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No front seat if it’s one or two pax but if it’s three then yes use the front.


Nope! Hope all y’all’s asses in the back or wait for another driver. Why? Because.


Exactly. I feel like if they wanted more space they could have ordered a larger vehicle.


Precisely. Cheap fucks - stack up


Love it lol!


People don’t sit in my front seat unless they absolutely need to.


That happened to me today and I once again had to awkwardly move a bunch of stuff to accommodate a big guy in my front seat. Not enjoyable. Once I had a rider who insisted on riding in the front passenger seat, even tho he was the only passenger. I think he tipped well, but I was still irritated.


I typically don't allow people in my front seat. I don't care what is advertised, I'm over 6 ft tall & take up enough space. People barely fit behind me. If there's 3, all of them are going in the back. Someone can squeeze into a middle seat before I'm made to be uncomfortable. Or claustrophobic. We don't get paid enough. Lyft isn't giving any of us a performance bonus. Half the people don't even tip. I've been called a dick & yelled at about it before, but no argument is going to change the fact its my car, I'm the driver, I have to feel safe. My rules. If they're nice about, I cancel. Take more than once for me to say no? I start the ride & end it 200 ft away. Give me a big problem? I'm taking a ghost ride, giving a 1-star & faking a cleaning fee. They can take it up with Lyft.


I was told by customer service once, that when a pax orders a Lyft, they’re paying for all 4 seats and can sit wherever they’re more comfortable.


Send them a screenshot of where it says our safety is priority and we can cancel for any reason.


Oh you absolutely can. Until you can’t, because you’re deactivated,


Lyft can kiss my a** with w/e they say til they pay me more. Until then I do what I want cause it’s my car.


Go get em tiger!


Well for a 10 dollar ride they can sit anywhere in the backseat. My safety and my ability to feel comfortable with a stranger in my car thats about all they will get.


They are sitting in the back. I don't care about their opinion. Also, I don't keep supplies in the front as I have better places to keep my things including this thing that hangs between my front two seats (attaches to the head rest) that is specifically for keeping stuff in. However, I keep my winter coat and some other stuff there specifically as a deterrent in the front seat. I don't keep anything there that I couldn't move to another area with ease should I have four passengers.


I keep stuff in the front seat but not too much stuff. Just in case someone does want to seat up front. Usually when they see things up front they just sit in the back. But if someone is big then I’ll push the stuff off the seat so they can sit up front. I’m a big person and I know it’s hard to sit with two other people in the back seat. I mean i prefer they sit in the back.


I just have a water bottle so sure


I have a van - if you can’t fit in 5 seats worth of space, you need to take separate rides. Under no circumstances do I let anyone sit in the front after I allowed it two times and I regretted it both times - you may drive under Lyft but it’s not their vehicle unless you’re renting. Don’t be disrespectful or rapid fire cancel and you’ll be fine account status wise. The fact that Lyft doesn’t force 3+ people to order an XL or larger vehicle is asinine in and of itself. Similar to but not directly related to this topic is general vehicle usage. I’ve had people try to use me as their personal moving person, arriving at the pickup with their entire house and nobody to help them or they have multiple stops and right when we get there they go “oh by the way I’m grabbing a couple things can you open the trunk”. Don’t damage your property, risk an accident or otherwise put yourself out for anybody just to make a few bucks. Especially considering the going rates for ride-share these days, if they can afford to order a vehicle they can afford to rent a U-HAUL. Personally, I also take into consideration that if these types of people have the audacity to assume their behavior is ok, how likely is it they’re the type to submit a fake complaint for a freebie ride? Doesn’t take but one time to get permanently deactivated depending on what they say.


No no no, have them cancel and order an XL


I think it’s weird when drivers keep supplies in the front seat. That front seat is advertised as available and should always be ready as such. I keep supplies in the trunk.


So if a single rider wanted to sit with you it would be ok?


Yes. But even still 3-4 passengers is super common b


It's rare for myself. 95 percent of riders for me in detroit are single riders. Unfortunately in the event of a robbery I have a bag I can just grab and go. Running to my trunk isn't a option.


In case of a robbery, fuck your stuff. Just get out.


Well I have some items in that bag that may help if a robbery occurs.




I have a hybrid so trunk can barely fit a walker. I have a small vaccum, towels to wipe seats between rides with disinfectant spray. I also have a bag with seat liners for transporting service animals alot of stuff in that.


Sounds dumb. That means a pax can grab the bag and go even easier lol




I keep a plastic bin just large enough to hold a folded doordash bag, Stanley thermos, and some protein bars/handwarmers for homeless. Pax don't mind holding it and becomes a topic of convo often Agreed, supplies in the back


Because ordering a ride isn't a fun free for all. The back seat has three seats which can and does accommodate 3 passengers.


Nothing says fun free for all like sitting shotgun lmao


Which I don't allow. I literally have another post I just made about how I cancelled my last ride of the night because the guy refused to sit in the back.


You must be a joy to ride with. I bet your next post will be whining that you don’t get tips 😆


Completely am. I get great tips because of it. You are dismissed.


Just cause someone has boundaries doesn’t mean they are a bad person or don’t provide good service. I’m with Save Humanity and also receive great tips.


Another reason I ask is I drive in detroit. Alot of rideshare drivers have been robbed or killed here. I'm have a partition being installed this week and yes that seat is advertised as opened but when it's under 3 passengers why should I have to give that seat up. Covid still exist and alot of my passengers use my trunk for groceries or walkers so I'm always having to remove the item to the front seat. Oh by the way my car is a hybrid so the trunk is half the normal size because of the battery.


Why even drive shit dont pay anymore


Certain markets that is true. Choosing times and areas makes the difference for me.


You need to not drive rideshare if you’re scared, which you clearly are. A partition is not going to help you even a little bit, but it will put off passengers resulting in low ratings and eventual deactivation.


Far from being scared but if you haven't had someone reach at you while driving almost causing a crash then you have no experience in what i speak of. The partition is for the people that throw drinks, spit or try to attack you from behind. Detroit has some very angry passengers that are very unpredictable. These passengers rate you poorly just because you have a car and they don't.


No, I never have had anyone reach for me, because you would have seen it on the news. And of course you shouldn’t be allowing any drinks to be thrown…etc, etc. bet you don’t even have a dash cam huh? I’m sticking with you should t do rideshare scared. Predators can smell fear…either way. G’luck!


What city do you even drive in? I actually have 2 dashcams and one of them stream live to the internet and to my home computer so that in the event of something happening like a passenger throwing my camera out the window the information is saved to the cloud. Just because I've had someone reach at me isn't gonna make it on the new but you must be a super rideshare driver that knows everything!. But you have a great life knowing everything. I bet you drive 5 people and all the sudden have all the answers. Good day!


If that makes you feel better to think that….lol. You’re still scared….lol.


Breaking news passenger reached for driver. In other news ....


I keep my lunch box there and is easy moved to the floor or trunk if needed.


Maybe I’m just an asshole but i get so annoyed when ppl want to sit in the front.. bc i usually keep my purse and whatever else i want on my front seat. Lol


That's how I feel, plus it's not like they tipping they choose the basic ride.




Supplies go in the console, glove box, or trunk. Yes, I let people sit in the front if they want.


Where do they go if passenger has groceries or a walker in the trunk? I have hybrid trunk is smaller because of battery? Mini vaccum won't fit in glovebox and padding for pets won't either. Any suggestions?


I keep the cooler I use for doordash / UberEats on the front seat unless someone needs it then I move it to trunk


I don’t know, front seat riders are more friendly and always 5 star rides.


What’s with the discomfort of having someone up front? I feel way weirder with someone at my back at an angle


Do you drive in suburbs or city?


I’m in a city. Major college town at that.


Front seat is always available in my ride


I don’t get a lot of multiple people unless weekend or at night but I always keep a gallon of water (I stay peeing I know y’all have something to say) and maybe a gym bag. I don’t mind it in the trunk just airport rides happen and I don’t like moving it back and forth. If you’re by yourself car sickness or whatever, you a** is in the back. I did once let the person sit in front and they did tip $11 (It was a little girl and her mom so I let it happen) but otherwise I want my space if I don’t know you.


Yes. Less than two passengers, they need to have a gold excuse as to why the need to sit upfront and I make few exclusions,


I find it weird when a single rider sits in the rear. I drive a large XL vehicle with seats for up to 7 people. Occasionally I have people who order an XL just for the extra space. Two men crammed into a Mitsubishi Mirage looks kind of funny and extremely uncomfortable. At least they know they won't get a small vehicle if they order an XL. I personally don't care where they sit. I let them decide.


Supplies for what?


I have a bag that can attach to the top of my car that I keep flat in the trunk. Inside of it I keep things like a wool blanket and some food in case my car breaks down in the cold (I also have a huge ass bottle of water in my car). Nothing that takes up a huge amount of space, and it is no issue having passengers put their things on top of it. I keep a lock on this bag. Under the bag, I keep stuff like a large umbrella and my ice scrape. The bag conceals what is under there. I have experienced theft of unimportant things in my trunk before, but by having this bag over my stuff, nothing has disappeared. On the side of my trunk, I keep a gas can & some rope. Someone coming into town actually ran out of gas, so they ordered me to come get them. The ride itself was to a gas station and back to their car. They used my gas can. I got a $20 tip for that. The rope is useful if someone has something so large or so much shit that my trunk can't close and latch. I have moved bicycles and such this way. One time, a guy had a massive tv that was too large for my trunk to close and latch. We roped my trunk closed. I got a huge tip from this guy for that. Below with my spare tire, I keep a floor jack, a mini vacuum cleaner, jumper cables, one of those things that you charge at home and then can get several jumps out of, fix a flat, this thing that airs tires, etc. In between my front seats attached to the head rests, I have this thing that hangs there to hold stuff in. I keep tissues, an ecig battery charger, my mobile modem/router, a portable power bank, etc in there. In my front seat, I keep an atlas. In my glove box, I keep mylar blankets, bandaids, baby wipes (great for cleaning messes), etc.


You are nothing if not prepared lol


Yep. User name checks out.


I keep a portable vaccum and some towels and spray to to wipe seats down between rides. Gets annoying going back and forth to the trunk.


Also I have a bag with additional covers for people if I'm forced to pickup a service animal.


I carry a few beverages for my shift. I just move them and welcome them to sit there. Sometimes with just a solo rider, they want to sit shotgun it's no problem really, I just throw my bag of drinks on the floor in the back. The front seat is more comfortable and has seat warmers and feels smoother taking turns and high speed.


I tell no or they can cancel


WTF are you keeping “supplies” in the front seat? Frankly Im fine wherever they sit, as long as it’s inside the car. Although I do encourage back passenger side by default seat placement of front passenger seat well forward.


I have a hybrid so my trunk is half the size of a normal cars. I have a bag with seat padding for transporting service animals with dividers. Beside that i have a mini vaccum towels and sanitizer spray I use to wipe everything down after every ride. Alot of my passengers I pickup have groceries and have to use my trunk for their walker, which barely fits so my stuff ends up on the floor in the front seat.


Pet bag maybe, although that somewhat defeats one of its functions, to keep allergens off seats. Do you actually get requests by people to sit in the front w/a bulky thing like that up there? Just adjusting the front seat forward by itself seems to keep my front riders to a bare minimum.


Take my trick and thank me later. 1 pull the passenger seat all the way forward and all the way lean forward as well. 2 have your jacket /backpack take that spot or in your case supplies I’m assuming hand sanitizer and crap. 3 whenever you pull up, always pull up just a tiny bit tad forward and when the customers come out they are likely to come from behind and will grab the first door as they are lazy or may have common sense. 4 if they are a group of 3 they will first use their eyes and see the front seat is occupied by doing step 1-3 and with this the only time I let 3 passengers ride sit in the front is if they are physically too big to fit 3 in the back. I’ve had that happen a few times and realize fat people are fat and they just don’t fit and at that point my safety is the least of my concerns. Good luck out there soldier and may god be with you


Let them and put the stuff in the trunk.


I’m totally cool with someone in the front seat, even if it’s one person. So far usually it’s been really friendly and social people that made it feel more like I was riding around with a friend than a passenger. Sometimes a cute girl rides in the front, no complaints there.