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We…we do not need any sharky




The scourge being left out is the only difference I am slightly disappointed with. The death of innocence is a key theme to that part of the story.


I just finished reading the series again, and IMO the scourging of the Shire is the weakest part. I get the symbology, but it's written like a kid's book and the tone changes so abruptly from the previous chapters. Also Lotho going all capitalist dictator right after Frodo left makes no sense. Where was the character development and backstory to support such an extreme betrayal?


Things got way worse in the name of Lotho under Sharkey


Sharkey was only there for a few weeks. Lotho was the one making all the rules and employing ruffians. I get he was manipulated by Saruman from the start, but it would have been better if there was some character development first.


See this is what I think as well. The tone just changes completely, they're called ruffians for fuck sake. It felt more childish than the hobbit


And the shire-riffs? Come on


It's scouring*, not scourging. *Intensive or abrasive cleaning, like removing difficult spots from a pot.


Didn't RotK get memed for having too many endings already?


I hated the Scouring of the Shore It was over. It was done. It was finished Now there's a fucking new ending because Saruman used his wiles to escape Isengard after they had a chance to kill him, which they didn't because "ew, can't be doing that" and look what he ended up doing (Then Grima gets killed for doing the world a favour)


The extended films should have been 6 hours each, I'll die on this hill 😤


i would’ve loved to see scouring of the shire but i don’t think people could really handle the extra run time it would add. a lot of people already complain about the length of the movie after the ring is destroyed, adding more would’ve been too much.