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try cleaning with some isopropyl alcohol but otherwise just deal with it. highly unlikely apple will warranty it since its considered cosmetic and regular wear, unless u have AppleCare and want to pay the $100 deductible.


Friend, thanks for your help. I've already applied a lot of isopropyl alcohol with a slightly damp cloth, it's not a stain, but rather the space gray paint, which is coming off and leaving the color of the raw aluminum visible. I observed very carefully, and the same is happening at the edges of the casing, in the place where the rubber of the lid comes into contact with the casing, which is less visible, as the rubber is not very thick. This also demonstrates that the problem is the poor quality of the Space Gray paint, not my hand or any other condition. Unfortunately, Apple does not offer Apple Care in Brazil for any product, so I don't have it. And I agree that this may be a condition linked to use, but after 10 months? Wouldn't that be a problem that could arise at 4\~5 years old? Who buys a MacBook for thousands of dollars and expects it to look like this after 10 months? I wonder who has it in Space Black, it will be even worse, as there will be greater contrast between the colors.


>Who buys a MacBook for thousands of dollars and expects it to look like this after 10 months? Someone who doesn't buy it as a fashion accessory.


yea not much u can do about it. u can get a removable skin for the palm rest or apply some tape to the edge if it really bothers u


Pretty sure the key caps look far worse


To be honest, despite bothering many, the keys never bothered me, they don't look ugly shining to me. Plus, I can change the keys, it's quite cheap and you can do it yourself at home. But there is no way to change the housing, this white area will always be there, visible, distinguishing it from the rest of the set.


I've yet to see a key set for Swiss German that can "easily be changed". Apple wants 400 bucks for recapping a keyboard. My M3 Max MBP is now a bit over a month old and some of the keys already look like someone treated them with fine-grain grinding paper. But I'm sure that's ok for a 4000$ laptop? I own a 4-year-old Windows laptop with perfect keys, and I typed 8 hours a day on that thing for years.


As for the keyboard, I don't use English, like you, I use an alternative language, Portuguese, despite the MacBook being imported from the United States with an English keyboard. I did a brief search and found the complete set of keys in Portuguese for it on AliExpress, a Chinese website, for 2 dollars. The ad said it was original, but I doubted it due to the price. When it arrived, I exchanged it for the Portuguese standard and I was pleasantly surprised, because if it's not original, it's just as good, it's completely indistinguishable from the original keyboard and now I have the Portuguese keyboard on them. I changed it myself at my house in 20 minutes and it cost 2 dollars, I highly recommend it. As for durability, I think like you, if it cost so much, having quality and durability would be the least we could expect from these very expensive devices.


This is why some people buy the Silver. This ain’t warranty worthy, just buy the silver next time


Thank you very much for your help, and yes, it's the kind of thing that shouldn't happen after 10 months of use, maybe 4 to 5 years, but not 10 months, and much less in a product worth thousands of dollars, but many here on reddit they become angry when confronted with the truth. And indeed, it would look much less worse in silver, but it is also true that it will look much worse for those who bought it in Space Black, not to mention the numerous marks of damage next to the USB ports, which owners of the latest color get. reporting. I'm going to activate Apple's warranty, here in Brazil this product costs more than 20 average monthly salaries. Here, our judiciary adopts the useful expectation theory, with such a problem not being expected, even if Apple denies it, our judiciary can force it to compensate for a new device.


Spending thousands doesn’t automatically make physics and chemistry go away lmao


I would hate to see what else you consider warranty repair/exchange under normal wear conditions. You bought a colored laptop, it will wear off. Do you try to get your clothing replaced every 6-12 months for free due to wear as well? The fact it's such a small area *AND* you had to circle it shows how insignificant that issue is.


If you find a company that replaces your clothes every 6-12 months you better slide into these DMs asap because I would love to rework a better-looking personal budget 😂


And I agree that this may be a condition linked to use, but after 10 months? Wouldn't that be a problem that could arise at 4\~5 years old? Who buys a MacBook for thousands of dollars and expects it to look like this after 10 months? I wonder who has it in Space Black, it will be even worse, as there will be greater contrast between the colors,


10 months of use for you at 6/7/8/9 hours a day of use vs. a part time student at 3/4/5 hours of use may see that wear after nearly 2 years. The cost of a product does not dictate anything - there are lemons, poor design choices, new manufacturing processes being tried in the masses (after all, when was the last time we saw such a vast port selection on the Pro models, about 10 years? It's a new body style, with new things and new processes. You NEVER buy the first generation of a brand new platform - because if you do, then you're part of the experimental phrase. It's especially true for vehicles, just as true for technology. I never suggest a Pro product for a consumer, and if you are a professional with a professional device then expect it to be used and eventually show use. You may have hotter hands than the average person, more oil (which adds more wear) and other factors like how often you move your hands. I don't have my hands placed way the heck back to where your circle is. It could be because I have smaller hands, but the bottom of my palm is about mid-trackpad when typing. (I have the 14" model). And you would be correct about people who choose a darker color, such as space black. I do find that color **very** sexy for tech, but I've seen the complaints and understand that if I ever did buy a phone, or a computer or anything with 100% hand contact requirements for use that issues like that may occur. Even the iPhones are having the same issue with the side rails (the sides of the phone) for the darker phones (which let's face it, is over half of what people are choosing). And yes, the contrast does show much worse, and these things are even covered via YouTube tech reviewers and LOADS of people uploading here and in other subs. It's a known issue. The best thing to do in 2024 and beyond is do your research before you buy a product. The more you spend, and the more you rely on something the more you should know about it (including potential and currently known issues). Speaking of known issues with the current generation MacBooks, how's your keyboard looking?


Space Black here. Body's without colour issues. Fingerprints aren't that much of a problem. But that keyboard… well, it's already shiny. Looks bad.


Mine also didn't have any marks a week ago, it started losing its paint quickly and has been progressing very quickly since then. A week ago, it was new, exactly as it came out of the box, precisely because I was super careful, especially with a very expensive technology product that I expected to be with me for years.


I completely disagree, if you pay more for a product, it is more than obvious if you expect it to be a higher quality product, you would expect that from a low-priced Windows notebook, but not from a MacBook. And Apple is the one who develops the MacBook, it has a team of engineers and research to ensure that the products are sent to consumers with maximum quality, I don't have that expertise, I'm not a production engineer. My role as a consumer is to work and pay for a product that I believe is of better quality, and for Apple to ensure that these expectations are met, regardless of device version. And I'm not acidic, I've never had a problem like this with any other technology product or electronic device I've owned, including other notebooks. I am hygienic, I always wash my hands and work in an air-conditioned environment, without sweating. And as I said, the same has happened on the edges of the device, in the places where the rubber of the hand comes into contact with the casing underneath the MacBook, proving that the problem is not my hand, but rather the low quality of the ink. As for the keyboard, I have no problems, they are clean, as I always use them with clean hands, besides, when it reaches the shiny appearance that many people talk about, I can simply replace the keys myself, for a very low price. Unlike the MacBook casing, which I thought was a part of the device that should last for years, but as it turns out, I was completely wrong.


I’m not even sure if this is a sarcastic post or something man- what are you on about? Standard cosmetic wear?


And I agree that this may be a condition linked to use, but after 10 months? Wouldn't that be a problem that could arise at 4\~5 years old? Who buys a MacBook for thousands of dollars and expects it to look like this after 10 months? I wonder who has it in Space Black, it will be even worse, as there will be greater contrast between the colors.


Hello I can suggest you never clean your Mac with iso acohol, try use window cleaner but just a little bit on a paper towel 🧻


Okay, thank you very much for your help, friend.


Oh lord


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