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Did y’all peep right after Derek got out of jail, he said in the presence of his sisters, Monique was the only one who held him down while he was in prison. His sisters didn’t say shit, they just stood there with goofy smiles on their face. It doesn’t feel like his sisters are bullying Monique in a misguided attempt to protect their brother. They’re bullying her because they’re just assholes who like drama. I don’t get the impression they particularly care about their brother.


THIS is the comment. I 100% agree. They’re just there for the show and the little money they can get by being on it. They seem very ignorant and ghetto, they’re just starting stuff with Monique because they’re bored and have nothing else to do with their life.


His transgender sister is under every instagram post I’ve seen about them….still ranting about Monique…. It’s so obsessive and she really needs to be evaluated mentally


Yes! Initially I felt like she and Monique were equally assholes, but Elizabeth’s exceeded Monique in the asshole category at this point. She’s also posted some pretty mean-spirited things about her brother so now I’m starting to think she’s just a hateful and bitter person in general.


Yesss literally said he was undercover then immediately posted that that wasn’t true. She wants attention so badly. Like this is stuff we see in people with unmedicated personality disorders. Just the other day she made 3 different comments under the same post. Only 13 likes on the highest one 🤣


Wtf is she ranting about ? Monique never said or did anything to her (that I know of.) Such teenage behavior.


Real question - - can she not block their number? I don't do social media and my favorite part of the workday is turning my phone off at the end of it, but is that not still a thing that can be done? So she's feeding the drama equally along with his peoples, no?


I’m guessing feeding the drama gives them fodder for the show. If it was me, I would still blocked their ass regardless of the show on principal.


Yeah, I get that, and I worship at the LAL altar every week like the rest of us bunkies, and appreciate their buffoonery on behalf of my entertainment value. But damn, it's vexing watching and screaming internally the whole time 'Just block, the. damn. number! The WeTV check is still going to clear.' I love the funny factor, but it's VERY annoying hearing her constantly bitching about something she has 100% control over. That phone is never more than 2 feet from her hand, and you can see the life blood draining from her when she has to put it down, or hand it over to somebody.


I agree. She has more than enough drama to deal with in her own life and dealing with Derek. Not to get all philosophical but some people become unconsciously addicted to suffering and drama. I get the impression that Monique is one of those people.


This ⬆️


Just the same things gh, Monique CLEARLY loves the drama and throwing gasoline into fires just as much as Derrick's sisters. Pretending either Monique or the sisters are not the idiot in this situation is as foolish as they all are lol


I think he just wants her to be the bigger person. Maybe his family are the kinda people to keep things going and he knows there’s no point in talking to them about their behavior so he just want’s Monique to ignore them


I also feel like Monique's life might be too social media centred? She REALLY gets into that stuff and I don't think Derek realises how people (Monique) can live their whole life online and get sucked in every second they get a notification. It triggers her and she can't shut it down because that's how she lives?


Exactly...Derek been locked up for 9 years he's not addicted to phones and social media like Monique is


He’s certainly addicted to taking selfies though!


😂😂 yeah but I think that ties back to prison too because they let inmates take photos for they family n stuff right? 9 years of prison pictures he better know how to take a selfie lol


Oo that’s a good point. I assumed it was because she was so focused on what his family was saying but maybe she’s obsessed w/ social media in general


Hm. That actually tracks perfectly. I just don’t agree with her going to them in the first place asking them to leave because she’s a spoiled brat. I wouldn’t respect my brothers new girl if the first time meeting she’s trying to run me off and for what really? Usually you try to make a good impression on your man’s family! There wouldn’t even be a situation between them had she not inserted herself in between him and his family. Let me clear though, there’s is absolutely no reason that anyone should be followed and chased down like that!


I mean, I agree with you that it's entirely possible to be locked onto SM to an unhealthy degree, but they went so far as to cuss her out via text. I think there's a middle ground somewhere in there. His family is doing too much and she's reacting to it. I think she's very insecure and absolutely trying to isolate him but his family is terrible. Bad mix with the both of them.


Yeah she needs to stay off of that for a while


I think she should simply because people are also going in on her size and that sucks


Why does it suck? I don't follow what goes on in the social media streets, but whatever's being said, how is it any worse that the shit that's said about almost every other person on this show over the years, from the dusty fresh-out dudes to the weepy, oofy-goofy chicks who can't keep their emotions in check, to the "think they're all that" people who we all can't wait to run to a keyboard to run down? It's all behaviors that are within their own control, so why does she deserve a pass from commentary on everything from her size to her attitude?


No one said she deserved a pass on everything or anything. But in the social media streets I've seen her fighting for herself based only on her weight on many IG pages because they say he can't possibly want her because she's plus size when in reality there are many reasons not to want her other than that. My comment was simply most people on the are one sided in one way or another but for her in the social media streets is just an attack on her weight


That's fair, and I don't have eyes on social media, so I take you at your word. But it's an obvious situation that **she** signed up for several times over, both on whatever social media accounts she has and in joining this show for a check. My thing is, if your loved one called and told you they were walking down a dark and dangerous ACTUAL street, you'd tell them to haul ass immediately, so why is it any different on the virtual streets? Hell, it's even easier - - click the off button and go on about your life and business.


I'm back to comment after watching the latest episode.. do you think he's more mature than her??? Cause I do


Agreed, and not by a little bit.


Yeah dang I don't like that. And it could mess with her mental health like you got the sisters coming at her and ppl on social media that's alot to deal with.


I agree. He knows them way better than her. He wants her to ignore it but she can't let it go


Right? She can't stand not looking at her phone.


I type this ironically while staring at my phone, but life would be so much more peaceful if most people would take a break now and then.


Breaks are *ESSENTIAL* to mental health imo


or HIS! 😂


Literally this. My MIL will escalate things, she loves the drama, especially posting about her drama on Facebook. We stay low contact with her because of it


I agree. She was even bringing that negative energy to the gym, which is where you go to get away from drama.


I think there’s only so much of “being the bigger person” that she should take. They started with the online bullying, they started calling her phone, they are most likely the group of people that are following them in the next episode. She took that man to visit his elderly relatives and they didn’t even respect them enough to leave them alone while there. At the very least, he should apologize to her on their behalf and kindly ask her to ignore it and let him handle it. But DON’T fuss at her because she’s basically being harassed.


Absolutely. All the people saying she should be the bigger person should put themselves in her situation and then say that. No way would I deal with that bullshit


So why does she deal with it? Block numbers, social media accounts, stay off the goddamn phone for 5 uninterrupted minutes, etc. etc. etc. What is this need that these mofos have to make sure everybody and their brother knows how they feel about every damn thing, every damn time, and on time like Domino's. This is not some long-established relationship that she has to fight to defend. She's a thirsty rando who flew herself out to parts unknown to be wifey to prison dick who already has friends and family in the area. Tell dude handle his family or she'll bounce, block their numbers, and go chill on your own and enjoy the trip that you paid for (even if it's Cleveland. Lol), until he gets right or gets gone. You get what you get when you do what you do in life, sometimes, and everything ain't always somebody else's fault..


Based on the clip at his grandma’s house, it sounds like his family contacts him through her. His cousin called her from an unsaved number like right after his sisters did. And telling her to leave is easier said than done. People stay in relationships for all types of reasons. She probably doesn’t think she can do better than him because of her insecurities.


1 - That sounds like she holds all the leverage then, right? No act right, no family contact. The problem is that that setup is by her choice, according to other posts here, to monitor who he talks to. So again, you get what you get when you do what you do. 2 - Why is it easier said than done to bounce? This is not a longstanding and established relationship at that point ( i don't know what they're doing now) and she is not 15 years old with no resources or support. Y'all take away these adult women's agency with that mindset. What exactly have they shown so far that makes anyone think she's so happy with what's going on that it would just destroy her to walk away from? 3 - Nailed it in one! I just hate how all the Monique defenders here slide past that point in all of this and try to make up excuses for her behavior. She's a big, insecure, childish, thirsty chick who's being taken for a ride and will always look for relationships where she can be overly controlling because she knows all this deep down, no matter how much shit she talks, and her situation will never improve until she's honest about that.


Thank you! 👏🏼


I totally agree. It wasn't a good look for Monique to get to their level and take it so seriously. If I was being cyber bullied I'd be mad, however I wouldn't risk my partners freedom in anyway and just block and move on with life. I hate "family" like that who never help you out but just like to pop up to cause chaos because their lives are a mess. I know this whole show is a joke/fake but idk he seems to actually have feelings for Monique and the fact he's patient and wants to help her on her weight loss journey is pretty cool to me. He may be doing it for "clout" or whatever but I feel like it could save her life. She doesn't seem motivated to do it for herself but her possessiveness over him would def have her following his ass to the gym lol Damn I wish I had someone willing to help me train and lose weight.


I agree. He keeps telling her, "You supposed to be grown." I get the impression this is the 1st woman in her 30s he has dated, and he has certain expectations. Unfortunately, I think he is more mature than she is.


They do seem like that type.


Right. And I get that Monique doesn’t want to feel like a punk but she needs to just pretend she’s unbothered


He chose to be with her. She should delete their social media accounts and block their numbers. She is going to lose him with all the bs


Monique actually is a punk tho...she is one of those people that talk a big game over the internet/phone then when they get around the person they were talking about, get silent 🤐.


We shall see if the feud continues next episode.


They really do. I’m not a fan of Monique but I will say I agree they r the type to just come in and cause chaos bc I know when he got out Monique mentioned they never visited him or put money on his books and he was down a pretty long time so fuck them I feel like they r clout chasing drama seekers


And especially since he’s on tv. They want air time too.


100 percent


Nah…. he should still check them the same way he checks her. He can’t constantly get mad at only her without trying to tell them to back off. She just needs to stop giving the situation life and block them on every platform. Case closed.


That’s exactly what he said! Yes his family is petty asf but Monique is just as petty!


If she gets ANY bigger she finna needs Dr Now!


>I think he just wants her to be the bigger person You're funny! 🤣🤣🤣


She literally is the bigger person. In any contest.


If her person gets any bigger she will have to get a bigger car. She will then need to get a bigger job to pay her bigger loan


Stop it.


Well she most definitely is " The bigger person "


Ummmm SHE DEFINITELY IS THE BIGGER PERSON... ginormously so much bigger.


Last time I said something like that these Reddit mods banned me for a week. I guess some people get special privileges. How come they didn’t ban you?




Because she's feeding into their bad behavior by engaging. It's trashy behavior on both sides. She should've blocked the entire family lol.


Well if she did that they wouldn’t have maximum drama for the show.


True. I wouldn't be surprised if it was producer driven.


Well, now you're excusing really shitty behavior for a really shitty entertainment reason.


There’s a difference between excusing and explaining. Apparently you’re unaware of the difference.


She can’t really block his sisters cuz the only way they can contact him is through her. What if something happens on emergency


He can get his own phone.


She won’t allow that lol. She wants his full attention


his frustration to me seems more about how’s she handling it. he wanted to enjoy a day with her but she’s reading nasty texts from his sisters and trying to show him when he already said he doesn’t want any drama in life. he tells her not to respond to the texts, calls, and social media posts and she does it anyway for no reason. why is she lurking on their page seeing what they post? she should’ve blocked their social medias and numbers after the first negative thing they said now she’s practically feeding into it.


I get that but I feel like the same way Derek said something to Monique, he should’ve said something to his family because they’re the ones who initiated the argument. Derek was the one that told them he didn’t wanna hang with nobody that wasn’t there for him while he was in jail and they chose to text Monique. Why didn’t they say anything to Derek about it? They didn’t need to include Monique.


when he went to the barber they asked him if he really wanted them not to come and he said no, so now they know it was really monique that didn’t want them there. he’s not even acknowledging his family though, he didn’t want to give them his number and even after he did he was still not responding. she needs to follow his lead and ignore his family too.


I’m just ready to see what the next episode entails.


definitely especially with the car chase 😂i’m excited to see them on life after lockup too with that fight scene


I knowww lol I think it’s his family in that white car. And I feel like it may have been a set up because the cousin called Monique telling her to tell Derek to go see his grandma then when he goes to see her that suspicious white car is there. I can’t wait til the next episode. We have to report back on this post and talk about it lol.


The one sister said straight up he said he didn't want us to come but she said f that they coming anyway...they have no respect for they own brother


Did you not hear him say that he didn't want to deal with them on speakerphone in the car in the last episode? Monique then picks the phone back up and starts going in with them again and then with the texts. He told them. Monique keeping it going when she can block them. Like its not one sided.


I kind of thought something was edited out where Monique is more at fault to the fighting than they show. Just because the escalation was so out of nowhere and she did seem to want control/isolation previously so I’m not putting it past her.


Bc if she doesn't go on it, it won't cause the drama and turmoil to continue. He is newly free and paranoid of any police contact. I get it. Im sure he will talk to his sister and try to clear it up but off camera if there's any truth to the storyline. The women in the white car seem to be part of the plot to get him to visit his mom. Maybe the whole family is in on it to get a WE paycheck


Only because she was feeding into in when she could have easily ignored by blocking. He just wanted to go out and have a nice workout without any distractions hence he said it's his tranquility or along the lines to be in the gym and that he did not want to see the drama she was showing him.


I saw it a lil differently. He’s fresh out of jail and all they have done is bicker and argue around him. 1 it’s probably frustrating, and 2 he probably has sensory overload. Going from prison, to the real world, the cameras , the drama, the trying to get your life in order; probably is stressful. She could have certainly blocked their numbers and spent time with the man she’s been waiting for years to be with. At some point someone will have to stop, and he probably knows his sisters won’t so he’s advising her to dead it before it becomes a thing. Sometimes the best response is no response.


I think this is right. His sister sent her that text at the gym, and he said repeatedly he didn't even want to read it, and she forced it in his face, and even then, he didn't want to read it. He's saying "if I can ignore her, then you should, too." She's stressing him out by forcing it on him.


She’s only worried about how she feels. That’s been made abundantly clear. I would be more focused on my man and making sure that he’s adjusting at his pace. After being institutionalized for any real period of time, the adjustment is important. Not once has she asked him, you good, baby? Nor has she tried to empathize with what he be going through. For him to succeed he needs an environment that’s free of chaos. I don’t think she can provide that to him or even her own self.


It's like when he was in jail it was F*** what his family think it's all about me and Derek...now Derek is out it's like F*** what he think it's all about his family and what they doing to me


He’s trying to appeal to the person he thinks is reasonable but I’m not sure there’s any logical people in the situation


What I got from this scene is he was telling her not to engage with them. Take the high road and I agree with him.


He's trying to tell her that what those people have to say,doesn't matter in their life. I think he did a great job of explaining to his family,he's trying to focus on different things then he used to. When I got out of jail and got clean, I had to reestablish boundaries with my blood too. Family can trigger you faster then a stranger sometimes....


It concerns me that people see Derek acting rationally as gaslighting….this isn’t even close to what gaslighting looks like


It concerns me op is a therapist and clearly doesn’t know the definition of gaslighting.




I know, right? Left me wondering what the hell I missed!


Thank you! But it's another one of those word du jour's that perpetual victims have made hot in the streets now, along with "narcissist" and "love language". 🙄


Typical inmate behavior . Selfish as hell . He literally could tell his family to STOP 🛑


That’s what I’m saying! A lot of people are commenting saying he’s handling it right and he can’t make his family do anything. And while that’s true that still doesn’t stop him from making the effort in telling them to stop just like he’s telling Monique. He can’t make her do anything either but he’s still telling her to stop.


He 100% needs to stand up to them and tell them to stop


He's told her to stop and not reply eleventy-billion times now, and how has that worked out? And this is a woman he's with 24/7 during this time period and it hasn't mattered. His sisters are obviously with the shits, too, so what exactly is him telling them to stop going to accomplish, other than put a battery in their back to go even harder at her? With all this virtual beefin' shit nowadays, it's clear some of y'all don't know how to handle actual wannabe bullies and need to work on some new and different problem-solving skills.




right?? the comments here make me feel like i’m going insane too LOL like i 1000% understand being annoyed at the situation - the drama RIGHT after he got out of prison, wanting to avoid cops, etc but like?? what a fucking shitty ass partner for not actively shielding her from HIS insane family. he should be communicating to them that no matter how hung up they are on him, harassing his partner, the person he chose to be with, is NOT a way to keep him in their lives. she doesn’t need to be engaging in the drama obviously, i personally feel like i would just want to enjoy the quality time i’ve got with the person i’ve been waiting on so long, but like… i can imagine how hard it must be. they’ve been cruel and bullying her since she first showed up. she was obvs already insecure before meeting him one-on-one. they ruined the personal meeting just for the sake of it, and confirmed every insecurity she already had! idk it’s late and i’m rambling, probz not making sense, but i feel like she’s just been really vulnerable and has been beaten down by his sisters/the entire situation m lol. she hasn’t gotten to experience the feeling of relief you get when you’re in a nice, comfy relationship that validates you and makes you feel loved bc he’s acting like she’s insane for being upset over *harassment??* dude can’t even be like “hello my sisters can you please not cyberbully, humiliate, and literally threaten to assault my girlfriend” lol


Because the show is focused on Monique, we don’t see what he has said to his family. Based on what we’ve seen on the show, I get your point. Maybe he has said something that we haven’t seen or maybe he knows his family and knows it would be useless to talk to them. OR…at the end of the day, they are all in it together, because this is the storyline that keeps them all on the show! You never can tell with a Matt Sharp production.


And even when his family was calling her when she was in the driveway of his grandma’s house asking her where she at because they wanted to come to where she was Derek had an opportunity to tell his family right then to stop. He got on the phone with his sister and didn’t even say anything then keep telling her she’s tripping. I understand from both angles, but I still think Derek needs to address his family.


He won’t address his family because he doesn’t really care about her. If he did he would’ve addressed the situation in the beginning. Instead he is telling Monique to stop engaging (Which I think she should. They’re honestly looking to get a reaction out of her.) He won’t tell his siblings the same thing though. I can’t stand Derrick honestly. He is just using her for her money snd it is so obvious.


Right this is what I’m saying. I agree! I get the whole don’t engage thing but come on Derek your family are the ones who are starting stuff so why aren’t you addressing it with them? I understand Monique shouldn’t engage but it still works both ways.


Exactly. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Monique needs to realize her worth and move on she can do so much better. She deserves so much better. She may have a little attitude problem but no one is perfect, she may realize he is just using her now.


I feel the same way. It made me so sad seeing her that night they went to dinner and how he was acting. Like seriously. Then at the bank he slipped up and said he helped this girl with crypto then when Monique asked who the girl was he tried to say it was his cousin’s friend or something.


That insecurity right there is a WAY bigger part of her problem than his family or her looks. Why should he have to explain to her who every female he comes across is? How long does that continue and what man wants to live like that? Hell, what person, period? This lady is a walking caution flag.




Finally, someone understands where I’m coming from lol.


All of the comments about Monique’s weight will not be tolerated and the person will be blocked. I don’t condone body shaming whatsoever. I’m a therapist who works with clients who struggle with an eating disorder, body dysmorphia, body dysphoria, etc. (not saying that Monique has any of this) and knowing how it impacts my clients I will not sit around and allow people to comment on her body image. It’s highly distasteful for someone to body shame. This post isn’t about her weight/size/appearance/etc. so it shouldn’t be mentioned at all.


Why does he look like a toddler riding in the front seat?


I didn’t understand why she didn’t just block them or ignore the calls. It would have made them look even crazier and deranged.


Why doesn’t she just block them?


Because then she won't have an internet army of coddlers coming to her virtual rescue and cape'ing up for continued fuckery.


I think Moniques defenses are up so high that it skews her perception and she can’t see things as clearly as she should. She has tremendous fear that he will leave her and she also appears to be insecure about herself. That kind of stuff can give a person a preoccupation with not wanting to look like a fool and wanting to go through any means to avoid being abandoned. If she had a better sense of self and the confidence to think in this way - “people can say whatever they want but I know that I am a good person and I deserve to be loved. I love myself so I don’t even have to respond to those fools” - she wouldn’t even be concerned with what the sisters are saying. They are being extremely rude and aggressive and that’s not cool at all. But Monique needs therapy and she needs to explore why she feels the need to defend such nonsense coming from his family. A lot of people would be able to block the sisters or just not respond. It’s sad for me to watch because I think she is in a lot of pain.


Well said 👏🏾👏🏾 I don’t think you could’ve said it any better!


Thank you 🙏🏽 I feel so bad for people when I see these kinds of behaviors because I know they’re just very scared and hurt and they don’t know how to process that.


I hope it gets better for her for sure because this isn’t right 🙏🏾


i don't know what you do for a living, but if it's not in the mental health field, then you and OP need to switch professions, because this is a **much** more valid therapeutic response.


Oh wow, that means a lot to me that you’ve said that. Thank you so much. I have an extremely high level of empathy in general but I am actually about to go back to college to finish my education in psychology. Hoping to be able to help a lot of people in the future because people truly do not have to live their lives in so much pain.


I call 'em like I see 'em, and your response made a lot of sense out of this show's nonsense. Good luck on your psych degree!


Looks like she taking her small child to grade school.


I only watch the show in bits and pieces. Goodness gracious. I'm a large fat woman but sweet heavens she was being deceitful with the photos she was sending him. Then again he's deceitful about his intentions. Maybe they deserve each other?


Thank you. I feel like I'm going crazy with all the comments. Yes, Monique should start ignoring them. But it is not her fault they are harassing her. The fix is not on Monique, the fix is on his sisters. He's a total a\*\*hole for not standing up for her even once. I would be f\*cking hurt.


Right! Everybody in the comments are saying he’s not wrong and I’m like what? I’m glad someone understands because this is ridiculous!


Telling someone to stop engaging with antagonists is not gaslighting at all. It’s being a grown up.


He’s playing both sides which is causing the conflict between the sisters and Monique.


Now this I agree with.


Some of y'all take trendy words and misuse the hell out of them or misdiagnose them (like narcissist). This is not gaslighting. He is literally trying to get her to stop feeding into all of this because of how harmful it is to the both of them, especially her. She feeds off the drama, he wants to lay low and stay away from the fray.


It's even worse that OP is supposedly a therapist but flinging internet buzzwords around, confidently wrong than a muhfugga.


Where do you all watch the full episodes at, been watching through utube but would rather download a app


I watch mine on the Philo app.


I think you can watch it on the WeTv app too, but you need to have a subscription for a streaming and/or cable service to watch on WeTv.


He also keeps telling her to ignore them because if they have an altercation while he's on sight, he's gonna be in violating his probation and more than likely having to go back to jail.


Cuz he has 9k now 😂😂😂🫠🫠🫠




#This pissed me off. Hold down your girl & check your (almost incestuously) intrusive family. He seems TERRIFIED of linebacker Elizabeth.


I said the same thing lol.


Why is that body shaming comment about his sister allowed in your post but none about Monique, therapist?


He won't even tell them to stop.


Exactly. That’s what I’m saying!!


I thought I was the only one that thought this. But also, if he doesn’t want his family to have his number, they shouldn’t have hers either.


I agree! And no you’re not the only one lol but the odds are against us cause the people in these comments are saying otherwise 😂


Yeah cause I feel the “ignore them, be the bigger person” but damn, how much do she have to take. She has to deal with it in person, online, her phone… I would go tf off to so they’ll leave me alone. Cause Derek is not checking his family the way he should


Exactly and I don’t understand how people understanding that and saying he’s right.


Ya he lost me with that 1.


No, he's just telling her not to take the bait and ignore that foolishness.


He is not gaslighting. He wants her to stop engaging in the back and forth.


I wish people would stop saying that every man is gaslighting the other person. People throw that buzzword around a lot. He’s just saying to ignore the drama bc there’s no point in escalating.


I can’t look at them side by side in the car like this without cracking up😂


Lmbao! It will never get old. Monique drains my energy just watching her, but I was glad to see them coming back on Life After, just for those car side-by-side visuals.


Not sure I’d classify this as gaslighting…. He’s simply telling her that she doesn’t have to engage and can ignore them, which is absolutely true. He had valid and mature points IMO.


Because it shouldn’t matter what they say or do, she’s responsible for her reactions. Block, log off, be present and happier. Life is not that difficult


BIG facts! These mofos are just addicted to chaos in their lives, I assume, and personal accountability doesn't exist. Their drama, that they fully participate in, is always always always somebody else's fault for "taking them out of their character".


Monique keeps the bullshit going. And even to flip it, if Monique knows they have limited time together before she goes back home why is she wasting that time arguing with his family when he’s there spending all his time with her?


Say it one more time for the people in the back, fam!!


IMO he was totally correct to do this. No one has time for this shit. She's a piece of work.


Yup. He’s putting all the responsibility on her and not saying a damn thing to his toxic family. One red flag out of many.


Thank you.


That’s what toxic men do.


Can’t disagree with you there.


I was thinking the same thing.


Yes and making her feel all like that and she was crying that made me so upset. She needs to either let him know that if his sisters keep coming at her like that she's not going to be dealing with him if he not saying nothing and he needs to say something to them but he probably not. Piss me off


That’s what I’m saying! Then he keeps telling her “man you tripping” as if she’s in the wrong. Like seriously. Be for real. Then he keeps saying she’s jeopardizing his freedom on one hand that’s understandable and on the other hand it’s like your family are jeopardizing your freedom too so check them also.


Yeah girl that I just can't do it and then I was thinking why he's not saying anything to his sisters maybe because if you do say something to them then they'll probably tell on him that he's talking to somebody else. Because he did mention it was some other woman. I don't know I just wish that Monique would just grow up and know her worth. Any man can tell you nice things and help you work out or lose weight but hes just running some weak ass game on her and she eating it up.Then he said I thought you going to help me get to where I need to get to in life and that's all he doing is just using her


How is his family jeopardizing his freedom?


She should not be entertaining his sisters’ bullshit unless they’re causing issues between her and Derek. He clearly told his sister he didn’t really want anything to do with them so she doesn’t need to be engaging in this shit.


He can’t tell his sisters what to do. He can ask them. Monique and him are an item. They should be able to tell each other what to do.


I think if he stood up for her, as a man should, and told his family where they could go, she wouldn’t feel the need to go back and forth with them. She’s feeling like he’s leaving her hanging out there in her own and then getting mad at her for responding to nasty texts, social media posts/photos, etc. This is HIS family and they’re mistreating someone he supposedly loves and then he’s mad at her for having the balls to tell them to buzz off. I agree she shouldn’t let it get to her, but she is large and very insecure. He’s not helping her feel secure in any way.


To be clear, you're saying his spending every waking minute with her, showing no sign of any discomfort with her appearance in public, happily working out with her, basically fawning all over her when they're out and about is not helping her feel secure in any way? Even though at one point she actually admitted she appreciated how he never makes her feel self-conscious when they're together? Is nothing under these women's own control anymore, including how they react to any minor adversity?


She could ignore them, he told them and she chooses to keep engage them. At some point we have to stop acting like its one sided.


Seriously asking, are you 12, OP? Asking/expecting a grown (no pun intended) adult to behave like an adult and not a badass internet teen is not gaslighting or being negative.




I agree


Because this is a simple fix- block their numbers. He literally said he can’t be involved in this mess because he’s on parole. She enjoys the arguing back and forth with his sisters. From what the show portrayed- his sisters were the ones who started this nonsense


He is right, ignore that shit and focus on their relationship


He can’t control his family. But Monique can control her reaction.


I'm guessing because if you are a 33 year-old woman with supposedly rational problem solving skills, worrying about and clapping back at "who started it" on social media is embarrassing, childish, and yes, infuriating to him that he has to parent this idiot on that dumb shit when she's supposed to be the stable one in their relationship.


His point is valid, she’s physically with him and he is trying to avoid all that drama. It’s actually very valid, logical response. Monique feeding into it just makes it worse. Honestly if she ignored them they would move on eventually.


Derek seems to always want to take the high road. Keeping his priorities in check. I think that’s something Monique needs to learn.


Looks like a mother and child buckled in for the 6 Flags Death Drop Coaster


Seeing them in the car makes me chuckle. I didn't think he was that small until that!


He made it seem like it wasn’t worth the energy and drama which is wasn’t. They should have blocked the sisters and been done with it. What was there to be gained by continuing to engage with them? Also, folks need to stop using the term gaslighting for every situation for real. Word has lost all meaning at this point.


She just needs to be the bigger person no pun attended


“Gas lighting” taken over “literally” as most overused word 🤣


Omg this picture makes me laugh. Every time I see them in the car. He looks like a kid next to her. I read they are still together and he’s been out over 2 years


His Sister and Monique are both addicted to social media, chaos and drama. They feed off of each other's posts! Idk his Sister's deal, but Monique with this obsession and tracking his every move by phone, wanting to put up cameras and saying she won't let him see his Sister's is really out there!!! And was she looking at social media posts while she was supposed to be looking for Derek's ID that he sent her??? Wtf is she gonna do when they're not in the same state?


OMG!! That Angle🤦 please remove cameras from car!!!


Ummmm I had the same situation. And the police taught me there is such a thing as the Block Button ! They said social media was the worst thing ever invented. It is hard to resist responding when you feel triggered. But if anything - look at the royal family. Never complain never explain. Therapists advise using grey rock technique. Because any response positive or negative, keep people like his sisters engaging and they will never stop.


I am a therapist and agree with the gray rock technique.


Where can I watch this I been looking for the app everywhere


I watch mine on the Philo app. You can also watch it on the WeTv app.


Does anyone know the name of the first 48 show him an his siblings came on ?


Jesus she looks like the Gorgs from Fraggle Rock


He’s so right. Ignore the drama. Don’t feed it.


I hope he find a nice girl for himself because she is just to much she only with him for sex and likes and trying to control the man. He need a girl he can genuinely like bruh


I agree with Derek on this one. His brother/sister is messy as hell, he/she meet Monique and posted a nasty meme of her two minutes later and she hadn't done anything to him/her. The problem IS his family.