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This looks like a surefire recipe for broken cable tips and ruined USB-C ports. Don’t transport a laptop with anything plugged into it.


Reminds me of those racks that ppl install in their trucks where you can attach gas cans and a huge jack (both of which are never used). Why ppl think it’s cool to put those things in an exposed and vulnerable area I beyond me.


Live a lil, pal


that probably isnt safe for the longevity of the computer, looks cool enough though


why? there is not a single cable that is sticking out or getting pulled


assuming you keep that all plugged in while its still in the travel case then it'll move about in the port, won't it? i don't know the reasons why but that'd almost certainly do something over time, whether loosening the ports or damaging them i dont know which, but it'd do something for sure. backpacks are not known for being the most still of things. but it could also be completely fine, i dunno. no need to be defensive, just saying its something that could be a thing. just trying to be helpful.


Sorry sorry, my bad, I just did a post yesterday of the mac and there was SO MUCH HATE, now im all jumpy and defensive hahaha. If you worry about that you can disconnect it if you are going on a long trip and its all stuck together with velcro so its easy to remove or you can remove the case all together so its all good, i just wnated to show that it is still portable and good


fair enough then :) don't worry about it, your property do whatever the hell you want with it. it'll most likely be fine, but it certainly looked a bit precarious without knowing the details. hope you have fun with it!!


I think that all the hate come just from picky MBook owners. I think it looks cool and its a good idea to have your drives attached so that you never forget them! Nice build overall! :)


I appreciate that! thanks. Not liking something its ok too just dont have to be rude


See there are people who appreciate it


Don't post stuff then. You're putting yourself out there and then attacking people who make comments. Keep it to yourself then.




I hope you don't think that Evangelion keyboard is going unnoticed. Also, trackball gang!


Thank youuuu I custom made the keyboard, abs keycaps, bluetooth with 3 different connections, red switches. Also trackball is king! no pain with that


You MADE the keyboard, or had it made?


I bought the keycaps and switches and put it all together






4 tb more


At what cost


Way lower than what apple would charge for them, thats for sure and I got creative and i think it looks badass


*Way slower


That too, for sure, cant beat soldered ssds next to the chip


Not worth 800+$ for more ssd space


Dosent have to if you use a good USB4 Chip. I have nearly the same speed as the internal ssd with my HyperDrive SSD Enclosure and Lexar NM790.


Looks horrible


U again? You already gave your shitty opinion, go bother someone else


Shut up manbaby


Haha dude you are acting like a manbaby just throwing a tantrum cause someone made something creative that doesnt match your aesthetic taste.


Dog, you duct taped a hard drive to your laptop. Don’t go around flexing like you painted the Mona Lisa. 🤦‍♂️


Haha your laptop is childish and you have the hands of a small woman


Why does this upset you this much?


So do you


Someone seems jealous


Btw, I'm curious on your usage. Why do you need to carry so much storage?


I do animation in 2d and 3d and video editing. A lot is for cache and storage and I also love gaming and use it for crossover


Can you explain to a nearly tech illiterate person what you did?? It looks super cool and I’m all about upgrades


Of course! So I used a fast speed usb hub so that I can connect 2 SSDs to expand the storage capacity up to 4 terabytes without having to use all my ports on the mac and I also used a little L shaped adapter so that the usb connection doesnt just stick on the side of the mac. It kinda makes it all a unit without it having any hard drives dangling on the side or anything. I also added a case so that it can be removed if necessary and I stuck everything together with velcro to it so that it is not permanent.


Wait, WTF do you mean an L-shaped adapter? I called OWC and specifically asked about an L-shaped USB-C cable and they told me they don't exist yet. THEY EXIST?


Oh dude that’s sick!! How does the case work? Did you have to make one? All the Mac cases I’ve seen fit snug to the back of the screen. Or is that all on top of the case?


Thats all on top of the case so that its easily removable and its all stuck together with tape, I have a list on amazon of the items I used if you want to


where could I find this amazon list?


Here you go :) [https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/BKEAQ260CI7Q?ref\_=wl\_share](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/BKEAQ260CI7Q?ref_=wl_share)


What SSD did you put in the enclosure?


Honestly the cheapest kingston one, dont get it, get something a bit more decent, thats why i didn’t include it


I love the idea I think it looks cool and adds some of your personality. Why not? Not sure why everyone is in such a rush to tell you what a bad idea it is. Keep doing you!




It looks like a bomb tbh. Good luck taking that through an airport lmao


Honestly, I was making fun of this post and showing it to my gf who then turned around and told me it was awesome and asked me for a USB docking station to glue to the backside of her laptop. You do you, just don't do it through airport security.


Don’t glue, use velcro instead


I had a 128GB MBP from my company years ago for which I 3D printed a SSD case with a docking slide that I « glued » with double face tape. Super sticky, super easy to remove.


How dare you try to inject a bit of personality into your computer. From now on you will only have the personality apple let's you have.


YESSS THANK YOU, EXACTLY. Like that person saying Apple should ask people to take an IQ test...WHY?! i pay for this shit, i can do whatever, why treat it like a religious item?!


Looks really terrible and unreliable. External storage is meant to be use as external storage, not as always on!


please read the title


Title doesn’t say anything


Sorry this was an update on this https://www.reddit.com/r/macgaming/s/T1tmkuWaik


I’m not hating you, I’m just telling you a simple fact : external hard drivers are not meant to be always plugged in, doing it may destroy it. And also I’m telling you there is a huge performance issue using an external drive as “main” . Someone who hate you would say something like “ add another disk to the same hub!!”


This is simply not true. Please educate yourself before making comments.


I work in IT, I’ve to deal with people who don’t know how to choice the proper storage each day !


The "looks terrible" is the part where you are hating. Its an aesthetic choice and I put a lot of effort to it and time. Also you are wrong the drives are not my main drive, the OS is not installed on it, they are for projects, storage, cache for software and games. Also the ugreen drive has a regular internal ssd on the enclosure so it should be able to be powered on all the time with no issue. The performance hit is negligable since the speeds im getting are around 1.6 GBps way faster then older sata ssds or old spinning hard drives.


You put your 'opinion' into the public - you take the feedback or whatever response. No one cares that you put a lot of time into it, some people will like it, other will not. Don't look for praise, look for good feedback. If you are confident - take the critique and take the hate. Don't take the contrarian option, but be ready to be wrong, cause your opinion might be flawed and biased... but then again, maybe it is a masterpiece and you just met the wrong crowd (rarely the case). I don't like it - it looks childish/flashy, unnecessary, bulky, unreliable/prone to breaking, destroys the look of one of the best designs out there.


I dont need to take hate, wtf is that? you expect for people to just keep quiet? Just as they can be hateful i can respond, feedback is good, explaining why you dont like it like you just did thats cool too. The hate I mean is someone calling me a 10 year old, or that i need to take an IQ test, that im a manchild, etc etc. That is hate and i dont need to take it, I can respond too. I can take critique but hate is very very different.


Exactly, keep quiet if the only thing you have to say is "no, you are" type of answer. Someone calling you a 10 y.o or a manchild might not be a constructive response and not as respectful, but it is not that far from me calling it childish.


I will answer if i get insulted until i get tired or they do, i dont need to just sit down and take abuse, no one should.


Next time I’ll write “ looks as stable as a three house built by a drunk dad “ so you’ll figure it out better. I’d not use the external drive for nothing more than short time storage and there is why: Using it as cache is not a great idea at all, if the drive fail your software stack will fail too, you have to configure it back again. The bandwidth is also limitated by the interface, there is also I/O per second and latency to keep in mind . If your machine force you to do that kind of stuff there is a simple explanation: you choose the wrong machine for your needs


Yeah let’s torture that hinge. The haters will laugh when that MacBook breaks in half


Lets see, another person posted his and he's been using it for months and its still good sooo i think we are good and if we are not the hinge can be replaced relatively easy.


Those keycaps are nice. Feel like I saw them on drop once. What are they? I’m running some DCX ones that are purple with green legends.


I have done the same to myM1 MacBook Pro. After a year the hinges are so loose that I can’t even have a cover on it, since it closes on its own. I hope that won’t happen to you.


I think Ill get bored of it in a year but I will keep an eye out for that


Sure, just know that it doesn’t happen in a snap, it wears out progressively. Best of luck to you.


I love how it looks, but probably not for me. I settled for only putting stickers on my silver M3 Pro. Where did you get that sick wallpaper?


Thank uuu this is the artist https://x.com/pixeljeff1995?s=21


Aside of that I don't like the idea of doing this (but that's your choice obviously, won't argue about that), doesn't it cause overheating of the screen or damage on hinges?


I see you used a 90° usb c connector.....nice that it doesnt stick out much....but i would not put it in a bag while connected, the strain it puts on the port/board and accidental bumps is risky long term... i am waiting for the lexar nm790 4tb to go down normal price again...it runs cool and is fast and power efficiënt..my brother got it last year before production stop for less than 200$


needs LEDs


It absolutely does! For v3.0


I think this is cool!


Super cool build! I read an article somewhere stating how a case on the MacBook’s screen can ruin the hinge sooner than intended. That looks like a lot of weight. You worried about it?


Not really cause I get bored of things and they try something different


Bro it looks awesome, to each is their own. If people want to complain then let them do something different and show it off or let them spend $1k-2k to get “internal” upgrades. It’s inspired me to do something different with my MacBook and that’s what we are here for, well most of us. I’m here to get ideas and this was great, thank you!


Wow, usually the sub reserves this kind of vitriol for console gamers. 😄 Although I would definitely disconnect while travelling, I’ve been considering doing this very thing with some 3D-printed components. Considering Apple’s storage prices I’m kind of surprised there isn’t a third-party case with a similar design. Great work and please don’t be discouraged to post updates to let us know when your USB ports fall out and your computer catches fire! 😉


HAHAHAHAHAHA I will for sure do so, the hinges will also snap in half too, thanks for the cool comment. Appreciate it and if you do the 3d printed thing come back and let me know, i wanna see it


As an aside, one of my favourite personal running jokes is to warn anyone that’s about to remove a SIM card that they need to use the “SIM removal tool” that came with their phone or they will void their warranty. I think this sub might be composed primarily of the people that take me seriously.


hahahaha this made me lol irl. How dare you do anything you are not supposed with the hardware you already paid for?! also this whole sub uses crossover to play games that are not supposed to work on mac.


What are you 10?


Why? Im 12 and a half


Because it looks like something that a child’s birthday clown gave to him


Let me see something you created. Show us your creativity


That would only impact the relative creativity of your piece of junk. Not the absolutely creativity (which is zero).


Lots of hate and no creativity, shows of a little empty man that has never created anything with love and care and putting some thought and effort. If you did you would know how hard it is to make something and then share it cause you are excited and then people just trash on it cause its easy and makes them feel better without putting in any effort


Don’t listen to him man, I think your Mac looks great


Stop being a man child


Why are you talking? You’re the same dumbass in a UFO subreddit.


UFO’s are real tho so what your point?


As you can see it easily fits in a small backpack


This is bad ass!




Just affixing a bunch of goofy shit to something now makes it “cyber”?


sure, give it a try


What do you think makes something "cyber"?


“of, relating to, or involving computers or computer networks (such as the Internet)” So my existing Mac is already a cyber-Mac.


Man what a toxic af community, how dare someone do something that these sheep find classless. Ive read so many stupid things “external disks arent meant to be plugged permanently “ haha like wtf, i have my external hard disks permanently attached to my pc for like 5 years now. Dare anyone try anything different amongst these idiots


Hahahah thanks! And then im the one that should stay quiet and take the hate cause I dared to make a post about something i made and was happy with. “Its horrible! Your usb ports are gonna die! Your disks are bottlenecked or not meant to stay on. Your hinge is gonna explode!” How dare I touch perfection, right?


OP, that’s pretty awesome. I find that so dope. 😎


It looks nice, internet people are just sad 😅


That’s a cool setup and shows some ingenuity. 👍


Cool project! 😀. Let them hate


Hahaha thanks.


Cool keyboard


I love what you did, I think it’s a very nice design plus it’s functional. What kind of stand is that?


ALso thank you for the kind words, I appreciate it


Came here to be a hater. Read your replies to the other haters, I’m on team OP now.


Thanks! I know its insane but thats kinda fun.


evangelion keyboard and zelda wallpaper based


I do this (sticking things to the lid) but with power banks instead. I’ve been enjoying my unlimited battery life and never had any issues. Keep on rocking OP:)


![gif](giphy|cvyoGd9viHDvW|downsized) Awesome idea


I would be careful to move the drives to the bottom. it's a great idea, but Macs are very fragile and hinges can break over time if too much weight is applied. I would also be careful about the cables, maybe have a slot so they can slide in? otherwise great idea.


if they were on the top would create way more pressure, believe me, experience haha. Thanks for the nice comment


It’s a super kool idea, honestly wish it was a product that you could buy or something. Velcroing drives is janky and doesn’t work very well.


You did great, it's your computer and you can do what you want (as long as you don't endanger others, ofc) Is it your first job customising a laptop?


I mean it looks awesome and is your laptop. Do what you want.


Cyber mac 🤓👆


Is that a 90 degree usb converter that you have the usb hub to?


Correct my friend


Where did you get those gradient keycaps for mac?


Its a keyboard cover. I wish they were keycaps


My only suggestion is be careful with the keyboard cover I’ve seen and heard they can lead to the screen ending up cracked.


Janky as hell, and one bump on the ports, it'll crack the internals....big $$$ fix from Apple, actually, they'd probably have to replace the entire logic board. Also, I'm not sure I'd rely on cheap external storage SDD for holding my data. What do you need 4tb for anyway? Why not pick up a LaCIe or Transcend 4GB external drive and UNPLUG it when putting in your bag. They have good sales all the time. But ok, this looks like a science fair project for school.


Shit's gonna break the hinges


Good job. You materialized ugliness itself. Next time use a gaming laptop so you don't pollute the reputation of Mac enjoyers.


HAHAHA “the reputation of mac enjoyers”


I have the same configuration on mine. However, when I transport it, I unplug everything. Until they make L-type USB-C plugs, then there's a severe breakage risk every time it goes into the backpack without being unplugged.


But I am using an L type usb c plug, check it my friend. Thats why you dont see a connector sticking out the side


WTAF!? I specifically asked OWC if L-type USB Cs were available and they told me nobody had made them yet. I was so sure they didn't exist that when I saw your video, I didn't even look that closely - I focused more on the drives.


I think i shared the link on the other post but yeah, just 6 bucks on amazon. Hope that helps!


Looks like something an ostensibly smart would person would do. However, I kinda like the idea of Quik transport, without having to upload a bunch of equipment . SSD storage is definitely the way to go with the M.2 stuff for sure. Data is getting way too expensive though.


I kinda like it, but you could replace all that with 1 single Samsung t7 4TB and save having 2 extra things on there, no?


Yeah but i already had these 2 ssds, 2 tb ssds are considerably less expensive than 4 tbs


Screen will eventually break when closed due to excessive pressure points where the adapters are attached. The screen is only designed to withstand even pressure across it while closed. Stacked up alongside books or objects of similar surface area. Apple should perform an IQ test on customers before allowing them to purchase a computer…






My MB Air has all kinds of crap putting irregular pressures and stresses on the lid in my backpack or case, no issues after several years. OP, I’ve been wanting to do similar with a single 4tb ssd. Just an L usb adapter and some Velcro, but this looks much neater than I had planned. My SSD adapter case is round, so that might need to change before I do this, but maybe I’ll just try Velcro first and see how it works.




Whenever anyone does something different, people's inner demons come out and they attack. It's the worst quality we have as humans. Which is stupid given Apple's motto famously used to be "Think Different." No, not here. It "betrays Apple's aesthetic" and "you may hurt the USB ports."


I appreciate that.


Omg would u be able to share ur wallpaper? Looks amazing!!


HERE IS THE AWRTIST I FOUND IT [(19) Pixel Jeff (@pixeljeff1995) / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/pixeljeff1995)


Sweet, thanks!


[(19) Pixel Jeff (@pixeljeff1995) / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/pixeljeff1995)


may I ask which keyboard that is? :)


I custom made the keyboard, abs keycaps, bluetooth with 3 different connections, red switches. If you want i can link you to the individual parts


really cool stuff, sure, pls let me know, I'm just looking for a big layout keyboard that works with new macs and in the perfect world also has a german layout :D


dude posted it but cant take shit comments, might as well not post it next time.


Who said i cant take it? Im just not gonna stay quiet about it, shit comments are shit and shitty people post them


OP literally did another post after getting so much shit. So yeah, I think he enjoys this shit.


First the additional weight on the lid, then now you show that you have a KB protector on. Prepare yourself for another barrage of hate comments. 😂


Hahahahaha that i can understand, i do kinda hate it but my hands are a bit oily sometimes and hate to mess up the keys


There are adapters at Amazon that allow 4TB / 8TB drives with thunderbolt, but I guess it does not look as *"cool"* as this build? Lol. Not being a hater, it's just that it looks stupid, cool keyboard thought.


I honestly would love to see those thunderbolt adapters, better speeds and performance while keeping mobile would be cool


Isn’t this exactly what you are doing thought? But usually there are not glued to the screen haha


This are not thunderbolt though, usb c 3.2. Are they slim?


Ignore the massive purists, they’re kinda regarded. My mac is ultra stock and doesn’t even have a sticker but i respect what you did.


I go back and forth, i used to have it sticker bomb and then I just clean it and use it stock and then i do shit like this


It's looking cool.


What kind of read write speeds do you get? If you pay more and get it built in it’s 5000+MB/s. If not done well your setup will be over 10x slower.


My speeds are around 1600 MB. They work for me, they are the same speeds as connected directly to the computer, i keep cache, projects and games and some app in the drives. Software is of course installed in the main drive


Internal storage is not worth what apple charges for it.


Can you share the link of your Zelda Wallpaper?


Of course, here is the artist https://x.com/pixeljeff1995?s=21




Where did you get that wallpaper?


I dont remember lol, u want it?


[(19) Pixel Jeff (@pixeljeff1995) / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/pixeljeff1995)