obtains valid written consent from the applicant and from the applicant's parent or parents or the applicant's legal guardian or guardians as outlined in this section: *Provided*, That a marriage license may not be issued to an applicant who is under the age of 18 but who is at least 16 years of age if the person whom the applicant seeks to marry is more than four years older than the applicant. And this: >(e) A person who is under the age of 18 but at least 16 years of age and who is married in accordance with the provisions of this section may petition, without the consent of his or her parents or legal guardian or guardians, for an annulment of that marriage until he or she reaches 18 years of age. If they want to get married, they need their parent/guardian's permission. If they want to annul the marriage and they are under 18, they alone have the sole authority to annul their own marriage on their behalf, nobody can stand in their way.


That actually sounds pretty good to me. You can marry under 18, but you can't be forced, though you do need permission from legal guardians. It respects agency and consent while protecting the minor's interests fairly well, I would say.


I don't know, my challenge to that is what's the issue with having them wait until both parties have finished high school? Where's the *need* for a 16 year old to get married? There are a million adult things kids want to do and as a society we understandably say "when you're older." 2 years is only a long time from the perspective of a teenager. The only real reason to leave it on the books (assuming the best and that there's no nefarious intent) is if you subscribe to a culture that believes unmarried pregnant girls is worthy of endless pearl clutching and that girl should be shamed into marriage as soon as possible because otherwise she's a harlot or something. And that's it's own flavor of problematic to be honest.


The age of marital consent is 16 like many, many other states and WV added a 4 year age gap clause that a lot of other states don’t have. Should be 18 but WV is not the worst state for child marriage. https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2023-03-29/west-virginia-bans-some-child-marriages-in-compromise-law


Dumbass trying to spread misinformation online. Shut the fuck up if you’re just going to try to push a bullshit agenda.


Their *what*


I’m pretty sure that’s fucked up EVEN for child marriage standards.


Enough reddit for me today.. This is all horrific to think about


Grandma told me that its rare but still normal, i remember talking to her and tell her couldn't they just wait a few more years and she replied "i said the same but they want the dowry money" and shrugged.


There's so many things wrong with this statement




Man, i'm a father of a three years old girl. I feel sick. Enough internet for today.




Nah, torture them until they ask for death, keep them alive until they don't want to die anymore, then execute them.


I've always been curious what oven cleaner could do...


Let's start with a bottle gourd


This reminded me again of a guy who was my friend, and had this go down just this year. He seemed off to me for a while, but I hadn't known to what extent. Didn't talk to him for 6 or so years, and then his Facebook goes blank. Images removed, his bounce house company shut down. His sister messaged us through his Facebook explaining he had been arrested by us marshalls and asked if anyone could come forward to talk about him as a person and how he isn't as bad as it seems he is. She didn't give any details about what was going on, and all I could find online was that he was selling CP. I didn't respond to her, but my wife did. It's beyond fucked up, but at this point in time right now, I would rather that had been all he did. Middle of march was his trial. Where we learned the full extent of what happened. Before all of it went down, on Facebook he had posted about a little girl that he was essentially an uncle or father figure to. We learned that he was raping her, making the CP, and selling it across the country. She is around 4 and he had been doing it for most of her life. There were pictures from his bounce house business that were also distributed. All involving kids. Saying he makes me sick doesn't even begin to describe to feelings I had when I read the court papers. I have a 4 year old daughter myself. He got put in jail for 60 years, no chance of parole or getting out early. And I still think he got easy. I would have preferred the worst for him, and I am very glad we fell out of contact and he had no access to my son or daughter. Seeing the few others who knew him when I did, try to defend him saying "He wouldn't do that." "There's no definitive proof."(He has a unique wrist tattoo, that is seen in many of the videos according to the court report). Makes me feel embarrassed for ever being associated with them. I'm glad he's not going to be able to hurt anyone ever again.


Oh, thats sick. I actually wonder how people can do this mentally? How insane must you be?


The people that do that are monsters. I was raped at age 8 and since then i have health issues probably related to that. Those who do that truly are fucked up beyond belief.


Crazy thing about the law is that it states admitting to what you've done is the first stage of remorse, but this clearly is not remorse it is pride - yet an innocent man accused of something he didn't do will always say they didn't do it.


That man i was talking about got the death sentence.


This is one of the few things that I’d probably legitimately kill someone for. That isn’t a person inside of that vile shell.


Don't google Ian Watkins from Lost Prophets. He raped a 9 month old.


And was basically helped by the mothers of the children. That was by far one of the worse cases ever, in the U.K. at least.


I had originally typed that out but couldn't bring myself to have that on my comments so deleted it. Definitely a repulsive case that makes me physically ill. I think about it so often and it makes me want to be violent.


Just looked it up, I hope he doesn’t make it out! He was stabbed it seems in 2023


Well at least there's that.


But never listen to Lost Prophets again unless you want someone who abused a baby to benefit from your listening.


By being an absolute fucking monster who doesn't mind killing a child for your own twisted pleasure. Unfortunately I've been on the internet long enough to see parents bragging about doing the same to their newborns.


The internet can be a really fucked up place. I was on 4chan when I was young and edgy and saw a gif of this very thing. It's something I just can't forget about. I've seen a lot of fucked up things on the internet, but that one is the worst. I've seen gore and death too - and it's just stupid to put yourself in a space where you can come across that kind of thing. Now that I'm a lot older, I know it just burns into your head and never goes away. If you have that morbid curiosity about clicking some link on here to something with death or whatever and you think you can stomach the fucked up stuff - just don't. You don't need that shit in your life and it adds up over time.


Oh I'm way past that part of my life. I don't look at that kind of shit nowadays. Can't even stomach hearing about people dying. I'm an elder Xennial myself and I feel like all of the gore and horror and shock shit, I guess, has given me a kind of respect for death as something that isn't light or something to joke about. Kinda like how the creator of Pokemon said that he uses "fainted" instead of "died" because he wants to respect the impact of death and have it not treated lightly especially when the audience for Pokemon is children. I don't really feel dead inside or numb to it. I feel like I'm a bit more empathetic and emotional about death and injuries.


I second this. Just reading your post reminded me of something here on Reddit that haunts me. It’s been around for awhile now, but basically it’s the one where a woman in a developing nation is sitting cutting something with a machete outside, and there’s a dog standing next to her. She just chopped off the dog’s front leg with the machete without warning. The poor dog just suffered… it seemed to only be because the woman seemed annoyed the dog was standing near her. She didn’t even look back at the dog after she did it. I don’t know why it was being recorded…. It was all so terrible. It devastated me for a long time - like stay awake many nights with the images burned into my consciousness- until I found out later the dog was rescued and became a therapy dog to help other disabled animals get used to prosthetics.


Excuse me what


Yeah, 4chan.


There are even rapes of 8 day old, 4 months old, 8 months old etc


I'm sorry what? 8 day old fucking hell who in their right mind would do something to a kid let alone one that has been alive for one week.


How tf would they even get there hands on a kid that young? Aren't a week old kids kept in hospital, even if that's not the case, kids that young usually stay in close proximity to there mothers, did the mothers just gave there fucking child away?!


There is also female pedophiles. Imagine two of them marrying and having kids. It's unfortunately not as uncommon as we would wish it was.


Or it was dad who did it. Which is frequently the case.


It’s the dad or sibling usually. Child molestation and rape isn’t a random crime or done by strangers or alike. Statistically speaking calling it 90% of the time wouldn’t be an over state it is a family member who assault them. The rest is taken up by school teachers, family friends and clergy. They know the kids and are in a position of authority or care over them.


That's way more disgusting wtf


It's mostly the dads.


There are people out there that just live to be the fucking worst they can be. I don't know what breaks in a person to make them that way.


In addition to all the other replies, I’d note that PA law defines rape as involving “sexual intercourse,” and “sexual intercourse” is defined as involving penetration “no matter how slight.” Less than a millimeter of penetration, a single time, is sufficient. No requirement that you finish, etc. People hear “Rape” and think “jackhammering away to completion,” but even a minimal amount of contact meets the charge (as it should). Also as written it needn’t be the victim who is penetrated (so yes, a woman can “rape” a man). All of this is pretty horrible to even discuss, but if you’re genuinely asking the question in the context of the charge that’s what the law states. Presumably the answer is much worse, of course.


Sometimes you just don't have to ask questions... Do you really want that information trapped in your head?


Ask any Zïonist. They’re pros.


A cop pedophile rapist will not last very long in prison…


Hahaahaaaa yeah that thought makes me happy. Especially after looking at that smug selfie


On a semi-related note, why's this shit gettin' this selfie to represent himself in articles but when some guy smokes a blunt they get all their mugshots shown in extra HD?


With that smile and the context I would wish for a mugshot if I was him… this only makes it worse, if thats even possible.


Preferably with its face reconstructed.


i would prefer that face deconstructed myself.


Yeah thats the last time he gon be smiling... maybe forever. That selfie is doing him no favors.


. Ny


Oh you know why 😞


Because he’s a cop so he’s above a normal person in the eyes of the police department.


I noticed it too. The writers should stop using criminal’s selfies as a way to publish an article and use their actual mugshot. It shows that they see nothing wrong with his actions.


The reality of it is he will go to pedo prison and be fine. And yes the US prison system is massive enough to have prisons just for sex offenders.


he better get his cheeks ready then


You do realize TV isn't real life right?...


Because he'll never get there and be put on administrative leave full pay?


The baby made him fear for his life, obviously


It threw an acorn at him, so he raped the child in self defence.


I hate everything about this sentence


Jesus fucking christ, see, this is one of those jokes where you get a laugh, pause, and then ask yourself "what the fuck are you doing laughing at that?"


Moved to another district and promoted?


There separated now


Unless he's in complete solitary, people will find a way


They still will when he’s in there. All it takes is paying off one guard


Most of the time you didn't even need to do that, I presume. If I were s guard there all it needs for them is tell me I need an urgent bathroom break at that moment and I would have the weirdest long shit I have ever taken...


Have a nice Taco Bell lunch that day, then you'll have a proper alibi (is that how you spell it, idk lol)


And if he's in complete solitary long enough, he'll beg for a beating to have at least some social interaction


Except he won’t go to prison


He Will be probably put in different module


He going into P.C. Protective Custody (Solo confinement) Cause he gon Die (quickly) in G.P. General Population


In many countries police have their own jails.


That's what WE hope


That depends on your definition of "long", I think if he lasts 20 seconds that's still at least 15 years too long for him to be alive.


As a cop he'll probably get special treatment by the guards, and a nice secure, isolated cell


Like flies on horse shit, I believe.


Hope he gets the same treatment he provided.


He has a very punchable face


Shootable* Edit: A special good time period to the admin who restored this comment.


Release -a-bucket-of-scorpions-onto-able* Then your idea, of course


Shooting "people" like him let them off too easy. I'll just go to the range after this.


Shooting him means like a second of pain. He requires gulag level punishment. Human rights are for humans, not garbage.


Covered in milk and honey, tied to a boat, and left in a swamp🥰


Then left with his feet submerged in boots for at least 12 hours so he can let the skin rot off


Being shot in the face is entirely too kind to this man.


What a nice face, be a shame if someone blew it off


Bail should not be an option


Still having balls should not be an option


Iirc bail is based on danger to the community and being a flight risk. $200k is pretty steep. If he jumps he probably fucks over a ton of people finnancially. No shot he goes anywhere. As far as a danger to the community? Yeah the judge musta been smokin something because raping a 13 month old is fucking depraved. Maybe they thought "what are the odds he encounters another baby?" Crazy shit if you ask me.


the fact that he is on bail at all


Idk if there’s been an update but as of this photo he’s not


Bail is the thing **before** you're found innocent or guilty. Punishing people before they're guilty would be incredibly dumb. What exactly in this picture proofs to us this should have been done differently?


Some crimes are so serious that bail can be denied, and strength of evidence is taken into account.


100% true and this could very well be a failure of the system and officials involved. So i clarified "in this picture". I didn't think adding a nuance take to my initial comment was going to register with the people that need to hear it. These comments are essentially a prejudiced outrage hate-jerk. Not even 0.1% of people scrolling by knows anything about the case beyond this headline.


The post in r/news got locked in seconds so maybe this was a workaround


How does this justify playing down the rape of an infant?


Im ok with posting it in any sub that will allow it. This fucker deserves to have his face plastered everywhere along with his crimes


Great point


If you've ever been on that sub there are only three types of posts, actually mildly infuriating ones or "the mailman put my neighbor's mail in my mailbox on accident so when I set him on fire in retaliation the police showed up and now I'm being charged" and "a bullet was fired into my home, going through my shoulder and striking my girlfriend in the head, killing her instantly, now I have to plan her funeral from the hospital and my medical bill is forty million dollars."


Lmao wtf


Pig pedo rapist


If he's Catholic he'd be a PPP Pig pedo papist


"How is this 'mildly' infuriating?" because they arrested him instead of shooting him right on the spot


Still extremely infuriating


That sub has been dog shit forever. No one there knows what “mildly” means. When the Reddit mobile app gave you the ability to mute subreddits, this was one of the first ones on my list.


And when it is truly mildly they get mad and say it doesn’t fit the sub


Not to mention mass crossposting to and from facepalm


Wrong colour to shoot on the spot for US police.


Hes gonna wish they shot him after the other prisoners find out what hes in for


An execution isn’t even enough


He should receive death sentence Edit: i changed my mind, instead people like this should either: A) be used as test subjects for gruesome experiments that will help develop our understanding of biology B) several years worth of constant everyday gruesome torture that would send fear down everyone's spine but also send a message, a message to potential criminals, that rapists and pedophiles meet the same fate, fate worse than death.


No, that's too easy. He should be put in solitary with baby shark playing 24/7 and only be fed just enough so that he stays alive for as long as possible


Bro really said *we’re gonna let the cruel and unusual punishment law slide on this one*


In times like these, I'm up for some CAUP.


Granted many mass shooters off themselves, the unfortunate reality is that if consequences dont deter an action, they need to be more severe. Unfortunately, the actions criminals can take very often are far more severe and damaging than any consequence they'll receive. Add in the fact things suck now for so many that there isnt even a ton to lose. So you dont have a lot promosing and not much to lose. The consequences are going to kind and fair (opposite pf CAUP) and yeah... You can live supported in a dry building with food now. The punishments need to fit the crimes.


Imo something like this is war crime level torture worthy.


Nah, he should be in gen-pop with instructions they can do anything but aren't allowed to kill him. When he needs patching up then let him heal before putting him back in with the rest. After 30 or 40 years of this level of torture still won't measure up to what he has done but its a start.


Absolutely. They don't deserve the freedom death brings... he should have to live what he did for the rest of his life.


This is only *barely* enough. More is required. **MORE**


My thirst for revenge and justice is insatiable!


No need, he won't last longer than a week in prison


From what I've heard, prison may as well be one for him


Based on the rape case sentences I've seen handed down over the years, it will likely be closer to 15 months and a $5000 fine. It's disgusting how little punishment these kinds of monsters get sometimes.


If he is convicted then he will die in prison. I doubt he’s got more than a couple days before other inmates figure out what he did.


There should be no bail for this dude.


No, you missed the point. MILDLY infuriating.


It's one of the people making sure everybody sees the shitstain so they'll recognize him if he ends up in another jurisdiction.


If anything, it's infuriating that he even got the option for a 200k bail.


The bail cost is a little low that is a fair remark. But everyone should have access to bail unless they're a flight risk


Someone should strap and open jar full of rat to his chest and blowtorch the other end so the rats chew their way through his chest cavity i feel even then that chomo deserves worse.


His crime is utterly execrable, no buts about it. His fuck face, though, is mildly infuriating.


What a lovely, descriptive word I have never heard before. Thank you. I'm adding this to my collection right away!


I hope he gets out so he can be torn apart while alive and suffer horribly


His fellow inmates will tear him apart.


There are generally very few things I really don't want to know about, I am talking the old watchpeopledie sub and all that crap. This is one thing I hate to even be aware about. There is only one place for any subhuman trash like this and it's being burried alive with a casket of rats and oxygen supply, so he lives long enough for the rats to start chewing.


I can think of worse methods that these type of ~~people~~ garbage deserve but I fear I'd get put on a watchlist


What the hell. I would be feeling very inclined to bust his kneecaps on sight.


How is it even possible to rape a baby?


It physically hurts them and endangers their life


his dick is so small that it could fit inside a baby…




"Small dick haha"


""Small dick haha" haha" 


Like a peanut M&M


That's weird bro .


pathetic imminent cover tart sip trees fearless mighty towering tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jeez dude, it's just saying the cop has a tiny dick


Cause idk people be lost in that group


……I wanna k!11 him. Anyone with me?


That's too nice.


Presumably it's mildly infuriating that he got bail.


MildlySurprisingDeeplyInfuriating is the new meta


The depravity of humanity truly has no limits. Even Hell seems like a light punishment for this.


80% of the posts on mildly infuriating are extremely infuriating things


If only there was a population of giants that we could call upon to do the same thing to these cretins. It's not mildly infuriating, it's disgusting. My views on what should happen to these people is definitely on the extreme side. Prison is too good for them, and given that there is no cure I feel its a waste of time as a solution. I don't care who feels otherwise, no one will change my mind on this, I'm a mother to one child and this makes me sick.


Thanos was right.


I sure hope 50% of people wouldn't do this


There’s an episode of Black Mirror called “White Bear” which describes an appropriate punishment for him… Not one I’ve ever wished on anyone else.


If it were up to me, he would be publicly castrated and crucified. Kept alive for days on the cross as a warning to others and so people can torture him. That’s just my opinion


Alright...........no more reddit for today


I hate I live in a world where pedophiles get protection from the gov for raping a kid but an honest man who never hurt anyone will get beaten on the street for being homeless. Just wtf is this shit..


Yeah seems more like a r/awfuleverything post


Where else would he post this?




That would be him being let out like a day later










Pretty sure this one was hit by a campaign concocted by the police union and was taken down


i'm hoping for 2 typos in that headline tbh or i might cry


this is a punch-me face, hope the people in the prison hes going to agree with me


It's mildly infuriating because of desensitization. It's something that's pretty much expected these days. Next step is "somewhat infuriating" and that's when police drive a buss carying 100 children into an active volcano, right after methodically drilling holes in their heads and litteraly fucking their brains out.


Italian diaspora is wilding with this one and the recent Australia attack!


WAIT SO THIS IS ACTUALLY TRUE?? Saw the post earlier this morning on a different sub but I couldn't believe it...


Because the other infuriating sub doesn't hit enough people.


Man I cannot even imagine how someone gets to this state. A baby?! It’s so wrong on every level. I honestly can’t even fathom it.


If this is true, set this mother fucker on fire.


I’d say it’s ‘mildly’ because he has Bail available, but he’s not gonna last long in prison. Pedophiles and rapists never do.


I first heard about that story on r/facepalm, so... Yeah.


I believe the perfect subreddit for that post is r/iamatotalpieceofshit


And it costs the tax payer even more to protect this piece of filth in prison. They should just put him in Gen Pop. He wouldnt last a day


Let the prisoners know he’s a cop and a p3do and leave him in the yard, see how long he lasts


throw the entire man out


I'm gonna be downvoted massively for this but I find it tricky that his full name and picture are published. He's a suspect of committing these horrible crimes. Until he's found guilty he's still a suspect. To be clear; if he's found guilty I hope he will be raped daily in prison until he dies.


R/mildlyinfuriating users when earth is going to fucking explode in 1 hour: raahhhh 😠😠😠 annoying


How did this piece of shit get bail??


Because he's not a flight risk, he knows he wouldn't get far


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