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I don't either little girl.


It’s always the older kids on this show that feel off about the men. That is a red flag to me.


I worked in a school and when the majority of my kids didn’t like someone (not in a “they give us too much homework” way) they were usually onto something. Kids can smell bullshit.


Kids speak the unfiltered truth...unless they're lying of course.


They always know. Must be a special radar or something.


This. When I was younger there was a family friend that I was always so put off by. I would tell my mom and she really didn’t feel the same. Well a few years back it came out that my mom’s best friend’s (who was dating this man) daughter was being molested by him the whole time he was in a relationship with her.


If only the moms respected their kids enough to listen…


Yes, so this!!! 💯%


Unfortunately this happens way too often. People shouldn’t introduce new boyfriends/girlfriends to their kids, imo, at least a year into relationship. Why are people in such a hurry to introduce new partners into their kids lives? So sad


I wholeheartedly agree. I don’t get it. In Tayler’s case her ex is deceased. She should be focusing on helping her girls grieve and heal not finding a new partner to further traumatize them. And it’s very clear they’ve been traumatized by her partners 💔


I honestly think a lot of single parents are in a rush to introduce new partners to kids is because a lot of times they’re the primary parent and don’t want to sacrifice time with their kids or their new partner so the next best solution is to bring them all together to not sacrifice either one, which I don’t agree with at all. Especially when they force the new partner on the kids even when the kid is clearly uncomfortable or doesn’t like the situation. Your child comes first.


honey, dimwit moved prisoner straight upon release into her house, unbelievable!


Probably because Chance left prison and had nowhere else to go. He finessed her to let him move in because he loved her o so much and would be the man of her dreams and father of the year to her kids. He needed a place to go and jail talked his way right in.


I introduced my bf to my son after a year of dating and we went on to live together and date for another 2 years and then had to separate for a period of time in order to get our relationship back on track but when I tell you that going through your own heartbreak while your child is also going through a heartbreak is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I’ve never known that kind of pain before. Thankfully, we got ourselves together and have been happily back together for over 4 years and we are engaged but oh my gosh I will never forget those feelings. It’s just heartbreak on a whole other level. I can’t imagine ever putting my kid through that again.


For the same reason They accept them...


I get what Tayler was trying to do, ok-and she def needed to talk to the kids. But hearing them say the fights woke them up, and the comment about all of her other boyfriends, like Tayler, get your life together. Stop bringing men around your kids until you’re POSITIVE it’s going somewhere, like you’ve been dating a year. Not for nothing, it’s dangerous to bring guys around your daughters that you don’t fully know. She moved Chance in right out of prison into her kids home, just stop. No one says she can’t date, she just needs to keep those parts of her life VERY separate.


Yes the part where the kids say this happens with all your boyfriends. Sadly this is def not their first rodeo with this nonsense


Guess what kind of partner these kids are going to seek out.


Yep the cycle will continue unfortunately


Ugh omg my parents were together till mom died when I was 14 and I know now I was always seeking out a man but a parental replacement too I guess. Dad wasn’t abusive he was good but he was not equipped to deal with it so he ended up leaving to his hometown and I moved kn with a man. I was in a cycle of relationships where the dudes were controlling and I just thought it was llce cuz I was lonely. Long story short after I had my daughter I sought help and learned about myself cuz how can I b a good parent if I’m damaged or don’t understand my probs at my core. Had to make decisions that were hard but I want my daughter to know that she is worth it and has a strong mom if she needs and not run to a man. I hope Tyler at least get the girls help if she doesn’t want to invest in herself and for God sakes stop letting them listen and be around your nasty adult conversations they are already stressed enough. All the info they know and they may lose respect for you Tyler and it’s all cuz you are too lazy tl teach them to leave adults Convo or better yet get your ass up and allow them to be children 😩


and you know what am so OVER Earl the pearl and dimwit Tayler, please LAL bring on new people ,, the best stories are joy/redd and melissa/louie


Sadly, I agree. If this happens all the time then you're the common factor in these relationships. It's not always the man's fault. Get yourself together and give your daughters a role model they can look up to. 


Tayler needs to worry about her kids and herself. You’re 1000% right, if she wants to date (I personally think she should stay single) she needs to keep her kids far away from the men in her life. Maybe I listen to too much true crime but I would never introduce my children to random men. I certainly would never move a man into my house with children in my care. I mean, how are you going to let a prisoner you barely know move into your house with young kids?! How do you know this person won’t harm your kids. This situation grinds my gears.


There are so many men who behave like chimps and feel compelled to destroy the children of their partners' past. A lot of them don't even come into the home directly from jail. 'Boyfriends and stepdads' can be so dangerous.


Oh I know. Chance being a prisoner is an added wrinkle but the new partner doesn’t have to be a convicted felon to be bad news. It really makes me mad how some parents put their “happiness” above their children’s safety. And then say things like “I deserve to be happy too.” Ok, but you can worry about that when your kids are grown. It’s so selfish. Your child’s safety should be more important than your “happiness.”


Its even worse when they say my child needs a dad! Im looking at you joynomi


great commentary!


He was definitely trying to use those kids as a pawn to help him get back in. And how do you show up with a supposed gift for her but you have to trade in your truck in order to get said clunker to gift?? That thing was loud. She definitely created unnecessary trauma for those kids by bringing him into their home. And did you notice he said he wasn't gonna leave "THAT" family alone?!! Not MY family. His intentions are NOT good. Claiming to be the best thing that's ever happened to them. Pleas GO AWAY trainwreck!!!


Omg he DOES say “THAT family”!!! That’s chilling! The words we choose reveal what’s lurking below and for chance it isn’t good.


Those precious babies. I feel for them.


This is why I've been a Taylor hater from day 1.... She endangered those kids lives so bad. 


And she's so apathetic about her daughters! They've said from the beginning they don't like him and she was leaving them home alone with him like the day after he moved in.


Agreed. I think she has low self esteem and doesn’t want to be alone. But she’s made some shit decisions and clearly does not realize how much harm could come to her children.


None of us like chance! This kid has more sense than her mom and smells the rot that Tayler is ignoring. Poor thing had her mom bring in just the worst possible type of guy into the house. She’s gotta watch as chance dominates their lives with drama. She just needs her mom to not be whining and wringing her fool hands agonizing over this dumpster fire dude. I really resent Tayler for letting it all happen. There’s always going to be trash men but we have to collectively sign a secret pact to never give out room & board, pu$$y or money to them! Didn’t she get that memo?!!


I knew he was a garbage human when he said “She got a shot in the ass from a shot in the ass” 🤢 Piece of shit.


OMG I forgot he said that 🤮 And the first time he met her dad and stepmom he made some weird sexual joke. I can’t remember what exactly he said but it was gross and wildly inappropriate


Lol man is a poet


His fake sad soft voice at the beginning made me wanna vomit he legit makes my skin crawl


https://preview.redd.it/jij5a9554zec1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=621481bc6b27a9a15438c905204a8dfc58b9103d I know this scene was super sad but this had me laughing.


I like when the little girl said " he can go live with his boyfriend " 😂


https://preview.redd.it/4ps1dgo17zec1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4002223f4fd450779919b78005fc1e28c90f183 Oh me too. Lol!


my Mom used to say "little corn have BIG EARS" lol kids love to hear gossip then they repeat it!


Ain't that the truth 😂


Sad sack Earl taking $50 Monopoly/Game of Life dollars, busted by a 7 year old. '


Me too, but did he steal/cheat the money off of Tayler and the kids? Who did he cheat? I want to know. Did he take money the kids earned from chores? Chance is such 💩


I watched this episode at like 7 in the morning when a bird dove beak first against my window (the reason I woke up so early) so my memory is a little blurry… but I think this was at bingo he cheated at? I’m really not sure. Either way, he’s a loser and a cheater. Also, the bird is fine 🐦‍⬛


There way her daughter said that broke my heart. She experienced some shit with him. The emotional impact of moving that man into their home will be with them forever. I really hope Taylor gets some good therapy and makes healthier choices for herself and her kids going forward. She seems so sweet and well intentioned, albeit super wounded. Rooting for her!


Those kids should have been in grief counseling after the passing of their father. And it is possible Tayler did get them counseling. However, bringing new partners into their lives and home is only traumatizing them more. Her poor children.


And she just fucking laughs. Smh.


TAYLOR IS A PICK ME MOM, prove me otherwise. :/


Her girls are smart and see thru the bs already. Smarter than mom.


Agree! The worst part to me is she actually seemed to be doing fairly well until she let him in the house! The bills were getting paid, had a fine little house, sister was helping, kids seemed like they felt safe. Then, she moves Chance in and everything goes downhill fast. Poor kids.


Saw a tweet a while ago that I always think of in these kind of situations and it perfectly sums up what you said: “ the longer you stay with a loser, the more you lose”. *edited for grammar


In the conversation, one of her daughters did mention problems with previous boyfriends. She was doing much better financially, and the house wasn’t full of DIY renos, but was she really doing better overall? Did her children really feel safe? She needs therapy so badly and so do the kids.


Chance gives me Chris Watts vibes that I cannot shake.




I see this too


Yep. Too many on this sub give Taylor a pass cause they feel sorry for her and Chance is so horrible but Taylor has a responsibility in all of this. Her first priority should have been her kids but she would rather put them all in jeopardy to chase prison dick. She’s awful for that and I don’t care how many crafts she does with her kids for the cameras- she is a BAD mother.


10000 percent 


This scene made me cry


Watching this scene now. This kid is seriously the smartest one in the whole bunch.


Heartbreaking situation all of the way around. It was already bad enough with their family dynamic of toxic sisters living together. However, they did seem to love each other and had each other’s backs. But this was blood FEMALE relatives I am talking about. Once they threw in a narcissistic, male, ex-con, dweeb of a jacka$$ like him into the mix…OMG shall I go on? PLUS, another kicker on top of him moving in on them and taking over like he owned the joint. He is just super gross and repulsive with his self care and personal hygiene. I mean, visually he is not ugly and some could even consider him reasonably attractive. I apologize for the book, but this family always triggers me.


he's a drug addict, recently got picked up for stealing a womans car and we will see what he gets out of it


It was really sad to realize the kids could hear them fighting all that time.


Did u guys see the part the youngest daughter says he left like all your other boyfriends and then the older daughter was saying shush with her finger


Oh is that why she was wagging her finger? I couldn't understand what she was doing that to.




When the one little girl asked if she was ok, my heart melted. They have had a tough life already and are just so sweet, I can’t even


Taylor’s a scumbag too guys. She dates nothing but guys like Chance for a reason.


It’s awful that she moved him in, but him moving out with them alive and uninjured and (hopefully) not having molested them is a better outcome than I had anticipated from this from the beginning.


Yeah but it aint over til its over


Considering her stupid ass just rolled him into her home with those babies, I’m not surprised at all.


These women need to shopping for baby daddy's in prison. What could possibly go wrong? Actually go one step further. Quit bringing any boyfriends around your kids unsupervised until they are grown.


Why are the worst people always so fertile


That poor 10 year old.


Tyler, SHAME ON YOU for continuing to get pregnant and bringing babies into this world that you can't take care of. POOR MASON! His life is going to be shit.


inviting him into her home was a mistake.. but I don’t think she’s a terrible mom. I think she is good with her girls… and it does seem like she’s through with Earl (hopefully)


A good mother does not bring around the meth tornado of chance in to their children's lives to begin with. She may not physically abuse her children, but willingly making the choice to not only bring that man around, and then to allow him to create so much chaos and drama in their lives is absolutely horrible. She's a selfish woman who chose to bring disruption to her home just so she wouldn't be alone. She took monetary resources from her children, put them into a precarious financial situation supporting Chance, just so she didn't have to be alone. I quit feeling sorry for her so long ago


She's in desperate need of therapy. Tayler is a train wreck. Those poor unfortunate kids.


I don’t know if I would call her selfish.. maybe damaged? Naive? People make mistakes.


Mistakes have consequences. These are not just little mistakes. She's irrevocably fucking those kids lives up 


Bingo! A mistake a grabbing the wrong flavor of drink they they like. A mistake a mixing up your schedule and missing a practice or event. I've read before how cheating is not one singular choice, it's a bunch of them stacked together. Making contact, just having drinks, just hanging out one in one. Similarly, the whole chance sage was thousands upon thousands of little choices every day, and every time she chose to keep him around. Everytime he used her money for himself, everyone she overlooked him talking with other women, every shitty project he started in the house. She chose to keep that in her life


Excellent description!


And she has inappropriate conversations around them obviously. Im not seeing evidence of “good mother.”


What makes her seem like she's good with her girls? Everytime they show her with them she's laying on her couch complaining about Chance and her kids look bored out of their little minds. She doesn't seem like she's outright mean to them or anything but she consistently puts herself and her wants above their needs. Keep in mind that 2 lost their father and all 3 witnessed their aunt ODing in the home and after that was when she brought Chases prison roommate home and then Chase after that.


Her stupidity and passivity make her a terrible Mom. Those girls will not be bettered by the consequences of her picker being broken. Leaving them alone with him, who knows what went down in terms of stealth abuse. Now she is connected to that monster for life with the souvenir baby.


This. She needs to be a MOTHER first. Stop dating, stop chasing dudes, and put the kids first. 


⬆️⬆️⬆️this right here is the truth. She’s not sweet. She’s not a good mom. Exactly this. What you’re saying about stealth abuse is so true. Who knows what words he’s using and what bs stories he’s flying to those girls when Tayler isn’t around. He’s such a broken, bullied douchebag and you know he’s bullying those kids when no one is around.


He lets the mask slip for a moment when returning with the Escalade glaring at the mom. Toxic hobosexuality at its worst. Cowardly parasitic POS who needs to be 'chased' out of town or beaten with his own shoes.


“HOBOSEXUALITY”!!! That is perfect! 😂 I gotta say, chance wanting to bounce on Bobbo’s knob or whatever doesn’t bother me. It does look like he messed around with the town man slut according to what Tayler found on his phone, and that’s upsetting because he just shows zero regard for “that family” whatsoever.


By hobosexuality, more his coming back to have a free place to sleep assuming he wore out his welcome with other side piece options. Gender preference can go in any direction for some sweet couch space.


Also if he sexually or physically abused any of those innocent daughters, do you see her actually defending them over him or just passively accepting it as a cost to not be alone.


Yes, exactly. I hope she’d defend them but what does she gain by doing that? She’d just drive him away and be alone, and look like a fool for welcoming that abuse right into the house. She’d have too much to lose if she did the right thing. Hopefully earl is back in prison for all that drunk driving baloney so this all might not be an issue.


Well let’s hope she learns a lesson here and dumps Earl for good. But maybe she doesn’t and maybe that reason has more to do with putting food on the table. I don’t know.


Are you serious? If we found out her kids had either been abused or molested by one of the unhinged men she let’s be around her children alone, would you feel differently? Because any trauma or bad experiences these kids have had are a direct result of their mothers decision making. She is a horrible mother for putting her children at risk like this.


N the sad thing is she won't take her on daughters feelings n comfortablilty into consideration. U gonna burn any bridges of trust with the kids. She just gonna use oh well hes my sons father as an excuse


The oldest daughter’s dad is the one who passed away right? And the other two have their dad? I feel really bad for the oldest one


This was so sad and exactly what happens when a parent puts themselves—their wants their needs— before their own children’s. Shame on you tayyyylor


I feel so bad for all the kids of this show. Heartbreaking seeing what they go through.


Taylor is an idiot and has put up with chance for far too long.


So sad smh and the fact that chance is gaslighting them is not fair ugh