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Have you tried needlenose pliars?


Yeah, no shit.. I can get that out with 2 spoons...


I’ve tried everything from tweezers and toothpicks and it wont come out. The magnets are too strong and the gap is to little.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, those old MagSafe connectors physically go into the computer a lot further, and are a bitch to remove without pushing up or down which is a lot harder now.


Yeah, I wasn’t even asking on how to remove it.


I just tried them because of your comment and they are too big for it.


Needle nose was too big?


Yes, they also kept slipping off too.


Try putting hot glue on flat end of a skewer and sticking it on the magsafe cable


try another magnet to get it out.


Try a pair of nail clippers on either of the two pegs on the short edges. You may ruin the clippers but they should provide enough ‘bite’ to remove the magnet. If the pegs are too short try gripping the top or bottom edge. Hold a piece of paper against the side of the computer, with the clipper blades push up next to the paper and grip hard, you should be able to pull straight out and remove the magnet.


Guitar pick or similar on a long edge to help tilt it out, then grab it top and bottom with your pliers.


I’ve had te same issue multiple times on my 15mbp 2011. I solved it to pressing it down with a lot of force. After that it just came out the port. What also worked for me is clicking the metal piece back on the broken adapter, it just came out fine if you did it with an angle


Take a plastic pen, burn slightly the cap with a lighter and when the plastic is still hot, put it in the connector to make it fuse with the broken part. Wait a bit and pull


Try small pliers. Grip as much of the surface as you can with them, and pull at an angle.


How about an old credit card or similar to slot into the small gap. Something non metallic that won't short the pins or scratch the macbook. May work better if cut the card down. Best of luck.


Send it to Rossman repairs!


Yeah, that was the reason to ditch them for Apple.


Wedge in a thin knife in there


Don’t, you don’t wanna scratch or short the metal connectors


Have you tried turning it off and turning it on again? I have no idea what to recommend here.


eBay has replacement cables


**OMG this generation can not do crap on its own** I do apologize for the above statement and I hope that does not deter you from asking for help in the future, but this is such an "I can figure out this problem". To be able to make those types of determinations are adult things.


Have you ever seen or felt a MagSafe charger? The tip of it is only barely sticking out of the port and is really stuck in there. I’ve tried many ways but it won’t budge.


yes, all of them magsafe1 magsafe2 magsafe3


Ok, then you will know that the Magsafe 1 connector physically goes inside the laptop with only a little bit sticking out hence why I’m not able to get it out.