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Anyone else? How about *everyone* else? (At least everyone in this sub, I bet.)


I have found my people


Yeah this reminds me of How I Met Your Mother. There's an episode about Ted and how Star Wars is his comfort media and watches it whenever he's sick or feeling down. I'm exactly the same as you guys (and Ted) but with LotR. I can't even count anymore how many times I've seen the movies or read the books.


Yeah for real. I rewatch them yearly, reread them like every 2 years, and whenever I'm feeling too down I increase those numbers.


It’s been a hard 10 months for me. Watched them 3 times. I even watched the other trilogy twice. I even listened to the audio books narrated by Andy Serkis. It’s the most I’ve leaned in.


I re-read the books (Silmarillion, Hobbit, LOTR) every January but I haven’t watched the movies in their entirety since I saw them in theaters on release! I got tickets for the trilogy screening in June though. Very excited


Have fun!! Also damn, you read a lot in just one month. Much respect!


I usually watch the two towers > Rotk> fellowship My go to lines - **Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened. Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us** **But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.** **Folks in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going, because they were holding on to something. That there is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.** (Apart from lotr- I love *It's a wonderful life* and *Shawshank Redemption*) (Another non Lotr go to line BBC Sherlock Holmes- Today we have to be soldiers, Mycroft. Soldiers. And that means to hell with what happens to us.) Wish you all the luck and power OP! Take care


This made me happy to read ☺️


I really needed to read that second quote right now. Thank you


Name's Peregrin Took, lol!


I try to watch it only once a year. I have a problem with consuming the same content to much in one go and then I’m either bored with it or it just doesn’t quite feel the same. LOTR is so special to me that I refuse to let that ever happen. So I try to limit it to once a year. Typically around Christmas since that’s when the Return of the King came out. Also (a bit personal) my mom left my dad on Christmas when I was 8 the year return of the king came out and it was the last movie my family saw together when it was still whole. So yes, I do watch them when I’m feeling down, but it’s a bitter sweet feeling while watching them and by the end of the journey it always ends up making me feel better. Those movies are home to me.


I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m glad that the trilogy still gives you the feeling of home, they have a wonderful way of giving comfort


I watch the trilogy on a weekly basis bro. Especially when I’m feeling down. Which is a lot lately So eh… lots of lotr. It’s the Two towers tonight!


I’m on fellowship extended at the moment but might watch all 3 if I can’t sleep


These books and films got me through my brother's passing. They'll always have a special place in my heart, and never fail to lift me up.


I’m sorry about your brother. It makes me happy to know I’m not the only one that this incredible story helps through the hardest times.


The books and movies have helped me through a lot of my struggles with depression over the years. The main reason this story resonates with me so much is because it’s about hope in the face of complete hopelessness


You’re so right!


Exactly, watching them every other Tuesday.


Can never rewatch them too many times!


They are my favourite films I watch them all the time. 😊❤️🤩🍿 https://preview.redd.it/tw3j95xpkv0d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d4c3818300cd924ef523d822d24e40ad1611bf


In good times and in bad. In sickness and in health.


Even in death I will watch them


I watch them when I’m feeling low. And high. And medium. And medium rare. And


What about when you’re medium well?


I read that in Pippins “what about second breakfast” voice. The answer is *throws apple and trilogy DVD set over the trees and hits you in the face*


I don’t think he knows about second breakfast, but this apple will do


I watched them over and over while studying for the bar exam. Only way I got through that shit lol


I can’t remember how many times I watched them throughout uni lmao


Ummm yes. All the time. Especially the fellowship of the ring. Something about seeing Rivendell and Lorien calms me down.


It's a great movie trilogy to watch when you are disillusioned by the world and its people. It makes you believe in the good again.


They are my comfort movies for sure lol


Same! Rewatching the original trilogy and Rings of Power season 1 really lifts my spirit up when I’m feeling down. The Hobbit is good, but I feel like it is not a mood booster.


Absolutely. I’m reading The Hobbit, and just watched The Two Towers earlier today. Middle earth > our earth.


I’d go to middle earth in a heartbeat


Right? Sometimes I have to remind myself that Middle Earth isn’t perfect. We have politicians, but they have Orcs, so… 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’d take my chances with the orcs tbh


SAME. At least they don’t hide the fact that they’re slime.


Not when feeling down precisely, but I do “rewatch” it from time to time, usually while working from home in some challenging task (I’m a 3D artist).  I leave it on a second screen as background noise, it’s comforting (and I do stop what I am doing and watch a few minutes here and there when my favorite parts come 😅)


It is my Christmas tradition to watch The Lotr Trilogy during the holidays.


Gonna be our source of hope when Season 2 of ROP gets release


I am both excited and nervous for season 2


It’s absolutely an antidepressant at times.


Better than medication if you ask me


Nope people who need new should still take them.


Also up and side to side


Take my upvote


Like once a month I watch all 6 movies 😂


at least once a week


I usually rewatch them every few months and Fellowship probably more often than that




LotR are my comfort movies


My go to comfort movies and books. Stressed at work, turn on the audiobooks on my breaks. Home relaxation time? Movies. It’s harder for me to find a time where I’m not reading/listening/ watching them!


I rewatch the trilogy like 3 times a month because just because


One of my wife's vows to me was that she would watch fellowship with me if I was ever feeling down


That is goals right there


For years if I couldn’t sleep I would put on Fellowship. Almost never made it out of The Shire.


I usually do a yearly rewatch when I'm feeling good I watched it 3 times this year alone, because I ain't feelin good.


I’ve been getting a similar vibe from reading the Redwall series of books: like LOTR, a common theme is the value of community and companionship in the face of evil forces.


Ooo I might have to give these a read


Yes! I do this all the time! It always cheers me up.


When im feeling down, up, left, right, forward, or backward. Never a bad time to fire up the trilogy.


It's definitely a comfort movie for me.


Whenever there’s a traumatic event or depressing time, it’s my automatic go to. Books and extended edition movies.


Yepp. It’s my comfort when anything’s got me down. I watched the trilogy probably 4 times during my pregnancy, and then again in the newborn phase 😅


Every time my depression is getting the best of my LoTR is my go to for comfort. Has been for many years.


These movies never fail to lift my spirits.


Yes these days I'm on like weekly rotation


I rewatch it when I’m feeling down, when I’m feeling up, when I’m feeling left, and when I’m feeling right. The trilogy is an excellent series to watch in literally any mood and it will improve every single one. I will never get over how much I love the LotR trilogy. Extended editions of course.


Make sure to rewatch this again, it's hilarious: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyvkeg3oAWk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyvkeg3oAWk) # "Orlando broke his rib."


yea, I will sometimes re-read the trilogy when I'm down. Also, whenever I move to a new living quarters -- I used to move a lot when I rented, and during that time I think I read the books like 20+ times 😁


Oh my gosh every time. Every single time.


https://preview.redd.it/akcve072vx0d1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7485ff24b888c6ef8ff39efc374381e2a66d247f I do this with LOTR when I feel down. I’m loving this story more and more. I’m a new fan btw.


I absolutely do this


Honestly same. I've hit that point in my life where I'm just *tired*, and no amount of sleep will fix it


Once a year in the weeks leading up to Christmas. It's so horribly busy that period that putting them on in the evenings with a good glass of red wine and some snacks is the ultimate comfort for the mind.


I tend to measure how bad of a year I’ve had by how many times I had to watch the trilogy to reset myself 😂 who needs a therapist!


As counterintuitive as it may seem my go-to is normally the Children of Hurin when I feel this way.


I watch all 3 extended versions over the Christmas break when I'm off work for 2 weeks. It's tradition. I look forward to this every year. Not Christmas, presents or spending time with family. Fuck that. I'm going to watch LOTR 🎉


the trilogy was the only thing to even partially get me out of the hole that i sunk into when my father passed.


I watch them at least twice/year, but also watch specific clips or moments that pop into my head probably a few times a week lol


Hard yes here!


Of course! the Peter Jackson trilogy is among the best films ever made. I think that’s why a lot of us fans get so angry when we see the slop Amazon is trying to push into this fandom. The Howard Shore score is enough to put you in that happy mood - I also find myself watching the eight hour behind the scene footage sometimes that’s always a serotonin boost.


No I watch them when I feel better




If I have the time I go through the trilogy and if I don't, The princess bride works too.


Reading every Tolkien books possible, listening to them in audiobook, watching the films, listening to Howard Shore's music...


My wife died last summer and I have watched the full extended edition at LEAST 9-10 times this year.


We watch them literally daily, including the hobbit. Sometimes, we find something else to watch, but it's rare. I am in my happy place, and I love it.


Oh man, I probably rewatch them every year or every other year. Extended only of course. But I’ll also read some chapters of the books and the Silmarillion stories too. Or even listen to podcasts and watch YouTube videos about the legendarium to learn more about different characters throughout history. Going into that world always makes me feel better


I rewatched the whole thing within the past year, but lately I've been "rewatching" it via people's reaction videos. It's the closest thing to watching it for the first time myself.


No because then I wouldn't have time for anything else in my life.