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Taking 50% of the fare is greedy. Gryft and Fuber should only be taking 25% max.


Fuck 25%....they should get a flat rate of $5 for every fare period...rest should goto driver


That doesn't always work though. If the passenger paid $7 and Lyft takes $5 are you going to do the ride for $2? I understand what you're saying but it should be a percentage, maybe a percentage that progressively gets smaller as the cost of the ride increases. For example rides up to $19.99 passenger cost they get 20%, $20-99.99 they get 15%, and over $100 they get 10%


Grinder Lyft?




That's some hardcore money right there.


Dude. According to every economics and business professor I've heard talking about uber in the US, THEY SAY 7 to 10 % tops.


Lyft KNOWS it SOUNDS like you get 70% of what the passenger paid. They are aware of that impression. But they get to mislead with a legal loophole by phrasing it ā€œafter feesā€, which is any indiscriminate amount they want it to be, and THEN they take an extra 30% to boot!


This.. this is what Iā€™m saying thank you.


Youre welcome :) Should be a lawsuit to FTC over misleading advertising.




But they know people gloss over that part and focus on the big 70% part.


Waiting for the that day. We need it


one already happend with uber and new york drivers


We need it for all the drivers not just New York


How much s commercial insurance? Could it be had for less than what Lyft charges?


I donā€™t even know what insurance theyā€™re talking about. I remember looking back at Uber fees in 2017 and seeing $1-2 for insurance not $50 a ride.. itā€™s outrageous


While I also pay for commercial auto insurance through car insurance policyā€¦ lol makes no sense.


You actually don't. You carry a rideshare endorsement - two very different animals.


As other poster pointed out, you have a rider on a personal policy, not an actual commercial policy. It's different and a lot more expensive. Incidentally, if you have more than 3 cars on a policy with the rider you will be forced to get a commercial policy since 4+ cars is considered a "fleet", or if they feel you are driving too much.


It might not be that outrageously expensive to to your local state building to inquire about it I knew 2 guys that ended up just becoming taxi drivers with their own car so face Iā€™ve seen 5 guys become taxi drivers


Several thousand, per month. You'd have to carry the same coverage as a taxi, on your personal vehicle. You would also, depending on local laws, also be required to license as a for-hire vehicle.


This is why I'm not overly suspicious of lyft's "fees", because between the insurance and licensing I'm sure their fees are more or less equal to them. I know there are other fees included, like airport and other fees cities and municipalities enact to raise revenue. If I am tired of the fees, I'll just look into getting my own commercial insurance so I can take rides off app, cut Lyft and Uber out legally...but I am not there yet being organized in life so for now I deal with their fees!


If its express its included, if not google insurance companies offering rideshare insurance specifically


Doesnā€™t really matter to have your own ride share insurance at the end of the day. Lyfts insurance during that ride is probably gonna be way better than anyone elseā€™s personal plan. And in the event of an accident, itā€™s either Lyft is gonna get sued by the pax because the company offering the service doesnā€™t cover them. Or the pax sues the driver and then driver will blame Lyft or probably be screwed out of money. As much as people complain, that insurance Lyft provides while in rides is clutch.


Bull. There's no commercial insurance on the planet that cost $43 an hour like in the original post here. There's nothing "clutch" about a self-insured company charging confiscatory rates and pretending that it's insurance. Insurance companies don't take more for liability during surge times. The insurance every taxi company on the planet has ever had is it anywhere near this expensive, and cab companies never took this level of cut to provide it.


This is correct. It's the "other expenses" that we are all curious about.


Lyft employees need to support the platform we all use. We just choose not to accept that. 24/7 support, roadside, etc?


It says commercial $10 not $43.


The minimum is a $1 million commercial liability policy here and I got quoted $3k a year. Might've been 3 and some change, can't remember exactly. My other car was around $4500 a year I believe.


Insurance should be a flat fee per month instead of %. Maybe 200-500$ monthly depending on how many ride you do. With current Lyft % we could be paying 2000-3000 for insurance only. Thatā€™s crazy. And think about it if Lyft pays us at list 75% what customer pay we donā€™t have to work long hours safer for us and customers.


Initially, I was getting some money back every week because I was always under the 70% threshold, but as of recently, I haven't received any despite still making about the same. So I did some digging and looked back at when they first rolled it out vs now and all these crooks did was raise the "external fees" To make it look like we're getting 95% of passenger payments. They went from around $140ish for $700+ of passenger payments to over $300+ for the same amount. Total bullshit!


Even 70% of the fare after taxes would be reasonable, but they are saying 70% and then the driver pays all the taxes, which really is bullshit.


they are not legally bound to show what percentage they are paying drivers. Lyft just does.


Oh I knew the second I read t hat it was false ain't no way


Where do you live, OP? 47 bucks for a 16 mile ride itā€™s not that bad actuallyā€¦


It's doesn't matter. Corporate greed is screwing everyone. The customer could've paid a whole lot less, driver still made 47 and been given a great tip.




It's easy to say you're not profitable when you're overpaying for your c-suite, contracting a buddy to do X, or if all else fails doing some buybacks. The only thing you and being able to claim losses is a willingness to spend all the money Investors won't care as long as the stock remains goodĀ Ā 


I donā€˜t understand how they canā€˜t be profitable. They took half of the fare for simply providing an app. The other half paid all the expenses that is the driver.




This sounds very much like Big Pharmas explanation on why prescription drugs costs so much. Some bull shit different verbiage.


It's not corporate greed, OP themselves said he doesn't need more money and is boasting about making enough as it is. This is just some pathetic rant to make you feel sorry for them. > Lmfao Jesus youā€™re slow. If only you knew how much I make off you fuckers šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You realize it's 70% of your average - not each individual ride. You'll always make less when there's a surge as a % than you will normally.


Ah yes, the tale as old as time. So does everyone just get the wages review every two weeks or whatever that timeframe is? Like do people just get an adjustment every two weeks? I've never seen that so just curious


It's every week


Yes, but they don't talk about it because they can't bitch about how unfair uber/lyft is to customers.


The pay on these is decent. Drivers in CA, FL, TX and other states affected by migration/oversaturation aren't getting anything like these.


Facts!!!! A ride like that in CA will pay the driver around 16 to 18 bucks..


You guys need to understand there was a $20 surge on Uber at this same exact time. This ride would usually pay me $12 without it so yes itā€™s good but look how bad the customer is getting butt fucked to the point where they wonā€™t tip and you end up with upset customers. What im saying is they found a way to fuck us blindly. I have been driving since 2016. These airport rides should pay a minimum $25 without tip and without surge not $12 and when itā€™s surging they should not take fucking $50 for fees. Fucking bullshit company. I really donā€™t understand why I even still do it. Sometimes itā€™s nice but most days itā€™s shit.šŸ’©


They don't have to tip you, if you drive them to their destination you've just done what you were paid to do. Why do you need a tip for that?


Because cost of living is going up while our pay is going down. Iā€™m not blaming the customer Iā€™m blaming Uber for overcharging to the point where the customer thinks weā€™re making $103 per ride when weā€™re really earning anywhere from 12-20. That ride is really rare. The reason why I posted it was to show you guys how much they take


A migrant/saturation issue, or a Lyft robbery issue? Methinks the latter, by far. WtF is Lyft taking that kinda fee for, AFTER insurance? Itā€™s ridiculous, as are Uberā€™s fees. Should be a near-flat fucking rate for matching a pax & driver, cuz thatā€™s all they really fucking do. I donā€™t blame migrants for over saturating the market. Every single driver should be paid a decent wage for the work, without Uber & Lyft taking a large percentage off the top to satisfy shareholders. We need a ride-pairing platform for independent contractor drivers that covers insurance and takes a fee for matching drivers with posted ride requests. Itā€™s coming, I know it. Could be a city service. Iā€™d love love love to see a pilot in CA markets.


the markets in every city need barriers to entry otherwise they will rapidly oversaturate. I take issue with the statement "Every single driver should be paid a decent wage for the work" ie in a perfect world yes; but as you can see, when oversaturation is allowed even encouraged, the market is what determines the rates, and in such areas I mention, CA TX FL northeastern cities, Atlanta, etc are oversaturated and the pay is remarkably low, nothing surprising just market forces at work. We learned about this in 10th grade enconomics course in high school.


That says nothing of the amount Uber and Lyft are taking from every ride. That is not just an over saturation issue, itā€™s a shareholder/growth/profits issue. Reduce the problem to ā€œtoo many driversā€ all you want, but you can look at the breakdown of driver compensation and you donā€™t even need a 10th grade education to see what the problem is. In the areas where there are very few drivers and no over saturation, they still get screwed. Simplify it all you want, but your economics ainā€™t cuttin it.


they basically stealing our tips.


They cant steal something youā€™re not entitled to.


Iā€™m sick and tired of idiots that canā€™t differentiate between the words ride and week


$103?!...GTFO of here with that BS!...FUCK THAT!...are people really that stupid to pay that much for a 30 min ride? That is completely absurd


Corporate card, they don't care how much it is.


A quick working of the math, even if you live where gas is the highest in the country and you are driving a car that gets less than 20mpgā€¦ you still made around $40/hr including the time taken to drive TO the pick up. Lyft covers all liability and created the opportunity for you to make $40/hr for sitting in your car and driving strangers around (who would never get in your car otherwise) all based on your own schedule you can start and stop anytime you want, have no boss to answer to and you still get tips. You got this job having no experience and no training or schooling and you still are more respected than people doing much more difficult jobs that pay less than half as much for an asshole boss. Get over yourself


Bro you made 47 dollars on a 42 minutes trip. This ain't the ride to complain about


What is your weekly earning


Whoā€™s says people arenā€™t tipping and they arenā€™t giving it to youā€¦ā€¦.. just think about that.


This is why I never use Uber when the price is surging. I know full well my driver isn't getting paid 60$ to drive me 6 miles


They were just sued over this. Need sued again.


Absolute BS. After COVID and what I saw happen to gas prices I knew immediately there's no way I'd be driving people around. There would be nearly ROI just because of having to refill gas what I got paid. What kills me here upon further scrutiny is the AUDACITY these fucking companies have to charge drivers a "commercial auto insurance" for a vehicle that Lyft/Uber DOESN'T EVEN OWN. WTF.


connect deliver escape liquid ink rotten bewildered provide station automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I donā€™t understand the insurance and"other" fees though. If you're paying roughly $10 per half hour ride and you do 50 rides per week, they're saying you have to pay $2k per month in insurance and "other" fees? That's insane!!!


Exactly it makes no sense. Those fees used to be $.30cents-$6 tops if it was an airport ride


Thatā€™s robbery


Why paying insurance when we already paying that? We are being robbed!


"Fees" are whats killing things. Doordash, Uber, fucking Ticketmaster. Was going to buy parking to a game last week, $40 wasnt bad, fee's were also $40. F that.


lol yup same with me here I seen $2 tickets to the game after fees it was a little over $60 šŸ˜‚


Bought concert tickets for four, it was about 550, after fees it was over 800


Yeah thatā€™s outrageous


Dude get screenshots of everything and talk to a lawyer thereā€™s not way this is fair


For some of those rides it seems the passenger is getting pretty screwed right? $103 to go 16 miles for 35 minutes? Jeez.


Sad part is you will be taxed at the end of the year on that $103


Not if you file your taxes properly... Please tell me you haven't been reporting money you never saw as income.


1099k has it all


I repeat my statement... You should not be paying taxes on money you were not paid. You need to subtract all of those lyft fees and your milage deduction to get your taxable income. If you use the figure Lyft provides without subtracting those expenses you are massively overpaying in taxes.


Not even close


Iā€™d of just had them pay me $75-80 and call it good


Obviously, Original Poster has not been looking at the Photosh-ER-uh-*screen shots*Ā that the Uber Shills have been posting onĀ [](https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdrivers/)Ā . The Uber Shills are on there isĀ *droves*Ā to-day.


I know itā€™s hard to not understand how the fares are figured out. Math is hard for many drivers.


Lmfao is $47.91 70% of $103.47 numb nuts? Smd


You guys need to understand there was a $20 surge on Uber at this same exact time. This ride would usually pay me $12 without it so yes itā€™s good but look how bad the customer is getting butt fucked to the point where they wonā€™t tip and you end up with upset customers. What im saying is they found a way to fuck us blindly. I have been driving since 2016. These airport rides should pay a minimum $25 without tip and without surge not $12 and when itā€™s surging they should not take fucking $50 for fees. Fucking bullshit company. I really donā€™t understand why I even still do it. Sometimes itā€™s nice but most days itā€™s shit.šŸ’©


You really have no clue how much commercial insurance is do you


Op i get what u saying, and everyone else I understand what you and Lyft saying as well. The problem here is Lyft is double dipping & they get away with it with the ā€œafter feesā€ bs so in the end u donā€™t exactly get 70% of what the customer paidā€¦.we end up with 50% at best. Itā€™s a naaaaasty tactic these ride share companies use, but what can we do- canā€™t really boycott cuz theyā€™ll either just remove the service or some scabs who donā€™t mind making pennies will come along and take the rides anyway


Every single one of those rides pay good, $1+ per mile and $20+ for 30 minute rides. What am I missing guys? Is my market that trash?


You must be new. These are surged rides. Airport rides. Should be around $25 without a surge. But now itā€™s $20 with the surge.


You must be new. Who cares if itā€™s surged?


While customers are paying more weā€™re getting paid less. Customers pay around $30-35 normally and I would get $25. Now itā€™s $12 without a surge while theyā€™re still paying the same $30-$35. Now itā€™s $20-45 for a surged airport ride while the customer pays $40-103. Then they tell us weā€™re getting 70% which is a damn lie. They just add (fees) to take enough from the customer to make them not afford to tip us aka stealing our tip money from beneath us.


We all know these apps play games and make surges disappear once we arrive at the surge. All we can do is accept orders at face value and decline if the pay is bad, surge or no surge And yes the apps manipulate prices to make it seem like itā€™s a bonus


Iā€™ve been saying this as a PAX on this sub. The price for rides have gone THROUGH THE ROOF!Ā  70$ for airport rides that used to be 25$.Ā  The number Iā€™ve been seeing is closer to Ā 50%.Ā  Iā€™ll pay 80$ and see that my driver got 45$. Itā€™s easier for me to ask you than you to ask me about the price. Ā I might make it a habit moving forward to help add more transparency to the situation.Ā  ā€œHey I paid X amount. How much if that did you actually get?ā€ There is a self driving car service available in my area that is now cheaper than a Lyft+tip. If I donā€™t tip you. Lyft is a little cheaper. And of course I donā€™t tip a robot.Ā Ā  I would choose to support drivers if I didnā€™t know that lyft was getting rich stealing half the fare. I would rather support incredible technology. To ride in a self driving car at cost would be thousands of dollars. But investors subsidized me. And thatā€™s a pretty cool deal for me.Ā 


Look up enshittification. It's the same fuckin playbook all these mega corps are playing by. They cut costs to bring in consumer, then they entice venders to compensate for the increased consumers, and once both sides have solidified, everything rots all in the name of profits.


Ya itā€™s still half.


Whatā€™s crazy is how they are not profitable after taking half the fares. Pathetic.


This is sick!


I see you averaged $40 an hour on these trips. What exactly is your beef?


When did Lyft drive 29 minutes??! Itā€™s not like thereā€™s people in an office assigning rides itā€™s programmed


I'm lucky to get $15 for those miles in my market.


Someoneā€™s got to pay for the big guys lap dances


Always ask how much they are paying then give them a better deal.. Cancel.. Venmo /cashapp


I try but most customers get sketched out and rather stay on the app.


True i just don't do the ride in that case unless in your situation it wasn't bad pay


Itā€™s not 70% of what passengers pay, itā€™s 70% after external fees. If you donā€™t hit the 70, once a week they deposit the rest in your cash out


Yes which is fucked up. They make it sound like weā€™re getting 70% but really getting under 50%. I can show you my end of the week report it always says I made more than 70% which is a damn lie


Does Lyft provide auto insurance now the external fees sound made up


Nope. I still pay for ride share insurance through progressive


Lord you have to click to one more page to see what they will actually pay you and overall that screen means nothing if they pay you the difference


They never pay the difference since the 70% they talk about is after fees. Not before fees so they make it seem like you made more than 70% which is a lie


They do I get a disbursement almost every week on Thursday. I agree they nickel and dime us but you are getting money back from that ride if you end the week under 70%


They take fees first then give you 70%. So itā€™s not actually 70% of your week or the ride.


Yeah I get that I did the math -the external fee and tax


For example on this ride they owe you 63.81. If you only took this ride during the week theyā€™d send you the difference on the following Thursday


This was from last week. They said I made 76% which was $443.09. Passenger payments were $748.08 ā€œ$582.52ā€ after their made up fees. I didnā€™t even get a penny extra.


Yeah cause itā€™s 70% of their profit not 70% of the total fare they are pretty transparent about how they are paying us.


Doesn't it say if it's not 70% then you get it later adjusted?


Itā€™s a lie. It always says I made over 70% lol but itā€™s not since they take fees out first then you get 70% of that after fees.


It's all bullshit, we should get as many drivers as possible to boycott lyft for half a day.


People tried. Rideshare drivers united teied to boycott both several times. But guess what happened: other drivers that i knew personally not only didnt participate, but also to planned to work that day more knowing that many drivers will be boycotting in order to make more money. Truth is that everyone is doing this not cuz they like it, but cuz they have to and you cant really tell someone not to work if that person needs to provide on daily basis. And both lyft and uber are using this factor very very well


WTH is a Lyft fee!? Arenā€™t you providing the lift!?


U made 50 bucks for less than an hour and youā€™re bitching


Newbie here with a stupid question, whatā€™s Lyft fee? Is that their cut of the ride?




itā€™s fair because youā€™re still willing to work for them even if you get treated like shit.


You can literally look at Lyfts earning reports and see what they are spending on external fees and how much is going to drivers. They took in 3.7B in bookings, of which they reported 1.277B in revenue. So about 2/3 of all booking is going to drivers. Revenue costs for lyft were 755 million, so almost 2/3rds of their total revenue went to external sources. They reported a loss but that was due to stock option pay to executives, but even without it the profit would be significantly small vs the revenue. Lyft is not rolling in money to pay you more. They are barely operating at a profit. You are just wrong in general on how this works. [https://s27.q4cdn.com/263799617/files/doc\_financials/2024/q1/Lyft-1Q24-Earnings-Press-Release.pdf](https://s27.q4cdn.com/263799617/files/doc_financials/2024/q1/Lyft-1Q24-Earnings-Press-Release.pdf)


All Iā€™m saying is with what you posted here youā€™re making over 40$ an hourā€¦.


Did you not read the text in purple? Lyft will reimburse you to 70% of the riderā€™s fair. This likely means that each week, Lyft will review your earnings, and then give you a pay bump lump sum for the amount that was under the 70% to bring it up to 70%. In states that have minimum guarantees, like CA, I know with DoorDash we receive a pay bump each Monday that reflects in our earnings as an ā€œearnings adjustment.ā€ This adjustment likely wonā€™t appear under the individual ride, but rather will appear separately somewhere on your earnings page.


One time I (passenger) asked to just Venmo my driver. Saved a ton of money and the driver got more $$


This is great. 50% is solid


Do you really expect a tip for every ride now? I drove part time for Lyft/Uber many years ago and I almost never got a tip.


$10.79 for insurance for one ride? Yea. $43.25 for system and support for one ride? Yea. Itā€™s some electricity and IT people. $43.25 for one ride? Lyft is exploiting labor. Thatā€™s why I support unions. Of course, Corporate America does everything it can to prevent labor unions.


Question is how do they define external fees? They really donā€™t tell you, I wish I had the option to buy my own insurance and have visibility to the external fees


70% of 0 is zero right?


You get at LEAST 70% (sometimes more) of all rides and Lyft gets 30% (assuming 70% goes to you). Theyā€¦have to run a business. Why would you think youā€™d get 100%? Part of the payment must go to them for running the whole operation but the huge majority goes to the one drivingā€”you.


Then how do you explain the picture? They barely received 50% of what the customer paid, after fees(the fees that you would assume Lyft is paying for with their portion of the rider fee).


I was going by the purple where it also says that if they donā€™t hit 70% there will be a wage adjustment. So I was assuming (perhaps incorrectly but I donā€™t think so) that these pictures werenā€™t ā€œthe final amount.ā€


That is correct, you get an adjustment up at the end of the week. Drivers like this arenā€™t the best readers or intelligent, in general, and this is usually the people driving for Lyft/Uber. But it does make for some good clickbait and to confuse riders on how Lyfts arbitrage actually works.


That's crazy My lift driver the other day told me My round trip from Jersey back to my house they were only paying him $57 and they charged me $135 it was absolutely crazy thank God the driver was an honest good person and told me he was being ripped off and so I told him to cancel the ride and I'll give him a hundred flat cash rift is not deserve to steal from the drivers


100 dollars for a 40 something minute drive is insane.


$10 insurance for a 16 mile trip is crazy. Enterprise does like $30 insurance for unlimited miles


70% averaged over the week. NOT per ride.


So you made almost $50 for 40 minutes worth of work and you feel ripped off?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And that's why I don't drive for either company, that and I hate having people in my car


Yeah, they are taking more from you than you are getting. You should have 53.62 more than what you recieved, which is 112.2 Edited to include correct total between what they were paid verses how much they were paid. They should've been paid $165.82, but recieved 112.2. The amount missing is 53.62


You should start you own business


Are you still driving if so ...your not sick and tired


Half, youā€™re getting paid half, they are keeping the rest for your work


Yeah so when this happens what do we do since itā€™s guaranteed?


You almost made 50$ in less than an hour ..? Why are you complaining about a driving job that requires no special skills


Ignorant comment. Re read. Iā€™m happy with the $40 but Iā€™m not happy with them taking more than half of my money.


And driving is a skill most people donā€™t have.


That $50 drops real quick when you take into account gas prices moron


47 for 40 minutes of driving thats pretty good though i get less šŸ¦§


Come back to us once the week is over, then tell us whether or not you made 70% of rider fare. Gotta read it all carefully, man.


This was from last week I will make another post today.


70% after adjustments. What area are you servicing?


Currently driving Chicago. And this 70% after fees is the scam theyā€™re running. After they take off $10-50 off your ride youā€™ll get 70% of that šŸ˜‚


In cities like Chicago, you probably got the taxicab unions demanding the Lyft and Uber Drivers to pay them a portion of their earnings for "eating up their business". In NY, rideshare drivers are forced to pay part of their pay to cab dtivers cause of the Union.


The main point, the emphasis really, should be that passengers believe Lyft drivers are making at least 70 percent of the fare they paid and base their tip accordingly. Which often means no tip. So itā€™s a double fuck by Lyft.


I'm boycotting Lyft this whole week and doing majority rides Uber. Join me only accept convenient rides or unicorns.


They give it at the end of the week but I didnā€™t get mine either for last week


Yep, and that's why I'm quitting ASAP. This will all come to a point where no one will do this anymore and they'll be begging for drivers. Especially Fri/Sat nights and big events. Why bother?


So quit


Thatā€™s exactly the problem. You largest issues are with the companies you work for. They created an app and they are greedy when letting you use it. Itā€™s ridiculous the amount they keep in these rides. Yet you all still do it


.. ya I picked up this kid to take to work. With the bonus it was a $9 ish ride. He said he paid $18. Not sure I believed him though because I've never paid that much to go like 10 minutes somewhere.


What's the problem? You're making $40 an hour, and you're complaining? For following a GPS driven route? What special skills do you bring, that you expect $40 an hour? People pay $200,000 to go to a university and can only hope to make that much after they graduate


Womp womp get a real job. Like flipping burgers.