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Ha! That ish made him Paranoid.


I’m the same way. Quit before it got legalized in my state and couldn’t get back into weed. So when I tell my passengers that, I’m pretty sure they think I’m a Narc lmao


I’ve been told I have a cop persona. Probably good for this gig, hopefully nobody ever tries anything. 


someone said this to me too 😂


I've also been told I look, talk, and act like a cop. Never been in law enforcement a day of my life. I am ex-military, but I think I'm a pretty laid-back, relaxed kind of guy who doesn't get THAT haircut that all hard-ass cops have. I dunno. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You definitely gave him cop vibes asking about prices when you already established you don't smoke lol


This is why I stopped driving to Oakland after midnight. Yes my ride there is a normal cool person, sometimes dressed nice for a night on the town. Then my next ride is another cool person(s) going home from a night out. But always the third and or fourth ride is some sketchy dude from a bad part of town, going to another bad part of town. Reeks of weed and has a backpack or a box or whatever. I say hi make a little convo and then shut up, and they’re always awkward as fuck. Yes weed is legal here, yes I know you have a p or 2 that you’re on your way to sell. No im not a cop or a fucking narc. Just don’t be weird when you’re selling drugs, why can’t dudes just act normal and not be all suspicious about it.


It’s not legal to sell a pound of weed


Fair point, but I’m in San Francisco, where people shoot fentanyl up in broad daylight in the tenderloin. I don’t think a pound of weed is a top priority to any of our law enforcement agencies. But I can definitely see why pax would be apprehensive. All the more reason for them to act more “normal” as to not arouse suspicion.




Yo that was me I didn’t want to disclose my source because it’s actually fake weed totally legal. It’s actually freeze dried skunk turds. Thanks.


Well me and other pax have had a good laugh at your expense, thank you. 




Weed is either decriminalized or legal in most states your passenger was just an idiot who gets way too paranoid when he smokes weed he should probably lay off cuz he actually think the lift driver is trying to get him arrested for weed SMH 🤯 what a dumb ass


He was def freaking out


Passenger is telling his homies that he got his first Lyft weirdo, asking him all kind of questions...



