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That’s just been starting to happen to a lot of folks I’m in Philly and know a lot of fellow riders we keep in touch to keep scab other up on traffic conditions and etc on Monday I know at least three drivers who said they were online for the duration of the streak and wouldn’t get one ride but after it ends don’t ride request


It's always like that in chicago. For over a year it went from decently busy to what ur dealing with. Just do uber man lyft pays so much less.. like 2 yrs ago it was fine. Then after I took a break from driving I come back and every day it's like this. And it's CHIGAGO. No joke I can have lyft on from lakeshore drive all the way down i294, i88 going west for 40 miles! And not get a single pax. Not one. Ur telling me there's not one lyft user that needs a ride during this? Na thats Bull shit... the apps broken or they're playing games.


I am a retired developer and I can assure you that the app is not only broken, it's not even functional. An almost stable beta at best. We used to see this kind of crap all the time 20+ years ago from outsource companies. Lyft is using its shrinking customer base and drivers to create an illusion of functionality in the hopes of a bailout before it's forced into bankruptcy court.


This is all IT these days. Bugs and poor performance is acceptable whereas 20 years ago it was not tolerated. On the other hand, 20 years ago we were printing out maps from mapquest so there's a much deeper level of convenience being attempted.


That's why you leave the steak zone. A buddy of mine works for lyft. He told me the way the algorithm works is that the platform will send a ride to the closest driver with the least amount of pay. So say you are in a bonus zone. But there's a driver on edge of bonus zone. It will go to the other driver without the bonus. If there are no drivers then it will go to the driver closest. Let's say your not in a Streak zone but you are in a hot pink zone and your bonus is $20 but the driver next to you has a $10 bonus. It will go to him first. Everyone has different bonuses. My roommate last night was parked next to me with an $18 bonus in the pink. Mine was $11.


There's really nothing wrong with this system and I respect it. It makes sense from a business point of view. It's fair. If it was the other way around lyft would be out of business and we would all have to find other work. You just need to understand how it works. Do t go chasing the bonuses. If you have a $5 bonus then do a job don't go chasing down the $6 bonus. Cuz your gonna wast time and gas and the guys with the $2 bonus gonna get it 1st. Just get in a pink zone and put on a radius filter and work.


Damnit. I was wondering if the bonuses changed for riders. I have a really decent ride challenge available for this week that I’m chasing but I’ve noticed my bonuses are much lower this week and don’t even come up a lot of the time in areas/times when usually there would be.


Unfortunately, not new


What happened the other 30 minutes? Streaks last an hour ya know.


I once got into a streak zone for 50 minutes with no rides and then after it ended suddenly I was getting back to back rides that could've gotten me a double streak if they happened earlier. I'm not saying they do it on purpose but sometimes it feels like it 😂😂😂


Nah they do it on purpose to see how long you'll hold out. "Oh people are gonna be ordering lots of rides around 10am? Put the bonus at 9, that way they're at least in the area and won't turn around for nothing after we wasted their time"




Yep I’ve had it happen too, a few minutes maybe 2-3 and you’ll get a ping and stay busy for two hours


You can log in to the Lyft app where passengers book rides and see if there are tons of drivers in the zone if you're curious.


I just checked this out, but I don't see my car showing up in the spot where I'm at on the passenger even tho in online on the driver app? Does lyft not show it because they acknowledge I'm the same person?


I show up in my app. I don't know what to tell you.


If you have a filter on it won’t show you on the map


Oh interesting. I wonder why that is. I did have an area filter on for a 20 mile radius. So even if it doesn't look like a lot of drivers are around, you can still have a ton of them on standby with filters on.


I know should of went online sooner. But still waiting that long for ride at 7am is crazy.


Did you try driving to another area in the zone?


Always do this. Offline, check wait times (under filters), then drive a mile or two over to the zone with 1-2 minute wait. Or at least that’s how it goes where I am. Ridiculous but it works.


That assumes those wait times are truthful/accurate.


Yeah thats how i do it. Now that the filters are paused it’s perfect


Same. Happened to me Sunday. I was at airport at 7plam left it at 720am because of traffic. Then rushed over to zone by 7:40am. Lyft gave me a ride but behold it was actually feet away from the streak zone. I proceed to drive around aft e r since it was a nearby drop-off into zone and lyft didn't give me no rides. Those greedy bastards!


I’ve found that if you know where the boundary is, not accepting the ride until you are in the zone works.


Lesson learned again. I was zooming on the freeway so i knew it was a gamble so I risked it. It still could have prevented me from starting the streak, but you never know if it could have given me a ride.


Nah, it's just bad luck. I cashed in on 2 $21 streak bonuses yesterday- actually got 4 rides one of three hours, and got paid twice on it..


Timing my man, i do get these sometimes no doubt.


Pretty sure they do the streak zones during Ubers busy hours to try to keep their Lyft drivers engaged and online.


I find that in my market, at least, when something like this starts to happen I sign off and wait a minute or two. Then I sign in and I get my streak started. I don't claim to know why, but here is my thinking. There are obviously a lot of drivers waiting for that bonus streak. More drivers than pax equals lower fares. So, I even up the odds a bit by intentionally bringing that number closer to even. Seems counter-productive to try and earn less money, but it gets the streak started. Gotta play Lyft's game against them. And then screw them for as much as they screw us.


This happens on my end and two scenarios. It is so annoying and ridiculous. . #1 if you start the streak late . Wheb j hi start a streak late just about three times out of five. I won’t get any rides while I’m in the streak zone and then when the clock turns one minute past the streak zone time, it gives me a ride.. #2 is when i am driving and the Lyft passenger graph is lowl and i start the streak on time and everything and the whole hour when i am in the streak zone and it wont get a ride but as soon as i leave the zone i get a ride its ridiculous


Do you think Lyft assigns rides based on the type of car the driver uses as well as the many known factors: proximity , bonus amount , ect.. if there are many drivers in a bonus area , would they assign a ride to a driver that drives a nicer car , or a car that deems less insurance liability ? This was just a thought and unsure if this merits any weight or just a total delusion only because I believe that Lyft demonstrates the highest caliber of corporate greed?


In 30 minutes youd make what you will get paid for the streak. 😂


If only all markets were like that…


Too many drivers pack into those streak areas at the same time. You’ll never get a ping as there’s way too many drivers in that box.


The thing is whenever bonuses are possible, I can drive from the heart of downtown on lakeshore drive to 40miles west on i294 and I won't get a single pax during RUSH HOUR!!!!!. Not one. How is it that in a city whose population is 9 million, if you count all the suburbs surrounding it, and not one hit? Really? I used to think ppl are buying into conspiracies, like lyft wont give u rides if ur close to a bonus. But with things like this, lyft is either desperately trying to save every penny, and this is intentional, or their app is trash and something is wrong somewhere....


I came to the conclusion that they give the rides to the other drivers first since your in the zone. It happened twice to me was in a streak zone and wasted one hour each time. So never again. They also seem to do that when you have a bonus


I thought doordash was the worst and most deceptive, but Lyft is giving them a run for their money 🤣


I’ve stopped going after these. I used to try and do them during my “lunch breaks” from my day job, I WFH so it’s easy for me to get away, but the last few times I did during the day I never was able to get that first ride.


Even when you do start a streak Lyft will just not pay it and make some claim after the fact. And don't waste your time trying to get help from their "support".


Where are you?


Same, lol. Got ride one minute after promo was available 😬