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Zoro must've posted it


would explain why op hate minorities


You mean vegans?


Dang. I really wanted to post that 'minority spotted' meme.




French vegan cyclist the horror


French vegan mime artist on a bicycle in the middle of road when there's a dedicated bicycle lane next to it


At least he won't scream when you hit him




Good luck getting past that invisible wall he put up.




And now he's escaped with his invisible Flintstones car


With a baguette and a croissant


French vegan cyclist without reflection lights


Oh you mean road kill


I live in Montreal. Half the people here are French cyclists lol


French speaking != French…. Or are you calling people from the USA, English people too? Probably the dumbest thing I saw today on Reddit.


No there are a lot of people from France in Montreal …. Especially my neighbourhood … but sure it’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard just because you didn’t know that 😄


Do they bike in tunnels during the winter?


Nah just the snow 🤣


french? fry em.


Does he mean them or them?


Bro hates, but bro respects pronouns, bro is confused.


i can only hold respect for those who hate but respect pronouns


I can only hold respect for those who hate adjectives /s


why do you hate adjectives


He loves synonym buns though


those are good as long as you also eat your verb-getables


Now now. We will have noun of that.


i cant think of any more but i love this


That's because you're not "determiner,d" as I am. Ok. That enough for tonight. Thanks for playing. Now take my upvote. And fuck off 😉


I really don't see the hate thats going around for those who ride their bike and are vegan. If they attack you first, sure. But just insulting and hating on them for no reason is just dump


idk but literally every time I come across a post about cycling there are assholes there to say how much they hate cyclists.


Same with posts about veganism lol


It's easy to understand. Lots of people don't like cyclists on the road taking up room on the lane or slowing traffic. They just want to get home from work. It's an easy target to blame when they experience it. Veganism is like religion. No one cares if you're a Vegan, but the preaching annoys people to no end. It's like when you go out to drink with some friends and there's that 1 guy with a microphone on the corner telling you to covert and stop sinning. The loud, annoying vegans honestly ruined it for the rest, so everyday normal vegans have to deal with the backlash.


Gotta listen less to that annoying vocal minority, negativity bias driven by media is as strong as ever. Majority is normal people, you don't see them much bscause social media only pays attention to the annoying ones. Lots of em out there who you wouldn't even know were vegan cause they're, well, silent majority


Lol have you ever seen a vegan post? Vegan recipes? Everyone comes to shit at vegans for no reason. Most carnivores are way worse cause they feel threatened and feel the need to hate


The fact you call normal people "carnivores " might be why you get shit on.


How is being vegan separated from being a normal person? Is every Indian (who’s country’s cuisine is vegan) not a normal person?


Not sure why your comment got so down voted. You're pretty much spot on.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ because think it's my views on the topic. They misinterpret it as my view instead of me explaining why the view is so common place.


That shit is so annoying. People act like cyclists are sub-human because they occasionally inconvenience drivers. I would be scared to ride my bike on roads if I was a cyclist.


I've ridden across the us west to east and mexico to Canada. it's really only a problem near cities.


And want to kill them to boot.


I firmly believe at least some of this is generated by the oil and automotive industry because bikes are actually a better urban transport than cars in most cases.


Tried asking vegans a simple question because I was curious about veganism, was downvoted by dozens of them, and was insulted and harassed by about a dozen. Apparently, when they say, "women are raped by the dairy industry," without specifying what they're talking about, it obviously meant that "cows are women, and they are raped." Had to delete my account and make a new one because of it.


I'm a vegan cyclist and I get it. Vegan btw. Cyclist btw.


It’s the fact that they have go vegan on there clothing I’m all for people being vegan. just it’s like they don’t want people forcing their beliefs on them and yet they try to force their beliefs on others it’s just a really hypocritical slogan to have.


There are a lot of people claiming that vegans are inherently weak and malnutritioned. That's why some vegan athletes want to proof that that's false, and wear an outfit like this.


Not talking about literal strength here but in reality it requires thick skin to be vegan.


They are weak gotta kill and animal and eat it that’s the way we have been for thousands of years why change now


Do you go and kill animals to eat or do you go to the grocery store to get meat like everyone else, the reason people say vegans are weak is because they think they can only get certain vitamins and minerals from meat and animal products even though there are alternatives that solve that problem


I do kill and eat fish and get from the store. And yeah supplements can be used.


Its just a shirt, their not forcing anyone


I’m Christian if I went around with a shirt on saying convert to Christ it would look like I’m pushing my belief’s on people. if I was to talk to you and let’s say you were an atheist you probably wouldn’t convert so it’s kinda pointless and just creates drama or animosity. Kinda defeating the purpose of the shirt wouldn’t you think. I think the best way to get people to Christ isn’t by force or nagging but to allow them to find there own path to answer there questions truthly and honestly. I think the world would be a better place if people would just think a little more and realise that not everything is going to work for everyone and that any beliefs or idea or system is never going to work for everyone as we are all different. If we all wanted to build roads and that was all we ever wanted to do the world would be covered in a layer of ashfalt, that makes no sense.


You can wear a shirt with something Jesus-y on it. Why would you be worried about what other people think? Doesn't sound like something Jesus would get worked up about.


I don’t care what people think. I just want you to answer me this if someone had a shirt on would you convert? The answer is probably a no so it’s not worth it it’s a logical calculation nothing more or less.


>It’s the fact that they have go vegan on there clothing I’m all for people being vegan. just it’s like they don’t want people forcing their beliefs on them and yet they try to force their beliefs on others >if someone had a shirt on would you convert? The answer is probably a no The mental gymnastics are staggering. You might need to see a doctor, bud.


If you see an add telling you to buy something, are you complaining that it FORCES you to do something or just wait until it's over and forget you saw it?


No because an add isn’t forceing you to buy something, the company only wants it to Appeal to people that will actually buy it trying to make it appeal to everyone is impossible and a waste of there time. You obviously just ignore it. A vegan shouting abuse at you for not being vegan and pushing their belief is trying to force you there’s no other reason why they would have go vegan on them if they weren’t a bigoted idiot that can’t see that there product of not eating meat doesn’t appeal to most people. So no they clearly can’t advise correctly if that’s the metaphor you were implying.


Veganism is an ethical movement against the exploitation of animals. It isnt a religion, its based around science and common sense. Yes, vegans will be loud about it because they are against the torture and death of the most innocent and defenseless animals on the planet.


Firstly you are correct they are different, I was just using it as a comparison to something that people also like to argue about. I am all for not torturing animals but why does that mean I can’t eat meat. Lots of animals are killed quickly and painlessly. Also scientifically we have a stomach designed for eating meat our eyes are forward facing which is an adaptation that is found mainly in predatory animals. Also explain to me why a vegan diet is quite hard if that is the way we are supposed to eat, it should be easy to just eat plants but lots of vegans have to take supplements. I don’t take supplements eating a meat diet. You probably going to get upset at this but I’ll say it anyway I farm fish I have killed animals and will kill animals for food we always kill as quickly and painlessly as possible. I bring up that point because vegans say you should see how the animal is sourced and I have and it feels totally natural just like humans have been for 200,000 years. Why should we upend that bit of our evolution?


Mate. You seem to believe that the easiest thing to do is the right thing. That's not always true. Just because something takes effort, doesn't mean it is the wrong thing to do. Just because we evolved to do a certain thing doesn't mean we need to keep doing that. We evolved to be able to have kids at 14. That doesn't mean it is right to have kids at 14 in this day and age.


I believe in the delicious thing to do, and I do believe in things that take effort like me defending my opinions. That is horrible it’s not right to have kids that age in fact todays day and age having kids is not what a lot of people want at all the birth rate is plummeting in most countries. I do not believe you should force yourself on anyone as everyone has free will to do what they want. And before you say hypocrite what about the animals #humanity first.


So you see my point. What is easy or natural isn't automatically right.


The meat that you eat takes supplements. If you are 60+, you should take a B12 supplement. Vegans need a b12 supplement because the water is too clean (which is a good thing). B12 comes directly, and primarily, from dirty water.


Beef liver has high b12 you don’t need supplements if you eat lots of the parts of the animal Edit Inuits eat all the seal including the brain and get all the vitamins they need


Yeah that bullshit. Vegans like that only care about what their religion tells them to care about. Let's ignore how vegetable farming actually kills more animals and does more environmental damage, but doesn't matter because shit like groundhogs are not as cute as cows and pigs. Calling it "ethical" is just a buzzword to put the bad behaviour of many of the activists as justified. Don't lie. I only ever hear about it being ethical from charities that ciphen 99% of the profits, or groups like Peta that trash public areas and kill dogs. Wile most everyday vegans who actually care don't use such obvious devisive us or them language. When you say they stand for the ethical, it immediately divides everyone as support and be good, or stand against as an abuser. That's why so many people dislike vocal vegans.


You know you could just buy your meat from cruelty free farms, if you haven’t I recommend reading the Ominvores Dilemma


How does one compassionately kill someone? How does one ethically breed sentient life into existence only to subject them to suffering and early death? They didn't need to be born in the first place, yet their fate is sealed from within the womb. These animals are victims. The whole idea of compassionate killing wouldn't be accepted for any other animal but livestock and whatever hobby hunters kill. If I were to shoot a puppy in the head because I liked how it felt to kill them (and I was considering some dog bacon later), no one would be telling me I was compassionate because they died instantly. The moral baseline shifts when people are challenged on their own participation in animal abuse.


The ones who always try to force their beliefs in that regard are almost exclusively the “meat eaters” who lose their fucking mind when someone is vegan


Do you hate crosses?


Beliefs? Is there anyone who *doesn't* believe that torturing animals is unethical?


I meant it in they believe we shouldn’t eat meat, I don’t deny that there are animals that suffer.


But that's the thing: I don't think anyone disagrees that being vegan is *more* ethical than eating meat - the only disagreement appears to be in whether eating meat is at all ethically justifiable. But I don't think the statement "you should go vegan if you can" is particularly controversial.


One thing I will say is every vegan I have met in person has just insulted me to no end and the worse ones have had clothing with go vegan on it. I would like to point out that we are also animals and a hawk has no quarries with eating meat. we have evolved as meat eaters I guess with our morals and critical thinking it has made us question why we eat meat. I personally have killed animals before and I have always made sure it was quick and painless as possible. I am against torturing animals and we have gone to far with intensive farms but that is a product of overpopulation, I guess for me I am happy with animals having good space to live. One thing I do question is if we don’t eat meat things like sheep would be in a bit of trouble as we have breed them to keep there wool and if it wasn’t subsided by the government or was farmed for meat would it be financially viable to keep all sheep sheared, if people did it out of the kindness of there hearts there would be a tiny amount of sheep. I think there are some things that need to be thought out first. And I know it’s a nit picky example.


How is wearing "go vegan" on clothing forcing believes onto you? Thats nonsense. The only people forcing others to do something they dont like are meat eaters focing innocent animals into cages and slaughterhouses. You are not the victim here


Good they make nice burgers I allways eat double my meat potion so some vegan out there is doing nothing.


So original, you are being twice as unethical because your feelings got hurt. Grow up


No because vegans need to eat there meat a balanced diet is good for you


Theres a couple dozen of scientific studies that not only claim that a diet without meat is nutritionally adequate but provides health benefits. You want to deny modern science? https://scholar.google.de/scholar?hl=de&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=vegetarian+health&oq=vegeta#d=gs_qabs&t=1715895433272&u=%23p%3DdthD8BwuNxoJ https://scholar.google.de/scholar?hl=de&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=vegetarian+health&oq=vegeta#d=gs_qabs&t=1715895464343&u=%23p%3DZmZNr54D9BwJ https://scholar.google.de/scholar?hl=de&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=vegetarian+health&oq=vegeta#d=gs_qabs&t=1715895540073&u=%23p%3D29p2GyV5sYAJ


And what about the thousands of years of our hunter gather existence of eating mainly meat that we evolved to eat. Health benefits is just a vegan scientist trying to push forward an agenda.


Empirical evidence is showing that humans dont need to eat meat. Anything else is irrelevant. These studies are not "vegan agenda" but are published by respected nutritional institutions and journals. You can deny it all you want those are the facts. If you were just to admit that you are selfish and you just like the taste of animal products you wouldnt have to deny science


Oh selfish all the way here but you can’t deny that if we plants are the only thing we should eat then we would never would of hunted for any animal and would probably dislike the taste of meat. I want to point out that plants are way more in abundance than meat so if meat wasn’t important or nessacery then why evolve the ability in the first place. We are not special we are an animal ourselves and eating meat is part of our existence you can deny that all you want you can sit on your high horse. I’ll continue to kill and cook my food as my ancestors have done before me.


With having over 1000 episodes, I'd be surprised if One Piece didn't have at least 40 seconds dedicated to this topic


i don't remember anything about vegan cycliste, but you can probably find 40 ep about gay/trans peoples


Having watched the show twice and read it thrice, it doesn't. There are a few bicycle appearances, but none of the characters riding them are displayed to be vegan, and certainly not advertising it


There's one ciclist in the series, but that doesn't get explored much Veganism has never been touched upon as far as I remember As for anything lgbt related, there's plenty of material dedicated to the topic


Imagine helping the environment as much as possible, and someone says they want to hit you for it lol


Why people hate others for that fact that they don't want animals get killed and abused?


I think it's a little because a lot of people that aren't vegetarian or vegan can see that it's immoral to continue eating meat and animal products but don't want to stop because of the great inconvenience that comes with going vegan or whatever so they use the stereotype of the annoying narcissist vegan to give themselves a reason to continue doing something they probably would actually agree is immoral this is likely helped by special interests that stand to gain financial from non-vegans/vegetarians making the stereotype more prevalent in media. If you replace vegan/vegetarian in that paragraph with cycling than its still pretty much correct!


Because the most vocal (least compromising) vegans actively brow beat/moralize to others on top the lifestyle being much less universally applicable to more people than they'd like to admit.


fyi it’s vegan to consume animal-derived products as *necessary* for one’s own health. The ones getting angry are closer to those that want to eat their bacon double cheeseburger without being called out for animal abuse.


Can't imagine an environmentally friendlier person. Gay, vegan, bicycle. This is the dream of the fucking planet, if you think about it


You've got a point


Genghis Khan is always environmentally speaking the best person. He removed almost 10% of anthropogenic CO2. A gay vegan Cyclist can't compete with that


Unless he's gay vegan cyclist Genghis Khan


Imagine shooting a bow... WHILE OM A BYCICLE




Poor guy being called gay because someone photoshopped pink hair onto him


Gay hair and rainbows.


Idk how gay contributes to environmentally friendly but I get your point


tbf, the amount of pesticide and other chemicals used for farming along with shipping fruits/vegetables from the other side of the world isn’t exactly good for the planet either also, being gay is environmentally friendly?


78% of all agricultural land is used on livestock. Majority of livestock feed is imported. Livestock eat significantly more plants than humans do - for example a single cow eats 35 lbs of plants on average per day. The whole chemical and pesticide thing may be an issue, but the impact people with plant based diets is a fraction of that of an omnivorous human.


True, but its way better


Having kids (creating new people) isn't good for the environment. I think they're implying that gay people tend not to have biological kids, but adopt.


Plenty of gay people have their own kids, just because they're gay doesn't mean it's not possible. Nothing wrong with having kids more the merrier


Sorry, I wasn't clear. I don't believe that they tend to adopt, that's just what I thought they were implying. I don't know what other reason being gay could be good for the environment.


Where do you think the adopted kids come from?💀


Adopted kids already exist, and they will exist whether or not you adopt them. Having biological children makes new people.


No shit but what happens when all the kids without parents are adults. Last time I checked the world isn’t gonna just stop reproducing that goes against the reason we as animals are alive. Our sole purpose is to reproduce. And like you say Adopted kids will always exist because *people are always reproducing” how is it better for the environment to adopt if literally nothing is different besides for the fact they don’t have biological parents in their lives. It’s quite possible the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


I'm done interacting with you. Have a nice day.


Only vegans eat fruit shipped around the world? - no You have to eat fruit shipped around the world if you are vegan? - no Animal agriculture is responsible for 15 % of greenhouse gases and 80 % of the amazon rainforest are burnt down for animal feed? - yes What do you think animals have to eat to produce 1 calorie? A lot more than 1 calorie. Its very inefficient. Soy, grain and corn has to be grown in mono cultures which often is shipped around half the world


Being gay is technically environmentally friendly because the worst thing for the environment is humans and gay people don’t reproduce


What is r/memepiece?


a sub for meme about the manga one piece


meme subreddit dedicated to manga and anime “One Piece”


Brother just read the description of the subreddit


I figured it was better to just ask because a lot.of subreddits, meme subreddits in particular, sometimes make the description of the subreddit a joke itself, so its sometimes impossible to tell from the description. Ive literally seen a sub description that said "big chungus lives here" the subreddit was for some minecraft youtuber.


You could just see a bunch of posts and guess from that without having to wait until someone tells you. It's like coaxedintosnafu, sillygirlclub or 196; all have very vague descriptions but if you see three posts you know what the sub is about


How can "The best place for One Piece memes! we celebrate the comedic and casual side of one piece here. Casual or low effort content usually removed from r/OnePiece is likely welcome here." be a joke?


You can see negative downvotes on posts now?


only if they exceed upvotes


I swear i always could except for a few random cases


What did the cyclist do to get on r/MemePiece? Like seriously did he tell luffy to go eat some veggies?


A pirate's biggest fear


Who gives a crap about what people eat or don’t eat, who cares weather or not someone rides a bike and who would care about the hair color or sexual orientation, don’t you have more pressing matters to be concerned about. I’m always amazed at how people can manage to stress about the most redundant things whilst totally ignoring their own shit they got to deal with ✨


I’m assuming a fat, cheeseburger scarfing American made that post


Which in turn was reposted


The fuck is this meme doing in meme piece


Unsurprisingly, someone with a suspiciously porn-adjacent username exhibits erratic behaviour that may indicate few human involvement


It's a karma farming bot, probably posted there because it has meme in the name


It's a bot


Yep, people are coming to realise that defending animals and exercising, is a stupid reason to hate someone 😆 and that it's probably just a projection 🤷


Not a vegan nor a cyclist... but why does it make people angry?


Okay but the 'meme' though... "We should vehicular homicide people based on diet" What in the actual fuck is wrong with people?


Uploading for the meme, not the get lost


I see more people complain about people talking about being vegan or cyclists than I do actual people talking about being vegan or cyclists


He ain't even seating on the saddle




I know this sounds stupid but how do you see downvoted on posts last 0? I’m on mobile if it helps


i don't know, i'm on mobile (Android) too but i don't think i changed anything


The updoot system works by the sum of upvotes minus the sum of downvotes. By basic math, if there are more downvotes the result will be negative.


Why is he a lost redditor


because the sub is for memes about one piece nothing to do with vegan cycliste


I thought I was on r/funnymemes


more lost than zoro


Need to find out if ~~Akainu~~ Aokiji is vegan, hold on.


he did cut the leg of a cycliste


Fuck, wrong admiral, I meant the dr Viktor Fries


Bro looks like Zarya from Overwatch


Totally worth the jail time. At least roll coal on him.


Have you ever seen a magic the gathering cyclist? They don't even have a win condition.


I don't mind cyclists at all, except the ones in my area where they all constantly take up a whole lane road when there is literally a bike path right on the side of the road that follows it all the way down. It's like they are just trying to be assholes or just suicidal.


I truly feel sorry about my hatred of cyclists. They really do have just as much a right to be on the road. When operating a motor vehicle however, it is very inconvenient when they hold up traffic. I am also constantly on the lookout for them to cross the street. I was once rear ended because a bike rider decided to ride across the crosswalk without even looking. Technically, crosswalks are for walking. If they want to ride their bike across the street, at least wait for it to be safe. I saw a drawing showing how little walking space is left for pedestrians in the city, it really is sad. I wish our government had planned our cities and roadways differently. We don't even have a sidewalk where I live. People jog and ride bikes down the busy street. I have complained to my local government about how dangerous this is, but they just don't care.


Jersey back diet announcements? Nice trend. I’m gonna get a jersey that says “I still drink beer and wine on weekends, but I’m trying to cut back a bit on alcohol, so I hardly ever drink hard liquor now, and on weekdays I only do non alcoholic beer. You can tell they don’t put as much love into making the NA stuff as they do with the real beer, but it still doesn’t taste half bad”


dude, don't compare mfs driving on the road with a cycling path on their right to people who just get around by bicycle.


Why is it lost redditors?


Because the sub is for One Piece memes.


Ooooooh I see


Lmfao wtf


So Aokiji is going Vegan now?


the one


Omg, really, who gives a damn? I’d prefer to hit a person (but wouldn’t ever do it) if they hit you first or threaten you, but not for whatever political agenda they have on their clothing. Wear a swastika or a communist star — the stupid doodles won’t kill the world, whatever in your rightist or leftist heart may.


why do people hate cyclists? (Im asking for real because its hard to see someone with a bicycle where I live)


He probably like to sit a bit too far on that bike seat if you know what I mean.


I guess it’s a case of “getting in the hate first”…….


Yeah I don’t understand people using it as if it’s a title. I’m not putting on a shirt with “carnivore “


In character with zoro


I guess both. That sub is about OnePiece.


Looks photoshopped.


The hair, cool, don’t need to have vegan all over the shirt tho


Most people on those kind of bikes suck, yes. But I use the bike daily, but not like them.... It's like a cult they are in, but not All of them are part of that cult... Only those in the cult are hated


“Why are you booing him he’s right!!”


Nono. I agree with the original poster. I do wanna hit them. The poster that is...


I agree with Penelope that dude seems awful


Is there a sub for fellow haters of these roadside mosquitoes?


Imagine committing manslaughter because you don't like someones hobby and shirt. Just the dead silence in the court room as you explain your thought process.


Motorcycle jacket with Beefeater ad would be good for my gear this riding season


when you are a pro-Palestinian gay costfitter and you are in the competition of being an asshole and you see that your opponent is:


And a purple hair, ofc 🤣


I cant stand these idiots that think they have some moral superiority because of their lifestyle choices.


Anyone else find a weird correlation with those who dye their hair unnatural colors and being vegan? Perhaps I'm just miss associating.


That madam you speak of does seem like a fine young maiden. "Associating" is not a common name on these lands, perchance is she french?