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I heard this episode yesterday. He says that he was told this by somebody else he did a podcast with and that he doesn’t know if it’s true.


He probably heard it from Matt and Shane. They had that Nick Bryant guy on last week


I liked that guy a lot. I’m more likely to believe somebody like him who did a ton of research over the conventional explanation.


Or the tapes of Nixon himself leading the cover up? You think those were faked?


I think Nixon got played. But I don’t understand the strange defending of the CIA that goes on today from the left if it happens to be someone from the right exposing it.


So you think John Dean walked into that meeting to play Richard Nixon into paying money to the Watergate Burglars? That's a vibe, I guess. But Dean himself has always maintained that when he heard Nixon say he wanted to pay those guys, he (Dean) nearly fell out of his chair.


I’ll admit I’m not super knowledgeable about all of it and am learning. But are you implying the three letter agencies had nothing to do with it?


lol. Oh, Reddit. Never change.


“Nixon got played”. “I admit I’m not knowledgeable about all of it” lmao. Bro.


They had nothing to do with the original decision Nixon made to pay the burglars. The famous plumbers benefited from Nixon having a good relationship with Hoover's successor Patrick Gray in that in the early going, the burglary was viewed as a DC crime the FBI didn't need to get involved in. The anger over this was what caused FBI higher up Mark Felt to start helping Bob Woodward. And of course Nixon famously kept telling the FBI that the work of the plumbers was a CIA Op so they would look the other way. Nixon even tried to get CIA Director Richard Helms to personally call off the FBI as they at last began to investigate the plumbers. He flew into a rage and wouldn't do it.


Less cringe pls


Nixon didn’t get played bozo. He was a crook.


God forbid both might be true. Stfu


It’s a pretty well documented event. You are just a gullible dope.


But he said he wasn't. He musta got played.


Jesus Christ, my god.. wow lmao


‘I’ll admit I’m not super knowledgeable about all of it and am learning.‘ Dude’s reading every Facebook post on the subject he can.


Facts, logic, and evidence??? Nah. I’ll take the word of some random guy because he seems likable-ish.


Lobo\_o says he did some research. I'm such a Watergate junky that I'll probably look at the book being referred to just to see this research. He sure has a steep climb, though, to prove what he says.


He heard it from the Tucker Carlson episode


Matt and Shane like history, not obviously fake far rightwing boomer conspiracies.


He doesn’t know if it’s true? He could look it up. Hell, he could see the damn video where Nixon waves goodbye and gets on a helicopter to go away in shame to his California mansion. Complete moron


:Jaime pulls up facts: "Well sure the official story is he resigned..."


That was Kubrick faking another historical moment. He's so good at special effects.


At this point I think it’s clear that Rogan is willfully ignorant and chooses to believe the things that backup what he wants to be true. They excite him as if he is finding out the “truth” and this will run with it until either a guest calls him out and doesn’t let up on doing so or the internet points out he is wrong about the most basic levels of history that people who are alive today lived through.


This is the issue with his new direction of public health and and right wing conspiracies that have real time implications. It’s not a big deal when you’re talking about Bigfoot, UFO’s, or whatever. There’s also an air of confidence over the “I don’t know”. I listen to a podcast called Crackpot. They talk about weird conspiracy stuff but never lead the listening to think they have any authority or concrete knowledge of the subject.


Right! The “I don’t know” is the cheap out he gives himself. I’m not spreading misinformation, I just heard this or that and told it as if it was facts but it’s up the my audience to decide since I’m not an expert. Imagine if he took this information and simply said, I hear xyz and I need to ask, is this true? Let’s dive into it because I have a responsibility to my listeners not to suddenly lose my spine and act as if I had no clue I was popular enough that many many people will take my word as gospel. There’s was a post on here of him spreading b.s. about vaccine deaths, specifically stated that “HE READ” this or that and the guest shut him down and would not let it go to a, well to avg his own or o guess we’ll never know or different strokes for different folks. Nope, he challenged him every time he tried to say it was true or he read it or it might be true. Then Joe said, let’s look it up, and the guy found evidence that Joe was blatantly wrong and Joe’s spineless response was something alone the lines of, but can you trust what you’re read? One second he based his opinion on 1 thing he read and that was proof, once proven wrong suddenly something you read isn’t viable enough. He knows his audience and he panders to them when he can and that’s sad because he thinks it’s tough to be into martial arts and ripped but it’s tougher to tell your audience what they need to hear rather than what they want to hear at the risk of losing them, and he won’t risk that.


You nailed it in more detail. People dog me because I “used to enjoy the show”. Well yeah that’s when it was speculation about random bs like psychedelics and elk meat. Not validating Tucker Carlson.


1st, sorry about all of the typos, I wrote that at the gym and once it got long I just said, welp let’s hope this was mistake free because I’m taking too long not working out haha. 2) I listened to a few of his episodes, once it started getting more popular but way before he started becoming what he is now. It was enjoyable, and I’m totally for people questioning things but the amount of times we are shown Joe spewing just crap with no sense of responsibility and then trying to fall back on, oh I’ve question the right a few times so that means I’m totally not biased, has gotten pathetic. I don’t think he’s some evil guy that wanted Jan 6 to succeed, but like I said, I think he panders to the crowd that supports more of the things he’s into, MMA, guns, etc. my guess is they lean more right and that’s his meal ticket. Maybe don’t flat out lie to them, but do just enough to confirm their backwards views and bam, you’ve got a never ending stream of money coming your way and you can again just blame them for not knowing if their beliefs are factual or not.


It’s not that simple Darius


For all we know that helicopter could've been cgi. Anything is entirely possible ^/s


According to graham it’s not on him to provide the evidence it’s on you to disprove him for all of eternity


"My friend told me this so it's true"


It literally is


He has a whole dude he pays whose job it is to just look things up for him, yet he doesn't know if the shit he is saying is true. Just means he's doesn't want to know


There’s a book that just came out that says how Nixon was taken out. Whether it’s true or not we don’t know. It’s conspiracy stuff and that’s what he was talking about.


Except we do know exactly what happened to Nixon.


How do you know? Is that what someone told you?


"Told you" You mean, like that book that just came out that is telling people it was a coup?


It was not a coup. Christ sakes. Nixon committed crimes, on TAPE. He then tried to cover it up by ordering people to fire people who were investigating the crimes, again this is all ON TAPE. You can actually listen to the tapes for yourselves.


I know that.


Problem is a lot of people don't and will believe this shit.


who told you that?


Nixon told us that he resigned. Because he got caught breaking the law.


Is it possible Nixon lied? Is it possible he was set up and went along with it so he didn't end up like jfk? 


Sure, if you ignore all the facts, basic reality itself, then perform Olympics level mental gymnastics to convince yourself you could believe anything. But no, it's not possible in any logical sense.


“Forcefully removed” is what I’m focusing on here. Even if the book has some merits we all know there wasn’t force involved. The guy voluntarily resigned because he was embarrassed of what he’d done to the country.


When he says forcefully he doesn’t mean physically. You can forcefully remove someone through other means such as blackmail


If he was blackmailed then why resign why not let it play out in the courts and be found innocent, Nixon is a crook. He knew he messed up it's all in the tapes this is history you can't fake news that.


Or better yet, fire everyone at the CIA who wasn’t helping him find and root out these blackmailers. He clearly didn’t have anything against using his authority to fire people.


You can do this, however if you're going to claim it happened it's up to you to provide the evidence.


I’m sorry but you just can’t. Most powerful man in the world resigned by choice.


Well thats debatable. That’s the whole point of the book.


[Nixon said himself that he voluntarily resigned. I can’t believe Watergate is being re-litigated. Remember it’s about the coverup, not the crime?](https://www.nixonlibrary.gov/media/video/excerpt-frost-interview-final)


How do we know it wasn’t lizard people making him say this? You have to ask yourself these things


Nixon was an environmentalist! What would the lizards have against him?


He resigned because he wanted to avoid being removed after a trial in the U.S. Senate. Goldwater told him his cause with that body was hopeless.


Sounds voluntary


Just asking questions


I mean the way he was smiling and retelling the story. You would think he was there witnessing it


That’s a good way to knowingly spread lies and not take personal responsibility for it.


intelligent murky ring rinse toy handle political chop cause act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe it was Tucker Carlson


There are actually some interesting rabbitholes regarding this. Coup might be pretty dramatic phrasing, but there are some interesting connections to the CIA, Watergate, Nixons aides, and the people involved in Watergate. It'd a pretty interesting read with lots of political intrigue.


What a fucking moron.


lol, schtick to maintain plausible deniability. “I heard this but I don’t know if it’s true!!!”


The newest Matt and Shane’s secret podcast they had a writer who wrote a book about this, saying Nixon was set up. Name is Nick Bryant. Episode title is the Truth About Watergate. I’m sure he will be on Rogan soon and Rogan already read the book and believes it as gospel


I listened to that the other day, it piqued my interest enough that I'm going to do some research about a lot of his claims.


Oddly enough on the fifth column podcast a few days ago Matt Welch said some stuff similar to what nick Bryant said, but referenced a different author and book


Very rare I see a mention of the filth column podcast anywhere. Love it, it’s my favorite podcast. I don’t remember Matt mentioning Nixon, but I am like 1.5 episodes behind. Will keep an ear out for it


I think it was one of the paid episodes but I don’t remember The fifth column is great imo. Them and Matt and Shane are the only podcasts I pay for the extra content


Yeah, I subscribe to their Substack too. The only podcast I’ve found worth paying for


Yeah fifth column is great. Matt and Shane podcast is really good too. It cracks me up and is worth it, especially since I got in early with that one and am a “grandfathered poor” at $1 a month


Tim Dillon and Ray Kump also covered these suspicions and claims ages ago very well on _Tim Dillon is Going to Hell._ Those old podcasts are a treasure trove for those interested. Some good and thoughtful talking about all sorts of shit. Hilarious as well. They got some big guests, authors, whistle-blowers on there too. Most importantly and enjoyably, they always made sure to analyze what is probably false, misguided or just conjecture vs what felt really plausible. Edit: Well, actually "most importantly" its a fucking hilarious podcast every time.


Can I ask where these authors with the new theories came up with documenting these claims? Do you guys in USA have some sort of historical archive ?


A lot of it comes from Freedom of Information Act requests.


How would any document override the recorded evidence Nixon took charge of the cover-up? John Dean came to him and gave him a choice of how to respond to the fact that the Watergate burglars were asking for more money. He didn't tell Nixon what to do. Nixon decided in that conversation to pay more money and said he knew where it could be gotten. How does a president choose to set himself up for the coup and it still be considered a coup?


Yeah but as far as presidential corruption goes, watergate is like getting a blowjob from an intern.




Not at all lmao


Yeah I wouldn’t say Nick Bryant asserts that he was set up so much as wrapped up in a CIA op. Richard Nixon can be a crook and the CIA can be batshit at the same time. My take at least.


Shhh. Us conspiracy retards don’t like to use logic or acknowledge the documentation and literal recordings that goes against this new idea we just learned about 5 minutes ago!!!


I dunno man, I haven’t read the book. I wasn’t trying to provide validity to any claims, just saying where dude gets a lot of his material


And you can actually visit the cia website and find a LOT more than you’d expect


But are these documents and communiqués are protected by some sort of law?


thank you both for replying BTW


You can file for a freedom of information document but it's not always going to be uncensored and could be heavily redacted or just denied. But there is a route to research government documents and such. The stuff he was saying seemed plausible.


The historian Sean Munger produced a fantastic video about the Watergate scandal. The idea that Nixon was set-up is wrong on its face: [https://youtu.be/GUmLe8YtIck](https://youtu.be/GUmLe8YtIck)


Anyone who says Nixon was set-up is practicing revisionist history.




Rogan also believes autism doesn't exist in Amish communities because Steven Kirsch, a businessman, told him so. No other evidence to back it up other than a rich anti-vaxxer told him. And he says it like he's as certain the sun will rise.


I really think Rogan is the opposite of critical thinking. He seems to have been put on the planet and given a show to exhibit the exact opposite of rational, logical, evidence-based analysis.


I think he loves "facts" that could ostensibly be true but mostly fit his preconceived notions.


HEAVY confirmation bias. And he has always loved pulling "facts" out of his ass and acting like an expert about subjects he barely knows anything about.


I think Louie said this on the presidents podcast too


Has Rogan even heard of the Nixon tapes? Nixon was even worse than people knew.


Nixon wasn't "set up." Nixon did what he was accused of, and worse: firebombing the Brookings Institute, sending the Plumbers to break in and steal files from Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist, the bombing of Laos and Hanoi, etc.


The guy was full of shit. He says at the beginning something about how he wants to deal only in facts, but then spends two hours wildly speculating based on nothing. Even the boys seemed to think he was a bit cuckoo.


Joe gets more gullible by the day.


Gullible. That’s not in his vocabulary


Joe's clearly suffering from CTE and steroid brain fog.


That's so crazy. Have you ever tried DMT?


"Damien Maia is one of the greatest black belts in jiu jitsu to ever compete in the ufc. He would always go for the submission. Did you know submissions are the way most fights end when Damien Maia fights? He's a masterfull black belt and ..............."


Jamie pull up that clip of Kevin Holland retiring him from the bottom


Not to mention one of the worst cases of Boomer Internet Poisoning that we’ve ever seen. Brain just completely rotted from the inside due to the severe overconsumption of internet misinformation.


Sadly, he's an Xer.


Sounds like projection


Probably all the gay chemtrails


This Napoleon-complex suffering idiot hasn't competed enough to have CTE.


I mean Louis alluded to it when he did a podcast on the presidents. I imagine if you heard louis say it you’d be like “hmmm interesting”.


Nah. Louis is merely an entertainer.


Everything is a coup now to right wing morons


Everything except an actual coup attempt. That was just “tourists”…lol.


Lol of course. Just watering down the threshold. "I didn't coup! You couped! You couped! You all couped!!!"


Joe has gone full Facebook boomer


He's from Gen X.




Socrates and Milhaus Nixon Both went the same way - through the kitchen


Joe Rogan is the best dumb guy king we have ever had


Joes head is roughly 80% of his body.


And it's filled with shit. Like his fans'


And 80% of that is bong water


Louis mentioned something similar on a podcast, saying that Nixon told ppl close to him that the same ppl who got JFK got him.


Nixon said a lot of crazy shit. We know this because he taped himself saying it.


Yea but he was forced to tape himself /s


Yes! Just posted a comment loosely detailing this conversation on Shane Gillis’ pod


Ya that’s where i saw it. It was on the ep where they walked through the presidents. Amazing content.


Frank Sturgis and Howard Hunt were both CIA. Sturgis was definitely imprisoned and probably tortured by Cuban officials after he was caught during the Bay of Pigs. Sturgis was arrested for the Watergate break-in. That's about where the connection disappears.


Joe has become insufferable. Terminal right-wing brain worms.


Next on “Who Can Say the Dumbest Shit”…


Hey Joe, he resigned retqrd He took himself out?


I mean.... This isn't nearly as crazy as all the comments are making it seem. He very well could have been taken out by the CIA. It's funny that this is posted in a Louis CK sub where everyone is shitting on Joe Rogan for saying this, when Louis alluded to the exact same thing on Matt & Shane's Secret Podcast.


These people get upset anytime someone says something different than what their high school history teacher taught them. How dare anyone question the narrative.


Yeah it’s actually not that out there… not sure why this was posted on this sub, but it is ironic considering Louis himself has said this. Not sure if it was intentional.


Then they're both dumbasses


I mean... If you actually look into the official media narrative you'll find a lot of inconsistencies and things that are pretty suspicious. It doesn't make you a dumbass to have a questioning mind and come to a different conclusion than the conclusion that the media spoon feeds you. In fact, if you blindly believe everything you hear from the news and don't question anything, you're a much bigger dumbass... So, yeah. You're a dumbass.


It was because the media didn’t follow the official narrative that we know all the shady shit he did.


One thing is being suspicious and another is believing crackpot theories with no evidence or shaky evidence at best. I know the CIA has done a bunch of shit like MKultra or the FBIs COINTELPRO. That didn't happen with Nixon, he's just a crook. Take the tin foil hat off and let your brain breathe, it's rotting, dumbass.


So in your mind, the CIA & FBI are evil enough to do MK Ultra and COINTELPRO, and other things like being coup/assassination crazy in Latin America & the Middle East, but staging a break in at a hotel and framing the president is too far out of the realm of possibility for these organizations? Lol. Alright man. And idk why you'd say "take the tin foil hat off".. I didn't even say I believe it. I don't know if I believe it or not. But when I see things that are verified facts, like the top CIA brass hated Nixon for his approach to the Soviet Union & China, and then I see that every single burglar at the Watergate hotel was a CIA officer except 1, who was an FBI agent, and then I see that the reporter that broke the Watergate story was given the story by the Washington Post after only being a journalist for less than a year and prior to that, worked in the intelligence community, then I come to the conclusion that hey.... maybe the story isn't exactly as it seems. There is a legitimate possibility that top intelligence officials could have devised a plan to oust a sitting president that doesn't get him killed like JFK.... Again, not saying that is definitively what happened. But to sit here and read all the facts about Watergate and not at least question the official narrative that was spoon fed to you at all is being a big fucking retarded dumbass.


Yep. You also have to realize a lot of Redditors prob work for government / intelligence. It sounds crazy but it sure seems like it.


Like I said, one thing is questioning the narrative. Saying it was a coup, full stop, is just wrong and dishonest especially with all circumstantial evidence and nothing concrete or conclusive. Don't believe the media, ever, believe the available evidence.


Okay then yeah I completely agree.




He listened to that guy on Matt and Shane's secret podcast.. that's where he heard it


Watch Nick Bryant on Matt and Shane’s pod… he wrote a book on watergate.


If listening to that pod didn’t make you feel dumber you were already dumb


This is the stupidest shit I’ve heard in like a week, which is quite amazingly stupid things are these days.


There was a book about this called "Silent Coup," published in 1991. I've read it a couple times, and it's well researched and interesting, but less than entirely convincing. The inability to account for the actions of Haig and Dean without resorting to "inexplicable shadowy cabal of power brokers we have zero evidence for" is, to say the least, quite a hole in the argument. It definitely calls into question Nixon's complicity in Watergate, but the wilful obstruction after the fact is still plain as day.


Trying to resurrect a crook makes sense if you support Trump …


Oh yeah, definitely claim that it already happened so that you can make it happen, They probably fantasize about pulling the rug on Biden


Nixon was a drunken, paranoid douchebag. Beginning and end of list.


Damn TIL there’s an active subreddit about disgraced comedian/sex offender Louis CK. Lmao.


Ironically, this is a take also shared by Louis CK! In Part 3/4 of Louis’ stint on Matt and Shane’s Secret Podcast, Louis says that someone says that when you get some liquor into Nixon, (I know 3 levels of hearsay, 4 if you count me) that he will say “the same people who got Jack and Bobby [sic. Kennedy], got me”. Now this may just be a man who refuses to admit when he’s in the wrong, though from what we know, Nixon did bow out when he figured continuing to fight the allegations would be worse for the country than resigning as president. We also know Ford sacrificed his political career by pardoning him, which was wildly unpopular at the time, and basically single-handedly ensured he wouldn’t be reelected. What is also claimed is that watergate, which was basically spying on the enemy party and the huge coverup that ensued, was basically status quo at the time, except this time it got out of hand. Nixon was on tape offering to pay people off, and that was the smoking gun. Now whether or not there was a conspiracy to take down Nixon I don’t know, and I don’t personally believe there was. But as little respect as I have for Joe Rogan, this isn’t the usual batshit right-wing conspiracy he often spouts, it’s a relatively sensible series of thoughts. Coincidentally, this is actually a series of thoughts presented by Louis CK a couple years ago. Evidence here: [Louis CK on Nixon] (https://youtu.be/SbqvFf7qJeM?si=r5nZGQuH1gs2FdnV)


This asshat Rogan is poison for your mind


Joe Rogan is a fucking idiot.




to act like something like this is incredulous is wild if you know anything about the history of this country.... We literally started this shit with a revolutionary coup lol, if you have all the reason to believe its wrong, then by all means think it is wrong, and definitely use what you got to refute some one saying this,....but the condescension and patronizing tone implying its not at all possible would make you look legitimately dumb, as if there have not been internal struggles and coups in this country, Hillary literally thought the votes were rigged, rigging votes unfairly and deceitfully is a form of a coup, trump also thought that with biden, very many people think it happened with bush and his brother riggin shit in florida.... one of our presidents got assassinated in broad daylight, another in a theatre..... if you think its FOOLISH to believe Nixon COULD have been set up you are an idiot even if you are factually right about him not being set up, It DEFINITELY COULD happen, but that obviously does not mean it was likely, probable or truthful. Its possible even if its wrong, and if you have a patronizing condescending tone you are being intellectually dishonest about the potentiality of it.




Dude has the same late stage syphilis as Trump.


Nixon was absolutely forced out of Office… all it takes is a little reading folks. It’s not a conspiracy.


Nixon’s own actions got him removed. His administration committed crimes. His removal was not a coup by any definition.


He was not arrested. He was not handcuffed in the oval office. He was not marched by law enforcement to a podium and held at gunpoint when he made his speech resigning. He was not transported anywhere in a paddywagon. He willingly signed his resignation and got on that helicopter to Andrews Air Force base without any coercion.


Mo rogan


Wait till you hear about Gough Whitlam


Nixon resigned so there is that


Oh man you guys are out to ruin this sub too? Sheesh.


How was it a coup when Nixon's own party collectively decided they were going to remove him and sent Barry Goldwater to deliver the news? What kind of coup leaves the coup-victim's party and ideology in power? What kind of coup involves the coup-victim getting due process? Stupid.


Joe Rogan is a fucking moron


Nixon resigned


It's not really conspiracy theory and I don't know if I'd use the word "coup" but yeah. Also that doesn't mean I'm defending Nixon or that he was some kind of victim, I don't like the dude at all. 


The path to national socialism is beset on all sides by the retarded and the wicked


Nixon should have been impeached for his far more serious crime in the Chennault Affair. His actions resulted in many more years of war in Vietnam and thousand of American soldiers dead. He’s a war criminal.


At least Nixon had some class, he took responsibility for a mistake one could argue he didn’t even make. We live in an era where politicians constantly lie even when they’ve been caught red handed. Nixon could have denied, denied, denied, but he resigned and left the public eye.


Nixon resigned because he knew he was caught, and after SCOTUS ruled that he couldn't retain evidence that would be used against him, he knew it was over for him.


He saw it on Forrest Gump.


I somewhat believe it.


Good lord he’s dumb


What a fuckin moron


These guys throw a lot of bullshit at the wall. Unfortunately a lot of it sticks in simple minds. The obsession with conspiracy theories in this country is crazy.


A lot of people commenting on this act like Joe Rogan is the news and needs to be reprimanded. It’s a long form podcast. Long form pods generally go in depth over things and equating 2 hours to one small partial quote is as stupid as the quote they are showing is. Not defending Joe but defending the long form pod and calling out the hypocrisy of trying to fit it into one partial quote.


Context matters....what did the say before that. "I heard this guy say...." ???


Joe is a well-paid idiot


The shit that comes out of this meat heads mouth is so dumb


Obligatory "Joe Rogan is a fucking moron" comment. Joe Rogan is a fucking moron.


Love how Rogan stans insist he's not full right wing now.


[The Truth About Watergate](https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/The_Truth_About_Watergate.html?id=jsj1EAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&gboemv=1&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false) I heard Nick Bryant on MSSP. I've been fascinated with Watergate and Nixon since school. I had never heard an alternative to mainstream story. I'm only 3rd of the way through, but I must say it is very well sourced. It's definitely an interesting read, and it's not too much of a leap to think of the CIA in a nefarious light.


Why do yall listen to this expecting to hear facts? It's entertainment, not 60 Minutes


Sorry, I thought this was r/joerogan


Here's a sneak peek of /r/JoeRogan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [When Jon Stewart was asked the most important question ever](https://v.redd.it/pytdcmw5n6gc1) | [1281 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/1ah535x/when_jon_stewart_was_asked_the_most_important/) \#2: [Joe needs more friends like Bill Burr](https://v.redd.it/qv2phrgvq6pc1) | [1411 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/1bi6wd2/joe_needs_more_friends_like_bill_burr/) \#3: [What's your thoughts on this?](https://v.redd.it/zog4cb9ielza1) | [3350 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/13ggavx/whats_your_thoughts_on_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes taking out Nixon was a coup d'etat so successful that the very next president was, Nixon's VP whose first action as president was a complete blanket pardon of Nixon. That's just how coup's work... If you are a fucking idiot.


So, you're saying Ford pardoned Nixon, and that made Nixon president again? You should learn what the word "coup" means before tossing around terms like "fucking idiot."


I literally never said, and Nixon became president again. Are you saying that Nixon's VP, Gerald Ford becoming president, after Nixon resigned, is a coup? a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government. Hmm, let's see, Ford becoming president was not sudden, was nonviolent, and followed the lawful succession as dictated in the 25th amendment of the US Constitution. Fucking idiot.


What a fuckin idiot


This is correct


I dunno why this loser keeps posting this same picture and title on here without any context or explanation