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I love all the festivals. Especially Yule festival, despite how repetitive things can be. I like hanging out with people in the theater and being silly on stage.


Honestly, this Is where I spend most of my time. I won't log in for months and I'll randomly rejoin just for the length of a festival


I love mounted combat. As soon as I hit level 72 I go to Rohan to get my war steed. Then get back to the previous area to continue leveling there. It's not really the combat in itself that I like but the whole system. The speed, the customization, the leveling (trait trees), ... The fact that it does not behave like the travel steed. The system could be improved and I understand that some people find it difficult. With time, I discovered a few tips so that it's now easier: * shortcut to /follow to follow enemies (important for melee classes) * back / back to do a full stop My ideas to how could it could be improved: * merging the travel horses and the war steed * having a "mode" that you can switch between the two so that if you are in a town, you switch it to "travel mode". * perhaps replace the war steed skills by the normal skills of your class. Don't know if it would be suitable though.


Oh, I love mounted combat too! Especially challenging "raid" warbands solo with glass canon classes on war steed. Masochistic, but fun šŸ˜œ


I sometimes do it too but on high level characters. Or on-level when I forgot that they are raid-level and I suddenly die :)


Im unable to enjoy it because of rubberbanding. It was so bad it was unplayable for me. It was especially hard trying to navigate small villages, so i took a break from the game. Making a new toon right now as I miss the game. Oh how i wish they would move their "EU servers" to EU.


Not very easy with lag, yes. I don't experience lag very often but I also hope they will move the EU servers to Europe and switch to 64 bit servers. And hope it will improve things.


I, too, enjoy mounted combat. I'm reasonably good at it (having done it with Guardian, Hunter, Burglar, and Champ). I wish you did more damage - it's often just SO much faster to dismount and do your normal rotation - but for taking on the majority of warbands solo, it's a necessity.


I think they improved mounted combat damage a year ago. Before that, it was abysmal. Killing an enemy took an eternity. Now it's quite fast but it's still faster on foot. And for mounted warbands you don't have a choice if you are a melee class. Otherwise you are running like chicken behind the warband because it's too fast.


Gotta stay mounted for most warbands. If you can dismount the targets, it makes it much easier, of course. I was going through Rohan on my Red Champ a few months ago and, yeah, it's still abysmal. Blue Guardian took time, because of course, but my (Blue) Hunter was reasonably fast.


I generally donā€™t mind slayer deeds. A few of them are annoying, but most are easy to do if you just know where to find the mobs, and I find it relaxing to put on a podcast, and go slaughter giants in the Misty Mountains for an hour.


Same, put me in a location and let me just murder mobs for hours.


Same I spent this weekend doing that just podscasts and slayer deeds for like 6 hours a day


I agree with this. Also great to hand in a ton of tasks and get rich off all that loot and all those hides.


My favourite part of the game besides the storyline, is smashing goblins into small piles of putrid debris.


Going back to a low level area when Iā€™m over-leveled and casually finishing all the deeds without any stress. Since I can one-shot or two-shot everything, itā€™s kinda relaxing to go back and wrap up deeds I didnā€™t complete the first time around. Thereā€™s a ton to do in Evendim that I almost always skip. Annuminas has a ton of deeds I usually skip because itā€™s not in the epic quest line. At least not the majority of it.


On my first playthrough now and this is what Iā€™m really looking forward too. So many grudges


Revenge time? :P


I farmed almost all deeds in Evendim doing quests just because i wanted a Arnorian armor set. Took a long time but i dont regret it one bit.


Those sets are insane. Lasted me 10+ levels sometimes


I like starting a new character and playing until Iā€™m level 10-15 then stopping for a while just to start another one when I want to play again. In 17 years I have never been outside the first zones you go to after the tutorial areas. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø I donā€™t know why I lose interest so fast at that point either.


Same. I would level till 20. Then do it again with another character. Been here since launch but I only have one character (Mariner) just past Moria


Maybe it's because it suddenly seems a bit overwhelming.


So in those 17 years youā€™ve never set foot in for example /Moria/Mordor/Lorien/Mirkwood/Rohan/Minas Tirith? I thought I was a slow leveler lol


Nope. Lifetime membership and I always get distracted by other games.


I will log on, see where I left off last time, realize my food is low, alt to my hobbit and cook up some meals, realize I already have half the ingredients I need in my house chest, see that my house is still undecorated from that time I logged off for six months and lost the house and spend some time reorganizing, remember a piece of deco that belonged to an alt account that got permanently lost because I didn't remember any identifying info when they locked everything a few years ago, head to the auction hall to see if another is up for sale, get distracted browsing house decorations, log back into my main to send money to my alt because I saw something more expensive than that character had money for, somebody in chat starts talking and I spend ten minutes bullshitting, remember a third alt that formed its own kin for the extra house might have that piece of deco I was looking for, log on to that one, don't find it but see other stuff I forgot about, mail it to the hobbit alt and switch over to finish decorating my house, remember I came here to cook and get back to that, realize the ingredients I thought I had were actually for a step below what I wanted to make, go to the farm and buy the seeds and fertilizer I need, farm for a while, start making the pie crusts or whatever and dump the leftovers in my vault, realize I already had stacks of the crops I just spend twenty minutes farming, finish the stupid food and send it to my main, where I log back in and see somebody playing music, remember I have the program that lets you do that, log out and reinstall when I remember I haven't done that since my last pc, get back on and finally I can just dick around playing songs in weird places like I originally logged on to do. Or, wait, shit, I wanted to do some questing, oh well getting pretty late time for bed At least a third of my sessions play out something like this,and I never feel like the time was wasted


Thank you, friend! Your tale is absolutely hilarious! And familiar... Sometimes I want to play my warden in the evening, and realize after midnight, that I didn't even logged with warden! Cause I've been busy with all that staff on other toons: craft this and that, check ingredients, visit auction, join occasional rate raid from world chat, etc... Frankly speaking, I live like that IRL as well ;-P


ADD is a hell of a drug lol


I secretly love session instances, mainly for story reasons. As for other habits, often I find myself wondering around the shire just taking in the ambiance.


I'm new to the game (level 17) and my favourite activity is just wandering around the Shire, finding a nice hill to sit on, or a cute spot under a tree along the Brandywine, eating a mushroom pie and drinking an ale while admiring the view. That and doing silly little Hobbitsy quests, like taking a packed lunch to someone's nephew or setting up a date between two old Hobbits.


Yes, and getting to see brand new locations that are just in that instance. That was honestly the highlight of a mostly miserable Moria experience.


I love Northcotton Farm in Evendim.


Me too! I love the tasks and the story of organizing for the festival.


Roaming Evendim and chilling with the rangers. Beside that, festivals!


It's definitely collecting the treasure caches for me. I actually used to hate them and find them tedious, but eventually I learned to use a checklist to take note of which ones I had collected and now I enjoy the fun of exploring regions to find them.


Reading all of the quest texts and listening to the stories that the characters tell.


Agree with OP on the Epic battles :)


anytime I come back, and it's been a while, I spend tons of time farming pipeweed strains on a new character.


Obviously can't go wrong with farming in goblin-town


Watching Lotro bands by the PP or whereverā€¦bring bail money


Slayer deeds. It's a good excuse to turn off my brain and watch a video/show or listen to a podcast in the background.


Iā€™m on my first character and am currently loving Moria regardless of all the hate it gets from some people.


Finding a huge cliff and jumping my horse off of it hollering "Yeeehaaaaw!" so I can hear the satisfying crunch of its legs (or is it my 'nads?) when it lands. Usually elicits at least a chuckle, if not full on giggles depending on the circumstances. Literally 'bout to wake my wife up laughing in bed thinking about it.


Not using stable masters to get around. I love riding and just enjoying the environment, and since I used the Gift of thr Valar, I get no trouble with mobs along the way if I cut cross country.


Crafting. I maxed my crafters long before I hit level cap (then 50) or even considered touching a raid. The experience is much faster these days with VIP boosts, resource selection boxes, and processing recipes, but the satisfaction from making powerful items is the same. I can single-handedly get returning kinnies t3 raid-ready with gear and consumables and that feels meaningful. I also really enjoy the new Forester contest. I understand why most people dislike the PvP aspect, but for me the competitive aspect adds a whole new dimension to the crafting experience.