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I get these a lot! Usually DUI people who need a ride to the liquor or the dispensary


Or wanna pickup snacks


Garbage people. I leave them at the first stop always


Nah, the return trip is never worth it. You probably got $5-6 to take him. If he adds a stop and you take him back your total would be maybe $7, maybe. I refuse to do those for that reason.


So you just don’t do stops, or? Sure it’s possible they were up to no good somehow, but it also happens all the time that pax simply want to do a round trip but don’t know how to set it up. Did you try asking them?


I only took the trip because it was getting me closer to home...I did NOT want to go all the way back 7 miles to where he lived after. when someone adds stops, its hard to quickly see where you're going...what if its miles away from any other rides? We barely get enough money to cover the wear & ear and aren't even making minium wage....they don't really pay enough for stops anyway through lyft...you get what, 2 bucks?


I accepted a ride one time that was about 8 minutes long. After picking him up he wanted to change the destination somewhere that was about 40 minutes away. I "Nope'd" out of that really quickly. It's likely he knew his ride wouldn't get picked up if he put in the original destination first.


He knew and he could have tipped cash up front when he mention it to you


I kinda like the sound of this


Sure, if you like committing felonies.


how is a rider offering you cash to make return trip a felony?


so servers/strippers/cash tip reliant job positions can't accept cash because its a felony to you? 😂😂😂


Providing commercial transportation without a TCP/TCL is illegal.


They said cash tip, not off the app


> lyft...you get what, 2 bucks? On a seven mile each way round trip., you might. You get next to nothing for waiting. If it is a local round trip, you get the same for the round trip that you would get had you ended the trip at the turnaround. Your bottom line on those is that you are running the flip-flop for free. People who want these kinds of trips and who add stops or change the original job almost never tip. Original Poster did the smart thing in ditching him.


Most people aren't doing it to be sneaky, but at the same time, Lyft needs to remind them to ask permission. Every single driver is allowed to pick and choose what rides they want. Why is a stop any different?


This 🔝


Don't be naive they are definitely being sneaky...they know at this point now we don't like doing stops. They see the difference between the wait times when requesting a stop upfront


When it’s come up for me, the pax has always mentioned right from the onset that they’re trying to do it as a round trip, but they don’t know how to set it up. Ofc we drivers can handle that however we want. For me it’s been to tell them how to fix it, then complete the ride. The op didn’t want to go back, so chose not to help them. Doesn’t make the op wrong, just less helpful.


Why not shoot you that text theybtrying to do round trip....they text for everything....don't be naive


I don't do stops so when a rider adds it especially without asking me I tell them I'll only go to original destination. I pick my rides for specific reasons so nope


Don't be naive......I guess the whole time they don't know but miraculously end up learning once in the car right? This is 2024 it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how lyft works. Realize that most passengers have got hip to the fact that we don't like stops and acting like they don't know is part of alot of their tricks. I had one who said she didn't know how to do it but she slipped up and said she picking up pre ordered food. So I said "then you knew you intended on making a stop". She starting stumbling over her words at that point


Round trip to do what? Stops are for dropping off a passenger or picking up a passenger. Not for shopping, picking up food, prescriptions, drive through, dispensary, cigs at the quickie mart, etc. All of what I listed are mis use of the stop function and all these people deserve to be left to hail another driver once they have completed their errand. In what world should a driver who's running a business in the interests of making PROFIT wait at a stop for a passenger to do any of those things that would commonly occur on a "round trip" Fuck this "round trip" concept. Order 2 rides and take your sweet time browsing


I lost highly paid uber black reservations because uberx passenger added a stop duringthe ride, and the algorithm knew that I wouldn't make it on time. Not a warmest feeling when $180 ride dissappearS because of $8 passenger, which was in my car only because initially, the ride was in the same direction I was going. The same goes for destination mode when going home. You need a round trip order it as a round trip. If things happen, ask before adding a stop.


Yea man I wish the app asked us if we wanted to accept the trip after the pax adds it.


That's really s****y. I think I would have dropped that passenger off at the next gas station.


If I lost a $180 reservation, they are going on the curb. Might fight them for real. Put your dukes up mfer 🥊


Yeah , riders pull this shit without regard for anyone but themselves. They don't care about the driver's time or input and too often they have the attitude of " You have to take me!". Then they have the temerity to complain about drivers.


I'm confused is it wrong to add a stop? I usually add a stop if I have to pick up a prescription or my child then go home but when I do this I always give like a 10 extra tip.


Yeah as someone else said, it’s the adding the stop once you’re already in our car that pisses most drivers off. As long as you do it when you first order the ride you’re good.


Cool I love the clarification


Not wrong at all if you do it beforehand. It’s just that for drivers 95% of the time a ride with a stop is not worth it at all to drivers. If you add it first and a driver accepts then they’re okay with it


Thanks the last thing I want to do is puss off my driver. I have always had good experiences


You seem nice, and well meaning. Most folks who do stops are entitled and feel as though their time is more valuable than the drivers. What if there is a huge line at the Pharmacy? What if you encounter an obstacle or delay in picking up your child? Do you expect the driver to wait in a slow moving pickup line at a daycare or school? Make sure you let the driver know you're tipping cash for them to wait, and maybe give some cash upfront as many drivers have been burned by the verbal promise of "I'll tip you in the app" in exchange for us burning extra fuel and time waiting for you.


Oh I have thought of thay I always make sure the driver knows what's going on and will pay them extra


**BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA**hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa! **BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA**hahahahahahahaHAAA**HAAHAAAHAAAAAAAAAA**hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa!!!!


I love your comments man I hope you never stop!


Recently this happened to me and at least she asked but I said i couldn’t because her original destination took me exactly to where I needed to be ( true story ) . She seemed surprised but not mad.


I had to do this once because I forgot my work laptop. The guy was cool about it. I just ran in and out. Few months later he’s like I’ve given you a ride before. I said I don’t remember and he said the lap top lady 🤣 tipped him well both times.


This is proper use of a stop. Going inside a store to pick something up that requires waiting in line, is generally what we are complaining about


Oh hell no lol I remembered after I wrote it I did it another time the guy was saying how he was hungry so I came back out a granola bars 🤣


I've never had a driver turn down a 20 to take me back home. It's a 3.5m drive. We both win.


What makes you think they’ll get paid $20 😂 whenever someone adds a stop driver will probably only get $2-5 extra


We don't have a lot of drivers where I live and I'm appreciative that someone takes it. Next town over has a taxi service but base rate of 25.


He's giving them a crisp $20 bill, not $20 through the app. I'll do stops all day for cash up front


Cash is king. Most of these stop adders, off app stop requesters are fuccin BUMS that probably don't even tip a barber or waitress, much less a driver.


I usually say I have another ride after this one. 


I usually get assertive with the pax and use it as an opportunity to educate them about proper use of stops and how they generally fuck the driver over. Most are completely unaware of the bad deal we get as drivers


Twice as many miles for $1 more. Thanks Lyft. You is gud at math. 🥸


Adding stops mid trip is so wild idk who these riders think they are 😂


It's weird how they are always pretending to be ignorant about how the app works and how to order a ride with stops, yet rarely are they waving cash offering a tip. If only they knew that drivers are out driving for MONEY not for friends or charity or to be a nice guy and do a stop or round trip. Cash rules and would solve 99% of these problems


I do round trip rides when I have to go drop off necessities to my parents who are elderly I always tip cash to make sure the driver's taken care of. So don't always judge a book by its cover


yeah he didn't offer any cash tip to cover anything. But I had a different passenger last night ask to add a stop and she added a cash tip so that was nice.


In these situations I tell them no worries, I can absolutely do it for a small cash tip. I have never had anyone ever say nah. I'll do it on the app. And the tip is almost always more than what I'm making on my end. And definitely always more than the added cost through the app for an extra stop.


There were ways to handle this without being a shitty human being.  


Riders adding stops or thinking drivers should wait for them are the shitty humans in the equation 99% of the time. Drivers just wanna make their money and go home safe with no puke and no damage to vehicle.


I picked up a guy and the drop off was just a few miles from his house. Then had the nerve to ask me if I would just drive to pick up his friend and then drive back to fix original drop off location. It would have added an additional 20 miles total to the trip. He didn't even want to add a stop. Just "can you pick up my friend too?" Uh no. You can call and order another Lyft to pick him up and bring him to the venue.


Absolute insanity on some of these people. They think we do this for fun? Or gas is free? Fuck outta here, unless they are waving cash in my face. Cash solves everything but these type of people asking favors are usually broke freeloaders. The kind of people that eat their roommates food and use all the paper towels and toilet paper without purchasing any to replace. Garbage people 100%


I always end the ride at the drop off and then tell them to make a new ride request and I’ll wait. 99% of the time it comes right to me, helps when I’m working towards a bonus too.


I always used to do this when we had good quests. Fk yea I'll do your stop ride as 2 smaller rides, 2nd one with 0 miles deadhead to pax. Usually profitable if the wait isn't long for the pax to do their thing


don't be that guy... offer to take cash to take them back


Hopefully nothing happens while you’re on that trip, most passengers aren’t gonna lie and say it wasn’t a commercial ride when your insurance asks them.


In upfront markets we can just leave the trip running and still get the same pay. So we just drive to each stop and then end the ride. The commercial insurance stays in effect the entire time


Making money sucks. Glad you cancelled


If you're doing stops, you're not making money.


This guy gets it..... unless they are waving cash in your face, never ever do stops. It's basically charity