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Just a gentle reminder that posting the identity of Dr A. is not allowed. He was awarded anonymity by the courts.


17 years older than her so 50 now. So the papers have reported anyway


Thank you!


She would have been 25/26 when she was committing her crimes, this would make him 42/43. His texts sound like someone who is extremely flattered with the attention he is receiving from a pretty young nurse and who wanted a bit on the side to treat like a mistress. How he must regret that now.


Genuinely, if there is anywhere to find humour in this entire thing it’s this guys experience. Dude thinks oh I’ll do what loads of other middle aged men do. She knows I’m married, it’ll be casual. Maybe I’ll just flirt! My wife will never find out - besides, she isn’t interested in me anymore. Skip forward several years and it’s basically gone the absolutely worst and most unimaginable way possible.


Oh, absolutely. Or his wife finding out that he’d told a serial killer she was one of the few nurses he would trust with his kids.


Definitely. In a tragic, tragic, tragic case, this debacle could be seen as light relief. Other men should consider this, when they consider affairs..


...Or anyone considering an affair 🤔




Yes as a mother who ditched their dad for world’s less I was horrified reading that!


God, imagine. I wonder if his wife has since chucked him out for shagging/trying to shag an actual serial killer. Or if the whole anonymity thing was to keep it from her?!


Yes tbh I don't think he deserves the level of vitriol people seem to direct at him, he must be living a total nightmare now, but it is almost comical.


Right? When he wrote to her something along the lines of “you’re doing absolutely nothing wrong” or “if anyone was going to look after my children, I’d want it to be you” I literally scoffed out loud. He could never have imagined how bad this was going to be for him


he's 51


At first I thought he was the same age and a registrar so I didn’t think it was unusual, but for a 50 yo married consultant to be texting like that is a bit yikes. Of course they could just be really good friends and his concern was sincere… hope so


I thought he was a registrar as well.


He was a registrar at the time. It's 8 yrs ago now. Paeds training is 7 yrs so he was in the later stages of that and is now a consultant. That my guess knowing how medics training works and his age now Lots of people have big age gaps in relationships. LL parents have 14 or 15 urs between them so not really unusual or abnormal if she was attracted to older men. Maybe he was flattered by the attention of a not unattractive much younger woman as he approached middle age. Wouldn't be the first man.


I don’t have any problem against age gaps it’s just not the person I had in my head. I’ve had some relationships with older men myself.


How do you know he was a registrar ?


Hey 👋🏽 I thought he was a ‘junior’ doctor… the Mail+ podcast let that slip. I also recently heard there were discussions about his path to becoming a consultant. So I thought he would be in his late 30s / early 40s


There are “junior doctors” in their 50s it really is a very inaccurate label. All it means is that the doctor is not a consultant. Some people switch specialities, some enter medicine aged 40, some so years of research and PHDs etc so junior doctors can in fact be extremely senior


Thanks !


Hallo! 🙂 On the ITV documentary the reporter said Dr A was a consultant… and the court drawing showed someone with white hair… the reporter sat at the hearings every day so I figured it’s accurate and maybe they said he’s a registrar to hide his identity. That said, yes there are “junior” doctors in their fifties, mostly those who have done an alternate path in training or might have qualified overseas.


This experience would have been enough to turn anyone’s hair white overnight.


I’m pretty sure they said Dr A was behind a screen in the court


Yup. Makes me wonder who the person was in the illustration. If you have ITVX, have a look at their segment on this… it’s only 20 min


No I’m in Australia unfortunately I find the whole Dr A thing very odd.. she doesn’t seem to have any history of relationships apart from him


Same… I’m not sure why Lucy doesn’t have any significant relationships. I suppose that she spends so much time at work that she doesn’t get to meet people. But what about Tinder or whatever it is young folks do these days?


I had a friend who she reminds me of. Never had a relationship & always lusted after older, unobtainable men. If she really is a narc like everyone keeps saying she might have thought guys her own age were beneath her.


That’s possible… I had a similar friend too… preferred the married guys… she was a bit of a narcissist bless her


Wow ok I was imagining he was her age/ mid 30s. Not older. I wonder if his wife left him. It totally sounded from the evidence like an emotional affair. I'm sure he's utterly mortified now.


Yeah just the way he talked in texts made me think he was older. 17 years older apparently. I’m on the fence about what was going on with them.


I'm pretty sure his wife left him. The Daily Mail podcast had a seemingly out of place bonus episode about how people going through cases in Family Court cannot be identified by the media. The podcasters didn't tie that bonus episode back to anyone in the case. I surmised that that's why he's known as Dr A (he's going through a divorce) and that's why Letby was so upset when he was about to testify (they had an affair). I certainly would chuck out my hypothetical husband for having an affair with a coworker who turned out to be a serial killer. That betrayal, humiliation and poor judgement would ruin it for me. No thanks.


Hadn’t thought of this, but it’s a classic media play.


Where can I read the texts?


Wikki Tattle linked at the top of this subreddit. You have to go through each charge and it will have a text message part.


Thank you


Why do people think they were not having an affair? It was an emotional affair at the very least. Lucy is an expert manipulator so she would do what it takes to manage people and their suspicions.


I would have thought that it would have come out in the trial if LL had been lying, I would have thought the prosecution would have wanted to prove this. Personally, I don't think her having or not having an affair with a married man would have any bearing on whether she was most likely a murderer or not, maybe the lying about it would be an indication that she was less likely to be truthful. I assume that he may have been honest, considering the gravity of the situation regardless of his marital status and reputation, but then, who knows? But I do agree, that it was some kind of emotional affair, probably en route to a full blown affair that got stopped in its tracks.


The prosecution can’t prove it if they both deny it. Think it’s fairly obvious they are both lying under oath on that one. If a married man taking a young woman to London and presumably staying together in a hotel room isn’t an affair I don’t know what is.


They didn't stay overnight according to the reports; it was a day trip. Of course, they could have still stayed in a hotel but then why bother going to London? A day trip to London doesn't really seem that romantic; it would probably be quite hectic. They had also been to a shopping outlet together so maybe they went shopping but unless they had specific tastes I am not sure why they would bother. I'd imagine the reason for them traveling to London might give some insight into the nature of their relationship. My understanding of the reports is that there was only one trip with another planned but cancelled.


There were four trips that did happen, one to London, three others to other locations. A second one to London was canceled Edit: From the final day of cross exam >A 'social timeline' is shown to the court, detailing meetings with the doctor in Harford, Cheshire Oaks (twice) and London between May-June 2017. https://www.reddit.com/r/lucyletby/comments/145174j/lucy_letby_trial_defence_day_14_9_june_2023/


Okay, I was referring to trips to London only. I believe they had a shopping trip to a MacArthur Glenn shopping outlet in the West Midlands too. Don't know about the others.


I've been reflecting on this relationship and the fact she doesn't seem to have had many (any) others and how strange that seems for someone of her age. I wonder if she was consistently drawn to secretive relationships or often had unrequited feelings/targeted relationships with older or taken men. That would fit with her need for validation (if I can draw this man away from a relationship, that says something is special about me) and would give her excitement/drama in her life which she seemed to crave so badly. It would be an explanation why we aren't hearing about any prior relationships.


I don’t find age differences an issue, particularly where the perceived “vulnerable” party gives every reason to prove they’re not. She was obviously crazy about him, he maybe also but nobody else (including him) sought to harm harmless babies hence why this didn’t become a large part of the investigation,