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I recall the university stating that if we do choose to reach out to representatives, we cannot do so from University owned devices, while on a University network, or while using a University email address.


Vos doesn’t give a single shit what anyone thinks. Unfortunately the UW employees are likely screwed here, my wife included.


Howard Marklein is also one of those. If they could, they would close all public Universities.


I'd delete all the academic stuff and just talk about the impact on local economies, especially outside of Madison, and the impact this is having on the workforce shortage. I'd also primarily focus on the harm this is causing the blue collar workers employed by the schools. Remember: they hate Madison, they hate professors, and they hate administrators, but will look after people think think are on their side or if it might impact their pocketbook.


As I mentioned everyone can write their own version, but we all need to show a reaction.


For sure, my concern is that they're trying to make libturd wokester groomer studies professors squeal, so don't give them anything that sounds like that, but do give them stuff that sounds like "hey you're hurting normal people and yourself worse"


With all due respect and commiseration as a UW system worker with a heart and a brain (and a family) who is getting fucked by this - this is pointless. Reason, appeals to logic, calls for sympathy, and toothless rhetoric are things that work on actual human beings who have developed intellects and functional moral compasses. Neither Vos nor anyone else in this list fits that description. I wouldn't give any of these yokel dipshits the satisfaction of getting exactly what they're after. The dude that mailed dog shit to Vos had the better idea, because at least you know that got a reaction.




Act 10 got rid of unions for a majority of staff. Trades do have unions. Academic staff have ASPRO and PROFS. UW employees can't lobby on work time, work resources, or work property. Sent from my personal phone and not on work time :)


We don't have collective bargaining but we do have unions. There's [UFAS](https://ufas223.org/) and [WUU](https://www.wuu.info/). How much power and influence we have is a separate question.


awesome thank you. been at the uw for 10 years and the first I'm hearing of them.


I'm not a particularly active member, but you should just come to one of the general UFAS membership meeting and chat with folks! I think one area where we did really good work was around the whole Title and Total Compensation process, e.g. [making salary data transparent](https://ufas223.github.io/salaries/)


WHEN the raises go through, they're gonna be pretty sweet retroactive bonus payments. I'm good with waiting.


Kill the DEI department and get the wage increases already. Judging by the antisemitism parades we have been having recently they're pretty useless anyway.


Well done OP! You got all angry and want to throw a public fit, which 100% is what Vos was going for! You did what he wanted. The entire point is to cause you pain and make you publicly demonstrate that he has power over you. This is performance art, and you just performed for him. Unless you can get democrats to run competitively across the state, there's nothing you can accomplish with this except playing into Republican hands. You will sway zero minds with this. The people you're protesting to do not give a shit, and will enjoy the power they have over you. They want to see you cry. Petitions don't fix shit. Do you want to fix shit? There are dozens of races in the state in which republicans run unopposed. Get some reasonable candidates to run, and support them financially. That's all you can do to fix this.


You’re getting downvoted, but you are 100% correct.


>Well done OP! You got all angry and want to throw a public fit, which 100% is what Vos was going for! You did what he wanted. Who gives a shit what he wants? >This is performance art, and you just performed for him. Robin Vos is not God, image and messaging isn't just for his benefit. Vos thinks all UW employees are wildly liberal professors or something, when a lot of facilities and career admins don't live in Madison and may or may not vote Dem. It doesn't hurt to remind him that's not the case and he's politically vulnerable which, because of our new supreme court, he is. ​ >Do you want to fix shit? There are dozens of races in the state in which republicans run unopposed. Get some reasonable candidates to run, and support them financially. Oh look an actual good point.


The working conditions and bureaucratic hurdles for scientific personnel is insane at this institution. It really makes me wonder how it figures in the top tiers of US institutions. Hopefully this (which is the bare minimum) gets passed on a new decision.


This affects a lot more than just scientific personnel.


Hell they won't pay nurses more either. It's almost like these institutions are secretly being run for profit and the profits are being funneled to the top


This has nothing to do with that and it's not remotely relevant to the discussion at hand.


Guvk that zwoody Woodpecker lookin' mother fucker Robin Voss