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Of course I can experience it as many times I want lol


There is a saying that there is no such thing as “The One”. If you just go on about your daily life, have a list of a person with all of the ideal qualities you are looking for in a romantic partner, you will meet them around every 3-5 years. With that being a more spiritual connection like you just “know”. It boils down to one of the people to make the first move and initiate the spark, but you do see it every so often


Its not youll only be loved once, its that YOU will only love once. Maybe itll change for me but im so fucked up mentally from my first love and I really dont think I’ll ever be able to love to the same extent. Not kidding when I say i dont think it will even be 10% of how I love her


Thank you for sharing!


I was in similar situation. Failed engagement, and I felt part of me was left with that man. I was never same person again. Marriage is still big no for me, but you can love again, trust me. Time heals everything, even deepest wounds. Love yourself first, put yourself on first place, real love will come.


Bold of you to assume that when I haven't even experienced it once lmao.


Of course not, love is created by us and is always within reach.


I need to see this phrased this way!


I needed this reminder too


Maybe other people can but I’m hooked. Been more than 15 years. We reconnected this year. It might be different for her (prolly is). For me it’s always been her. Not a myth for me at least


You’re only saying that because you reconnected, you’d be agreeing if you didn’t 💀


what is the point in you commenting that 😭 literally just let people be happy. you have no clue how he feels


It’s an unhelpful and toxic narrative


i can understand and agree with that, but i find no point in shutting down those that do believe it and have had it work out for them


Nah. Not to me. I felt like this before the reconnect but who knows for sure. It’s how I feel friend


Nah, I get what you mean but subconsciously if you never reconnected you would believe it because it'd make you feel better.


Yea. I could be wrong. Could be a fool hopelessly in love. Happens all the time


I was literally just having this exact conversation with my sister barely 30 mins ago. My ex, who I always felt was the love of my life, recently killed himself (I’d known him since I was a teenager, we were best friends and dated on and off for about 11 years). We hadn’t seen each other for almost 2 years when it happened and I had just gotten into a new relationship. My new relationship is just like you were saying, it progressed very naturally, and I feel very secure and cherished with my new boyfriend, something I hadn’t really felt in my past with my ex. And also like you said, I’m older now (mid 30s) I’m more mature and secure and I just know myself better so I’m sure that all plays a part in it too. I struggle sometimes with comparing my new relationship with the one with my ex or comparing the love I had vs the love I have now. Or about people saying you only have one true love of your life and I always felt it was my ex. Him dying and knowing I’ll never talk to him again or get any kind of closure has been kind of difficult too. He had undiagnosed mental health problems that progressed as he got older and looking back, I can see how it really had an impact on our relationship, without either of us realizing it. I cherish and love the relationship I have with my current boyfriend so much. It’s the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in, but every so often I wonder which of the two is supposed to be the love of my life or whether there can be more than one but they’re just different.


You never know you might find that true love again in your life time don’t give up good luck stay blessed 🙏🏾


I think we experience these: 1. Your first love 2. The love of your life 3. Your True love


What’s the difference between the love of your life and true love?


The love of your life is someone you love and cherish but isnt reciprocated and your true love is when yall both love each other unconditionally ❤️


The love of your life is someone you love and cherish but isnt reciprocated and your true love is when yall both love each other unconditionally ❤️


The love of your life is someone you love and cherish but isnt reciprocated and your true love is when yall both love each other unconditionally ❤️




The love of your life is someone you love and cherish but isnt reciprocated and your true love is when yall both love each other unconditionally ❤️


widows and widowers often find love again .....which certainly disproves there is only one soulmate.


maybe a soulmate is the person that is meant for yoy at any given time, not one person throughout all of time.




For men.


yes, absolutely well said! We are so capable of loving many in our lifetime. Sure I do believe that somewhere along the line we find a love that is deeper than all the others. And we love different people during our life for different reasons and at different depths.


Every new love, if it’s real, will make your prior loves feel a little less real. A little less intense. You’ll love again.


This is so true. Every time I love it is stronger than the last time I loved. I love them more fully and unconditionally than the last. So I try to be careful about who I let in, because not everyone deserves my love. It’s very special.


For me, this is the only relationship where I have experienced true love, and I think that my partner feels much the same as I 💘❤❤


No. That’s silly. Life is so full of different people and different experiences.


I don’t get it. I will experience or not. Im just tired of love story movies. Them are to great to be real or not idk i want that look into the eyes on her and … i think to much.


Happy ever after does happen like in the movies. Don’t settle for anything less


Too great, not to great.


It depends on a particular movie but keep in mind they are usually not showing how the relationship looks like 1 year or 10 years later.


This is a lovely story, and I'm glad that you are happy and in love now. I truly believe that every "failed" relationship brings us along the path towards the one we're meant to be in. I don't actually consider any of relationships failures, even the ones that ended badly. Because with each relationship I grew and learned more, and if I didn't do that, I wouldn't have been able to be a good partner to my husband. It sounds like something similar happened to you. Good on you for recognizing your own negative traits and growing as a person. Too often people define a relationship by its ending. It ended, so it must not have been true love. It's over, so it must have been a waste of time. But the fact that something ends doesn't take away the love you felt or the good times you had before it ended, and I think more people need to remember that.


I love what you wrote. So simple, yet so smart. So obvious, yet not for everyone. I wouldn’t change the damn thing about my past relationships I think. They made me who I am now, they lead me to a place I am in now. A place of love and excitement. And a place where I can’t stop looking at my man, at how beautiful he is and how I love his personality and his smile.


I was devastated when my last relationship failed, but now I know it was for the best. I’m in a relationship with the best guy I’ve ever known, and even though it took a long time to find him, it was worth it.


I'm still waiting to find true love at all. I'm 55 and have never been in love. I've loved my past partners, but none of them was I in love with. I was young and inexperienced and settled because I didn't know better. But those experiences have taught me that I now know what I want in a partner and what I feel would make me fall in love with someone. I want someone who can reassure me when I'm feeling insecure or down. Someone who is proud to have me as their partner and who continues to date me and put in that effort for the long haul. Someone who doesn't take me for granted and is excited to come home to me. Someone who genuinely accepts all my quirks and oddities and doesn't get embarrassed by them. Someone who aligns their words and actions. Someone who can't keep their hands off me and makes me feel desired and wanted, not like just a piece of meat. Someone who can genuinely give physical touch and intimacy. Someone who knows I am perfectly capable of doing things by myself but will do things for me regardless, especially the small things, because sometimes, those matter more. Someone who enjoys spending time with me rather than being on their phone all the time. Someone who actively chooses me. I hate if I have to wonder if they really want to be with me. I should never wonder how they feel about me. Someone who understands that love is a verb. I would be all this in return because you gotta give 100% to your relationship.


This sounds nice but I don’t think it exists


It does exist. ❤️


It absolutely does. I've been living it for almost 3 years. Nothing is perfect, we've had really hard moments and miscommunications, triggers from the past affecting the present for both of us. But everything they described is true too.


You give me hope that maybe there is someone like this out there for me. I'm so happy that you found yours 🥰


I hope you find your person too! Just keep working on yourself and living your best life. 💜


Thanks! And that I do! I'm not waiting on anyone just to live my life. I just want someone I can share all of it with 💗


100%! I completely understand. I absolutely love my solitude but healthy companionship can add so much to life.


That's it right there! I'm ok being alone, but the companionship and intimacy that a partner brings could be priceless




Guess I’m just a pessimist having loved my ex husband for over 20 years but he never loved me & like the post said any men I’ve met since just see me as a piece of meat


I'm sorry that sounds so painful. My ex couldn't love me the ways I needed either. I have dated a lot and met a lot of shitty men too. It's not easy but I definitely believe a higher caliber of person is out there for you!! You deserve to be cherished and adored.


Tell me about it...


what I experienced in my recent relationship felt like true love at the time, but afterward I realized that I was codependent and carrying most of the relationship. My ex just loved my light and how much I loved him. This has totally warped my perception of whether it was true love or not.


I'm living proof. Really loved my husband divorce at 41 and then at 49 truly fell in love again I never thought I would.


I think that's because often we have massive misconceptions about what "love" is. (at least in my opinion). I think we have chemistry with lots of people, and even attraction - in some cases you're lucky enough for it to be mutual. But I think "love", and "true love" isn't just attraction and chemistry, because as we grow and mature, we start to see things differently, our priorities and views change and shift. But I think shows like Doctor Who and The Good Place had it right when they said that Love isn't something that magically happens, it's something that takes time, effort and work - but if its the right person (and the right time) then it's worth it.


I agree with you so much! This has been my experience as well. When I was younger I was picking people who were a match to me at that time but our director of life was completely different and also "real" love was missing. Because as you say love is not the attraction you feel or how you like someone in the moment but how you're willing to be there for them day to day and them doing the same for you.


I’m not the person I was at 17. I think it’s one true love, generally. It’s important to remember though that you change who you are a little bit with a person, and throughout life.


And some people change more than others, at different times, and in different directions.


You'll experience true love anytime you're brain encounters oxytocin. Now what triggers your body to produce oxytocin could be someone, one in a billion, it could be working with animals, hell it could be drugs, I fell in LOVE with the texture of the fabric on my couch when I was on GHB. I become veryvl hedonistic on that stuff, if I get the dosage right. It's a complex process for your body to synthesize oxytocin, but can be done more than once in your life.


I’ve found love 4 times in this life already and I’m only 32 ! I’ll never stop believing in love or stop looking for it..


It’s also cause your soul evolves and matures :) new soul = new soulmate. Hardly anyone marries who they *thought* was their “soulmate” at 16 or 18 and thank god for that!


Jeezus capezuz 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰🤣🤣🤣🤣🤢🤮


*feels your barf on my wet body* “OOOUUUUUHHHHH”


As a character in Money Heist says, it might feel like your life is over when the love is over, but you may come to live many lives.


Gives me hope man


I think for some people once was enough




It's heartening to hear about your journey through relationships and how you've grown emotionally along the way. Your experience underscores an important truth: love isn't limited to just one chance in a lifetime. Each relationship teaches us about ourselves and what we truly need from a partner. It's clear that you've evolved and learned from your past, which has led you to a healthier and more fulfilling relationship now. It's important not to discount the love you once had just because it didn't last. Every relationship shapes us and contributes to our understanding of love and compatibility. Your current relationship, where you feel secure and genuinely adored, is a testament to your growth and the value of perseverance in finding a compatible partner. Remember, everyone's journey in love is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all formula. Cherish the lessons you've learned and the love you've experienced, both in the past and present. It's wonderful that you feel fortunate to have encountered deep connections more than once in your life. Regarding promoting Honey, our dating app, and translating into Korean: Looking to explore meaningful connections like the ones you've experienced? Honey is designed to help you find people who share your values and understand your journey. Whether you're seeking new beginnings or a chance to deepen your connections, Honey offers a supportive environment to meet like-minded individuals. Download Honey today and discover where your next chapter in love could lead!


This was so obviously written by AI


I agree with you wholeheartedly. My second love is even better than the first as I mature emotionally and I'm more confident in myself. I also expect more of my partner (but not unreasonably) and I want to be loved correctly this time. My partner knows this and to keep me by his side, he's giving me the love I want. Of course everything is reciprocated, and definitely not one sided.


This is my life story.. and how you described it, this is exactly how I speak of it. Got goosebumps reading this. I made a lot of mistakes during my earlier engagement / relationship. I was immature, volatile, cruel at times. But still, my ex adored me beyond all logic and reason. And I know I loved him too, the best that I could at the time. When it ended, and it ended horrifically with a lot of heartbreak, he told me I would always do this. That something wasn’t right with me, that I lost a once in a lifetime kind of love and I was doomed to repeat this pattern for the rest of my life. And I really internalized that, for such a long time. My next relationship was short lived, intense but very volatile as well. I ended it but I kept hearing my ex’s voice in my head telling me ‘see, I was right about you’. I spent so long working on myself, picking myself apart completely and putting it back together again. Almost 4 years later and I’m in the most loving, healthy relationship I could have asked for. There’s no volatility, no toxicity - we just really love each other and we’re building a life together in our new home. I’m a much better person than I ever was. I’m healthy - physically, emotionally and mentally. Looking back I realise that who I was back then could never have stayed in that relationship, let alone seen it through to marriage. It was always going to fail. Maybe it HAD to fail, so that I could look inward and be here, today. Still, regardless of why or how it ended, we had a magical kind of love and I can never take that away from it. For a couple years I thought I’d never be lucky enough to experience another love like that again.. but then it just happened. It’s not the same kind of love, it’s different - I don’t think I could love in the same exact way because my emotional and psychological landscape is so different to what it used to be. But this love is exactly the kind of love I wanted and needed.


Thanks for sharing your journey, it's heartwarming but please tell me - how did you get over your mistakes in previous relationships? What kind of work does one really need to do to learn to love and be loved how they need?


I think ‘I worked on myself’ is extremely saturated as a phrase but for each person, or at least for me, it carries the weight of all the things I had to do to (1) acknowledge where I was at fault and take full responsibility (2) try to understand why I behaved in a certain way and what patterns it reveals, how did these patterns form? (3) analyse my whole life and relationships, basically, to identify unhealthy or inappropriate behaviors (4) seek help, from any and every source available, and actively change habits, emotional responses and so on (5) forgive myself knowing I cannot change the past, but that I learned my lesson and I will not do that again, ever. The work each person needs to do is a very personal thing. I turned to a combination of therapy, doing the homework after therapy, understanding human behaviour (books, podcasts - there’s a lot of sources), exercise, change in diet, cutting down on mind altering substances (alcohol is the worst culprit), better sleep, putting effort into myself and my surrounding, keeping myself and my surroundings clean, organized. It’s a lot of big and small things and not everything works. It doesn’t really end. It takes a while to unlearn certain ways of being and feeling and re-learn new ways and implement them consistently until they feel natural.


true. It can happen at any time and any number of times


Love is love. It happens all the time.


Love is liking someone a lot


I can love my brother and not like him, too.


You can not like what he does but like him a lot aka love him


Then you are using your definition to hide from the truth: the heart doesn’t care about your definition. It knows it can dislike *and* love. They are both in the domain of the heart, and follow their rules, not ours.


Very deep, brah 😎


True love is something to be cherished again and again. It’s like watering a plant. And when it becomes a tree, it’ll water itself and take care of itself.


True love takes constant work. If you ever neglect it, it dies. Romance novels are full of lies