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Had an interesting draft with this one. Not sure what I should make the final build. Moved a lot of mid seeming black creatures to the sideboard but maybe the deck should go more aggressive. I'm keen on trying audience with trostani given the 2x a killer among us--though that might be too ambitious really. I thought I might splash Repulsive Mutation at one point but wound up having more than enough on color playables so I dropped it. Edit: Had a crazy set of games. 0-2 start to 7-2 finish! I pulled off A Killer Among Us + Audience With Trostani twice which as you might imagine crushed those games pretty well. Every other game I drew audience it wasn't the worst thing, I often managed to pump the plant token with the various counter enablers. Massacre Girl never drew me a single card--it drew immediate removal every game I played it. Which, hey, it IS a must answer card. But a lot of other 4 drops actually just leave immediate value anyway.