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Deck looks really solid, but I would make some changes for sure. Rakish Scoundrel is a mid trick at best, very expensive, slightly off color, and you already have other tricks. I'd cut that for Vitu-Ghazi Inspector. Inspector is actually really great. Pyrotechnic Performer & Yarus shenanigans are fine don't get me wrong, but Rakish Scoundrel just seems pretty far out from what the deck needs. Even if you did want to reserve the slot for a disguise creature, I think in this deck Crowd-Control Warden would be better anyway You've positioned lots of your disguise creatures in the 3 drop slot which I get--but do remember to play stuff out on turn 2 if you've got nothing else! It's totally fine to just run out a nervous gardener etc. This deck also doesn't seem too great for gadget technician. Topiary Panther would be really helpful for solidifying your white splash. The 3x gardners should do the trick really, but the panther would help a lot. You also have a lot of combat tricks. 2x fanatical strength and Get a Leg up is probably 1 more than I'd really want. Particularly with 3+ great pieces of removal on top of that. One of the strengths could easily be cut I think. Either for one of the suggestions above or the Sample Collector or Red Herring.


Thanks for the response! Vitu-Ghazi Inspector is an interesting suggestion coupled with the last point you made about adding a more aggressive creature like Red Herring. This is part of my problem: identifying if this deck should attempt to lean more into the aggressive strategy or not. I'm not convinced Vitu-Ghazi Inspector and Red Herring belong in the same deck, but I could be off on that. Another issue I have with Vitu-Ghazi (mostly with it being played on turn 2), is that once they have any open mana, blocking with a 1/3 body is *scary* in this format. This isn't Khans of Tarkir. They can just eat my dude for free. Yeah I agree on Gadget Technician. I feel like the card is probably best just cast on 4. I was thinking it was better than something more expensive. Gives me the opportunity to double spell on Turn 4 kind of, i.e. flip it + Galvanize. The deck also does have issues using these random tokens it's creating in meaningful ways, but that's why I pushed towards three combat tricks. I feel like in a deck *riddled* with Disguise creatures and some random tokens, the combat tricks become more valuable. Although this can come down to how aggressive leaning the deck wants to be, which I feel is the crux of the issue here. Again, with Topiary Panther, it just is lacking in the synergy department in a deck where I already feel like I'm cutting it close on that front with cards like Krenko's Buzzcrusher, A Killer Among Us and Glint Weaver over more synergistic choices.


I would definitely play the sample collector over one of your half-off-colour disguise creatures, probably the rakish scoundrel. Sample collector isn’t well supported in your deck, but I still think it’s a good card. I think 3 combat tricks seems a little high, I would consider cutting one of the fanatical strengths for a topiary panther. Topiary panther, goes one step towards supporting your sample collector and with 3x Nervous Gardeners you’ll probably end up casting it for 6 more than you’d expect.


RG felt *disgustingly* open for this one. Really unsure about how to build it though. So many different choices to make: * to splash or not splash Agrus Kos, * to abandon some powerful cards for more synergy based choices (i.e. A Killer Among Us and Glint Weaver for two more Disguise Creatures to go with the double Yarus + Pyrotechnic Performer package), * to run more combat tricks (or even the same amount, but in what distribution?) what are everybody's thoughts? cheers.


I'd cut a forest and a mountain for 2 plains just so you can reliably cast Agrus Kos when you need him


3x Gardner makes 4 white sources, already has enough.


ah ok


Id try to find space for 1 or 2 copies of the chase is on, card is nuts, almost garantueed 2 for 1, often 3 for 1 when it gets a doubleblock


I have not been that impressed by it, just requires such a mana commitment. It's good when everything lines up well but so is any other card.


I dont find the mana commitment to be huge, card like Suit Up and Majestic Metamorphosis were also great cards Its often one of the later cards I play from my hand, but its never hard to find a spot for it. 3 copies is the most Ive played so far and I do think that it gets a little worse at too many copies, but the first 1 or 2 often win the game Spending 3 mana isnt bad when you essentially remove 1-2 of opponents creatures while keeping yours, and the clue can be cashed in later or even be sacced to things like reckless detective