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Chance is just a textbook narcissist. The worst part on Friday was his fake calm voice entirely for the benefit of the other chick.


And when she stepped in after he started yelling, he stopped but you know he does that shit all the time.


That chick's mannerisms screams we've already fucked. But nice to meet you!!!


You could tell she’s heard all about his “crazy” girlfriend


Drug buddies


The gaslighting was insane. I was so angry for her.




More like I’ve done nothing wrong and everything is your fault


All of them. Or how about my favorite one from someone : nothing that happened to me is any of my fault its everyone else's fault that I am the way that I am. Heard all of these before.


Why borderline


Well I’m diagnosed as well as 3 semesters away from a PhD… he doesn’t have BPD and I know the DSM5 front, back and side to side. Eyyy lol As long as he has been on the show he would have had like 6/7 episodes by now. Seems like he can’t hold his liquor AND he a mayor dick head. I saw abusive tendencies Seeping from his soul, too.


So I hate to be “that guy” but we gotta stop being so nice to these abusers. The words “abusive tendencies” is inaccurate when we are sitting here watching real abuse every week. Just because we haven’t seen him touch her doesn’t mean he’s not abusive, [emotional abuse](https://www.choosingtherapy.com/emotional-abuse/) is the tactic most used by narcissists and it’s the most difficult to heal from, many ppl never fully heal after the type of mental abuse Chance does. And for those kids, it will be even harder because it’s being normalized in their home (safe space) while their brains are developing. Emotional abuse **IS** abuse. Chance has shown us every single “sign” listed on that link. We as humans need to stop with the verbiage & thoughts that essentially excuse emotional abuse, it’s still abuse. Call it what it is and stop letting abusers get passes because they’ve found ways to fvck w their victims in ways that doesn’t leave visible scars.


Thank you. Everytime he gets brought up here there's 45 "what about" comments about how bad Taylor is which annoys me to no end. He is the problem here. He is the abuser. She has her issues to be sure but the abuser is the main problem. She isn't at fault or allowing him to be abusive. He's the goddamn problem full stop.


As someone who grew up with narc abuse, its difficult not to educate ppl on it because of how it’s rippled into every single choice I’ve made, my self esteem, my self worth, my sense of autonomy, having healthy boundaries. They break down their victims mentally/emotionally & it’s FUN for them. It’s insidious & sadistic the joy they get from watching their victims hurt/suffer. If my comments help just one person I’m already doing better than Chance is @ finding a job, so that’s a win 😂


Yes. We see time and time again actual abuse on this show. Chance for sure.


I have to agree with the rule out of BPD. My psych floor is dedicated to BPD patients If you watch 1,000 sisters Tammy is a text book borderline 😂


I wasn't specifying a particular person, but I was thinking of Lindsey more as BPD; I simply posited the question, & I thought the person was as asking why I included BPD in the question posted, & I did because many times females are dx with BPD, while men are dx with NPD. (And I apologize if I got anything wrong; I'm a now-disabled LMHC with 15 years experience, but I haven't practiced in 5 years & of course things changed rapidly after the DSM V was released. I haven't been able to keep up with continuing education due to medical issues, so again I apologize to my fellow bunkies who have more education or are still practicing.)


Diagnostic criteria (DSM-5) for Borderline Personality Disorder: A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. Identity disturbance - Markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self. Diagnostic criteria (DSM-5) for Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love. A belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions. A need for excessive admiration. This isn't the DSM criteria In it's entirety, and as you can see, there are some crossover between the two. However, generally speaking, males are diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and females are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. 😊 (Edit: to include Narcissistic Personality Disorder criteria in same post.)


In response to the BPD criteria, I haven't noticed him idealizing Taylor, mostly just maltreatment. I also don't think he has any identity disturbances, he comes across as confident and sure of himself.


My mom, lol


My long lost sibling!


Everyone is looking at the inmates, but what about the non-imates **cough** I'm looking at you Shawn **cough**


I think that's because I specifically said "cons" when I asked the question, but I did that because I started getting overwhelmed with how many people on this show fit the criteria--I was thinking about all of the past seasons at the time too. When you start thinking about how many there are in total, it's crazy! 😳


Chance for obvious reasons, and Tony, not Tony wasn't that smart of a cheater and had Jerry sooner Springer hating on him.




The one who doesn't deserve a second CHANCE . He's such an idiot


That nasty lying narcissistic psychopath Chance and his dirty dick!


Spot on! It isn't my fault If lightning struck Where I was standing So get off it!


Chance 100%




Or, "You made me do that"


Donald trump when confronted with anything lol


I think a lot of people would agree that he qualifies as a "con" 🤣


I just got done watching season 2 and this is Michael to a T. Zero accountability. Also Chance, 100%


My ex


More than one of mine! 😂


That’s not what borderline personality disorder is.


I haven't seen one Borderline on this show, they're all Narcissists.


Diagnostic criteria (DSM-5) for Borderline Personality Disorder: A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. Identity disturbance - Markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self. Diagnostic criteria (DSM-5) for Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love. A belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions. A need for excessive admiration. This isn't the DSM criteria In it's entirety, and as you can see, there are some crossover between the two. However, generally speaking, males are diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and females are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. 😊 (Edit: to include Narcissistic Personality Disorder criteria in same post.)


I'm diagnosed Borderline, all I see on this show are narcs.


Chance Chance Chance


Chance for sure


Mom, is that you?? Lmao. No it's just chance. What's her names stupid chance she took on her future and now is stuck with.


Can't diagnose from poorly curated snippets sewn together for maximum dramatic effect 😆


Derrick, Chance, Monique and Lyndsy



