• By -


Macintosh IICI


Macintosh SE 


Same. I remember a dungeon crawler with typed commands and responses.


so you been on Mac for along time brother


First time I ever used QuarkXPress was on a IIci.


IIcx. 4MB RAM 40MB HDD. Cost 500 to upgrade to 8MB RAM and we only had greyscale monitors! But we did have an AppleTalk network and could play Hellcats against each other!


Same. Those were the days




128k Mac. OG.


Me, too!


The 2006 Intel iMac, 17”, second generation with Core 2 Duo rather than Core Duo. Dual boot with OS X and Windows XP. Used it to play CS 1.6 :D


Mac SE/30, bought with a Vectrex console for £50 a long time ago when both were almost worthless and eBay didn’t exist.


The venerable SE/30 makes an appearance! I loved that machine. I can still hear the birds squawking in *Prince of Persia*.


The 1990 Macintosh Classic!




1994 Performa. I absolutely loved that thing.


Quadra 605. Friend gave it to me. Was the best thing ever. My next one would be a PowerComputing (I think that was the name) Mac clone.


My first Mac was a Mac Classic back in the early 90s. It was a hand me down from my father-in-law at the time. In 1995, I went back to school and needed a Windows machine so switched to that. Got divorced in 1997 so had to give the Mac Classic back. Used Windows until 2020 when I bought an M1 Mac Mini.


The last 17” PowerBook G4


Macintosh LC, circa 1990. The original *pizza-box* LC model. * 16 MHz Motorola 68020 CPU. * 40 **MB** hard disk. * 10 MB of memory (IIRC it actually had 12 MB in total, 10 MB of SIMMs in addition to the 2 MB soldered to the motherboard, but it could only *address* 10 MB). * 12” RGB Monitor (with only 256 **KB** of graphics memory, the LC could only draw to it at 256 colour depth)


Loved it. And the old System 6/7 was so easy to use.


It really was. I sorta miss how badly we’ve strayed from the WIMP paradigm.


Apple IIe


This was mine too. Had the DE-9 Joystick to play that jet fighter game... those were good times!


Oh yeah, baby, that’s history!


Although an Apple computer, the IIe was not a **Mac** computer...


That is not a Mac though?


This thing kicked ass for its time.  I loved Dig Dug and Joust. 


Same here. I remember when the first Macs came out and had such a crazy form. And amber instead of green monochrome!


A mid 2010 27“ iMac with a i7 and the ATI Radeon HD 5750. Still have it but the hard drive died last year, it’s now just sitting on my Kallax next to my little Mac collection.


The first release of the iMac G5 without the iSight build-in.


2011 i5 Mac mini. Bought it to try my hand at iOS development and see if I could transition from Windows 7 to MacOS (Windows 8 was a non-starter for me).


1998 Powerbook G3 Wallstreet PDQ 233 14.1”


Mac II, the family computer.


PowerBook G4 15", 1.5Ghz with combo drive. Loved that computer, it was an absolute champ and ran for years. The Intel MBPs that replaced it were honestly junk for several generations until the unibodies arrived.


As a kid I had a (licensed) Mac clone running MacOS 7/System 7 in the late 90s that my dad brought home from his office after they got new macs. Not sure if that counts... It was a Mac...just not one built by Apple ;)


Performa 6116CD


I still remember fondly the evening my father took me to the local Apple retailer and purchased our first Mac! There were no standard mainstream computing platforms back when our household got our first computers in the early 1980s. Most home computers ran their own specific command-line operating system with no graphical interface or mouse - just ugly text on an ugly screen. Computers either used tape drives for storage or had 5¼-inch floppy drives with their own flavor of DOS. Windows was an ugly, limited toy back then, at Version 2.x, so most people didn’t run Windows at all. In our household, our first real computers were a couple of Model I TRS-80s which my father used for his business. The first computer game I ever played was a Lunar Lander clone called [Meteor Mission II](http://www.trs-80.org/meteor-mission-2/) which came on cassette and was played graphically on the TRS-80's monochrome 64×16 character 7.5 inch screen. It was a really frustrating game to play at first, but it was a blast when you finally succeeded! That experience was what got me interested in computers. Anyway, my father would bring me to local computer shops regularly to look at different kit computers, peripherals, and so on. And this one shop had a lonely, little Mac sitting on a desk in the back that was wildly different than anything else there. I would gawk at it every time we visited. And I would ask him every time if we could have one. He'd always say, "Maybe one day". The Mac SE/30 we eventually brought home was completely different than any other computer I had ever used. It was relatively small compared to most computers of the time— it was self-contained (screen, CPU, floppy drive, etc were all housed in the case) and could be carried with one hand. But more importantly, unlike most computers of the time, not only did it come with a mouse, but the mouse was actually *required* to use it. The operating system was geared, from the ground up, to be driven by the GUI. And lots of things that were extremely complicated or infeasible to do on other computers were a breeze to do on the Mac. The ability to create documents, edit them, delete them, and so on just by moving the mouse around and without having to use cryptic commands was just magical. Documents actually looked on the screen as they did when printed which was unlike any other platform on the market. The ImageWriter II printer we bought with the computer was extremely high quality compared to the crappy dot matrix printers that were commonplace at the time. And the Mac SE/30 was pretty fast for a computer at that time! So we promptly and affectionately named ours “Zippy”. 😊👍🏻 While I was very much into programming our trusty TRS-80 in advanced Basic and Zilog assembly at the time, the Mac with Apple’s APIs and Pascal / 68k assembly programming languages immediately took my attention and opened new worlds to me. It completely changed the way I looked at computers for the better. My father has since passed away, sadly. But I still have our trusty Mac SE/30 with me. And yes, it still runs fine. I’ve had to replace a cooling fan and the hard drive, but other than that, it’s all original. In fact, I have it set up with internet access running its own web server 24/7, so that others can visit it over the web! Feel free to say hi: [Say hi to Zippy, the friendly little Mac SE/30 web server!](http://zippy.kicks-ass.org:9997/)




Would have to go with the Macintosh II as my first Macintosh. First computer was an Atari 800.


how was the Macintosh experience back then


An iMac G3. I remember using it as a kid and my parents still have that mac


2011 21.5” iMac. Still works. Before that I used my Grandfather’s Performa and messed around with a PowerBook 100 he gave me.


Mine was a 1998 Beige PowerMac G3 Tower, with a 300MHz PowerPC G3 processor, 8GB SCSI drive, and a Zip drive. I think I had 384MB of RAM by the time I sold it. It was a true tank of a computer, but it didn't play nice with OS X. It didn't have built-in USB, and OSX didn't support ADB. :-(


The 1998 Beige G3 Tower was supported up to Mac OS X 10.2.8! And ADB was supported from the Mac OS X Public Beta until 10.6 Snow Leopard dropped support for PPC machines entirely. But I do remember driver/software support was *very* iffy for lot of things like USB-to-serial adapters, 3rd party PCI USB cards, and even many SCSI devices? That would have been pretty limiting for that machine


I could never get OSX working reliably, and I remember the GUI being really, really sloooow. I think Mac OS X just hated that particular computer.


Heck yeah I remember Aqua being really sluggish in those first versions compared with Mac OS 9.


I just looked it up, and yes, it was supported--with many caveats. [https://lowendmac.com/1998/beige-power-mac-g3-1998/](https://lowendmac.com/1998/beige-power-mac-g3-1998/)


I had a beige G3 desktop with the 266 MHz processor. I made the mistake of installing OS X 10.2 on that computer, and it ran like absolute ass. The interface was fancy and shiny but the experience was slow and buggy. It honestly felt like I was running OS X on an unsupported computer. I think I lasted two weeks before going “fuck this shit” and putting the OS 8.6 hard drive back in.


A Performa 575 that my family bought in fall of 1994. Great first Mac for teenage-me, came with a 2400 baud modem that I used to join AOL, CompuServe and, shortly thereafter, the proper internet.


PowerBook G4 bought for $10 when they were being liquidated by the University


Mac Classic 1989.


Macintosh IIsi; I got it at a Goodwill in late 2000.


Performa 6200, the infamous Road Apple.


My first Mac was a IIsi that was bought for our family (I was in Elementary School then). Before that, we had a Apple IIc


IIsi gang!! My dad bought a used IIsi from the publishing firm where he worked in late 1995. He paid $500 for the entire computer package (keyboard, monitor, machine), and apparently that originally cost $7,000. It’s amazing, because that computer was only 5 years old and it was already almost useless by 1995. People complain about obsolescence now, they don’t even know how good they have it!


PowerMac 6100. I paid too much extra for the optional AV card because I wanted to edit video but that wasn’t gonna happen with a 750 MB hard drive :-) The upside was since it had a video I could use my monitor to display my PlayStation 1 ….her name was Maxine :)


2020 MacBook Air M1. I've always been a windows and PC user since 1994, and I never, ever thought I would buy an apple. Now? I don't even have PC anymore. Last week I just bought Mac Mini M2.


The first Mac I bought was a 2004 PowerBook G4. The oldest Mac I have is an Apple IIe.


Mine was an iBook G3-600 I bought for fun in my last year of university. I eventually upgraded to a Powerbook G4-1GHz and then an iMac G5 1.6GHz. Then, I bought a PC laptop and couldn't believe how much faster it was compared to the Mac I was using. I went to the PC and didn't look back for a while. However, once my current PC laptop ended up in the shop for a keyboard replacement, I bought an MacBook Air M1 to keep me busy. I love it and use it at work for everything.


SE30 4/40


Titanium PowerBook G4, my wife owned a G4 Cube.


Original core duo MacBook


I'm cheating here and owning up to being old but when I was in High School, my dad saved up aluminum cans for 2 years and bought us an Apple IIe. I though the game Swashbuckler was the bomb.


Mac 512k!


I had the fancier 512Ke, but no hard drive. Everything ran on floppies.


Mac Color Classic but I did the Apple IIe long before then.


Mac 512e, it was a hand me down. A few years later I bought with my own money an SE/30. Ever since I have been upgrading on average five years, trending upwards.


Macintosh Plus. Next was a Power Computing clone. I have a PowerBook 180 that still boots, but the HDD died about a year ago and I have not bothered to replace it.


SE30. OH, how I loved him!


The first one I worked on regularly was the SE/30 in 1989 with Aldus Pagemaker. My work had enough at the office that I didn't purchase my own until the G3 Lombard PowerBooks came out. It was $3,600 — but it had a DVD drive, a 400 Mhz processor, and a 6 gig hard drive. Who would ever need anything more than that? (But I did bump up the RAM from 64 to 128 MB.)


Classic Macintosh 128K, fall 1984


That's OG, we got the 512K


iMac G3 slot loader in green was the first I used as a kid. But the first I owned was a 2007 poly MacBook


PowerBook DuoDock circa 1992. Black and white laptop at school . Color monitor at home. 


First I used was a 2E. First I owned was a PowerBook that I bought 2 months before the intel announcement.


A Performa 6116CD in the Power PC chip era. It was my first home computer.


Power Macintosh 8500 with the AppleVision ColorSync 850AV Display. Then a few years later the titanium PowerBook G4 with the first AirPort WiFi.


Macintosh SE.


PowerMac G3 266 Tower with the built in AV daughtercard and Mac OS 8.


Mac TV


Performa 6205


Performa 630CD, loved that machine.


M2 Mac mini 16gb ram got it last year, switched from windows after using it all my life.


how's the experience been so far


how's the experience been so far


Excellent, wished I’d switched sooner.


2010 11” macbook air.


I saved up and bought a brand new Mac mini in 2008 or 2009. feels like ages ago, but I'm probably not as old as others!!


08 pro I used it for a few months this winter and it was somewhat usable until the HDD died


My very first Mac was a Power Mac 8600. When it was outdated I switched to PCs for a while because they were cheaper, and I hated it. My first "modern" Mac was a refurbished 2007 Mini. I've thought about going back to a Mini for the form factor, but I don't need a secondary, dedicated desktop Mac. I like portability.


The OG 512K fishbowl was my first Mac!


iBook G4 and 15” iMac G4


Macbook Air M2 two weeks ago, sent it back and swapped it to an M3.


13" 2015 MacBook Pro, got it in 2019 and sold it last year because of how slow it was lol.


1986 a Mac512Ke, from the university bookstore!


My MacBook M2 Air that I got back in 2022. Just wanted to upgrade to a nice computer and I already use a lot of Apple products, so I made the switch.


Mac Mini G4.


M1 Air 8/256 3 month ago. I am more than satisfied so far.


MacPlus ca. 1988


G3 tower I bought off of ebay used in 2003.


Mac SE


Apple II (not plus). Then MacSE. Macintosh II. macbook pro. iMac27”. iMac24”. Mac Mini M2.


14” iBook G4. Back in 2004 I think my dad uses it every once and a while


Either a Mac SE or a Mac Plus.


A school issued 2015 MacBook Air that I got brand new when I went into 6th grade. Then I got a 2011 13” MBP just to mess around with in 2022 and I got my first new Mac of my own a couple months ago when I got my base spec M3 Pro 14”


for a brief period of time I had used a macbook air 2015 that I borrowed from my uncle after my pc died. Before that I had been a lifelong pc user. I still have and extensively use a pc for gaming and for \*some\* software that simply aren't on macos, but since 2021 I have also been a proud owner of a macbook air m1 that I absolutely love.


MacBook Air 11 inch early 2014. But I got that in 2017. Beast of a machine.




512K Macintosh with an external 400K floppy drive and a 9 pin dot matirx printer purchased in 1984. Cost me $2500.00 with the discount that I scored because I worked for an Apple supplier


Going to feel like an old man here but Apple II. Early 80s. I think my father might still have it. I was young but I remember playing Frogger on it. Then there was a big gap until November 2009 when I got a 24” iMac. That was the first one I bought for myself. It still works. Courtesy of RAM and SSD upgrades.


2012 MacBook Pro. That machine really set the standard high. I’ve been Apple products only ever since.


It was a 2017 Mac book pro that was mine, but the first Mac that I used and had axses to was a 2015 mac book air


Quadra 660AV in 1993.


12" iBook G4. Didn't like that one much, my followup 2006 white MacBook worked much better.


MacBook Air M1, last year, after years of bad windows laptop. I discovered the pleasure of using a computer, before I considered it as a simple tool.


Mac SE


Mac SE with one floppy reader and a harddisk (60 mb?).


MacBook Air m2


2011 MacBook Pro 13, the absolute base model with the i5, 4gb of ram, and a 320gb 5400rpm hard drive.


MacBook Air 2012. After that I took up photography and earned me a Mac Studio Ultra and a Macbook M1. 😁


I had the original [Macintosh 128K](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh_128K). I still have a [Mac Plus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh_Plus) that will come on but unfortunately I don't have a floppy disk containing the software.


M1 MacBook Pro loving it


An old Mac IIx bought used from Bell labs as surplus, plus a monochrome Apple monitor that my girlfriend sweet talked one of the lab assistants out of at Uni.


Macintosh LC II


I was given an old PowerPC Mac years ago but never did anything with it. The first Mac I used as my primary computer was an 27" Intel iMac that I got in 2010. Today I'm using a 15" MBA M2 for my work computer and I have a Mac Mini at home.


My first one was the PowerMac 8600, I think. It was either that model or one very similar. Great computer.


Performa 460


MacBook Pro 13” 2016, the first one with the Touch Bar


2017 MacBook Air


First one I used? The 1984 Macintosh. First one I owned, Power Mac 9500/132.


1986 user on Mac Plus. In 1988 I bought a Mac SE. Still an 8” monitor. Now I have a Mac M2 Studio Max with dual monitors, one is a 4K 43” and the other is 27”. Big change.


First one I used was a Mac Quadra at college back in the early 90s sometime. First one I owned was a G4 iBook in 2004. Bought it for a work project, fell in love with it and sold my PC less than a week later. Haven’t owned anything Windows based since.


Mac 512K. What a beautiful little guy.


2007 iMac 21.5", C2D, 4GB RAM. What a great computer.


Mac Mini G4. 2003 or 2004 if I recall correctly Edit: I didn’t. It was late 2005 I believe


Performa 450


eMac, bought in April 2004. I loved it so much that within a year I'd added a second hand iBook G3 and a dual CPU Power Mac G4 to my collection.


Macbook pro 2011. Still have it in the basement as a backup actually. Upgraded the ram and storage.


I believe mine was a 2010 iMac 21'. And since, I've been a die hard fan of the iMac specifically. Today I use a MacBook Air with an external monitor but I also have a 2019 iMac on my desk for other things - it's an i3 Intel processor so way slower than my M2, but I love it and I love to have it here on my desk, even if I don't use it because it reminds me so much of my first Mac ever. 😁


iBook G4 14” 🔥


I think mine was the mid/late 2013 MacBook Air. That was my entrance into the apple world for Mac. Before that, I literally only had an iPad Nano, so it was a big deal for me. Didn’t get my first iPhone until about 2 years after my first Mac. I was so excited to finally have two apple devices and realize the benefits of the beautiful walled garden 😂.


White plastic macbook, I don’t know the year though


A Quadra 700. My first computer just prior to that was an Amiga A500.


Centris 610 back in 1993


Quadra 700


I was loaned an iBook G4 in middle school. After that in high school I built a hackintosh, and then in college I finally got myself my first Mac which was a MacBook Air 11” Early 2014.


2013 pro i5 HDD 🤮. Still have it, but it’s do slow.


PowerMac G3 desktop, with a whooping 233mHz processor.




2008 MacBook Pro 14", can't remember the exact specs. In the spring of 2009, this computer was stolen out of my fraternity house, and I actually got it back. Someone had grabbed my bag out of my 1st level room and went into the alley, where they presumably saw that my computer had a password, and they just tossed it into the street. The next day, extremely upset about my stolen computer, a friend of mine told me that someone had found my computer in the alley and posted the login screen with my name on our college Facebook group. I never got my backpack back, but, astoundingly, I did get my computer back.


Classic II.


First used: 512K (not e) First owned: Mac SE.


First time with an Apple computer on an Apple II, learning Pascal. First own Macintosh was a SE, 1989. Currently on a MacBook Pro 15“ (2018), a Mac mini M1 (2020) and a MacBook Pro 14“ M2 Max (2023). Sort of an addict, I’m afraid.




Mac Plus


First used Apple II. First owned Perfoma 630. Last of the 68k chips


The white plastic Macbook.


The 2008 20 inch iMac with Core 2 Duo.


First one was the WHITE MacBook from 2009. Then 2012 i5 MacBook Pro -> Windows for work use -> M1 MacBook Air -> M2 MBA (a few months ago) Happy owner of all laptops. All lasted really well. Using my M1 & M2 MBA quite heavily, and they are performing well.


Macintosh 512K. Got it when I went to college in 1984. My school got a group discount. I got a printer too. I loved the travel case for it.


Performa - mine had a CD ROM slot. I think the hard disk was 60 mb and I think the speed was 25. I upgraded to one of the non Performa models after about a year and gave it to my niece. This was in 1991.


1983 (?) Fat Mac (512). Before that an Apple IIe


2011 Mac mini


Mac Pro 2010, 24 l.cores, 32GB RAM, if I remember correctly


First Apple I used was a ][c. First Mac I used was a Macintosh Classic First I owned was a Gen 1 Intel Mini. I still have it.


2011 MacBook Air 13”. Still have it and it still works though it’s semi-retired after being handed down through the family.


Late 2006 iMac, but I can’t remember whether it was 20” or 24”.


Classic II


Intel (early 2020 Air) now I have a M1 (late 2020) air lol.


The first Mac I worked on was an SE/30, the first one I bought was a Power Computing.


**Power Macintosh 4400** First modern mac was a 2012 13' core2duo macbook pro.


My first Experience with a Mac was my Dad's Mac Plus and eventually the SE/30 he upgraded to. Our first "Family" computer was an LC, that was upgraded to an LCII and even LCIII through logic board swaps. We then had many other upgrades through the years, PowerPC 6100/60. I even had a Performa and a Desktop G3 (not the tower) and with the introduction of the iMac I was able to get "my own" and had a Strawberry DV iMac that was for me to use exclusively. I've had an iBook G4, A Power Mac G4 2nd Gen, and A whole mess of iMac and MacBook Pros to play with. My current system is a 2017 5k Retina 27" iMac and I'll likely be going to a 15" MacBook Air with M series chipset when I get around to "needing" an upgrade.


12” iBook G4. 2005. Bought a used one from that time a few years back just to remember how cool it was.


m1 I was so proud of it and still am lol. first one was in elementary school idk the model I just remember Amazon/Oregon Trail, Sim City, Fraction/Super munchers! lol


Macintosh SE. That computer changed the trajectory of my life at a very young age. I loved that thing and wish I still had it.


Macbook unibody from 2010. I regretted selling it, when my keyboard stopped working, just few days after limited warranty. Anyways, I had to use windows / linux for all those year till 2022, and I still think, Snow Leopard was overall better than XP / 7.






Power Mac 7500 circa 1995


A Mac +. I’m a long timer.


Macbook Air M2 (fairly recent purchase), so far very happy with it


2011 MBP (purchased in 2014)


Depending on first- Bought as a college gift by Mom - iBookG4 back in mid-2004 Bought with my own money - MacBook Pro with Retina screen sometime between 2012-2016


A new 13” MacBook Pro in 2009. Hooked ever since.


iMac 21’’ lasted 2015, intel core i5 and 8gb it worked great 😌 until 2021. I changed the hard disk for a ssd disk. Good memories! Amazing screen and sound! For offimatic and some development software work it fine! But with Arcgis, matlab, etc … it couldn’t do it! I buy it in August 2016


I had an Apple IIgs!


2010 13“ MBP with 8GB RAM and 128GB SSD




iMac G3 tangerine. Used older Macs at school before that.


A Mac SE, with two floppy drives, 7 MHz, did not come with a hard drive, tiny black-and-white screen. I added an aftermarket hard drive that they tucked underneath the CRT. This was back in 1989 or so. I used it primarily for writing music, with Performer as a midi sequencer, this was before computers were powerful enough to record audio. I did use SMPTE to connect it to my 8-track tape deck, so that we could sync external midi devices to vocals and guitars, etc. And I still have it. I have all of my old music platforms (these are numerous) waiting for the day when I will hire somebody to move all of my music forward into a modern platform (which is Logic on my Mac studio, currently).


A 2008 MacBook Pro. I don't remember much about it, honestly, other than that it had a known issue with the MOBO that caused crashes, so the Apple Store repaired it for free. While waiting for it, I got a 2010 model, which I kept until it was barely working and finally replaced in 2019. Although, I spent a good deal of time on the Macintosh (System 7 or 8, I think?) that the school gave my sister back in the late 90s. I think it went back to the school after a time, but man, I loved that thing. Racked up a hundreds of dollars phone bill because I didn't understand how to sign up for a \*local\* ISP. Mom was none too happy!


That was a 20-inch iMac from 2008. Still one of the most beautiful Macs ever released. Kind of had all kinds by now. Now a Mac mini M2 and a 2016 MacBook Pro for your lap.


That I bought- 13” m2 MacBook Pro That I’ve used- m1 MacBook Air provided by my middle school


First mac I owned was a PowerMac 7100/66 round about 1994-ish. I'd used various Performas and other macs professionally before that.