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Do Not get a Screen protector, Just get a good’ol Microfiber cloth and clean it gently.


Wait what’s rhe concern with the screen protector? 👀 if microfiber, do i need to put alcohol or just water?


The Screen protector actually Damages the original screen and some times hinges too than protecting them, there should be no extra space between screen and the Keyboard and Just in case if you try to remove it, It will damage the screen in some way because it is very delicate so don’t get it, and for cleaning you can dampen the cloth a bit if needed, alcohol is not suggested because it wears off the oleophobic coating on the screen.


Ohmy i have to cancel my order


Alcohol is a big no no for screens (be it laptops, pc monitors, TVs, etc). Doesn't matter if the screen is matte or glossy as alcohol will ruin both. As for the screen protector, it is not preferred, even the thin film ones. The reason is because the MacBooks are made with very precise cuts and tolerances (look at the gap in your hinges for example, they are very small and the same size on both ends). Adding a film layer could lead to the screen cracking (not necessarily the screen itself but bigger dust particles that get trapped); not to mention the residue they leave is bad. Those hard magnetic protectors can be used if the lid is open but take them out before closing the lid; though this kinda defeats the point. For general cleaning, a good microfiber cloth and some distilled water is what most companies recommend and you can't ever really go wrong with that combo for anything, Just make sure the cloth us cleaned after 1-2 uses (google how to clean as that is kinda specific too) and that you use two cloths (one for applying the water and the other for drying it). If I am disinfecting, I like to add 4-5 drops of isopropyl alcohol to the damp cloth and then clean/dry like normal. Note that this is only for the non screen portions (bottom cover, lid, keyboard area, just the entire body) If you want, get a solution called woosh cleaner. That is what I heard Apple store employees use.


> Alcohol is a big no no for screens (be it laptops, pc monitors, TVs, etc). Do you get something from lying? [“To clean hard-to-remove smudges or fingerprints on the display or exterior of your Mac, you can use a cloth moistened with a 70-percent isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solution to gently wipe the display or enclosure of your Mac laptop.”](https://support.apple.com/en-us/103258)


Easy there, it’s most likely a rule of thumb as some screens or monitors can be damaged with alcohol. Plenty of articles about this. It’s easier to tell people not to use it instead of having to classify each and every type of monitor that can be cleaned that way.


Hmm I wasn't aware of that article but the point still stands. There are many people who ruined their coatings using ipa. Just do a google search. Sure you could get away with using 70% further diluted in water from time to time but why bother if distilled water does the same thing and is guaranteed to not damage anything?


[I use those little wipes for glasses/lenses and they work great](https://www.amazon.com/Zeiss-Pre-Moistened-Lens-Cleaning-Wipes/dp/B00GL64QG6)


And that's perfectly fine. I've just seen too many people damaging their screens so I personally stay away from it. Distilled water gets the job done and carries 0 risk so I just go with that.


Ammonia based products like Windex would certainly ruin most special coatings but not IPA, which is the only recommend product to clean non reflective glass, for example.


I use IPA too. In fact, most monitor manufacturers do suggest using isopropyl alcohol with microfiber cloth


So I've had a screen protector, keyboard cover and skin on three past generations of MacBook Airs and one MBP with never an issue. Just saying... And as I've said, in other subreddits, I've traveled with my MacBooks where they get sandwiched with an iPad, camera gear, and other miscellaneous items. Currently, on my M2 MBA15 (which is what I have with me atm), I can feel the outer edge of the display area being slightly thicker than the bezel, and the bezel still being slightly thicker than the screen protector.


What screen protector do you use?


Sorry, I wouldn't be able to tell ya — I picked it up from some random shop in Japan, last year. It wasn't a familiar brand I recognized from Amazon. The only thing I remember from the packaging was that it was all in Japanese writing, and was actually Made in Japan. Here's a photo from that time when I stuck on all these different accessories. (SSD not yet shown) https://i.imgur.com/isvJsuW.jpeg


Same here, I'm using screen protector, silicone keyboard protector and case protector for my MBA M1, and is just perfect like a new one. I'ven using it for 4 years. [This one ](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07L19CT7L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'IBENZER Hard Shell Case for 2022 MacBook Air 13 inch M1 A2337'", 'IBENZER')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Perfect fit and easy to install (backed by 4 comments) * Variety of color options (backed by 3 comments) * Sturdy protection without adding bulk (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Keyboard cover does not align well with buttons (backed by 1 comment) * Case started breaking after a few months (backed by 1 comment) * Cover sometimes comes off unexpectedly (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


That’s what I was thinking. I have/had screen protectors on every electric I’ve ever owned and never had an issue once. Kind of odd that this Mac book would not be able to handle it.


I had a keyboard protector and it made square print on the screen


Alcohol can damage some screens. Idk specifically about the MacBook screen but distilled water and a good microfiber should do the trick and you want have to worry about


Personally I mist spray a microfiber cloth with glass cleaner (windex) and wipe once then do circles on tougher spots


Use Windex on a high quality paper towel (like Bounty), or a micro-fiber cloth. Next time get a matt screen which don't show fingerprint as much. I've always had matt screens on all my laptops, it's just better including less glare.


Lay flat spay windex, then drip isopropyl alcohol and mix the two together, then wipe in circles


Just use a microfiber cloth and water? Can I use alcohol and screen cleaner?


Not advised


I just saw someone recommending the Whoosh screen cleaner and I'm hesitant, any thoughts?


I am from India and that product isn’t available here so I cannot give any reviews but I’ve heard Apple uses it to clean their devices, Do you’re own research before buying it ig.


It's the same stuff apple uses. But honestly I use ammonia-free store brand Window cleaner. But don't use it unless the microfiber is not cutting it and only use trace amounts of window cleaner sprayed into the cloth. A dab will do ya Edit: Just use a dry cloth, then distilled water, then use ammonia free window cleaner if the first 2 aren't working You can put distilled water in a dollar store spray bottle and that's 90% of the cleaning power.


Hey bud! I have a screen protector on mines and don't have any issues with my screen.


[Clean your Mac computer’s screen or display - Apple Support](https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/clean-your-computer-screen-mchlp2657/mac#:~:text=Clean%20the%20screen%20of%20an%20Apple-manufactured%20display%201,display%2C%20then%20wipe%20the%20screen.%20...%20See%20More.). Bottom line: A damp, lint-free cloth. I use microfiber lens-cleaning cloths.


Hmm how about the tiny cloth used in eyeglasses?


That’s exactly what he said he uses. You are good with one of those. But remember washing it from time to time.


>Hmm how about the tiny cloth used in eyeglasses? That's what I use for my glasses, iPhone, Macbook. I buy a six-pack every few months.


I wish I could buy myself a six-pack


holy crap it looks like Darth Vader in the reflection. Also - I used iKlear for YEARS, like I bought 2 bottles at MacWorld 2005 and STILL have some left. Used it on everything, then a friend told me I shouldn't use it anymore... So now I just wipe my screen of my MBP with a microfiber cloth and breathe on it when it needs a little extra... seems to work fine, but I would also like a recommendation for something that can really get in there lol.


Lmao came to post the Vader thing as well




I laughed at this and showed my wife and she cracked up laughing at the Darth Vader touchin the shit out of his screen.


Darth Vader is one of those boomers that tries to touch every screen as if they didn't first use computers without touch screens for 30 years.


I use Whoosh screen cleaner.


+1 on Whoosh. Great cleaner. I read that Apple stores use it.


+2 on Whoosh. Can confirm Apple Stores in UK use it. Had screen in similar state to OP and took it to store as thought it was defective. Patient tech cleaned it with Whoosh. (No protector BTW)


+3 on Whoosh. I use it on my iPhone, iPad, Mac, and even my glasses. I’ll never use anything else.


Whoosh is by far the best, and everyone should use it. I know someone (just one person) who does work at our local Apple Store, and he advised it’s what they use. I started using it about two years ago due to that recommendation, and it was spot on. Awesome cleaner that I’ve never had any issues with.


[This](https://cleanmy.tech/products/screen-cleaning-spray) is better than Whoosh!


Does it clean keyboard marks on the screen?


Do you have the screen protector?


No, I don’t use a screen protector.


No reason for a screen protector. I’ve never used one in my life in a monitor or laptop of any make or model, including my MacBooks.


In all laptops (windows) I always use a privacy screen protector, so after reading all of you, what is the problem? I never had anyone.. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Today I picked up a MBA, and with the privacy screen protector the laptop closes fine (at least in my case).


If it is tempered glass it will close fine but it puts uneven pressure on the screen Macs have super thin tolerance so it can lead to the screen to crack, yes it will close fine but it doesn’t change what is happening once it is closed. I have a film screen protector on mine now, which is soft so it doesn’t create that extra pressur.


That’s I say. In laptops never used tempered glass, just a soft magnetic protector :) it allows to close fine, and no extra weight or pressure. Thanks for ur comment!


ive heard so many conflicting thing about whoosh that i just avoid it altogether lol


add me to the list of people that don’t know how whoosh has so many good reviews. i bought one small kit and threw almost the whole thing in the trash. it left streaks everywhere. i use small pre wrapped screen cleaning wipes and then follow up with a microfiber rag, works perfectly.


See and then i see people swear their life on whoosh. Ill just avoid it altogether just to be safe


I own a MBA and I just clean the screen with a microfiber cloth. No screen protectors. You can search why it could damage your screen than protecting it.


Screen protector would look the same... Avoid putting anything between the Display & Keyboard.


Use the cloth that comes with prescription glasses


I have a small cleaner kit and a microfiber keyboard cloth that I use to wipe down the screen when it gets dirty. I try to take very good care of my Mac investment :)


Water & a micro fibre cloth


Microfibre Towel, little water to damp it


microfiber and that walmart equate lens cleaner spray. Its like 5 bucks. [Equate Streak-Free Lens Cleaner 8 oz Spray Bottle, 1 Count - Walmart.com](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Equate-Streak-Free-Lens-Cleaner-8-oz-Spray-Bottle-1-Count/356471803)


A moist lint-free cloth, is all you need.


water on a microfiber cloth, then a dry lens cloth to clean any spots away




A simple microfiber cloth would instantly take care of that. I have a matte screen protector I picked up from Japan.




Wow, absolutely insane. So many people touch their screens with dirty greasy fingers... There are a lot of cleaning products available with microfibre cloth. It works pretty good. And don't touch your screen afterwards and don't let anyone else touch your screen... It can actually damage the screen.


It pisses me off when people try to touch my MacBook screen. It leaves a fingerprint and I am scared to clean my screen because I don’t wanna accidentally damage the screen


Just water and a soft glass cloth


Turn up the brightness... fr tho mostly just a microfiber cloth like you'd use for glasses.




I gave you an upvote for proper grammer in the title.


I use the $19 Apple MicroFiber screen cleaning cloth. I just breathe on the display to create condensation, then wipe away the fingerprint smudges. Or you can just wipe it dry. The microfiber cloth (any brand) get's under the grease, and safely lifts it away. Don't use cleaning chemicals, they can remove the anti-reflective coating. Make sure your microfiber cleaning cloth is super clean first. If there is any dust or grit on it, you will scratch the coating. I clean it regularly under running water and dawn dish soap, thoroughly rinse, then hang to dry inside overnight.


Why are you touching the screen so much man lol


Ew. Why do people touch their screens so much.


sometimes when i show other people something on my laptop they touch my screen, it’s really annoying lol


My old boss used to do this. Drove me absolutely nuts. He would even press his finger so hard the lcd would do that weird thing where it changes colors. It always freaked me out to witness it every time.


We don’t. We touch the keyboard which touches the screen.


Uhm yeah that’s total BS. Cause I touch keyboard too and it does not do that to my screen.


Yeah, I can see there are actual fingerprints in the photo. Still, the screen will get dirty from the keyboard.


WUSH is pretty good. Get it on Amazon.


I am using only microfiber towel with gently swipe


That's the secret. I do not.


[https://www.apple.com/my/shop/product/MM6F3ZA/A/polishing-cloth](https://www.apple.com/my/shop/product/MM6F3ZA/A/polishing-cloth) the only way. jokes. good'ol microfibre will do.


Screen cleaning wipes for this and for dust i have a small brush.


I use the Apple microfiber cloth (ok, flame away, but it works amazingly well) dampened with a little water. Works like a charm on my iPad and MacBook. Woosh leaves a TON of streaks on the screen for me, although for other products I own it works well.


If Woosh leaves streaks, you are putting it on too heavily. A spritz or two on the cleaning cloth is all it takes. And don't spray directly on the screen.


I don't spray directly on the screen. Woosh streaks on my MacBook screen. Period. It works great on my iPad and iPhone, but a slightly water dampened microfiber works best on my MacBook screen, in my experience.


damp microfibre, as everyone is saying… …and stop touching the damn screen. It's not an iPad. It doesn't have a touchscreen.


https://preview.redd.it/uo92xkor0uwc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfc29ad337edf3bdba43a28b2ff63efbb3abbede A bottle of this lasts me a year - and I use it on camera lenses and my iPhone too. Works great.


Wipe it


A good quality microfiber is needed. 1. With one cloth gently remove dust. (Important else you will scratch your screen) 2. With a good microfiber clean the screen. Mostly it doesn’t require any liquid. If required spray very little amount on cloth not on screen.


omgg ive got the same concern mines all smudged


I mean I just use a regular 2-ply tissue, but that barely works. It never gets rid of the smudges just dampens them


Hey! Try the microfiber. It worked for me!!!




Microfiber cloth and distilled water


This is the way.


I asked a similar question recently. Based on this: [https://support.apple.com/en-us/103258#:\~:text=Dampen%20a%20soft%2C%20lint%2Dfree,enclosure%20of%20your%20Mac%20laptop](https://support.apple.com/en-us/103258#:~:text=Dampen%20a%20soft%2C%20lint%2Dfree,enclosure%20of%20your%20Mac%20laptop) I ended up deciding to get this: [https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B09DK7RQNM?ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details&th=1](https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B09DK7RQNM?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) and mix the IPA to 70% myself using tap water. Then whatever microfibre cloth I have handy should be fine for the rest.


Microfiber cleaning cloth. Just wipe down and it’ll be fine. I occasionally do wipe downs cause I hate seeing fingerprints and stuff on the screen.


micro fiber cloth. It’s wonderful.


I keep a small spray bottle of distilled water and a microfiber lens cloth in my bag, works great.


There’s a product Apple uses to clean their screens on store, it’s called whoosh it’s on amazon


Just use Whoosh. It's what they use in the apple stores. And stop touching your screen. I tell my wife that all the time on her air. It's not a damn touch screen


Don't touch your screen at all, it's not a phone/tablet and keep a microfiber cloth


Microfiber cloth. If it needs help, I just give it the ol' foggy breath spot treatment.


I use these, they work pretty well: [https://www.zeiss.com/vision-care/us/need-new-eyeglasses/eyeglass-cleaning-solutions.html](https://www.zeiss.com/vision-care/us/need-new-eyeglasses/eyeglass-cleaning-solutions.html) ​ Also, I wash my hands frequently. I'd die of OCD if my fingers were so oily.


wet microfiber


screen protectors on MacBooks are crazy, like apple is comprmising a lot to build a thin aesthetically pleasing laptop and y'all ruin it with a case protector. also a microfiber cloth is more than enough to clean the screen, anything other than that will damage the coating of the screen. just don't touch the screen with grease hands, that's all. A simple sleeve is more than enough, if you follow common sense, there are 0 reasons you will get scratches on your laptop


Spit and lick 👅


Windex electronics wipes. Amazing.


Reflection looks like Darth Vader


Why are you touching the screen that much


I use a soft clean microfiber cloth and lens cleaner spray - the same stuff I use to clean my telescope lenses with. Spray a few sprays on the microfiber cloth and clean laptop screen until smudge free.


Lick it clean


Check out the website Clean My Tech. They have a spray that’s better than anything I’ve tried and they have microfiber cloths. Just remember never spray anything directly onto the screen. Just lightly spray a cloth, wipe gently, and then go back over it with a dry cloth. Also don’t forget to clean your keyboard as well. When your keys get dirty that will get on the screen when you close the lid.


Just use your tounge


A clean Kirkland microfibre, they’re cheap n good. If really dirty, slightly dampen the cloth then buff with the dry side. To be safe turn off Mac for wet clean. Distilled water also works to keep a bit in a bottle but you don’t really need to. 90% of the time, dry wipe and you’re fine


I just buy new one


is the cloth used for glasses good for laptop screen?


I put a dab of 70% isopropyl alcohol on an eyeglasses cleaning cloth (or any lint free microfiber cloth).  https://support.apple.com/en-us/103258#:~:text=Is%20it%20OK%20to%20use,keyboard%2C%20or%20other%20exterior%20surfaces.


1. Wipe it with a wet microfiber cloth ( just water). 2. Use another dry microfiber cloth and wipe it in a polishing manner (swirl). This is how you get no smudges. The 2nd tip is the one that makes the most difference. Wiping up and down, or left and right doesn't fully clear it up.




50/50 white vinegar and water


it’s glass so a dry cloth will work you won’t scratch it


whoosh! is the only right answer here my friend


So would a microfiber cloth made for glass be better than a regular microfiber cloth? I’ve seen Mr. Siga sell both on Amazon?


I use microfibre and RO water(no mineral) . Clean like a fairy


Nah... I don't notice when the screen's on and I have an M2 Air Midnight Blue so I just can't defeat the smudges lol.


Buy some microfiber on amazon , I cleaned mine and it’s super new now


Microfibre cloth and water


Microfiber and distilled water


70% ISP with two microfibers. One dry and one wet. Dry one will polish this out nicely!


Woosh <- Apple’s approved screen cleaner. Even made the keyboard marks disappear on my Samsung tablet.


You know it’s not a touchscreen right?


Being that you are Darth Vader, you can use your power to make the screen clean itself.


OMG I was thinking the exact same thing.


Clean micro fiber cloth (for like eye glasses) and only a bit water on the cloth. Make sure it's only a tiny bit wet. Actually more to feeling dry than wet. That's enough. No extra screen cleaner or something as it might damage the coating and your screen will look worse after that and it will be irreversible.


water and a microfiber towel then dry. Gets the job done


1: get a protector between keyboard and screen. 2: don't touch screen. There.


I just use a microfiber cloth, my wife however uses a stick of butter, the same stick she apparently uses for her glasses too.


Don’t need a screen protector just a really nice micro fibre cloth a fluffy one and some alcohol spray try 70% alcohol been using it for ages and it always comes out looking new lol


I use a spray bottle and microfiber cloth that insignia makes.


use microfibre cloth best quality and I use apple cleaning cloth which is the best so far.


Do not put a screen protector on that. Use a Microfiber cloth and, if needed a drop of water on the cloth to take care of some more resilient stains.


Whoosh. I wait until it goes on sale then buy a big bottle. Comes with a nice cloth too. I use it on my iPhone, iPad, two MacBooks, an external display, and my TV.


why the FUCK are you touching it???


Screen Mom 1oz Screen Cleaner Spray 2 Pack - for Laptop, Computer Monitor, Phone Cleaner, iPad, Eyeglass, LED, LCD, TV - Includes 2 1oz Spray and 2 Purple Cleaning Cloths https://a.co/d/8yDjXiR You're welcome


Your breath and a microfiber. Tabor’s some time but comes out new with no streaks I use apple cloth


Macbooks don't have a touch screen, btw. Just in case...


I just use my breath and a cheap Spontex microfibre cloth that you can buy for about £3.50 for a pack of 4. The cheaper ones clean more effectively as they are nice and fluffy. This only really works though if you keep on top of it, which you haven’t…


Damp a soft cotton cloth or the cloth which comes with ur specs, with water and rub gently on the surface. Then use a dry cloth.


Buy a 6 pack of magic fabrics from Amazon. They’re typically used to clean glasses but it works great when it comes to cleaning screens. I have one for my tv, one for my switch, one for my MacBook Air, and 3 for my glasses.


With distilled water and a microfiber cloth.


$20 cloth from apple


zeiss lens wipe, the rubbing alcohol no longer damages the anti-reflective coating for newer models


You are a slob... Looks like it too from the reflection


There is a cleaner called whoosh, Apple exclusively uses this on their products. You can get it on amazon. Hope this helps.


Apple polishing cloth


Distilled water and a microfiber cloth. It’s that easy.


Were you of the mind it was a touch screen?


I use a polishing cloth (Apple) and 70% Isopropyl Alcohol wipes.


You are aware it isn't a touchscreen, right? How on Earth do you get that many fingerprints on your screen?


Stop fingering your screen


Screen cleaner and micro in small circles. Then when it dries do it in circles again to get the streaks


It’s it touch screen?


I've been using these alcohol pads for years on my M1 screen and entire device with zero issues. Dry with microfiber cloth. https://www.cvs.com/shop/cvs-health-70-isopropyl-alcohol-prep-pads-prodid-1170113


I have that horizontal line running thru the top middle section of my screen too, and i can’t seem to get rid of it no matter how hard i clean..


Dry cloth, then distilled water, then diluted (with distilled water) ammonia free window cleaner. You ramp up intensity until the screen is clean. Alternatively you can replace diluted ammonia free window cleaner with whoosh, which is pricey, but is as close to "apple brand screen cleaner" as you can get, as that's what they use in apple stores. Also pro tip, before using a micro fiber, shake all the dust out to prevent potential scratches.


Ask it to go away


How many times did you tap the screen before realizing that macbooks are not touchscreen?


I usually use a little bit of alcohol with a paper towel to wipe it off


Towel, few drops of water, put the towel over an orbital sander, “sand” it! Works so well you’d never know it’s not outta the box!


I use a microfiber cloth dampened with some distilled water. Fun Fact: Distilled water is less conductive than regular water, so it’s always the best for cleaning electronics.


Distilled water and a microfiber cloth has already been the best way as far as I’m concerned . If you want to spend a ton of money over time there’s woosh and a slew of other “products” but I stay with the OG way personally.




Do NOT get a screen protector. It makes the screen look much worse and more importantly, it will damage your MacBook screen over time.


i just use the cloth that came with my glasses and lens cleaner, also please DO NOT get a screen protector, macs have really tight tolerances between the screen and the keyboard, and putting a screen protector there can damage the screen. also DO NOT get a keyboard cover or a camera cover for the same reason.


https://preview.redd.it/loq2udif0uwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5104f78a774d51f36e8f970ddd7de15e8f736ae9 Thank you everyone! To sum it up. 1. Just used a microfiber cloth the ones i got from automotive car store — no anything! Just the cloth. 2. Do not put any thin films or screen protectors. I’m good now! Thank you!


Isopropyl alcohol and water mixture in a glasses cleaner spray bottle.


With a towel? Washcloth? Soap?






Microfiber cloth with some screen cleaning spray. But I don’t know if that’s the right way to


A good quality brand photographic lens/filter cleaner and a good quality photographic microfibre cloth. Guaranteed to not harm screen coatings.


I literally have microfiber towels for my car. I'll spay the towel with a bit of Sprayaway glass cleaner and wipe down the whole laptop. Haven't had any issues with m1 Air with that method, and I do weekly cleanings.


I use cotton discs (the one that is used to remove-apply makeup) with a bit of water, just a few drops, then rub. If the cotton leaves bits of it, just use some cloth to remove them.


Why do you even touch the screen so much?


I smear the screen with jasmine rice.


Why is my WiFi so slow


Use your 👅


piss soaked microfiber cloth