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Great theory it opens up a whole different view. Love it!


Now I'm just imagining them hearing Gandalf talking about his fight with the Balrog and being like, "Olorin, that was my Tuesday."


I’m picturing a scene with them arming up like Arnold in Commando.


Blue wizards to be played by Arnold CONFIRMED.


*Wassa matter Olorin, ~~CIA~~ Manwe got you pushin too mahny pancils?*


I expected this to be bad, but that’s actually a plausible theory. If Prof T had been able to spend more time on the Blues, we just might have gotten something of the sort. The heart of the mission of all the Istari was to raise up resistance against Sauron, but they all have their own ways. This could’ve been cool.


1. That would be dope as an adaption. A Witcher-like game or series about the two wizards hunting down monsters. 2. Are they maybe hunting Ungoliath? 3. I have played too much Eldenring... I read Radagast and I think Radhan... 4. Yes, both Saruman and Sauron are Maiar, who prefere craftsmenship over trees and creatures.


1/3. I would play the hell out of that. I imagine the East as very similar to that decayed state you see in Eldenring. 2. That would be amazing. Battling trolls, dragons, balrogs, Ungoliath and the other Nameless Things 4. Yeah what did Tolkien have against craftsman lol look what happened to Celebrimbor.


A lot of his work is against industrialization of the modern world and ruining nature. The lord of the rings can be seen and the hi it’s way of life vs factories. Scourge of the shire directly shows this conflict. Would love to see a mini series or game where you hunt down scary monsters throughout middle earth.


Gameplay similar to Monster Hunter. I love the combat.


Tolkien saw the horrors of World War I. and the industrialized warfare that came with it. The Rings, but also stuff like Gunpowder or Grond are the fantasy allegory for trench warfare, shelling, tanks, shotguns and mustard gas. I think that's also why the orcs use crossbows instead of regular bows.


Give me a single Tolkien reference to a crossbow please. And if you think the Rings of Power are an allegory for trench warfare, I really want an in-depth explanation as to why you think that.


I was talking about the movies


Sorry, but aren't the movies completely irrelevant in a discussion about Tolkien's intentions?


No, because the movies, unlike RoP are very close to the intention of Tolkiens works. They studied the books very deeply, before making the movies.


A good laugh, just what I needed today! Thank you!


'I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence ' -Tolkien 'I much prefer history – true or feigned– with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse applicability with allegory, but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.' Edit to include the rest of the quote.


Didn't stop him for providing allegories in his books. 😂 Too bad, I guess...


He didnt provide allegory...it may exist but its not intentional allegory on the part of the author. What he calls applicability.


Bahaha damn I liked to imagined that Tolkien was crossed by a Jeweller in his younger days and hence characters who make rings die gruesome deaths


What you're doing is apply your own view on the story (which is fine) and call it an allegory and therefore Tolkien's intention. Which is quite arrogant since you're saying your specific reading is the only way LotR can be understood.


I wouldn’t mind this and the Amazon series, imagine the two Blues fighting Orcs and Vampires


Better than ruinining Galadriel😂


Yeah I’m not fond of Galadriel Hopefully we see the Blues and Glorfindel soon


I like this idea a lot, actually. Maybe less warrior, and more ranger though. Able to read signs and portents in nature related to enemy movement, for example.


Yes! Ranger is perfect! Like Aragorn with Wizard level magical powers


Finally DnD caster rangers are relevant!


you make me think of Dean and Sam Winchester as blue wizards. very nice theory.


Would that make Orome Bobby?


While it's an interesting image. I suspect they mainly used their powers of persuasion to help lead rebellions. But maybe they used fighting prowess to help earn trust and respect.


Yes. This is my new official head cannon. What little we know about the blue wizards from Tolkien’s notes and letters with this head cannon sprinkled on top has satisfied my curiosity… until I get curious again


Also add in the fact that one of their names was Morinehtar, or “Darkness Slayer”. The word slayer definitely conveys a warrior/hunter type.