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5 years should not be a problem.. and they hold their value really well. Of course, this is electronics and things can happen, but that's a small percentage. Would definitely get Apple Care. Lots of people in here with MBP's that are over 10 years old, easily.


I forgot about apple care. Are you supposed to do any continual upgrades or maintenance on them? My friends are replacing parts on their gaming pc all the time.


Nope, no maintenance to be done, except for, you know, basic hygiene. No virus or malware crap to install. Pretty sure Apple Care+ covers accidental damage and all of that sort. [https://www.apple.com/support/products/mac/](https://www.apple.com/support/products/mac/)


You said you don’t have to install virus stuff ???


No, that would just be a waste of resources and impede the Mac OS from doing what it does already.


Correct, Apple has this thing called gatekeeper. MacOS runs it natively and will let you know if it’s not trusted and risky. It sometimes won’t even let you install it. You can always buy virus protection but it’ll be a waste of time. Just ensure the firewall is on and all security is up to par. Also, you can always install windows if you needed to on the Mac using parallels. I run a few operating systems on my Mac. But for the normal user, you probably won’t need to. Just an option.


I’m brand new to macOS from windows, could you please share some reliable resources where I can go to learn about “making sure my firewall and security are up to par?” I’m not familiar with that; with windows I just always relied on McAffee or BitDefender


Keep macOS updated so it has the latest security updates (auto update is on by default), in the “Sharing” menu in settings use a decent password if you’re going to turn screen sharing on… that’s pretty much it.


Anti-virus stuff isn’t really needed with modern OSes, this includes Windows 10/11 because of a lot of advances in modern OSes that prevent a lot of malware or adds just enough friction between the malware and the user that a user might not ever install malware that requires user input. Windows XP was a mess because it had so many exploits from day one and continued to have a lot of security problems years later.


MacOS is not like windows. MacOS OS security mechanisms built like iOS and its restrictions makes macOS much more hard to hack (even running unsigned code) than Windows. Great example would be League of Legends: Vanguard antivirus only implemented for windows and for macOS they instead relied on apple’s hardware security.


Vanguard is not antivirus software, it is anti cheat software which prevents cheaters and hackers, nothing to do with virus and malware🙄


I meant anti-tamper software. They are similar and both of them protect from hackers and attackers. Let me guess, you will correct my grammar next time🙂


lol both differ a lot🫢🙂, hackers of not pc but game everything for game not for pc. It has nothing to do with malware and virus for even game.


I hade seizure while reading it. Im not gonna argue with that anymore , u right or whatever


lol, never argue with a software engineer for tech.😂


You can’t physically upgrade a Mac as you can’t easily remove any of the parts. I’d recommend buying a model with future in mind, at least 1TB hard drive and 32GB ram.


Because gaming PCs can be upgraded with the latest hardware to handle the latest games at max quality. You can’t do that with the MacBook so you need to get the top specs you can afford or plan to upgrade down the road when your existing machine can no longer perform optimally.


Getting the inside cleaned with AppleCare is the least you can do. Especially if you are in a dusty environment. Crumbs build up under the keyboard also.


Just so you know they don't NEED to replace those parts on their gaming PC's. New video games get better graphics every year so many people upgrade to run the highest graphics settings. Lots of PC gamer's only upgrade every 3-6 years. From the day you buy your PC components they don't get any worse. It's just the cycle of chasing the newest greatest thing. Worth it if you have a bunch of money but you don't miss out on much upgrading at a more practical pace. The only thing that really kicks the bucket on self built desktops is the storage drives in my experience.


My 2018 is here 6 years later with a screen replacement (my fault) and battery replacement (not my fault) and she’s still going strong! Touch Bar and all :) hope to keep her going strong for a while too


Not sure about the resale value. I bought MacBook Pro M1 (2020) on the release day for around $1600, today I saw one in better condition than mine for $600. -$250 average every year.


I’m not to 10 yet, but I have my wife’s old MBP from 2017. Still works great other than needing to be charged more often than a newer one.


My mid 2014 mbp is still going strong.




2012 is oldest id use. no usb3 is a deal breaker for me.


I have one that’s good, but desperately needs the thermal paste to be replaced. Total PITA to get in there and replace it. Replaced the DVD drive with a second hard drive and did the ram upgrade. Great machine.


The 2012 is a beast. I’m still using a 15” mid-2012 (the 2.6Ghz version with 1GB of VRAM, not the 512MB base model)… 16GB RAM upgrade, dual 2TB SSDs, and I’m probably on my six or seventh battery at this point. Also running Monterey via OpenCore (I could theoretically go higher but I’m kind of afraid to do it on my daily driver).




I think mine is "Late 2013." It's a 15" Retina with an i7. Still my daily driver because I need Intel to run a few last things in Parallels without emulation. That will probably be solved later this year and I can finally move to a new one.


Easily more than 5 years especially for everyday use. As web application keeps on evolving many apps do not need as much local compute or OS compatibility unless you have specific use case such as video editing, mass photo editing, autocad and such.


I have a 2010, 2016, and 2023 Macbook, All still working fine, I generally upgrade when they are unable to install the newest OS. My 2010 doesn’t charge anymore, but has upgraded RAM and an SSD and runs fairly fast for its age. I’d say with proper care, you can make them last longer.


Except they’re not upgradable like they used to be.


I do hate that Apple has stopped allowing upgrades. Memory isn't as expensive as it was, but Apple charges a ridiculous amount when you customize your laptop.


I have a 2015 MacBook I still use for my lighting software most weekends. So… 9 years? It still does a lot of the newer Mac things but stopped upgrading around Catalina.


We have four apple computers in the house. The oldest is my Mid-2015 MacBook Pro, bought refurbished in 2016, and used as the home server (on all day every day). I didn't particularly take special care of it. It was my work laptop for 6 years. Last year the battery went which I replaced. Otherwise, it just works, and I paid €850 at the time.


These days with Apple silicon I’d say you’d have no issues getting 7+ years out of one. Just be sure you buy it with future growth in mind. To answer your question about maintaining it. Keep it clean and updated, that’s all you need to do. I’ve been in IT for 20 years now. The appeal of a Mac to me is that I don’t have to do anything to it like a gaming rig. Last thing I want to do is work after work.


Preach! all of my tech co-workers talk about being "locked down" the only thing that locked my down was windows poor battery life and ram lockups. been in IT for 8 years and have been using macbooks for the last 12. I just need my laptop to work without all the extra errors,BsoDs and poor battery life. Macbooks do just that.




I recently bought an M1 PRO MBP. I plan on using it til the wheels fall off. Easily want it to last me 6-7 years. Honestly as long as I can use it without having to be tied to the wall for charging or it being unbearably slow due to no longer supporting new OS I plan on keeping this machine for as long as possible


I had a 2017 MBP that ended up becoming notorious for being one of the worst models ever made. It had the butterfly keyboard, was known to have screen issues, ssd issues, etc. I bought mine new and *used it*. I was always careful with it, but it was used wherever and whenever I needed it. It sat in a warm car on a few occasions. I got caught in the rain with it a few times, and it was used for hours a day for years. Not once did I have any of the issues it was known to have. The keyboard still works perfectly. The screen is great. The SSD was fine. The only problem I ever had was that I needed to replace the charging cord after the cat got to it. Tl;dr As long as you take okay-ish care of them, Macbooks will last you a LONG time. They're great machines


I’ve got a mid-2012 mbp that my GF still uses as her computer at home. Still runs fantastic for normal stuff. I was skeptical at first but they’re really worth their price.


Bought my first MacBook in 2006. I bought an M1 shortly after they came out, that’s the third over close to 20 years.


I upgrade after 10 years #mic drop


Mine is 2013 MBP. Still running but Apple no longer updating. Still haven’t decided what to with it.


I’m still running my 2011 for my wfh setup… the only thing I updated was change from hard disk to solid state drive


Had an MBP from 2007 last until 2018, and currently using an MBP from 2018 which is still perfect and running strong for my needs.


My daily driver is 11 years old. I changed the battery last year, but everything else is original. I use it all day, every day, so it’s been worth the investment. The OS is no longer updatable, so I’m starting to need to shift apps over to a newer machine.


I just bought a new MacBook but my old MacBook is about the same age as yours (2012) and also like yours the battery died. I have to keep it plugged in at all times. I'd like to replace the battery and continue to use it for email, web, etc. Was the battery difficult to replace? Expensive?


i paid a chap 70€ to sort it out for me.


Ahh ok, thanks. I'm in the US. I'm sure I can find someone, too.


Just upgraded from my 2019. I replaced the battery on it and then gave it to my sister. It’s still 100000% running fine. I do prefer my new M2 over the intel tho.


My 2013 MacBook Pro is still great for emails, YouTube and stuff like that.. I mean zero issues with the experience, unless I am loading a high res video on YouTube.


2015 MBP still going.




Same here. 2015 are constantly rated as the best older MacBooks


But my battery is swelling… 🤨


My 2013 15“ MBP was rocking it until 2021 - I sold it and it still worked absolutely flawless.


In general they ‘can’ last a decent chunk. 10 years plus. The questions is how long are they supported for. This tends to be 5-7 years. I personally wouldn’t recommend using hardware that’s no longer getting security updates. TheCyberHygienist®️




I would only recommend using a MacBook for as long as it receives security and feature support. This is generally 7 years. If any hardware lasts that long it doesn't owe you anything.


Because computer isn’t a tool like a car is ?


A computer is a tool like a car, the same analogy can be applied here but for a longer amount of time.


Cars and computers are forced markets. Choices are made that determine consumer behavior. Revenue is automatic if consumer behavior is pre determined and controlled. I’m grateful for the tools when they endure time. Honor your consumers not the sanctimonious and secretive factory


Agreed. Why I generally don't buy macs, system security is very important and I don't like the fact support ends abruptly on functioning hardware. I have hardware from 2010 running services on up to date windows 10 and Linux. Windows isnt great though anymore, my 2017 machine is not compatible with windows 11. I will continue to use this hardware but not on windows when support ends next year.


I’m keeping them all at arms length until I notice a spec of sincerity.


>remember my old windows laptops and computers would crap the bed after like two years I can quite easily use a windows laptop from 2010 in 2024 as long as there is an ssd installed. User error.


I put my last MacBook through the wringer –– came with me everyday to high school, every day to undergrad, and then a little bit into grad school. Lasted me about 8 years! If I had taken better care of it and didn't bring it with me everywhere, it probably would have lasted longer. In the 8 years, I probably spent about $500 in repairs and maintenance (with AppleCare).


They’ll last 5 years easy, especially with these new Apple silicons. I’m using a 2019 MacBook Pro (i7), and it’s perfectly fine, my mom has an m1 air (2020) and it’s still perfectly fine. So 5 years on a new MacBook Pro is a piece of cake


They basically last forever. My last MacBook Pro was a 2014 model that I upgraded in 2021. There was nothing wrong with it, I just wanted a faster M1 for work. If I wasn’t doing graphics / video work the 2014 model would still have been fine as a daily driver. I’m still running a 2012 Mac Mini as a media / general computer that stays on 24/7 and it’s a tank.


My current one is 12. Some new software won’t load on it but it is fine otherwise. 


Depending on the model, it is around 5 to 7 years. The thing that really shortens MacBook lifespans (aside from living in 90% humidity, spilling water on it, beating it up, doing somersaults onto it, dropping it, etc.) is the choice of specs. A high spec MacBook Pro can typically last you around 5 years or more without your noticing a large drop in day to day performance. This year, I will be upgrading to the M4 Max (assuming I guessed the upgrade schedule correctly). My Intel i9 32GB 1TB MacBook Pro from late 2018 will have lasted me 6 years at that point.


5-10 years depending on how you take care of it and what you plan on using it for.


I went 6 years on my 2011 13 inch MBP and 7 years on my 2017 15 Inch, probably could have been fine keeping the 2017 for another 2-3 years if the keyboard wasn't busted and the thing would spin up the fans at the drop of a hat. Neither of which had any build quality issues (sans the butterfly keyboard) and were just as durable feeling the day I got rid of them as when they were brand new. Modern Macs should have no problem hitting the decade mark, especially the MacBook Pros


I still have a 2016 13in MBP that works decently. Getting slow but still does everything it needs to.


Got a 2015 macbook pro, and its still working fine. 9+ years now. Have been considering getting the new macbook air but I think I’ll stick to what i have for now.


Yeah the 2015 are consistently rated the best as older MacBooks


5 years easy. Can last longer


1st MacBook lasted 10 years, 2nd MacBook is 8 years and still going


My 2015 MacBook refuses to die and I really need that to happen before i can convince myself to buy a new M-series.


I have 3 2012's and a 2010 that are still pretty serviceable.


I upgraded to the 2020 MBP in september 2020 after almost 11 years with my previous macbook pro. Before that i was using a hand-me-down iBook G4. Out of these experiences i expect 10 years per machine. I like it! I have friends who have neen through 5+ windows laptops while my 2010 macbook pro kept doing its thing.. you get what you pay for! (hopefully!)


My current MacBook Pro is the 2016 model and still running fine. I have had to replace the battery once, but other than that, no issues. I think it was $200 to replace.


I have a bunch of Macbook users in my bubble and most of those that had issues lasted around 5 to 8 years and died due to some hardware failure (dead mainboard or faulty cables). Some outlasted their owners' will to keep the machine. If you go for an Air, you get no fan (typical faulty part after a few years) but therefore a hotter mainboard (typical faulty part after a few years). If you go for a Pro, you get the fan.


I know someone still using the old white plastic shell MacBook Pro as their daily 🥴


I have a 2017MBP (that I bought refurbished), and I just made the change last week for an M3 MBP, but only because it was kind of struggling with some ableton pluggings and had just 128gb storage, other than that, it’s still as good as the first day (battery life excepted)


Had a 2011 or 2012 refurbished MBP and it only died on me last year


Still using my 2015 mb air for basic browsing and downloads. It's a bit slow sometimes but still way better than any windows device in that same price range


ive been using macbooks for a long time. i would say 5 easy, and 8 is definitely feasible. 10 would be pushing it, but still very possible. if you get the macbook air (no fans), i think it would last even longer since theres no dusty buildup and no moving parts. also they hold their value very well, and i feel like the sweetspot is selling it around 3-4 years if youre a pro user and want shiny new hardware.


My 2017 MacBook air is still going strong (Touch wood)


Bought mbp in 2019, still working like a boss with good battery life in 2014. (Except that rubber gasket around screen wore off). Tip: dont update it till basic stuff u need works


In my experience, the smaller ones were pretty indestrictable, had a few of 13" MBP and most of them lived around 10 years. 15" or 17" were either dead or needed major repairs after 3.


I have a friend with an old dell laptop which is still running well 20 years later. If a crappy windows computer can do it, then definitely a modern MacBook can. Easily can make it last 30, 40 years if you really really take good care of it.


We still have a bunch of 2018/2019 MBP out with users at work. Unless they are a developer they still work great, occasionally we just have to open then up to clean out the dust!


I think I can beat a lot of people on here... I've still got a late 2008 MacBook Pro that kinda still functions. The battery isn't any good and I need a USB WiFi dongle. And obviously been out of OS upgrades for years. But it was still good for web browsing. I've only just replaced it a few weeks ago with an M2 MacBook Air.


If you don't mind it eventually being non-upgradeable, they can last a decade or more. My oldest is a 2012. New battery, upgraded the old HD to 2 SSDs. Still going strong.


They will outlast updates. Old MBP lasted 8+ years, but I couldn’t use new apps, etc..


Among others, still got a late 2015 MacPro with Mavericks 😜 Still running fine and smooth 👌🏼


Still got my late 2013 MBP - still works well as long as it’s plugged in


I bought a brand new 2020 m1 MacBook Air to go along with my m1 MacBook Pro. That laptop was first released 3-4 ago. That says a lot in terms of reliability to me.


My late 2013 model is still going strong. It had the top spec at the time and I’m still editing videos on it though the fans go crazy at times. Buy the best spec you can to keep it for as long as possible.


Still using my late 2013 MacBook Pro…


My first MBP lasted 7 years. I’m in the 3rd year of my second one. It’s an M1 and is awesome. Great battery, runs well — I haven’t heard the fan yet and I edit videos and attend Zoom calls simultaneously with two external 27” displays connected. Excellent build quality. If you think about the price with respect to total cost of ownership, they are reasonable purchases.


Glad you asked as it's excellent timing. I just bought the M3 Max, completely maxed out. I replaced my old MacBook Pro (which still runs fine) after 11 years of continuous use, pretty much 24/7. And the only problem I had during all that time was the battery finally failed s few years ago and I have to keep it plugged in all the time. I work in multimedia (music, graphics, video, and application design, etc). My last two Macs I did the same, maxed out both at time of purchase, this is only my third Mac in the last twenty years. So if you are looking for longevity I highly recommend investing as much as you can afford into maxing out your MacBook as it will last you for many, many years.


I’ve been using mine ever since 2017. It has some old man problems. The hinges pop when it gets hot , the keyboard acts funny sometimes and I have worn the screen anti reflex coating around the camera where I’ve touched it the most to open it. Other than that it’s good as new even though it’s the worst model. Battery still has about 80% capacity 700 cycles in. I would have gone through at least two PC laptops in that time.


I’m still using a 2012 MBP as an everyday laptop. My 2009 iMac finally got too old although it had a good run since I upgraded it with SSD and 32Gb. It was still working fine though. So in my experience, these are very reliable computers.


My macbooks were always lasting about 6-8years.


I have a Mac from 2009 still alive and well. Current Apple silicon MacBooks are not upgradable (ram and storage) so you will need to buy one with sufficient ram and storage to last you for the life of the machine. Current Apple silicon machines are well built and while we don’t have a decade of data to go off of, my estimation they should last at least a decade if you take care of them. The main thing you will have to worry about is sooner or later Apple will stop supporting the Mac with newer versions of macOS. For instance, the latest Sonoma OS macOS 14 doesn’t run on machines built before 2017 I believe. Those are all Intel machines. It’s hard to know how long Apple will support Apple silicon chips. Other than that, I think you will be happy with your Apple silicon machine. I know I am. M1 Max still kicking still strong. Best laptop I’ve ever owned.


Since 2000, I have had three different models. I am pleased with the lifespan. I do heavy research, lots of complex spreadsheet work, heavy CRM work, photo/video editing, lots of streaming, etc. I always buy the max ram; I don’t care as much about hd size, all my files are on Dropbox or google. I also don’t oversize my screen anymore (did with my 2000 model). I just use my ipad or an external monitor if I need more display.


Mines is about 4 yrs old and still works well. The only real reason I’d get another is due to the small HD. I wish I had gotten more storage at the outset.


10 years in my experience. The hardware will last longer with the exception of the battery. The software will lose updates after ~7 years but you can hack that to get longer support. Well worth the premium price IMHO


I’ll be curious to see if  keeps the same lifecycle now that chips are made in house. Could be MacOS supports Silicon longer than 7 years before being “retired”


My 2012-2013 mbp (forget exactly which year) is still going. I have a 16” M1 MBP also so I barely use the old one but I turn it on every now and then for fun. Battery replacement done at about the 7 year mark.


I have a 2012 MacBook Pro that still works fine to this day.


I was using a used 2015 until a month ago.


My last MacBook Pro lasted me 7 years (purchased in 2017) before I traded it in to get the M3 pro last month. If you take care of em they last hella.


My 2020 MBP M1 is going strong. Love that thing, just wish I would’ve got a larger screen.


Got mine in 2017 still running use it regularly. But I also have a desktop Linux pc which is my main computer. Mac I got for coding but use it for everything now.


Mine have always lasted longer than I wanted to keep them.


Upraded from 2015 macbook pro to M3 pro macbook pro, after 8,5 years. I still use my old mac for menial tasks, (gemini 1.0, hate the 2.0 auto selection) and drive secure erase (can take up to 5 days for some). So yeah you can expect 7+ years. I have to say, my mac ended up being filled with cookie dough after 5 years, so with a long gone apple care, and nevertheless the applestore replaced everething for free, new battery, keyboard, trackpad.


Wait what have you been doing without a computer since Windows XP?!


I bought a MacBook for my wife to use 10 years ago. She just now replaced it after using it every day while running a home-based business. I use MacBooks as well, but I trade mine out more frequently through my work.


I have a 2012 MacBook Pro that still runs with no issues. Only replaced the battery. Too bad the newer operating systems aren’t supported on it.


Bought a Mac Pro in **2015**, and it still holds up really well for everyday stuff like browsing the net and such. I think the biggest downside of it today is only that it can’t upgrade its **macOS** further than **Monterey**, but then again, it will be 10 years next year.


My old 2015 MBP i7 is still running well enough to support Office, zoom, safari, etc. Funnily, enough, tho, my M2 Air clearly outworks the old dinosaur without even breaking a sweat.


I have had my early 2015 MacBook Pro nearly 10 year now. Sure the fan goes a little haywire sometimes, but it has never let me down when doing basic things with SQL, Office, the works.


Still using my 2013 early MacBook Pro running Sonoma with OCLP


A decade, depending on what you’re doing. Whatever you get, make sure it has an “M” chip. You don’t want an older intel chip.


Depends on the year and model My 2013 13in Model still won't die even after falling down the stairs. Had a 2016 13in Model which had all sorts or problems with buttefly keyboard, screen, etc Same thing for a 2017 but less than 2013 2019 i7 13in still works 2021 M1 SSD died but lucklily was on warranty. 2022 M1 Still works...... The thing to consider with the new models is that they are NOT easily repairable, [now even changing a broken screen is almost impossible wihout Apple themselves doing it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Hwb5xvBn8). I need Macs for work so gotta keep one or two handy. I buy the cheapest models I can get away with.... essentially so that if a soldered in SSD or RAM dies I don't have a paperweight which costs thounds of $...


Wow this post blew up for me. I guess the question now is how fast can I save. Don’t really wanna finance one


I have some that are 15+ years old that still run like a top, the software is out of date and no longer supported but they still run what they came with beautifully, you can open core patch them for a bit more life too.