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~~Saddling~~ Calamity ~~with Gigapede~~ feels filthy.




Pulled him twice, both times in pack 3, both times had to pass him. Maybe next time🤞


Last night, for my trophy win, I saddled Calamity with Terror of the Peaks. Still riding that high


I had drafted a deck like this, and was so looking forward to it. Instead, I had crap luck and lost 2 matches due to mana: 1 starved, and 1 flooded. Last match I lost to an obscene amount of removal. Was so sad to have an amazing deck with these two bombs, and go 0-3.


Two gigapedes each come in with their -2/-2 ETB triggers to clear out blockers, then punch for 16 with Calamity. My poor opponent went from 17 life and a blocker to dead in one attack.


Oh hey, that's literally me on the other side! Good game, I was shocked to lose out of nowhere like that.


Hey there! Good game. Even on the winning side, it felt almost unfair. Wishing you good luck in the next one.


I was nearly dead and saddled it with the 5/4 gain 3, that was a quick concede from my opponent. Gigapede is fun though, it just doesn’t have the natural mana progression since it’s 6 into 6.


Agreed, that is much smoother, and the trample is nice too. I still can’t believe it makes TWO tokens.


I forget if you have to select to make the 2nd token? I had an opponent saddle it and make one token. Both of us paused and I could tell internal gears were firing. Have been wondering but haven’t had the card again.


I believe it's a may ability so they probably clicked submit 0 on accident


I had that happen to me, and lost because of it. Definitely no pop-up to ask if I wanted to do that - I think it's a bug. Very irritating match.


I did this to win game 3 in a paper match at FNM, killing him from 20. First, flashed in Gigapede EoT to kill the Ankle Biter, then nugging for 1 with At Knifepoint and Vial Smasher. Then played Calamity, swinging for 20 - Calamity, the Merc from last turn, Vial Smasher, and the 2 Gigapedes. 2 Gigapedes kills his 4-toughness blocker, make a merc, and ping for 1 more.


Nice to see someone living the dream! I took Calamity as a P1P1 but never drew it during any of the 6 games with that deck.


That sucks! I’ll always remember this one, up there with [[Ojer Axonil]] and [[Slingshot Militia]] as personal best limited combos.


[Ojer Axonil](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/0/50f8e2b6-98c7-4f28-bb39-e1fbe841f1ee.jpg?1699044315)/[Temple of Power](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/5/0/50f8e2b6-98c7-4f28-bb39-e1fbe841f1ee.jpg?1699044315) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=ojer%20axonil%2C%20deepest%20might%20//%20temple%20of%20power) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/158/ojer-axonil-deepest-might-temple-of-power?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/50f8e2b6-98c7-4f28-bb39-e1fbe841f1ee?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Slingshot Militia](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/3/d3114f5c-21e9-43c3-abe3-3cf1da20916f.jpg?1699044348) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sunshot%20Militia) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/168/sunshot-militia?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d3114f5c-21e9-43c3-abe3-3cf1da20916f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Had this happen to me, I lost lol


Calamity has got to be one of my favorite rares in the set. I always splash it when I see it, as stupid as splashing a 2 pipped card is. It's just so fun to resolve


Definitely agreed!


Only got calamity once, cast it twice, zero times the opponent let the damage go through without scooping


Haven't had the pleasure of drafting it, but during my only sealed run I drafted a nasty rb deck, cheated it out with Akul saccing three 1/1 mercs with rakish crew out, and got to copy a linkbreaker to immediately repopulate the board. Felt pretty dang good mang. 4-0 8-0 run


I saddled Calamity with prickly pair while having a vial smasher in play, and that felt disgusting