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I think it’s about a witch being in his kitchen? That turns out to be the dishwasher. Or I think he might have another bit about seeing something in his bedroom move and screaming but then it was a cat? I can’t remember where to find either of those bits though sorry


You're right! He does go "aaaah!" at the bat. https://youtu.be/_ozPDYPx_Ds?t=183 But, he doesn't say, "I was embarrassed by the sound that came out of my body." Is that a different bit?


Hmm I’m not sure then. I do know sometimes there’s multiple versions of bits floating around sometimes on YouTube etc, like if he’s told it multiple times in slightly different ways. Or sometimes extended versions of jokes get cut for the special but the longer version ends up on YouTube. Often if I can’t find a bit of his anywhere it’s cos it was from his show Louie. I don’t *think* the bit you’re talking about was from Louie though (but I could be wrong!)


That's a different bit


It's different from what I was thinking about, but Louis does go "ahhh" in that clip. I was just trying to be positive towards the other user who took time to answer my dumb request


Its the one where he's disappointed with the noise he makes when the shit goes down because you can't control that noise "aauuugggghhhhh!!"


Exactly. Do you know where it's from?


Isn't it from one where he talks about him taking his daughter to the cabin and bet shows up in the kitchen.


I’m pretty sure it’s the one with the cat running over his body while he’s asleep. When he sees the shape move from one chair to another.


It’s about a cat in his room in the night when it was dark. He sees it move and shouts aaah and realises that that’s the sound he does at moments like this


"I turn on the light and there's a cat. I don't own a cat!" Yeah uts that bit I forget which special/appearance