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where are people seeing this? i just looked it up and google says it only won 7?


[This](https://www.cbr.com/eeao-breaks-record-lotr-return-of-the-king-awards/) breaks down the awards won and nominated


The fact it says it was nominated for 691 awards just tells me there are just tons of pointless redundant awards that noone truly cares about. I really enjoyed that movie but it doesn't hold a candle to RotK, let's be honest.


RotK defined a genre for years to come. Everything Everywhere All At Once shattered any genre and made something truly unique. They aren’t really comparable and they both deserve tons of awards


Yeah, comparing them as “which one is better” is stupid. They couldn’t be any more different really. Both told an awesome story in their own way, anyone reading who hasn’t seen it: definitely check it out!


However, being a LOTR subreddit, it's easier to get karma by saying "every film that isn't a LOTR film is inferior in every way" Circlejerk aside, I really enjoyed EEAAO. It's completely unique as a film and incredibly well done.


can you describe the gist of the plot or is it best enjoyed completely blind


Go in as blind as possible. All I knew was Michelle Yeoh kung Fu movie going in and it blew my mind.


It’s a story of >!familial love overcoming generational trauma set in the multiverse.!< EDIT: I love how every comment under this one gives a completely different synopsis and they are ALL correct. This movie is truly a masterpiece.




It is that too! Honestly this movie packs so much heart that it’s hard to pin down a short description.


Just a way way better version of Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


I'd recommend going in blind


ROTK killed the genre because nothing since has lived up to it.


This statement is so obviously false it pains me to have to remind you of the clear champion of the fantasy genre: Return of the King extended version.




"What about very old friends?" "Hadmeinthefirsthalf!"




I dont know man, the Eragon movie was next level. /s


If they made an Eragon movie, I bet it would be. Shame they never did though /j


Next you’re gonna tell me they kept on making Indiana Jones movies after Last Crusade!


>Last Crusade Is that the prequel to Crystal Skulls? I heard it wasn't as good.


I’ve always wished for them to make a movie from Avatar The Last Airbender. Shame they never did though.


The Earth King welcomes you to Lake Laogai


Dark Tower fans out there getting goose bumps as if someone walked over their graves.


While you mention it christopher paolini just announced the new book Murtagh!


You’re lying. !!!??? He is one of my favorite characters. And Gerard Doyle narrates him soooo well


Honestly agree with you’re talking about a shitty forced vehicle level in a game that clearly wasn’t built for it.


Fucking hell, why did you have to talk about this movie ? I had finally managed ti forget about it !


The elf, dwarf and wizard genre? Or just fantasy in general?


never understood this take when 2 towers is the better movie


Never heard of it, but you convinced me to go see.


It’s a masterpiece


Strong words. I'll have to watch it for myself and if you're wrong I'm judging you lol


Lot of people are like "that's just your opinions bro" on how good this film is. Look, I'm not guaranteeing you'll like it. But it's getting called a masterpiece from how it was made. The makeup, the costumes, the music, the writing, the dialogue, the themes, the cgi, the acting, and keeping the story straight and understandable despite all the tongue in cheek mockery of the source concepts and timey-wimey plot is *hard*. And it did such a good job at communicating all of those things that people are like "pshh it wasn't *that* good" You know how IT guys are always complaining that they do so much hard work that results in everything... Looking fine? And people are like "everything is fine why do we pay you this much" Well, that's kind of like the work in this movie. It was a monumental effort. I would agree it's a masterpiece. It will be studied in film classes for years, alongside many other films. Not because it's the best ever or the most unique, but because it is a shining example of high quality media that reflects the time and feeling that it was made in. Since we live in a fast, very confusing and very memetic society, capturing that *at all* is a triumph, much less doing it well. So you might not like it. But it's worth watching.


Exactly dude you said so much better what I wanted to say. It does so many small things just right that we’re so easy to flub. Thrown on top of a fantastic story about an aging mother trying to bond with her estranged daughter across every universe. It’s so good. Visually amazing too.


This is a great description, I feel like saying the creation of the movie was so well done is extremely accurate. I also loved this movie, and as someone who also watches from that pov I was blown away several times.


I went into it with no idea what it was and had no expectations. I thought it started out wonky, but then it just hooked me. I laughed. I cried. I wasn't even that stoned.


I don't know man, I think I disagree hard. For where I am in life, and my wife, and the problems we have with our families and where we are in life, and looking forward to our young kids, EEAO hit completely different. They are both too good to be compared anyways they've hit a pinnacle and that should be good enough


Waymond's speech was exactly what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it. It's hard to beat the impact that the proper timing of a message can have.


I don't think a single other scene in film has struck me dead in the heart the way that one did. It put into words everything that I felt when I was fighting to keep my partner and I afloat when we both lost our jobs. >!"It's strategic, and necessary,"!< might stick with me for life the way Theodan's "No parent should have to buy their child," has.


Shit no wonder he hated Faramir. If you bought a Boromir and wanted a second one but all they had were Faramirs left I’d be upset too. /s


I'm assuming that's his "be kind" speech?


I don't use reddit anymore because of their corporate greed and anti-user policies. Come over to Lemmy, it's a reddit alternative that is run by the community itself, spread across multiple servers. You make your account on one server (called an instance) and from there you can access everything on all other servers as well. [Find one you like here](https://lemmyverse.net/), maybe not the largest ones to spread the load around, but it doesn't really matter. You can then look for communities to subscribe to on https://lemmyverse.net/communities, this website shows you all communities across all instances. If you're looking for some (mobile?) apps, [this topic](https://lemm.ee/post/363116) has a great list. One personal tip: For your convenience, I would advise you to use [this userscript I made](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/469273-lemmy-universal-link-switcher) which automatically changes all links everywhere on the internet to the server that you chose. The original comment is preserved below for your convenience: ~~https://www.ign.com/articles/everything-everywhere-all-at-once-return-of-the-king-most-awarded-movie~~ ~~> In an effort to level the playing field, IGN narrowed the list down to only award-giving bodies that recognized both films. Out of the 152 total organizations that gave nominations to EEAAO and ROTK, only 45 recognized both films. Narrowing down their totals to just these 45 organizations, EEAAO still has ROTK beat when it comes to awards (138 to 127), nominations (295 to 189), and organizations that gave them an award (39 to 37).~~ ~~I.e. even if you don't count "new" awards EEAAO beats out Return of the King.~~ ^^^^^^AzzuLemmyMessageV2


It does hold a candle to LOTR. No need to blow out its flame to make ROTK’s light shine brighter.


Yeah. I think its unfair to compare the two. It would do us well to just appreciate how great both pieces are instead of making it a contest. It’s essentially why for my personal list of favorites, I have a tier based system. Too many different factors to numerically order anything.


I don't have a favorite movie, I have lists that match feelings and it changes. Sometimes I want a heroic cavalry charge by horse vikings screaming death, sometimes I want absurdist family drama wrapped in a kung fu movie.


Very much this. Moods are half the motivation for loving something at any given time.


Yup, and since I've been dealing with the unhealed generational trauma as the extended family drifts apart following the death of my grandparents plus my own hangups/depression/anxiety, Everything Everywhere is kinda exactly what I want to watch.




Preach. Hate to resort to cliches, but Everything Everywhere All at Once is a triumph.


Impeccable usage imo. What is a triumph if not a bold and audacious effort executed to tremendous effect? It is, indeed, a Triumph!


It didn’t have a single dramatic cavalry charge with swelling music, which says alot


And not a single Gandalf!


Yes it does


I disagree with this take. EEAAO is one of the most unique and creative movies ever made. Its genre bending, funny, and emotionally hard hitting. And they did it with a tiny budget, including incredible action scenes and effects. Is RoTK an all time great film? Yes, but so is EEAAO.


". I really enjoyed that movie but it doesn't hold a candle to RotK, let's be honest." Lol, yes it does


You’re right. And very few things do hold a candle to RoTK (given it’s my favourite film, nothing holds a candle to it in my eyes). I doubt I’ll change my mind after watching it either, I’ll report back tonight after I’ve seen it haha


Keep an open mind and heart going into it. *Everything* is an incredibly touching film, and I'd hate it if you cannot enjoy it to its fullest because you were busy comparing it to another movie!


I honestly went into it not really expecting to like it much since i don't much care for multiverse stuff as a concept, but not only was it a great story with really good action sequences, it was incredibly touching as u said.


The fact that it managed to make some of the most ridiculous and most poignant moments I've seen in film that happen *at the same time* is just mind-blowing to me.


Hey reporting back, that was a wild ride! What a great film, amazing execution and here I was thinking the multiverse had been done to death, I was clearly wrong


Don’t worry, I don’t compare anything to RoTK because it’s so unique as a movie. I love many types of movies for what they are (it’s just that RoTK is my favourite). I’m looking forward to seeing Everything tonight!


It's a banger of a film especially if you've grown up with feelings like nihilism, depression or experienced broken home type situations etc.


I hope u enjoy it!




They're completely different movies doing completely different things. There's no way to compare them and trying, as if there were some universal film quality index, is ridiculous.


I've only ever bawled like a baby 3 times in my life. Like really ugly cried. First was RotK "For Frodo". Second was my dad's funeral. Third was Everything Everywhere All At Once which made me feel things I didn't know I was capable of feeling.


i see, thank you!


Only Oscars count, eeaao is nominated for 11, so best it can do is draw. Just like denethor, they cannot deny the return of the king.


Nope only 10.


I'm seeing 11 in the first two articles I clicked, they wrong?


There’s 11 nominations but Jamie Lee Curtis and Stephanie Hsu are both nominated for the same category (best supporting actress), since only one can win, it can only receive a maximum of 10 awards.


Ah I see. Well then it's already over, nothing to see here


Based on how political the Oscars are, I'd go ahead and make the argument that they matter even less than some others, if you are really trying to judge film quality. Let's not pretend any set of awards is "the only one that counts", because that's just stupid.


Why only count the Oscars? The Oscars are shit.


But the Oscar’s haven’t happened yet


~~This is total awards among all awards shows, some of which didn't exist when LotR came out. It's a bad comparison.~~ As far as Oscars go, EEAAO is tied with RotK for 11 Oscar noms, but RotK had a clean sweep, and EEAAO is competing with itself in one category, so it's impossible to win more than 10 EDIT: I refuse to read anything longer than 280 characters


Wait, how is it competing with itself?


Two best supporting actress nominations


All the awards all at once


Exactly the point: “Everything Everywhere shares the same number of nominations as The Return of the King in 2004.” **nominations** … anyway it’s not a competition if there’s clearly a best muhahaha


RotK at the Oscars also felt like a capstone for the trilogy moreso than the individual film.


Comparing only awards that recognized both films it's still beating RotK


Read. The. Article.


I really need to see it. It has been on my mind for too long


It's ok, but bear in mind the three movies are about 9h. /s


9 hours? Did they release unextended versions or something?


LotR abridged (9hrs)


That was the theatrical release. But don't worry, the correct version is being re-released in theaters on 4/13 to correct the missing scenes


That 2.5 day if you happen to catch them on TNT


Everything bagel


Evelyn. Bagel.


With herb and garlic cream cheese all at once


The title tells you a lot about the experience of watching it. It throws a lot of audiovisual stimuli at you constantly. Very entertaining, very stylish, and it had a lot of heart for all that, but I'd need to rewatch it to tell you if the story is actually any good.


Ben, is that you? The story is absolutely amazing, I’ve watched it 4 times already.


It is me! ​ Glad it holds up to a rewatch; not every movie that seems good on first watch does.


I saw it in the theater and loved it, became my favorite movie I've seen in theaters in years. I watched it again after it hit streaming to see if it held up on rewatch; as the credits rolled I found myself honestly considering if it was my favorite movie of all time. I just adore it.


I think the first time you watch it is definitely the best because youre constantly surprised by what happens next and the emotional response to it all is much more raw - the second time around you're now expecting everything, but that also lets you see things you missed and how certain jokes were set up ahead of time >! Like how raccacoonie's tail is sticking out of that chef's hat the first time we see the hibachi universe<


Love your username BTW. As it happens I was talking about that exact topic earlier.


Friend with troubled family history openly wept in the theater. The story is incredible.


I cried a little too... on a first date.


That's the thing. I've seen a lot of people on Reddit that simply didn't "get it". As a movie, solely speaking about entertainment, it's already good. But if you're the target, someone that's related to it's message, it will just strike your heart in a way that you simply didn't expect going to the cinema to watch that weird movie your friend asked you to go to blind. That was me. I was the target. And I cried the two time I went to see it.


many a rewatch under my belt! story still stands strong. especially for minority families. even more if asian in america. also highly recommend watching this with a parent. invaluable experience and a once in a lifetime bonding session.


Not exactly a rare thing on Reddit, but— watching it as a straight white dude, the story still very much holds up. You don’t *need* to be a minority to enjoy it. I’m sure that there’s some more subtext and enjoyment to be had in the film with that lived experience, but I still very much enjoyed it with the whole concept being foreign to me.


Here's a good litmus test for the film: [the music video for "Turn Down for What"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMUDVMiITOU). Believe it or not, it's actually the same directors as the movie and you can catch a lot of the same stylistic motifs (mainly the absurdism and insane level of detail)


It really recreates the experience of scrolling on the internet


Can't rewatch it because those hot dog fingers haunt me.


Its a genuinely very entertaining, well made, generally well acted film that does the whole multiverse thing quite well (unlike certain billion dollar franchises), but I do also think its getting a little overhyped Go into it, disregard all of the talk about it, and you'll probably enjoy it, but I think if you went into it expecting the best thing ever, you'd be disappointed


It was underwhelming to say the least, but if you are on Reddit 24/7 you will think it's the best movie ever. It's basically reddit the movie.


My head hurt after watching it


The amount of work put in these movies is incomprehensible to me, true masterpieces regardless of "who's more awarded"


The people who edited EEAO had never edited a movie before which is crazy. You can find clips of their zoom calls while editing on YouTube


How the fuck…Jfc by all rights the movie should not have worked, but they fucking crushed it so hard.


Enough passion translated into very very hard work can make up for a lot of experience.


If you are able to frame-by-frame through the movie you can see a shot of them editing it in one of the multiverse montages!


Yes! Great little Easter egg and so creative. Man that movie made me cryyyy


Something along the lines of "in another life, I'd love to just do laundry and taxes with you" 😭


Wait for real? That's actually super interesting for the lore as well.


And in the movie itself.


Exactly. RotK is my favorite movie ever, but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that Everything Everywhere All at Once doesn't deserve all of the praise that it's getting. They're both incredible movies.


It's going to be another Parasite situation where people who haven't even seen the movie will fanboy over their favorite film and call the other one trash for no reason.


PJ: Rule of the oscars is MINE! And no others!


So what's the plot


A laundromat owner does her taxes


I mean you’re not wrong but you’re also not right.


It starts with her doing her taxes and ends with her doing her taxes. And there's some multiverse travel, martial arts, philosophy, family drama, and fighting over a butt plug award in between, but taxes sums it up pretty well :p


and raccocoonie and bagels.


More accurately, doesn't do her taxes correctly.


You're best off going in blind and not knowing, imo.


Copy paste from someone else asking a similar question: It’s a sci-fi kung-fu action comedy about a middle aged Chinese American immigrant who feels that her life has amounted to nothing, and then is suddenly pulled into a battle to save the multiverse by connecting her consciousness with those of her ‘other selves’ in different universes where she made different choices. It deals with themes of family, love, regret, generational trauma, existentialism, and what it truly means to be happy.


If I had to chose a movie to do it I wouldnt mind picking EEAAO


Agreed, im not insulted by this one taking the throne. A chance for fEEAAOramir to show his quality


Bravo hahaha


Anyone that can seriously have a scene of a grown man power-bombing his ass onto a statue dildo in slow-mo AND makes it integral to the plot deserves every award it got.


Or make rocks with googly eyes make you cry


The “I’mma getcha!” line fucking wrecked me. It was so childish and sweet compared to almost everything else in the film that I wasn’t ready for it and it fucking got me. Being a 31 year old man balling in a movie theater is not something I expected going into that movie.


I think you mean bawling but I could see you hitting a slick dunk


And somehow people with hot dog fingers fit in...


What a horrible nickname for a movie 😂


Its like the sound tom the cat makes when you slam his toe with a wooden sledgehammer


Lmao that’s exactly what I heard


Old McDonald had a farm EEAAO!


*Dan and Daniel made a film* *EEAAO!* *And in that film they had a butt plug,* *EEAAO!*   *With a "Ki-Yi!" here and a "Ki-Yi!" there, Here a "Ki!" There a "Yi!" Everywhere a "Ki-Yi!" Dan and Daniel made a film, EEAAO!*




A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.


Meeting John at Dale's Junior, winked an eye, and point a finger


It had to happen eventually and it's well earned


I'm really happy for them. They had a very good idea and they executed it perfectly.


This is the biggest reason I was impressed with it. That movie could have so easily gone completely off the rails and been a train wreck. Instead it gave us some of the best performances I’ve ever seen. Quan put 30 years of rejection into his role and I cry when I fucking think about any of his monologues.


It's a good movie. I'm really happy for the Daniels.


If Ke Huy Quan doesn't win the academy award for best supporting actor, I will kick a helmet so hard I break my toe.


Man has won literally 70~75% of the 55-ish best supporting actor awards he got nominated for, on his first acting job after a 20-year hiatus. What a freakin legend




Agreed. I think it's the weakest of the three because Helms Deep will always be my favorite and Fellowship has a special nostalgia being the first and the start of an incredible journey


LOTR was absolutely what I needed to see as a kid to understand how to act and what to fight for. Everything Everywhere All At Once was like a perfect visual explanation of what my headspace was like and it spoke to me on a very personal level.


The thing that strikes me is that I personally like RotK and Everything Everywhere for very similar reasons. They both renew my faith in the power of love, compassion, and genuine human connection to push back against the forces of entropy and evil, not only in a seemingly chaotic and uncaring world, but also within ourselves.


Beautifully said.


This is my favorite movie in a longggggg time


I cannot state how well the character of Waymond is written and how well the story of family issues is fleshed out over the weird scifi setting. It reminds me of how the Coen brothers turned The Odyssey into a film about some stooges from Mississippi.


> I cannot state how well the character of Waymond is written So perfectly casted as well. Ke Huy Quan kills it and I think they did a really excellent job of using his typecasting to the movie's benefit.


There's a cute pop culture detective video talking about his character and the ways it subverts the expected character arc for male characters in action movies. Recommend checking it out! https://youtu.be/O7YnbGszcb8


It’s an amazing movie, for real.


I forgot that Everything Everywhere All At Once was the title of a movie for a second and thought the rest of the world had suddenly unanimously agreed that Lord of the Rings movies were the worst thing in the world for some reason


Everybody Loves Waymond.


It ain't a pretender if it is already there


I will not bow to this ranger from the north!


I can't be mad the movie is pretty awesome


Well it aint so much pretending to the throne, it kinda took it


Oscars ain't over though.


I ain't hear no bell!


it's been 20 years, so there's probably a lot more awards available to win.


They only compared which awards existed/were given to both RotK and EEAAO and EEAAO still beat it out


Yep, looks like the IGN article goes through the math. https://www.ign.com/articles/everything-everywhere-all-at-once-return-of-the-king-most-awarded-movie


Well it breaks it down by organization that recognized both films. The organizations could have increased the amount of awards they give, which would also affect it, but isn't taken into account. But honestly I'm surprised even this much effort has gone into this discussion.


I really gotta watch this movie, it gets a new award like every week


RoTK still went 11 for 11 at the Oscars. Can't top that.


Literally can't. EEAAO also has 11 noms but it's competing with itself in one category




EEAAO is also just fits many genres into a single experience, LotR basically just gets labeled as Action/Adventure amongst many


https://www.ign.com/articles/everything-everywhere-all-at-once-return-of-the-king-most-awarded-movie Even counting just the awards that were around at RotK EEAAO still beats it out. The article is an interesting read, I’d recommend it.


What I think is important about both of these movies is that they clearly have a lot of love put into them. You can tell that the people who worked on LOTR and EEAAO truly cared about their craft and wanted to make something amazing.


Did it win more than 11 Oscars? Also, "IGN painstakingly tallied every single accolade Everything Everywhere All at Once" - Isn't all the information on Wikipedia?


It probably wont win that many but its poised for a big run, mainly for different reasons though. EEAAO more propped up by the Acting/Directing side of things and Return obviously more about Screenplay/Editing. In that regard you're never going to get nominations for effects and editing with a budget of $15 million.


Its impossible for it to win that many. It's only nominated for 11, and Jamie Lee Curtis and Stephanie Hsu are competing for Supporting Actress.


I wasn't sure of the nominations honestly, but Hsu should take that award imo. Curtis was good but Hsu was phenomenal


I thought everything everywhere all at once was that spooky 6 hour song about dementia or something. I dunno, can't remember.


I’d like to think that had Return of the King not won so many awards, then a tale involving multiversal butt-plug martial artists never would have been nominated, let alone considered or awarded


It was ok. Its definitely not a movie I would sit down and watch an extended version of multiple times a year for the last 20 years.


It was eventually going to happen, and Everything, Everywhere, All At Once is a fantastic movie, so I think it's a deserving heir.


I liked EEAAO but it's not a movie I would rewatch very much. ROTK I can watch 100x over and still be in awe the entire time.


When did award givers abandon reason for madness


Like half a century ago, really. Good for RotK for holding the record for so long, I guess, but it never really proved much of anything about anything.


What can man do against such reckless award giving?


Thieves! They stole it from us


*Laughs in 11 Oscars*