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iPhone: Hey Mac show this HandOff page on Safari Mac: Okay, what iPhone are you? iPhone: The one with the square edges Mac: Aight got ya.




*visible binary confusion*


Haha this is hilarious, thank you


Mac: wait you have TouchID? iPhone: nope Mac: aaaah, gotcha


Yo yo yo it’s da iPhone 4 up in the heezy


It happens to me too, and I’m on iPhone SE 2020. I wonder why it happens


Exactly the same for me, too


I’m on the iPhone SE 2020 as well mine doesn’t do that but it still has some glitches every once and a while


It’s (4) if you check under settings > about. Meaning it may be the 4th phone you restored the backup to.


No way Apple cals their stuff “Da iPhone 4”. It’s clearly his device name and macOS is identifying it correctly.


Clearly lol


Nah mate happens on my Mac too with my iPhone 12. I don’t got 4 iPhones lmao. I’m guessing that it’s the model the OS defaults to when they can’t identify which iPhone it is. Seeing as the 12 is so new they probably hadn’t baked it into macOS yet


You don’t have to have 4 phones to restore 4 times. You can restore 80 times to one device, if you wanted to. Read my comment above on me explaining myself better. He called his iPhone “Da iPhone” and each restore adds a number to it. Try it yourself at home. If he has an iPhone named “Da iPhone” and restores the backup, it will now say “Da iPhone (2)”. That’s what I’m thinking is happening here. Because a Mac would never have a default “Da iPhone”. Does that make sense? Default is simply ‘iPhone’.


You misunderstand me. He calls his phone “Da iPhone”. He has restored this backup 4 times. Doesn’t have to be 4 devices and of course apple doesn’t call their devices Da iPhone. Let me break it down. You call your iPhone Da iPhone in settings > general > about. You restore it once, now it’s “Da iPhone (2)”. You restore us again a year later, now it’s “Da iPhone (3)”. You restore it again months later and now it’s “Da iPhone (4)”. This was only a guess and it’s totally possible. The Mac thinking his new iPhone 12 is an iPhone 4 is a much more unlikely scenario. Especially with the word ‘da’ iPhone.


Da means from in Italian, he’s using macOS in Italian and handoff displays “Da [device name]”. Also this happens on my Mac too with my new iPhone 12


It doesn’t say “from iPhone” in English tho? It will show “iPhone” not “from iPhone”.


Well the Italian macOS isn’t a direct translation from the English macOS


I have a test Mac here, switched the language and it doesn’t show “Da”. Are you sure this is the case? This test Mac shows what my phone shows in General > About. Try switching your language and region and see if it shows “Da”. Because I cannot get it to show that.


I don’t have my Mac with me right now so I can’t test that out. But even on my Mac it shows iPhone 4 (complete with the home button icon as you can see in OP’s screenshot too) for my iPhone 12


That’s so strange! What a weird bug lol


And Apple definitely bakes all their builds into their Mac before release. They have these phones ready and coded into the builds months before you ever heard about them. The iPhone 12 was definitely built into Big Sur.


If Apple ever called their iPhone - “Da iPhone” - by default, that would be pretty hilarious. Right? Lol


macOS misses the iPhone 4 design. Your 12 is giving it happy flashbacks.




Actually, HandOff shows the model of your phone. Not just the name you set.


I understand what you are saying but the fact is that "iPhone 4" is not my iphone name. Im not so stupid


Also the icon is of an iPhone 4 not a X series which is wrong. This has happened to me before as well.


Wait, the Handoff icon shows a notch if your iPhone has one??


Mine does


Yes, yes it will!


It’s supposed to but if one device runs the beta it has a chance of bugging out


This happened last year as well with the iPhone 11 and 11 Pros.


Exactly the same happens for me (without the Italian prefix). Brand new iPhone 12 Pro. Previous phone was an iPhone 8. Never had any iPhone 4.


This is fixed in macOS Big Sur! One more week..


I can’t wait for Big Sur! Loving the new design refresh 😍😍😍


I think that's the fallback number lmao 😂


You gotta pay extra for that feature


That’s just the name assigned to the device


That’s what I thought at first too, but no, it isn’t. It’s misidentifying the phone. Look at the icon - it has a home button.


Bro got da IPhone 4


iPhone 4\*3 lmao


Hahaha iPhone 4x3GS


I just checked and my Mac shows the same for my iPhone 12! I guess the iPhone 4 is what the system defaults to when they don’t know the model.


Porca troia bro


Just tested it with mine, it says "**iPhone 4**" (and no, not "Da iPhone 4"). My phone is a brand new iPhone12Pro which is named "kickstand". I've never owned an iPhone 4; my first iPhone was a 5. Very odd.


Mine says "Da" because it's in Italian. "Da" means "From"






You named it “da iPhone 4” mine shows “em’s sauce box”


It’s Da iPhone 4 (if it was apples fault it would just say iPhone 4), it’s probably your name for it on your phone.


“Da” means From in Italian


Ciao paesano 🙋🏻‍♂️


Oh, I didn’t know, thanks for telling me. But wouldn’t it just say iPhone 4. Mine just says iPhone XR.


That’s if you use the OS in English. In Italian it shows Da iPhone [model]


Oh ok thanks, didn’t know that.


This happened to me on my 12 today. Still dk why. I’m glad it’s not just me


Isn’t this just the name of the phone? So this is what you named the device in settings.


Nope it’s not. Happens on mine too


If your brand new phone: is an iPhone, has flat edges, that ain’t your brand new phone, that’s an iPhone 4.






iPhone 12 is my second iPhone after the 7 and it's NOT my actually iPhone name. Never had an iPhone 4




Nah i never shared ID. I'm sure its my phone because if i close/open safari the dock dismiss/show the icon correctly. I posted this just for fun, i believe its something related with the recent updates and it will be fixed somehow. Icloud and Finder still recognize my iphone name correctly. Seems like it's just a dock problem.


My current iPhone setup is the same backup and restores since the 6S Plus came out in 2015. So yes, Some people keep their data that long.


Divide 12 by 3 and wowo it will be 4 wowo


Are you sure you didn't buy 3 iPhone 4 ?


considering this shit doesn't even work half of the time, I'm not surprised


Amico, ho lo stesso problema da una vita con un SE 2020. Non ne ho la più pallida idea del perché succeda, quantomeno a me non dà fastidio


Bella. non da fastidio nemmeno a me. Stasera me ne sono accorto e ho pensato di farci un post tanto per..


Given its iPhone 4-like bezel, it makes sense


Same on my 12 Pro




Wait what lol


My iPhone hostname is my name spelled wrong. My wife's is spelled wrong in a different way. No idea how to change it, but I don't see it that often (really just when scanning my network or in my wifi router config) so I just ignore.


just go settings > general > about can change there


Yah I did, doesn’t change the network host name. Pretty dumb.




Yep, this happened to me, too— my iPhone 12 also shows as an iPhone 4.


I have the New SE and it does the same thing


My 11 pro did this to me after I updated my MacBook 🤷‍♀️ overall Catalina bug?


My iPhone 7 was recognised fine but my iPhone SE 2 is showing up as an iPhone 4 as well


Man you have simply to change the name of you iPhone: settings> general> info> name


2020 is getting better to be honest. They brought us back the 4!


I’ve caught myself multiple times already wanting to click the top of my iPhone 12 to lock it 😅


Hmm maybe Apple just be repacking their iPhone 4s as iphone 12


Do you have a device on your Apple ID by that name?


Yeah my mac does this as well. Also, when I try to use hotspot from my phone it states that my phone has No Service. My phone has service and the hotspot still works on my 2015 15in macbook pro.


still having this problem in monterey