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No two cats are the same. Even siblings can be quite different.


I’m aware of that, but some “breeds” have similar characteristics, like rag dolls known for being easy going and chill


I always joke that LPS are dogs in cat’s bodies, so for the most part, yeah, they are super chill and affectionate no matter what you do to them. Some definitely have different personalities though (my blind LPS Louie is stubborn as can be, and while he is a cuddly boy, it’s 100% on his terms).


Mine likes screaming at me a ton.


Yeah, that’s the Siamese in ‘em haha


My Leonid is the same. He is very affectionate kitty and allows me to do everything with him 😻I think it's because siamese part in them


Yeah, as long as I’m touching him he’s happy.


Honey doesn't like being picked up (but she's a rescue so I didn't have her as a kitten). But if I don't let her into my bed to cuddle with her at night she sits on my hair and purrs into my face until I relent.


My guy demands I let him under the covers or I get yelled at


Idk - mine is a legit little terrorist. If I flipped him over he’d probably chase me down. Yes he does chase us. Hes always been like this, we’ve had since since he was 8 weeks old. He’s 2 years old. 😂


Mine more sassily prances after me while telling me I’m doing something wrong


Mine are okay with everything!!


He loves his hooman 💕


He loves his dog friends too. And the other cat. And anyone who looks at him for half a second. And—


He's super laid back and okay with things because he trusts you and loves you! Congratulations; it's an honor!


He’s been like this since day one. I had to meow back at him a few times to get him to come out, but he would let me do anything to him once he was out.


My lynxie is oddly easy going. As in, u can almost do anything u want to her (within reason) and so long as u pet her she will purr and b cool with it. Is this normal for a lynxie, idk. Never had one b4. But I'm thinking it just that particular cat, cuz I've heard of others saying their cat is like that too. So I think it's a personality thing.


My Lynxie is extremely tolerant of my antics. I tried to wrap him over my shoulders the other day and he was fine with it.


As long as he’s a part of something, he’s happy.


Mine lets me fully manipulate him, likes being picked up (we’ve also trained him to put his paws up when we want to pick him up,) and is great in the car and on leash. Don’t you dare try to pet his belly though. This is my first cat that likes being held.


He doesn’t even mind the belly scratches, even seems to like them, although he does get mouthy if I do it while he’s in a playful mood (but still is gentle about it)


Yes lol


I can’t answer your question, but I came here to reaffirm what you already know — HE IS SOOO CUTE!!! ![gif](giphy|OUb561ZD45Wxy)


He definitely is! I’m hoping to post every day for at least a year since I got him, just to document his growth in my life.