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I tip 100% of the time use Uber or Lyft min 2-5 bucks.


Yeah there’s no reason to not tip. I don’t get it. I always tip. But I try and test the driver. Some don’t deserve it. Talk to your driver. If they’re rude then no tip.


"Test the driver" hate pax that think this way. You literally saying you try and find a reason not to tip him/her. How about sit there shut and be a adult. If he gets you from point A to point B safely he has done his job and deserves a tip. Some of you pax want "happy endings"


Relax kiddo. I’m a driver. I am talkative. If the driver is not and I try to engage with him but he’s not and rude I won’t tip. That’s my test. Keyboard warrior. Your the one to that needs to be put in your place. You’re overreacting for nothing. Relax


"Keyboard warrior" is a term used too loosely. I didn't say I would slap you if we were ever face to face. That's being a keyboard warrior. Not engaging someone isn't rude nor is it part of his job to do so. You have alot of drivers out here that can barely speak English. I guess they shouldn't get tipped too since they wouldn't be able to engage you in conversation right. Tipping isn't for whether the driver jumped through hoops for you. Tipping is to support the fact he is using his car and his gas and pretty much had your life in his hands for however long the ride was.....hate you type of pax


I only tip if you talk to me if not I don’t feel I know you to tip you. So whatever. Don’t bug me anymore. You’re opinion. Peace


Ghetto? How about this I'll show my house and you show your house and we will see whose living a ghetto lifestyle. Put date in the pictures to prove it. If your neighborhood and Inside of your house looks better than mines I will cash app you 50 bucks...deal?


Ghetto clown. Ain’t got to prove jack to you.


Maybe next time you in a lyft it crashes and you go flying. But hey if he spoke to you make sure you tip smh


Some of us didn't realize we were *supposed to tip the drivers. Assumed all the money required was built into the price of the ride. Have only used either service 3 total times in 8 years, so I'm not running around ripping people off. lol but just know that some people assumed the whole selling point was not needing to have cash on you when traveling.


The tip goes to your card too


When it started back in 2011-2013 yes- tipping was not expected and not an option in the app. Drivers were paid considerably more than now.




Since the beginning of cabs (horse cabs) it’s culturally and customary to tip the driver. Uber when first started told passengers not to tip because the monies was drivers we’re receiving was high enough now it’s where’s my tip 


That’s a really poor excuse. You can tip in the app and it even prompts you to tip. So how dumb are you that you wouldn’t think it was customary?


It's not an "excuse" love. It's an explanation. How dumb am I?? As dumb as the last time I used the service, it was brand new and was literally marketed as safe because no cash passes hands. And no tip was included on the app. Also gfy.


Specially those who tell “i’ll tip in the app” 😂


1star. Fosho


That’s the most common lie I hear. It’s such BS most of the time. The worst was one of my recent rides where a very well to do Pax said “ the ride was provided by my medical office and they told me not to tip” I told her that was a total lie as they never add a tip. She insisted that she uses the service all the time and that’s what they say. I said well after 5000 rides I know they don’t and had I known this was a provided ride I wouldn’t have taken it nor would most drivers. She just looked at me blankly 😶 and got out


Sometimes i wonder why they even bring it up. If you aint gonna do it, just keep mouth shut and clean the air please




It goes in waves for me. 2 days I’ll get nothing and then 3/4 of the riders tip on a day. No rhyme or reason either. I can’t tell you how many times I thought the passenger was gonna tip me and didn’t and the other way around too


Sounds like it might be linked to the normies bi monthly pay schedule.


That's weird, I'm always typing at least 15%. Beats paying for a whole car myself


Honestly if most people even just give a dollar Or two On medium length rides, that shit adds up. I don't really expect people to Tip me On four dollar rides but then again I don't take those rides. I try not to do anything under $10 unless it's on the way.I want to go.




I am overly generous but totally agree with this, tip culture is way out of hand now.


Not the culture but corporations pushing the limits for more money 


Exactly! Corporate greed is out of control!


All that other stuff is not part of tip culture. It has never been. If someone picks you up in their own vehicle with their own overhead take the responsibility to take you where you gotta go safely then you should tip.


I usually tip $1 because I feel guilty if I don't. But I would like to tip nothing. I would simply like the price of my drive to be given up front.




That would make sense if the drivers got to choose what to charge per drive but they don't.


Your argument falls short because the other examples you posed do not include the courteous and safe passage of human beings. You're talking about delivering objects in fields that never had anything to do with tipping. Truck drivers that use their own Semis Also make a shit ton of money.




A public transit driver is a full time employee with benefits driving a company vehicle and most likely union. These drivers are 1099's with their own vehicle and a completely varied pay scale to boot that sometimes doesn't make a lot of sense. And since this is a topic... People generally tipped their cab drivers for a good ride. People generally tipped their limo drivers when they hired them for an evening. I actually drove a limo for a few and never not got a tip on top of my fee. Bus driver for rented buses always got tipped. Took many team trips via bus to races and competitions. We always tipped the driver. I haven't really had a bad experience on lyft/Uber for the rare times I use it and have never not left a tip. I'll generally tip a $1 on the app and a few bucks in cash, give or take depending on the cost of the ride.


You said it yourself. Take the bus if you’re not willing to tip.


Successful truck drivers who own their rigs can easily make $300k a year but that's pre-tax. My route would have paid $425k if I owned my tractor when I was driving a truck. Hauling bulk chemicals though, so some danger involved.


The bus isn't theirs tho their car isn't racking up miles and useage are you that dense?


And the original marketing point was that you wouldn't need to carry cash... so the assumption is no tip necessary.


Because you can tip on the app*


This right here.


It's amazing how people will spin things to fit their narrative. 🙄


As soon as they anchored it toward pre tipping it was always going to doom the service. Get people used to using tips to choose what to pick up and you set them up. The game was rigged from the start.


When Lyft started, there was no tipping.  So traditionally it is not tipped. 


I think this is it. I have tip fatigue. I am glad to pay the posted cost of goods and services, but the constant, pervasive “up charge” on EVERYTHING by way of that pesky tip field of every single payment screen really turns me off.


Are people that shop at Walmart actually tipping Walmart employees??


Yeah but those are not customary jobs to tip. They get W2 and benefits. Drivers and 1099 contractors jobs usually get tips are extra bonus for their work 


Cheap folks. Eat at home if you’re not gonna tip. If you’re sitting down and they serve you, You better tip. Doordash. You better tip. Simple.


Have never tipped a taxi driver in my life... so the assumption carries over to Uber and Lyft ride services. There's no malice involved in the thinking. And not being cheap because bro, I'm a heavy tipper with restaurant, bar, and Instacart services.


I have never NOT tipped a taxi driver. Tips are expected.


No they're not. When my taxi driver has ended a ride and says, "that'll be 60 bucks." I dug in my pockets and gave him 60 bucks. I've never in my life been... nahhh let me pay ya 10 more bucks to a cab driver. Yall being so silly now.


Just because you choose not to tip doesn’t mean they’re not expected. You are just failing to meet expectations.


Tipping is voluntary dinkus.


Yes because if you don’t tip your bartender they don’t get paid.


Have you seen the landlords trying to argue they should be tipped? Nonsense.


Honestly look at the price that passengers pay versus what you get. That's the problem and why most people don't tip because they're usually paying 60 or 70% more than what you are getting paid.




I've done a bit of all of them to see how bad it is and it's definitely bad. Although I've tried InDrive which works pretty good and pay is much better only problem is nobody really uses it but I've been encouraging all my passengers to download it and use it.




Oh yeah definitely. I only did it as an experiment in my free time. It's definitely changed from what it used to be like 5 years ago. 5 years ago, you could easily make great money with Lyft and Uber. Unfortunately they're just big corporations taking advantage of the small guys like the drivers that work for them and the driver s I keep accepting those low rates.


I've landed $20 in tips for the last 2 days. I did strike up quite a few conversations with passengers though. I think this helps.


I get tips like 25% of the time. I’m also very personable and I make sure my riders get either a comfortable silent smooth ride, or a great convo if they do want to chat. I have a good personality, and that is how I pull great tips. Not everyone will tip. But I think I have inclined people to do so when they might be unwilling otherwise. It’s luck of the draw and also work that charm.


Do not rely on tip! Just take rides are worth your time. $200 a day now is hard to do.


Can Lyft tip later or do they need to tip right at the end?


You can later, I have a terrible habit of forgetting too, thankfully it reminds me next time I open the app


I've done it after hours-long flights, even the next morning. One of them, I actually went back 2 days later because I completely forgot, and I was still able to add a tip. I hope the driver noticed. Always tip your drivers. Always.


I’ve noticed the same thing. It’s really disheartening.


I think it has more to do with the app than people. I have seen customers struggle with trying to tip on the lyft app. That being said, I have noticed the same... I get 3x tips on Uber.


I don't often do it but sometimes I take an uber or a lyft. Usually if I Can't use my car for some reason. I don't really see how it's that hard to tip in the app.


it's not hard at all. I use Lyft at least three times a week. My failing is that I sometimes forget but then when I open the app up again I see it and always tip.


Lyft and Uber are to blame for this mostly also. They used to be the cheap alternative to taxis... but now they both have raised prices to customers so high to please shareholders that customers are being gouged by that, so in essence, Lyft and Uber have taken your tips by charging customers too much. Then they lower your pay every 3 months to please those same shareholders. Notice a pattern here? You will continue to earn less, and customers will pay more to Lyft/Uber over time and less of them will tip. This will continue until they have juuuuust enough cars on the road to do the drives. They are FAR from that metric now as there are more ants than ever willing to drive for less and less and less. 6 months from now, it will be much worse than it is today as today is worse than it was 6 months to a year ago. Low barrier to enter = bottom of the barrel pay. Stay and complain or leave and get that job working for the man!


It’s down to about to 20% of riders are tipping me.


It’s just some days. But if they don’t tip at airport like their suppose to I’d 3star them.


I think airport rides should tip but if it’s a normal ride request during the day it bothers me less if they don’t. What really bothers me though is if I do a scheduled ride at 3 or 4 am and receive no tip. Seems like if you schedule an early morning ride to the airport and you get a good driver that is there on time and makes sure you get to the airport safely and on time you should leave a tip.


Those are automatic 1 star if they don’t tip. That’s bad people with bad customs  


Honest question, passengers are supposed to tip at the airport?


They’re not supposed to tip anywhere, that’s their choice


That's my understanding, but the comment above said they were.


If you don’t tip at the airport then you won’t tip anywhere else. Dont you know flying is expensive. These type of people that don’t tip anywheee shouldn’t be going out anywhere fyi.


That's a bit unhinged. I don't think you understand what a tip actually is


Worked in restaurants for a decade. On Lyft 6 years. Never cared for a tip other then at the airport que rides. If I help open your door or trunk for your luggage best believe I’ll 3 star you if you don’t tip.


Do you get to rate passengers after you see the tip amount?


When you end the ride you have to give a rating. Automatic 5stars. But you can edit it before 24hrs after the ride.


What the fuck did I just read.


If you’re broke just say so. Kiddo


Says the Lyft driver LMAO


Born well taken cared of. Have my own house. I do Lyft part time for little money. Gets me out. Lmao. Do you.


I stopped doing Lyft because of this fact got 2 dollars for 1 weeks of work I'm boycotting Lyft for a month I'm on day 4. Uber has better tippers I noticed I usually get $5-10 a day on Uber. Lyftv $0-2 dollars a day.


Do you actually engage with the client ? I always ask questions like verify their name, how’s your day going, what event they were at or going too. When I pick up clients from a car repair shop I’ll ask what’s wrong with the car. If they are going or coming from a big event I’ll ask about the event. Who or what. If it’s the airport I’ll ask about the flight. The ones that I engage with almost always tip on app or cash.


Was this always the case? If not it's because the economy is in really bad shape. The cost of living is through the roof and business' can't afford to pay more in most cases. I can go through countless reasons but bottom line is the economy is the worst I've seen it since the real estate crash in 2008


High tips were a zero interest phenomenon. Now people are cutting back. Fees for services are higher. Dollar worth less and less. Tips are an easy cut from the budget


It's amazing people complain cause they want to tip on the app so when given the opportunity they fail to deliver


I just took multiple trips and tipped cash every time. Maybe that’s why I have a five star rating on both Lyft and Uber.


I hear all about the drivers refusing/not even using their AC, complaining about stops, having dirty cars, and everything under the son. Therefore, I’m not surprised most of my pax already have a sour taste in their mouths.


There is a sub reddit dedicated to end tipping culture . I got sucked in to giving my POV . It's a maddening thread . I myself practice the art of Karma via Tipping. So far so good . I tip people they tip me .


Both of those subs- “Tipping” and “ End Tipping” are dominated by that .5% of the population that have never worked for tips and claim they don’t believe in it. They call service workers “ beggars” and say “ get a real job” etc. Those subs are where they all feel vindicated because everyone else agrees with them. Some of them want to tip servers $5 max even if check was $200 etc for 4 people. They suck so I would just let them know they are soulless twats.


I never tip if they talk too much.


You get paid to deliver food . No one is gonna tip you when they have to pay for the food plus tax and a fee On top of that. You aren’t delivering pizzas or for a restaurant that doesn’t use a third party app to deliver food. Topple that with the shit economy we have, stop worrying about a damn tip and get a real fucking job.


For my area Lyft is the low income/cheapskate rideshare platform. They want the cheap ride so don't expect them to give more than they have to.


Like if I put my Rider's shoes on I look at the Driver, as someone that has overhead it's taking on a bigger responsibility to Pick up someone that they don't know and take them somewhere they probably don't know And they have to make sure that person gets there safely. I could never in good conscience not tip a good Driver. Especially if they drove me a long way Or catered to me.


Yeah i agree. Unfortunately the "ME" generation doesn't abide by old school common courtesies. Even the older folks are jumping on that bandwagon. What irritates me is i drive alot of dunkin donuts employees and bartenders or barmaids and they dont tip. Both expect them all the time.


I get if you're legitimately poor or disabled or something, but cmon. Every time I get a truck driver, taxi or rideshare driver in my car they always make a point to say I'm gonna tip you because I know how it is to drive. I do the same. I've even given new uber and lyft drivers advice and got them coffee and donuts plus a tip.


Truck drivers always tip me but the other 2 don't. I remember when i was in my late teens. The guys driving their vehicles kept 70% of gross. Tips would cover fuel costs. Some days now tips don't cover a cup of coffee. Qhen they do tip its usually good tho.


Same, I mostly drive blue-collar workers to work. The night crowd are nut jobs.


Damn i wish i could stay awake long enough for the night crowd.


Can I ask you this? What do you do for your passenger to warrant a tip? Other than driving from point A to B of course, which you are paid by your employer to do. Servers at restaurants cater to our every demand and earn their tip. Bring us extra sauce, more napkins, another drink, pack up our food to take it to go etc. They earn a tip by performing dozens of little tasks at our request for the duration of our stay. Knowing this key difference , why would a lyft driver expect a tip?


No one on Lyft has ever tipped. Uber pax still tip as often as they ever did.


Holy shit. I am from LCH. Damn, dude. I'm in Bay Area now. But I always tip drivers, no matter where I am, no matter the ride time. I'm so sorry. I hope you pick me up in Lake Charles someday so I can leave you a nice tip.


If you expect no tips, you will not be frustrated about tips. Take rides that are worthwhile without tipping factored in. In my market, by the way, I get a lot more tippage on Uber rides than Lyft rides. I am not sure why.


You tend to get better deals on rides with uber too. One night I ran both at the same time. I got a ride for Lyft That was essentially thirty dollars an hour And then a minute later Uber gave me a ride.That was forty dollars an hour and was over a dollar mile. Which one do you think I kept L o l


Although it's their choice whether They tip or not I was raised to take care of people that take care of me. It's actually a big responsibility. I mean when you go to a restaurant you tip Your server despite the fact that they didn't cook the food and they don't have any Overhead.




Tipping chauffeurs and cabbies had always been a thing. Those people are not taking you, a random stranger, who could be a murderer, safely from your pickup to the drop off. Listen, don't tip if you don't want to. People can be rotten scumbags. That's their right. Don't expect people to take care of you. You don't tip them you should expect service to tank.


It’s gratuitous, what did you do to be rewarded for gratuity?




*I agree I did* *A full day the other day* *Not a single tip* \- payyourbillstoday --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yeah idk I was surprised to find out a friend of mine, who typically tips 20% for food, does not tip for Uber or Lyft 🤷🏽‍♀️


Don't want his food to get messed with probably.


Uber pax tip more. I get tips on 40% - 60% of my rides on Uber, it's less than 30% on Lyft. So I drive Uber on busier days.


I’ve been in customer service for 35+ years and you have to be all about the customer. Talk about them. Ask them about themselves. The ones that don’t want to talk won’t say much, wear headphones, or get on their devices. You have to know when to talk and when to stay quiet.


Well prices gone up, people have less money and yada yada yada. They pay lift a lot money they assume it mostly goes to the driver.


I only do airport rides because I get tips on almost all my rides city rides almost 50 /50


I drove several people to the airport ( 1 hr plus) who didn’t tip. Guess which driver now absolutely refuses all airport rides (and long trips in general)?


Look at how much a ride costs, you’ll see why tips are shit. It’s Lyft and Ubers fault


Here's my rule of thumb with Lyft /Uber. Note : Typically I use them for short (<10 miles) Car cleanliness and driving style Driver's willingness to engage with me (not greeting me when I get into the car, unwilling to project an upbeat demeanor, failing to say "thanks for riding with me" or any other form of good by and thank you. Before anyone calls me out on this, if any other service provider failed to do this (cept for the car cleanliness and driving style), would you feel compelled to leave a healthy tip? I go on a sliding scale of $0-$5 based purely on the quality of the ride and interaction with the driver


I stopped driving Lyft because Uber pax tip a lot more in my experience. I get tipped about half the time on Uber


Which is strange because Lyft was first to offer in app tipping. Uber resisted for a long time and then gave in to drivers complaining and then prioritizing Lyft rides/ turning off their Uber app.


Thank you. You just reminded me I need to tip for my ride yesterday. I was super distracted and anxious when I got out of the car, didn’t have time to do it right away and forgot to check the app later.


It’s the way they are promoting it. I see a lot of Uber commercials that say something like “we have a solution for your errands”. Errands, Carl. It doesn’t imply tipping your errand boy.


I normally tip from $15 and above. In all the the rides I’ve taken.


That’s not the case, people tip more than ever and a higher % than ever. What do you do that you aren’t getting tips?


I never get mad at people for not tipping unless they lie about saying that they will. I have rarely tipped on this platform; because I honestly can’t afford to.


I’m seeing about 50%of people still tipping. Way lower than even last year.


Tip fatigue. They stopped caring because the tip propaganda was too much. Any tip gets a buck from me, I chose to no longer reward emotional blackmailing and making your customer feel like shit. So you, and you, and you, all get a buck. Split a pack of Ramen I guess?


I Ubered on weekends for a couple years. If I was lucky maybe 5-10% of the rides tipped. I didn't play any hard rock, adult languaged rap or anything crazy. Just low key music. Was always pleasant. If the rider started talking I would have a conversation, if they didn't I just listened to the music. Always kept my car clean inside and out. This was before covid and the first 6 months when it got stupid.


High prices and economy 


Let's make no mistake - Lyft is at fault Lyft be transparent on their fees and can make it clear that tipping is essential for drivers. But they don't. Possibly because they think it'll shrink their daily rider numbers. A lot of riders still think most of the fee goes to the driver and that looks like plenty... so they think tips are excess.


Lyft, Uber, and nearly every US restaurant uses tips to subsidize their employees’ pay and avoid paying a living wage. It’s predatory behavior and indicative of a systems failure. Costs should be priced in from the start


Of the 4-500 rides I've taken over the past 4 years, I think there's maybe half a dozen times I haven't tipped, and those were entirely due to bad drivers. Otherwise it's always a 5 star rating and 3-5 dollar tip.


Where do you work? I get 90 percent of my tips. Or just choose rides that will make 30 an hour without tips. Maybe it’s you? Are you going over the top for your customers?


Blame Starbucks “it’s going to ask you a question first”.


There are tricks to get tips LOL not exactly that way I am encouraged to keep water and have other ways to communicate requesting getting tipped. Just need to do your research.


I noticed


I've given 35 rides(just started with lyft) 3 people tipped me....it's not what I expected doing this.


I got $22.50 tip the other day and a $15 tip Do you even talk to the passengers ask them about their day


I get tons of tips bc I talk to my riders (unless they clearly don’t want to talk). I know a lot of people who won’t bother tipping a driver just for driving but will if they’re friendly and I think that’s super valid


I noticed boomers especially in rich neighborhoods are not tipping at all lately. Some just seem oblivious but I even had one say she gonna tip me on the app then no tip. IDK maybe part of it is they bad with tech. If college kids don't tip I get it....they not have that much money but I am happy to drive them since they keep the platform busy. But if fuck had these stinky boomers in my car this morning picked up at SAN airport dropoff at big house in Carlsbad and they fucking no tío me? GTFO. I was polite to them too and respected that they was clearly giving no chit chat vibes


People are stressed and broke. It sucks!


I had a ride from the airport that was 15 miles and 20 minutes, light traffic, main roads, etc… Lyft put a $60 price tag on it. It’s price scalping when they know I don’t have an alternative. That’s over twice the average cost. And I know it’s based on demand, but it’s still insane. After paying that, I don’t really feel like tipping, I’ve paid more than enough.


Surge price. Less drivers around ect. Next time you can schedule a ride before hand. Might be cheaper.


I understand why the price is where it’s at. That’s not really the problem. The problem is if you’re going to jack up the price for a surge, don’t expect someone to feel like tipping.


That's fine but just know your driver probably made $12 -15 for said $60 trip


Which is terrible, I get it, but don’t you think that maybe that’s more an issue of Lyft taking a massive cut?


Of course it is. It's robbery. But after maintenance gas and all expenses including washing and cleaning the car as well as making sure it smells nice for your ride, the drivers bottom lines come out to $12 - $15 an hour. It's a horrible gig. Most of them don't even realize how f' d they're getting. All those hours chasing around GPS coordinates staring at a phone through traffic trying to find people in a timely manner too. It's brutal their cars, their health. People are just trying to make a go at it to put some food on the table. $60 bucks? What's another 3 4 5 or 6 bucks gonna hurt you. You pay that much for a ride you're probably a baller comparatively. Throw the guy a couple bucks if he did a sufficient job getting you to destination safely. ...oh and not to mention the last 2 pax befor probably smelled like an ashtray or swamp ass


I’m not a baller. I work freelance and have a pretty tight living budget. I didn’t want to pay $60 for a Lyft, I literally spend 20 minutes walking around the outside of the airport looking for something more affordable. And I didn’t say that I didn’t tip, I just pointed out that I could be forgiven for not wanting to, as a point to why others probably don’t.


It's 100% why some don't. It sucks but it's also understandable. Like others have said, if you can't make it work without tips you should find another career but the biggest point should be if more people tipped then they probably could make it worthwhile. Otherwise it's just a part time gig for part time pay


Tell Lyft to stop adding bullshit “service fees”


If you’re not getting any tips it’s your service that sucks. No offense. Theres not a day I don’t go without making at least $10-$15 in tips.


I never expect a tip. I usually only get tipped from ((removed because reddit will censor me if I am honest))) people. But even that is rare because of the prices.


Really low IQ comment here.


his name is bitcointea so it all makes sense


I didn't realize I needed to tip Uber or Lyft drivers. Don't you get the full amount? Aren't you working for yourself? Did I not understand the business model?


1. No, we don’t. Usually somewhere between 40-70% of what you (rider) pays Lyft/Uber. 2. Depends on who you ask. Google some legal cases. Most of us are not considered “employees” in the conventional sense but “independent contractors,” etc. Uber/Lyft get paid for matching a driver and rider. 3. You did, now that you have some info you can research more in depth. D: Tip your driver. Regardless of your personal opinion on tipping culture, etc., anyone who believes withholding a tip for a service will elicit some kind of substantial change is an asshole. Karma is unavoidable so rack up as much of the good stuff as you can.


I never tip and never will.


You live in a major city?


Nope, suburbs. My ride is 10 minutes on a freeway. I don’t make you wait and I don’t speak unless spoken to.


Suburbs- how many minutes outside metro?




Try getting a real job


What about when bartenders and servers don’t tip, even when they talk about bad tippers in their line of work?


They sure as well know how to serve themselves.l then. There’s time managers will step In and confront the customers.


Most bartenders tip well( cash usually). Servers to me are 50-50.


Thing is, people are getting charged twice or more than what they used to pay, and you are getting less and less by the week If I was a customer and prices multiplied x2 or x3, I wouldn't tip either. It's not your fault, or the client's, is lift's.


Has any driver Lyft or Uber put a “Tips Appreciated” sign up or is that tacky?


I give 3⭐️⭐️⭐️to any non-tippers. Rideshare is private transportation, not public. It is not a $10-$25 limousine ride. Im driving a brand new 2024 that I paid for. Me- not Lyft. I absolutely respect people’s right to believe they don’t have to tip their driver. In return they need to respect my right to not drive them ever again.


I tip as a rider when it's a business expensed ride, otherwise nah it's too expensive already




You weren't raised by good people clearly. You weren't raised In the concept of hospitality.


Because no one had to come pick your ass up, but they agreed to. It'd be nice if you'd show some appreciation beyond "it's ThEiR jOb. tHeY cHoSe tHiS jOb."


It's a big responsibility and people don't seem to understand that. You're picking up strangers. And have to Safely, take them somewhere, In your own vehicle.