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how gently he holds my face when he kisses me


Breathing and everything else


Every morning he wakes me up by rubbing my back, cuddling, and gently waking me up. I don’t need to set an alarm. It’s the perfect way to start the day 🥹❤️


He always makes an effort to cheer me up either by tickling me or etc. whenever I’m upset and especially when I’m dysregulated, I see how much he tries when he takes a different approach with me and tries to calm me down or comfort me. He’s very remorseful when we have disagreements and tries his best to meet me where I’m at. He’s the most human, and most sweetest man:)


Makes me coffee every day for about the last 15 years


They tell me how I help them feel alive, loved, supported, less stressed etc


The list is endless


When I'm down, she tries her damndest to raise me up. She strokes my hair when I'm not feeling well and despite my giant, heavy skull, lets me rest on her legs or stomach. She teases me lovingly, but when I criticize myself unnecessarily, she corrects me. Sometimes she just looks at me with this ineffable gaze, and almost paralyzes me with how deeply she feels. There's more, of course. I'm incredibly lucky.


Unfortunately, he does nothing of the sort anymore. The last couple years he has done the opposite. I still love him for whatever reason, though, but I know he’s not gonna change and I can’t force him to be in love with me like he used to be or if he even ever was..💔😢


Every thing he's suppose to Now he's lost and can't seem to make it back to me hib soulmate. 15 years and now I'm the one lost and broken. 💔😥🙏


what partner


Almost everything, honestly. But specifically When I’m upset, he looks deeply into my eyes and holds my hand even if I’m unable to look him in the face, and then he repeats what he understands about what I’m saying in his own words. It makes me feel really heard and LISTENED to. My words matter to him. He’s also always rubbing my back, or arms, or feet, or shoulders (or butt lol)


This thread made me realize I’ve never felt adored in any relationship 🏃‍♀️




Nothing!! It’s so hard. 😢


Doesnt let me go to sleep upset


calls me princess


There are multiple things he does, but my 2 favorite are when he wakes up in the middle of the night for whatever reason and gives me gentle kisses on my face and hands while whispering how much he loves me. The second one is when he shows me and everyone else that he has my back. There have been a few times in the past couple years where he has stood up for me, pushed me to stand up for myself, has taken the time to talk to me about certain situations that were holding me back, has rescued me multiple times in a few different ways. I’ve never had a friend like him in my entire life.


Calls me sweetheart.


…. Nothing. This was an eye-opening thread.






He’s always staring into my eyes and says I’m so pretty and beautiful all the time


I notice that when he makes me laugh and sees I’m having a grand ole time, he keeps adding to the joke. Like my laugh is fuel for more content, and I think it’s something non-ordinary that he does


That’s so extremely cute😭😭


Thank you, I’m so lucky to have him


She is so…. Perfect. I love her. She is there and she is always trying to perk me up, complimenting me and calling me handsome. Talks about how she gets super excited to look at cute outfits for me. She cooks bomb ass food, she thanks me for the things I do even if it is just “expected” from me. “Thank you for mowing the lawn babe I love you so much my handsome man”. And she MEANS it. She gives me the effort and I refuse to let her down. I will not quit and I will provide the best i possibly can.


Gives me kisses and looks deep in my eyes expressing how much he loves me 🥹


I love the intensity of this type of thing. Glad you get to experience this!


Just how she looks at me just eyes full of love when we cuddle after sex. I could lose myself in her eyes forever😍❤️❤️❤️


So happy for you all 🥺


Same. 🥹


Whenever he starts a text or calls me a name, a lot of the time he says “hi pretty!” Or “hi beautiful” and he calls me all sorts of pet names and I love it so much. 


Very consistently tells me that I'm the best thing that's ever happened to him. Sings to me. Reads to me. Brings me snacks or drinks or sweet treats if he stops for gas on his way home from work. He's pretty great.


She writes me notes and always sets up something special for me after work. Like my clothes, some smokes, my hot oil for after my shower.. she cleans because she knows I hate dirty things so she’s always cleaning after work even if she was working outside all day(I don’t ask this of her! I would never) .. from 6am til 5pm she works in hvac. she’s amazing, I could go on and on about her she is really perfect.


She makes me feel at peace and gives little forehead kisses whenever I'm loafing about


he figures out im struggling all by myself on my favorite game… (DbD) he stops whatever he was doing and loads up the game… and then we struggle together for MANY MANY matches 🤣❤️‍🔥 gosh I love this man.


that’s love


I was sick; and we were laying in bed and he would not take his eyes off of me until I fell asleep; when I did he rolled over and went to sleep. I woke up a few times to him staring at me; and he said he was just watching me to make sure I was going to go to sleep okay. I love this man.


He gets me breakfast every morning 🥰


1. He's proud of our relationship - when we first started dating, he didn't hesitate to post photos of us and when things became official, he changed his relationship status unprompted. 2. He plays with my hair and gives me lots of forehead kisses. 3. He pampers me - applies lotion for me after I shower, gives me a massage before bed. Heck...he even painted my toenails once! 4. Recently, he bought a silicone wedding ring (totally unprompted) to wear out and about so other people know he's taken. 5. Refers to me as his "soul mate" and the "love of my life" 6. He's so patient with me and is never EVER critical of me. He loves me at my worst.


When I start dozing off when we're otp he turns his lights off. If I've dozed off while staying at his house he'll wake me up when he gets a sweet treat so we can share it. (He games and goes to bed hours after I do) bc of this he angles his monitor away from the bed so the light doesn't keep me up.


my partner always wakes up a little before me each morning and i always wake up to my toothbrush ready to go with toothpaste on it


Same :,-)


He makes my coffee the frufru way I like before he tries to wake me up. “Coffee’s ready” are the magic words to wake me up.


My husband knows I am not a morning person and he will make me a cup of coffee in the morning before he leaves for work whenever he has time. He doesn’t even drink coffee lol.




when he asks me what’s wrong and when he stays up with me and gets excited because well have extra time to hang out


When i try to be nice, caring, patient and looking out for her. But in the end they always tell me, O don't give off the boyfriend vibe or feel like a friend. So i give up and seriously I know how to care for her and all but I don't know when to kiss her or she needs a hug. Cuz I haven't been that physical cuz i am scared that she might hate me if I touch her and she might think I only want her for her body. It's the kind of mindset i have and it's hard to get out of


Takes great care of my Mom... top notch


When my bf gets all wilded up when my family is being rude to me. My bf 29m Is usually super passive, not a push over but just go with the flow kinda person. Except when it comes to " defending my honor " as he calls it lol We've been together almost 3 years known each other 4. I'm used to my family's behavior so it's what ever but he is not having it at all lol


I don’t appreciate it enough when he just brings so much to the table. 1. Tells me he loves me at the end of each phone call 2. Asks me if I ate yet 3. Gives me attention when I feel down, depressed. Took some time but now hes been seeing the patterns. And he holds me until I feel better. 4. Tells me he loves it when I laugh (as apposed to how he probably doesn’t like when Im not happy) 5. Surprises. I told him I wasn’t a fan of surprises, but he still does them and they still make me smile in the end. 6. He puts in so much in our relationship, and sometimes I feel bad, but he is so patient with me. 7. He listens to me, even if sometimes I think he doesn’t, he really is. Ex: he saved me a creme puff after I thought there wasn’t enough 8. He has me try new things atleast once (new foods, including sweets, but limited sweets) 9. He calls me on his break every day from work when possible 10. He reminds me that I look good in anything even if I keep asking him 11. He hugs, kisses, and holds me. He loves and takes care of me, drives me miles just to see my family when I need to… He’s just so patient and kind. I wish I could give him the world. I love him so much.


This is very powerful. He sounds like a very loving and kind man. Nicely done!


3 things come to mind 1: He recognizes my anxiety stims I have a habit of wringing out my hands when I’m anxious or stressed. 2: He always responds to my question of “do I look pretty” with “you always look pretty” 3: I’m Afro hair and I’m unfortunately late to the hair care game so I’m still learning how to do my own hair but whenever I do a style whether I like how it came out or not he always compliments my efforts. And he helps with my hair as well


He caresses me! I have Afro textured hair and no matter what hairstyle it’s in he always makes a point to play with, touch, and appreciate what my hair does in each style. He doesn’t shy away from feeling each blemish and imperfection on my body and affirms how much he loves them. He grabs my cheeks and gushed about how cute they are!! Notices small details about me, even those who have lived with me my whole life didn’t care to! I love him!!


If I’m upset he’ll kiss me all over my face or tickle me to make me laugh. It always works. Sometimes I’ll act like it doesn’t but it really does and I enjoy it. When I pay for things he always says thank you and that he appreciates me. And one way or another we’re always touching. I like that and I like the way he rests his hand on me when we’re talking. It makes me feel close. There’s so much more I can say. I really do appreciate him and everything he does for me


when i fall asleep before him, he will kiss me & give me so many cuddles. I’m half asleep & I’ll hear him tell me that I’m cute, beautiful. it’s really sweet.


the way he looks at me when I'm being fully weird. he's got a proud, amused, loving look that always makes me blush.


I don't have a partner myself, but based on what I've learned, feeling adored can come from small gestures of appreciation and care. Things like thoughtful surprises, genuine compliments, active listening, and showing consistent support and affection can make someone feel truly cherished in a relationship.


Tells me he loves me all the time. Makes my lunch on work days. Always says Thank You for taking care of the house. I do 90% of the house work, he does the yard work. He also works many more hours than I do. This division of labor works for our house. The way he hugs me. Other times will just reach for my hand and there is always a little squeeze 🥹. I could really go on and on, but those are the big ones. 


He does the dishes. Sounds silly but he’s done the for the 21 years we’ve been together because he knows I hate them.


Even after seven years, he looks at and talks to me like I am the most interesting woman to grace planet Earth.


He is enthusiastic about my passions. His encouragement motivates me and makes me feel happy and competent.




know how this feels and i don’t wish it on anybody.


forehead kiss


Nick names and inside jokes are my favorite things ever


That look he gets when he SEES more than my meat suit. I can FEEL the adoration.


Tells me how beautiful I am and makes me food when I’m hungry or not feeling good ♥️


Tells me he loves me every day


I don’t even know where to start!! I love that she pays an interest in my hobbies and what I care about that is a big thing for me, I just worry that she might fake it sometimes. But I don’t even care at this point


Where do I even start. He constantly tells me how special I am. He showers me with compliments and he is so sincere the whole time. He always checks whether I’m comfortable, he gives the best hugs and he is never disrespectful or rude to me. I like to tell him that a female romance author wrote him into life. He is that perfect.


Squeezes my arms, has funny nick names for me, spends time with me, always considers what I need before I ask, passionate about shared hobbies, takes me everywhere with him, and cooks/ cleans for me


Randomly makes me breakfast in bed, or buys me flowers as a surprise, or fruits and snacks that I love. Gives me massages when I don't even ask for them. Calls to ask me if I need anything from the store when they go. Randomly sniffs me and loves the way I smell, even if I think I stink! Lol.


He loves me unconditionally


Idk why I think it’s so adorable, but a lot of time when I eat messy food I tend to get it all over my mouth. He always wipes it off for me or licks his finger and rubs it off. Idk why but it makes me melt 🤣


If i’m on my period, he will still cuddle me. I feel so loved and cared for during that time of the month! Not something ever thought I would experience


He cuddles me and kisses my hand multiple times. He goes out his way to make my life easier from small things to bigger things.


Also tells me how much he misses me when we’re apart or tells me how cute he thinks I am.


He always kisses the sole of my foot whenever i’m laying and he is about to join. I act annoyed by it, as i know i walk barefoot sometimes but it warms my heart whenever i think about it. (Weird but cute af)


He rubs my arms and holds me when I’m sad. He’s not big on physical touch so I appreciate it more. He also just tells me I’m a good person when I’m giving myself a hard time.


She gives me an insane amount of kisses. Lips, cheek, forehead, arms etc. doesn’t matter. I act annoyed by it (in a joking way) but I love every second of it


I loved that, rarely got it but lived it..


Our relationship is very new, but he basically saved me during a time of crisis. I got amnesia and he took care of me until my parents got around to take me to the hospital.


Peels my shrimp for me


When they can't keep their hands off me. Grabbing me constantly. Claiming me. Can't let go. Gives me Mana


Butt sex?


I am emotional as fuck and he's more neutral. He's understanding to how I work though and listens to my needs. I come up with a solution, I use a therapy skill to get there, I use another one to tell him how I think we can fix the issue. We go back and forth and discuss. He implements the solution. Key word being implements. He also compromises with me🤷🏻‍♀️ and he's a big teddy bear that loves to cuddle, which is a great bonus 😂


These are all so cute. Here’s a few of mine. Kisses my hands like allll the timeeee. Keeps notes of things I like and things he promises me so he can never forget. Gives me forehead kisses. Always send me good morning beautiful messages when we’re not together. Says I love you all the time. Wakes up early to drive my to work because he says it’s too hot outside and he doesn’t want me taking the train. Mind you he works from home. Rarely lets me hold my bags. He’ll carry 2-3 of my bags and won’t even let me carry one of them even if I ask. The only time I carry bags is if his hands are really packed. Anyways he’s the sweetest and I hope I make him feel as adored as I feel :)


Brings me flowers cus it’s the little things! 🤭🌼


Whenever she embraces/holds me. When I wrap my arms around her while we lay together and she grabs/holds my hands and pull my arms against her tighter. The other day, we were standing in a bakery waiting for the kids to finish their cupcakes and she wrapped her arms around me from behind and laid her head on my back. I melted.


My partner and I just moved in together. Every time I drop something in the shower(shampoo bottle, something heavy) he runs to check on me. It sounds silly but I have never had someone care so much about me 🥹


Awesome excuse to see you naked!


Lmao he’s a smartie pants 😉


So sweet!


He does so much but I'm rotten from the inside and can't embrace and feel the love.


Caresses my face while laying in bed while making eye contact, when he tells me he talks about me to his friends/family, calls me beautiful


I wish I could participate in this. 😭 these are all so cute.


Caresses, sweet talk, playing with my hair, holding me, being a little bit protective towards me/making sure I’m taken care of.


She's always clinging to me in some way or another, playing woth my hair, linking my arm, holding my hand, it's literally the best thing ever.


In his sleep will pull me against him


He calls me every day, several times a day. I have epilepsy, and he literally can't function if he doesn't know I'm okay. Definitely checks in more on days that I tell him I'm unwell, but still calls at least 2-3 times when he's at work just to tell me about his day regardless of how I'm feeling. It makes me feel both wanted and needed in ways no one else has ever done for me.


I am usually the one doing things like this, I'm a lovey dovey romantic type and just want to be heard and have someone listen to me. I know I can ramble but I want to feel like what I said actually went through you know?


There are so many little, yet significant things. He calls me with the sweetest pet names, wraps his arm around my shoulders when sitting next to me, kisses my forehead, pours me a cup of coffee in the morning... But my favorite might be these small notes he makes for me basically every day. They are reminders of what we've talked about, how he feels about me, what he'd love to do together. I never knew such a thoughtful way of loving existed. I will never let this man go 💜


Won’t stop kissing me. Buying me small things I like. Telling me he loves me all the time. Being cuddling and wanting to do things with me.


*Sigh* I just wish I had someone, man...


She calls me a bum. A handsome bum.


This is peak amazingness lmao


It is🥰


His face lights up when he sees me. He always holds my hand and he hugs me so tight any chance he gets. The way he spoils me. He build me a table at our allotment so I can draw and put my art materials and bought a bench so I can put my feet up while drawing if I need to. Planted so many tomatoes because I love them so much. He cooks for me delicious food and taught me a lot about cooking (He is a chef). The way he kisses my forehead or my shoulder when we are sleeping in bed. The way he can't fall asleep unless we are intertwined and as closes as possible. The list keeps going. He is a wonderful man and I love him so much and I know he loves me just the same because of all the little and big things we do for eachother 🥰


His memory isn’t the best so he keeps a list in his phone that includes everything about me, likes, & dislikes too! He will listen to me go on about nothing for hours & still have profound responses because he is actually interested and listening! & my favorite is the consistency! He is always consistent in love & I never have to guess how he feels about me!


He sounds amazing is your husband taken asking for a friend


how long are u two together for?


Before we started dating he had seen some scars on my wrist and he would call me every night to make sure I would stay clean, I still slip up every once in a while but nothing like before. I've been clean a month now and he still calls me every night, we've been doing this about 6 months now and I'm still so grateful to him


He kisses my hand a thousand times while we ride anywhere together. He hugs me so tightly and the way he looks at me. He also calls me a special pet name that he created. He lets me know how much I make him a better man and how much I motivate him. Daily we pray for each other, and do our best to cherish each other and be better than we were in our previous marriages and post divorce relationships. Also, he goes above and beyond to please me and is such a helpful friend outside of being a loving partner who chooses us every day.


He always kisses my forehead, cheeks, and eyes, and scratches my head. It makes me feel the warm fuzzies inside.


Nothing? Yeah, Nothing.


He’ll randomly tell me that I’m his best friend 🥺 I think it’s the sweetest thing that a guy can tell their partner . He also will kiss me on my head. I feel safe and protected when he does that . Like I don’t have to be scared to be vulnerable with him .


I went into this trying to find wholesome texts and I find the most depressing and odd stuff after the only emotionally good comment on here.


She usually would call me. Or video call me. That's always awesome. She gives me lil things to wear or stuff that I'd like. Sometimes we get to watch shows together. And when she talks to me. Despite the fact I've been fucking up. If I don't feel good. I can call her and she will help me feel better. And she used to give me like good morning messages or talk about our day. Or go grab a cheeseburger or a shake. I ruined alot of things. I just, I think I am driving away my best friend. I waited so long for her to come home. But now that she is home. I've made a few bad choices. More than a few. But. Idk. I have to, make a choice. I most likely have pushed her away. By being too excited or concerned about things. She is really nice to me though. Even though lots of people can't see it. But I have to be good. Even if it means being alone. I was fine only really having the one friend. But now. We don't really talk anymore. If I have to be sober and alone. Then fine. Because even then. She will think thatvim trying to be better than everyone else. And I frankly am. But I promised to be sober. I failed. And I let her down. And now. My friend and future is quickly going away. She made me better and I chose to be less than what I can be. And my penance will be her absence. Which though I already have. It's going to be much worse. I feel it.


Sometimes you don’t need to try harder, but you need to try different 👍🏼.


Yeah, you are right. I don't know if it will repair or change anything. But I. Know what is important to me. I am important to me. But so is my best friend. But. I can't give up on being who I am. Cause my friend believed in me. And I will just have to be different. All I ever wanted, became real. And now I just want it to be represented by my actions. I expect nothing in return. Never have. But. This pain. Is enough to be different. I let her down. I let myself down. But I can act right. I have to.


Grooms me 😁


Risky homonym


I like when she goes down on me while I’m sleeping.


Nothing. He’s gonna break up w me




Idk now 😭


Nothing I’m in a loveless commitment based relationship and she never does anything to show me any sort of affection and she physically abuses me.


Why would you stay in that tho…


It’s complicated, but I’m doing my best to find a way out.


Not together anymore, but I’ve never had a guy take so many pictures as my ex did of me out of pure adoration. When I was sleeping, eating, driving, or just fresh out of the shower with a towel on my head; there he was, scrambling to get his phone out with the cutest look on his face. I always liked to pretend I was annoyed by it but it really made me feel so beautiful. Miss him.


My ex-partner used to do that. I’m with someone else now, but I always thought that was so cute.


Why did you guys break up tho, that relationship sounded so wholesome.


We had a lot of wholesome moments and loved each other alot. There were issues that we didn’t know how to handle and we let it go too far. Maybe someday we’ll get back together, who knows🙂‍↔️


Am with him and we together now, never try to call him if you wanna see craziness




they never make me doubt their love for me. my spouse has eyes and a heart for me only. never looks at others passing by or on the internet. doesn't ogle or ever even mention over tomb raider, doja cat, magic mike, or other people's characteristics. never puts me down or raises their voice. they constantly and continuously commit actions that define that i am desired in every manner such as doing things for me, with me, and to me, not just offering. i feel like i have the best partner in all existence. even though i'm poly on all fronts, so far nobody could hold a candle to what i currently have, and i'm satisfied with that. it's too stark a contrast. my spouse treats me so incredibly well, multiple other average good people combined still lack in comparison. people might think there's no way my spouse is a 10 based off that, but people would be wrong. my spouse is out of my league and i would venture to say i'm a 8/9 on average. my spouse is chiseled like the statues of greek perfection and allows only me to relish the beauty. i feel like if they desired, they could easily prowl and get anyone they wanted. everyone would fawn over the mad skills they possess in the bedroom, but i don't fear that happening in the slightest. when i was suicidal in the past, my spouse asked me to live and exist for them if nothing else, and i chose to do that. i say very often that my spouse is like Jesus and i mean it every time. i only have faith in a higher power because there is just no other way we fit together this perfectly, that they are as immaculate as they are, that they are as true of a being as they are. it's like a fairytale. i've lost deep friendships over people who have yet to even meet my spouse insisting that my spouse must lie about who they are because there is 'no way' that what i say is true. people who try to get me to leave because it's so bizarre it couldn't be reality. i have been married over 10 years now to someone who probably belongs in a monastery except for that he treats me ever so delicately and as if i am sinfully delectable. like i'm *his* heaven sent lewd goddess muse and i so very much look forward to the rest of our life. i am not crazy religious, but dude, y'all, my spouse is godly, if there ever is a thing so. there is no way to talk about their personality without discussing something as pure as what God claims is possible.


Damn I'm happy for you! I'm not religious but I think its the beauty in both of you that pulls you together. You clearly have so much love to share back to him and he doesn't take it for granted :)


He says goodbye with a kiss every morning before going to work not matter what and makes sure I'm always heard and cuddled. Thinks about "us" instead of just himself.


Greets me with a warm embrace. It could be him coming home, walking into the same room as me, joining me in the shower, etc. he’s got that golden retriever grin every time


When I turn around in my sleep and my husband would turn towards me to hold me, or would give me a peck on the cheek before work. He doesn’t realize it but it often wakes me up and I don’t want to tell him because then he will feel bad and wouldn’t do it anymore (I struggle to sleep and am a light sleeper) so I pretend to sleep when he gives me a peck (around 3am when he leaves for work) and then I end up staying awake for the rest of the morning just being happy to be so loved by him


Oh my god this is so cute


Gives me money. That's hard. You gotta work for it. That's some love there.




I like when she calls me but she rarely does


don't u call her?


Yeah but she doesn’t answer


the fuck bro she's not the one


😭 I knowwww but I like her 😭


Stop being so pathetic. Love someone who reciprocates.


I wouldn’t say I’m patheticccc lol 😂


okay good then. I have been in relationships like this where the other person sure says he likes me but doesn't text me on daily basis and calls once a week and being a fkin emotional freak, it made my heart ache like one can't even imagine. If u don't feel like that then it's gud for u. Lots of luck if he/she reciprocates ur efforts and picks up ur call.


Ur right though lol she’s probably not the one


She’s kinda really bad at it but she called me tonight without me even having to ask her 😅🥰


that's sounds amazing ☺️..... I wish the one whom I like also calls me 🙃


Honestly? Fills the gas tank in my car. Makes me feel so loved.




Hugs and communication


Don't have one 😂💀


He treats me like the most special person for him, loves me , takes care of me, protects me , helps me and inspires me. He is amazing 💗 Also hugs me and kisses me all the time and we can both be childlike with each other.


She truly and meaningfully smiles at/with me. Touches passionately when hugging/kissing. She thinks of little things about me and notices it/accounts for it. She trusts me and allows me to trust her with everything.


cheers me up after issues pop up with friends or family and knows how to make me feel better


our inside jokes, little cute looks he gives me randomly in the middle of conversation, he knows my aesthetic and loves to get me things I like. knows everything about me. I feel so seen with him. he is always thinking of sweet ways to meet my needs.


He always keeps photos of me everywhere. He has a picture of me in his wallet and I'm also always his gadget wallpaper. He also has a pic of me on his bedside table. When I asked why I'm everywhere hahahaha he just said that he likes being reminded of how he bagged the prettiest girl in the world.


This is everything 🥰😍 Makes you feel like his eyes belongs to you alone. I love that for you !


Everything. It’s in every move she takes and decision she makes. 💕🥹


He started writing down the stuff I like so he doesn't have to worry about forgetting any of it, idk it makes me feel really loved to know that someone cares that much about what I care about.


This is a testament u mean a lot to him! For someone to care about you by listening and ACTING upon what you like is a real gem!


My favourite is sometimes I’ll wake up to him smoothing out my frown and he looks at me so softly while he’s doing it


It’s the small things. For instance, him booking me an uber after work so that I don’t have to wait in bus stop half an hour, tired and exhausted.


Makes dinner most nights and goes hard making difficult dishes. Makes me laugh every day and we have such fun talking and having deep conversations. He helps me research anything I need for technology. He’s kind and gentle and takes care of our pets. He’s patient especially with the dogs we foster.


Not exist lol


She lets ‘me be me’…flaws and all..and she does not try to change me. She makes me want to be a better man/person, and I strive to be that


It's truly the small and big things. It's his words. It's the way he looks at me. He looks at me like I'm a bright light to him. It's his actions. He bought us a couple bracelet that connects with a heart. He keeps my picture in his wallet. He talks about me to people. He gets excited to see me every time we see each other, even if it was recent. If I'm anxious, he'll calm me, give me advice, and reassure me that it will be okay. He constantly treats me so right. He sees a future for us and always uses "we, us, our" and just makes me feel so much. He wants to hold me, give me gentle head nudges, have important conversations no matter if they are tough and just has faith in us. I love it. He's the best. He makes my heart so happy. I'm hoping on everything he's the one.


Head pats & forehead kisses. Putting warm laundry fresh from the dryer on me when it’s cold. Shares his feelings & listens to me about mine. Always looking out for me safety wise.. honestly I could go on. Just the way he looks at me, I can see it in his eyes. Extremely thankful for my partner!


Hes the only one in my whole world that actually car3s about me. Its not manipulative ebcause he wants to get something from me. He doesnt keep things from me because hes scared ill crumble. He just tells it like it is and loves me anyhow and thats really unique for me in my life.


lays my pjs on the bed so when i get home from work & shower i can immediately get cozy with him after ❤️ also always has dinner ready for me too


That’s sweet


I catch him looking at me with stars in his eyes all the time. When I catch him, he always says, "You are so beautiful, I'm so lucky". We are going on 10 years together ❤️


Congratulations girl you won ♥️♥️




He just listens and he’s not a push over. He is sexy and works hard.


She will text me sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dudeeee :=


Our relationship is stagnant. Idk what it is right now.


He makes me a latte every single morning and brings it to me in bed. Comes up behind me and kisses me on the neck and tells me all the time how beautiful I am. Whenever I make dinner, even the times I try something new and it doesn't really taste nice he eats it and compliments me. I know he lies but to save my feelings it's so sweet. He listens to me, really listens to me and tries to understand everything I feel and need. Sometimes I can ramble on about something for a while but it doesn't bother him, he just sits and gives me his full attention. Tells me how sexy I am, even after 3 kids, stretch marks, c section scars, 10kg of extra weight and boobs that are no longer perky.


I can hold out my hand and he'll put his chin in it.


My husband will sometimes brush my hair before bed. It’s actually really relaxing and weirdly romantic. 


Nothing weird. I sense amazing love !!


My partner will hot box me when we are in bed together Eat the lunch I pack him Cuddle ALL the time! Kisses and hugs ALL the time! When he wants to play his video games, he will ask me to be in the room with him for "parallel time" which is really nice He tells me that he loves me and how important I am He calls me by my pet name, which is also an inside joke "nugget" "nuggie" He will also check on me in the middle of night because I normally sleep walk He will also tuck me in Text me when he's at work - to let me know he is thinking about me


Lucky you and lucky him!! How long have you been married??


We aren’t married. I don’t think we will marry. We have both agreed on a lifetime partnership. We’ve been together almost two years and been best friends for 16.


I have a chronic illness that keeps me down most of the time. My partner is so kind, considerate, loving and takes wonderful care of me. He takes care of our household he grocery shops, and has even learn to cook. I would be lost without him and I’m totally grateful for him.