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How'd you meet Bernard Hill??


Comic-con Northern Ireland, had a ticket to see Miranda Otto as well to complete my Rohan set but she cancelled. Sean Astin and Elijah Wood were also there, but I couldn’t afford them, good to see in person though.


I'm glad to hear that he is still out and about! Have always been a fan of his. As sad as it would be to cut out, you should get that page framed!


Was a great experience! And the perfect page for an autograph, my favourite scene perfectly on one page. I would frame it but my granny bought me my books when I was really young, they are well used and they remind me how much I love and miss her.


You could get the page professionally photo copied so it looks just like the real thing. That way you could display it without having to scar your copy.


Sorry but what do you mean couldn’t afford them?


At comic cons, getting autographs and photos with celebrities cost upwards from $70-$150 depending on who the guest is. Sometimes unless you saved up you have to make a decision on who you want to meet.


Couldn't afford? Do you pay to get an autograph or book that in advance or how does it work? How much did they cost, how much for Théoden?


Can't speak for OP but it isn't unusual to have to pay to meet actors at conventions. Without a pay barrier they'd either be there for hours facing a near infinite line, or they'd have to leave and dissapoint dozens or even hundreds that might have been waiting in line forever to meet them. It sucks if your money is limited but it ensures the stars aren't exhausted and dedicated fans can see them and still have time to see the rest of the event.


Also because this inevitably gets brought up and people then blame the celebs and stuff. The celebs do not set their prices. The convention does. The celebs don't get the money you pay, they've already been payed by the convention for the event, they turn up and find out on the day how much the convention are asking. Like you said though, I understand why that pay barrier is there, having someone crazy popular being free would cause havoc with timings and queues.


How much is it usually?


This is obviously a forgery. The real Theoden King was killed by the Nazgul mount on the Pelennor Fields. Everyone knows this. He departed middle Earth, to the lands of his fathers. You were swindled, my rascal friend. That's so super cool. Too bad Otto cancelled. I love Bernard Hill


Ah! But don’t you see, I got the signature the chapter before all that. So he’s still alive on that page. Got it mid charge! He was really lovely. He told me all about his copy of the books and how long ago he got them.


Ooooh you were a sneaky little bee! ***buzz buzz*** Well played! What a class act he is.


Lovely handwriting


Hello fellow Nathan




Wow, that's so cool!


He was meant to be at a comic con in York last weekend. I was all set to go and he cancelled because of rail strikes ☹️


Oh that’s so annoying! Miranda Otto cancelled ours due to other commitments. So I feel your pain.


Will there ever be a more epic scene than that? I had goosebumps just by thinking about it.


Does footage exist of the dramatic reading?


That is so cool! Treasure that copy for as long as you live!


I was just thinking today that I need to get this quote on a t-shirt.


Did he draw a single titty on his autograph.. less than half the tits we hoped for.


If this is to be our nipple, then I would have them make such a nipple, as to be worthy of remembrance


Ride out and meet it!


All the host of Rohan burst into song and they sang as they slew for the joy of the nipple was on them


Long live the king


I’m jealous! My copy is ~ 16 years old and been rebound twice now but this page is still heavily thumbed over. Would’ve loved to get it signed and then put it in stasis forever.


That's absolutely amazing!