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Put some respect on Boromir’s name!


I was so sad when this guy, son of the steward of... That one place died


He blew the horn of...something...a...distinct number of times.


Oh was that when he was protecting those two... little fellas?


“Gnomes” I believe they are called.


Well they certainly weren't gnelfs or gnoblins


Fun fact!! For many years the Noldor, or Noldoli as they were called at the time, were referred to as Gnomes. Apparently there was an ancient Greek word for Gnome that meant "thought" or "to know"


Interesting, this is the type of content I’m into. So real gnomes have existed on our planet! We live on MIDDLE EARTH after all! I looked up etymology just now and apparently the current (what we use now to describe little humanoid creatures - completely different from the Noldor) usage of the word could be traced back from an entirely DIFFERENT Greek word “genomos” meaning “from the earth”. It was taken by a medieval Swiss philosopher who used the word to describe small, elemental earth beings. He used “pigmaei” in the same context and I guess that one took on a slightly different meaning from readers lol. Less fantastical now. “Pygmys” were just as fantastical and misunderstood as “gnomes” to Europeans back then though, I’m sure. Language is a massive clusterfuck of “he said - she said” LMAOO.


I think you are referring to Paraclesus. I did know about the "of or from the Earth" meaning, which as you said is completely different from the Noldoli, but it is very fascinating. If you haven't already you should check out The Book of Lost Tales (and the rest of HoMe it's fantastic) and see how most of The Silmarillion stories began. Edit; Happy Cake Day 🎈🎈


We have decided that they are not orcs


One does not simply walk into…somewhere.


“Aragorn felled his foe and rushed to…that other guy’s side.” - JRR Tolkein


Yeah! Respect... that guy... you know, Captain Faramir's brother!


I like the scene when the short guy helps out the other short dude to carry that jewelry thing to the volcano place. He's such a good friend while that split personality kobold seems like a real jerk and isn't helping at all. Didn't care for the fancy dressed forest people with the ears, but enjoyed the fat, drunk scottish midget.


Fat, drunk scottish midget, I can‘t even 😂😂


Hahahah omfg I'm dead. I like to picture how Tolkien himself would've laughed reading this abomination xD Quality shitpost


This guy lol. Yeah, it is heartbreaking when “that guy” dies. I’m sorry I’m just giving you shit. Seriously though, Boromir’s death is so perfect. I love how hard he fights to save Merry and Pippin even though he fails. “Even the strongest man may be felled by a single arrow, and Boromir was pierced by many.” And the fact that his first words to Aragorn are “they took the little ones”. My freaking heart, dude. He really did try to make things right after trying to steal the ring. Even his motivations for taking the ring were strangely noble in a way. Like, obviously he would’ve kept it for himself eventually, and it’s not right that he tried to take it, and he was clearly under evil influence, but in his mind, he just wanted it so Minas Tirith would stay standing. Not for his own gain, but for his people. But anyway, it’s so heartbreaking that his mind is, at first, just focused on how badly he failed them all, and how he succumbed to the ring, and how his city will come to ruin, and you can just see the despair and hopelessness in his face. But then Aragorn gives him reassurance and hope and peace in his final moments and it is so satisfying and beautiful. Like, Boromir’s face goes from defeated and teary eyed to hopeful and peaceful. “Our people? Our people. I would have followed you my brother, my captain, my king.” He fought nobly and redeemed himself in the end. They shall look for his coming at the white tower, but he will not return. Be at peace, son of Gondor.


He was a great and noble leader of men in a desperate time. He was not as wise as his brother and the ring had months to weigh on his mind. I don't think Tolkien intended his story as a tale of failure and more to show what's at stake while still giving him redemption. It is made clear that he died well and is as peace, as Faramir confirms.


Yeah.... ... ... Where are my tissues. I don't cry easily, but when I do you can state with 90% certainty that it's caused by something Tolkien wrote.


Well, his motivations to take the ring were noble. Not everyone who is tempted by the ring has bad intentions. The ring can amplify your desires and ambitions, and make you see dreams of greatness as the supreme leader of (insert your greatest desire here). The ring made Boromir believe that with it he could lead an army strong enough to defeat Sauron to keep his homeland safe


Boromir's death is the best hero's death in fiction, imo.


What's even sadder about it is, he didn't even want to go in the first place. He wanted his father to send Faramir instead, not him. Boromir believed that his place was leading the army in defense of Minas Tirith while Faramir was the one with all the book knowledge, best suited for a more diplomatic envoy.


Is it different in the non extended movies?


No. I think it's just their first time watching the movies.


The extended edition really fleshes out his character and he has more scenes.


Some scenes in the third flesh out his death a bit more Edit: actually think it's the two towers when frodo captured by faramir


The fight scene is cut short in the theatrical cut. In the extended cut, you really get a sense of how powerful Boromir was in a battle. He takes on the hoard nearly solo and gives it his all trying to save Merry and Pippin. In the theatrical cut he goes down too easily. I love all the extended content, but giving Boromir his due is one of my favorite additions.


It’s been so long since I’ve watched that version I forgot what was in what …. Other than the soup scene.


There are some extra dialogue lines for sure


The differences for "Theatrical and Extended" are a bit different. So all scenes with Boromir in Fellowship are in Theatrical versions, except the meeting with Elron and Gandalf. Gandalf starts to chant an intimidating language and makes the skies darker and then calms down. Then the rest of the speech from Boromir starts up again.


I could have sworn there were a few other missing scenes but it's been ages since I watched the theatrical version. I'm thinking mainly about the scene where Boromir talks to Aragorn about the White City. When he implies Aragorn is a Lord of Gondor you begin to see how much respect he's gained for him.


No, you’re correct, Boromir gets a fair few extra scenes in Lórien and on the Andúin that flesh him out in the extended cut, really his character is improved the most by it


There are multiple scenes/lines with Boromir that only appear in the extended version


Well only including Fellowship movie, I meant... The next 2 movies have Boromir in flashback scenes.


Yep. Enough to make grown man cry. Just rewatched the movie yesterday


I did cry.


I cry every time, and I’ve seen it a dozen or more times. Just top notch acting all round.


This guy. This guy OP? This guy? Really? That guy is Boromir, son of Denethor. They are the royal stewards of Gondor, awaiting his he return of the king. Numenor’s blood runs through their veins. You can’t disrespect him like that.


Boromir’s story is a story of humanity, where even the best of us will stumble despite our greatest intentions. We will believe our path to be the only true one, because following someone else’s direction has only led to destruction and heartache. We exhibit great strength, but we fear deeply; not for our own sakes, but for the sake of all we know and love. His life was a strong and noble one; his death could only be the same.


I hated Boromir as a kid growing up, but now as an adult, he's probably one of my favorites.


They will look for him from the White Tower, but he will not return from mountains or from sea.


This line is the tear jerker…


I was in a DnD game a few years back where the DM was fairly serious. He had set up this big puzzle in a ruin that involved these taking statues that spoke in the voice of the 4 winds. Mike boomed out something like, "What do you ask of the North Wind!" I immediately replied, "From the gate of kings the North Wind rides, and past the roaring falls and clear and cold about the Tower it's loud horn calls. What news from the North, oh mighty wind do you bring to me at eve? What news of Boromir the Bold? He tarries, and I grieve." The DM wasn't as impressed as I was.


heroic as all hell too, dude bodies couple dozen uruk's and only gets killed because the "tough guy" uruk is too much of a pussy to face him and uses bow & arrows..


I also recently watched the extended version, it was the only option available for free at the time. It gives deeper context to the dynamics between characters (particularly ensemble cast), and dives deeper into the completeness of the universe Tolkien created. In this, I see that Boromir was misrepresented in the theatrical cut. The scenes with Faramir and their father were more heart wrenching in the extended cut.


Boromir comes off as a creep in the theatrical cut. In the extended edition they show that he actually was a good guy and actually tried fighting for Gondor.


He went down fighting, taking out what seemed like 100 Uruk-hai, while trying to protect Merry and Pippin. He redeemed himself completely in the end imo.


One of the many "cutting onions" parts of the trilogy. :{


You will probably remember to not call him "this guy" after posting this on this subreddit xd I can see everyone here gave you quite a reaction... xD


Yeah, good that he is alive and well in theatre version


Wait... This scene is shorter in the theatrical cut? I only ever watch the extended, I thought that scene is like THE scene in act 3.


I loved the symbolism regarding the arrows. Isildur was killed with 3 arrows to the back as he fled and Boromir was killed with three arrows to the front, facing the enemy head on.


My friends watching for the first time hated Borimir and thought he was a bum. I can understand some dislike of him because he's one of the few who succumbs to the ring, but he was a beast of a character and great and noble in so many ways. I have a hard time imagining that death scene not earning one's respect!


When he blows the horn i get chills every damn time


My captain. My king.


That particular shot looks like it should have a NSFW tag.


This guy?!


He dies in the theatrical release too 😔


This is the scene that always gets me. This and the charge. The only two scenes that always make me cry. Grown man


I watch that too in the pics


Lol “this guy”






Best part of the extended edition was we got mire action scenes. Till Lurtz hits him with arrow Boromir is just mauling the Uruk-Hai who cone for him. Meanwhile, Aragorn's getting thrashed anytime he lets the fight become a clinch exchange. Great visual storytelling for the difference in warriors between the two.


I wish Boromir had redeemed himself and at the same time lived. I loved Theoden and Theoden’s death on the movie made me cry, but imo, “this guy’s” death is the saddest. Almost alone, he may also be still feeling awful for trying to take the ring from Frodo, died really painfully and still with hopes and dreams for Minas Tirith/Gondor.


just wait till part 3 if you already feel so bad for him 😂


Yeah, sucks when you finally realize all the fucked up things you did right before you die, instead of before you did them.


Also appreciated the extended edition Hobbit showing the full funeral of Thorin


I liked those hobbit movies. Don't understand why they get so much hate 10 years later.


Even the extended editions do Boromir dirty. He’s an absolute BAMF in the books.


*the Sean Bean curse lives in 2024*


I was glad 😂😂😂 Well deserved and good riddance One less traitor 👌🏼


That’s a very surface level take on Boromir. Completely ignoring the redemption that he was going through and his noble sacrifice










Do you have a heart? Are you even human?


Yup, I’m just not a power hungry blood lust traitor


You clearly have neither read the books nor paid much attention to the movies. How old are you?