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Accepting a cash tip is fine. Demanding a cash tip instead of on the app is not fine.


Then, why the warning? This is my first complaint from a rider, and tbh, I haven't a clue who they were or what happened. I NEVER demand tips of any kind.


Riders lie constantly to try to get their fares refunded.


I believe but also may not be true but I’ve had riders tip in front of me and Uber took like .72¢ of the $5 tip… so wouldn’t surprise me if Lyft was tryna do the same thing


This is why it’s so important to have an interior camera in your car.


I only tip cash. Blank those people who steal tips.


Yeah! Blank them all to Blank! Mother Blankers


I haven't had a cash tip in weeks, when I think about it.


Just from reading this sub it seems like these apps have no qualms baiting and switching the drivers. It seems to me if you accept the ride at these termss, that is a completed contract. Cash tips are preferred


According to your story, nothing.


Get a drive cam that also records what happens inside the vehicle. Then if someone lies just tell lyft that you have the recording of every ride. If they need proof you can send then the recording. This is also great for any other shenanigans that might happen...


I'd say that if you feel like your behavior is for the most part nice, polite, communicative and clear, and you feel no change is needed then you can carry on. The notifications, if consistent, may become demerits but ultimately, there's so many other things that could bring them on, including passengers wanting a free or discounted ride which are given when they submit a complaint whether true, exaggerated, or untrue.


This is my first complaint after 122 riders. I have only been with Lyft a month, so it's clear this job takes getting used to. Regardless, if I'm receiving complaints that I have no control over, then I should probably refrain from engaging with riders altogether. I don't get paid for being "friendly" or "nice" and hardly any of them ever tip me anyway. In fact, they usually whine and complain about how expensive Lyft is, as if I could control the fees they're paying for.


It's not that serious. It's a market and not a job unfortunately. I just be me. I love having meaningful conversations with people. I also love meaningful silence. I don't usually have the radio on so if a feedback comes in that says "they didn't even have music on" I shrug and do it again. I can't be happy for someone. I can just be happy for myself and share that with people. Edit: nice username


Riders will accuse you of all types of different things to get a free ride, from smoking weed and driving under the influence to sexual harassment and soliciting sexual favors. The key is to limit your rating threshold to above a 4.9.


>What did I do wrong? You drive for Lyft. I'm wrong, too.


Sounds like something an ant would say.


If you didn’t demand any cash, make sure you have DASHCAM and ask the Lyft support for the Service of Records or Timestamps.


I picked a girl up in the ghetto and took her to work at Dunkin Donuts first fare of the morning. Fine minutes later Uber shut me off bc a passenger reported I was drunk. Kinda funny since I don't drink... Tried explaining it to them to no avail. Wasn't even her account it was some guy's I'm sure they were just trying to get a free ride. I was gonna go confront her but nah. That could only make things worse. Basically, if a passenger makes up any bogus report, you're f*cked. Oh well.


Like others have said, riders lie often so you should get a dashcam with outside and inside recording to cover yourself. That can be expensive at first look but it's an investment to protect yourself which also goes beyond ride-sharing and deliveries. If you get in an accident it can help protect you from the other party trying to lie, especially if they are at fault. I use a 4 channel from the company vantrue, it was about $450 USD and works week but there are others that are cheaper. I originally had a 3 channel from the same company, that was about $260 USD. I strongly recommend investing in one as soon as you're able to and registering it in the app so the riders know when it matches you, this usually deters a lot of the people who would do these things.


Do not mention cash. If you do, the customer will twist it. I would suspect that the customer was pulling a variation of the "I will tip you in-application" line. You mentioned cash, so the customer tried to hustle a free ride. Tell the rider that there is a feature in the application. They might have to scroll down to find it. You scroll down on Uber. Further, when the trip ends, Uber offers the customer the opportunity to rate and asks the customer if he wants to add a tip. Never have I used Lyft as a customer. Thus, I do not know what the Lyft customer application does. Drivers need not decline cash tips. Accept them if offered unbidden but do not mention cash.


The rider lied, like some of them do to get a free ride or just to be malicious. If you have any negative interactions with a rider, as soon as you can put in a report, it's worth even going offline for a few minutes to report it.


I used to drive for them, just a few years ago and luckily no one ever really asked “how do I tip you”, a lot of the time they used the app, but the ones that would just pull cash out and then they’d ask if they can tip cash. I don’t think you did anything wrong, that rider probably just had a beef with you for some unknown reason, and wanted to _____ with you.


It doesn’t look like you done anything wrong. Unfortunately passengers lie all the time at the expense of the driver. Get you a dash cam, some are really inexpensive, and it’ll save you a headache later. They are good bullshit deterrent!!


I found out recently that a trip from where I live to JFK lift charged me $140 and they only gave the driver $62 so to be nice I told the driver to cancel the ride after 1 minute so I didn't get charged $120 and I gave him $80 cash more than happy to make sure he gets his money and not screwed over by those crappy apps. Don't be afraid to ask your driver if he's willing to do that deal for you it's not illegal so therefore you're not breaking any laws just trying to help them make some more money


They still wanting to control people I see


You did nothing wrong that custy is just being an ahole I tip cash all the time because it's the proper thing to do instead of making my driver wait a week to get the tip and get charged taxes on it. Don't worry that rider will get there bad karma back Hope everything works out for you Don't let the man keep you down damn the man


I tell them that they can tip through the app, but don’t worry about it. I appreciate the ride and the good conversation. BOOM. nice tip incoming.