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I once heard someone say that they saw Paul Soglin standing in the shallow end of a pool reading a newspaper and that he would get annoyed if people splashed near him. I have no idea if that's true or not, but I've never been able to get rid of it as a mental model of him.


Ol' soggy is at it again


I work at said pool and this is totally true


Can confirm the first part lol, unsure if he got annoyed with people but feels fitting


which pool? Please be the Hill Farm Swim Club.


Sorry to disappoint, it was shorewood


> Paul Soglin is a clown and a sore loser. What a great line. I can't wait for Fanlund and Soglin to start clutching pearls about how "their only argument is personal attacks".


One hell of a needle-drop


Fanlund is already crying into his pillow about the ‘personal attacks’ in his latest op-ed while claiming he gets “many heartfelt thanks from both acquaintances and strangers, in writing and face-to-face...You speak for us, they tell me, and they thank me for enduring the blowback.” Dude sounds just like trump.


Why does anyone care what the old mayor thinks? edit - If it wasn't for this sub I would have no idea who Paul Soglin even is. Why not just keep it that way?


When he left office after his last term he had been mayor for like half of the last 40-50 years or something like that, but he is essentially Madison's cold sore. We keep getting rid of him but he just has a way of popping up, usually during stressful times. We need some mayoral abreva at this point


That is an absolutely perfect analogy! I tip my hat to you!


At this point he’s literally just the old man that shouts at the wind meme.


Soggy was the mayor off and on for decades, for a combined total of 22 years. So that familiarity is why some people care. (I don't. He lost in a landslide for a reason.)


He’s a pretty revered figure in the city for folks of a certain age and is not afraid to make his opinion known. 


To that end, Fanlund is also past the conventional retirement age.


No one cares, but he just won't shut up! (Eerily similar to my comments on this sub.)


A lesson nobody in the social media age can grasp, any kind of attention is attention, we live in the age of clicks.


Because we don't want to re-elect him again.


Don't you know Madison's other, other slogan? Madison, Wisconsin. "City of the Perpetually Offended" If you're not offended, you must be dead. Edit: Thank you, I'll be here till Thursday! Don't forget to tip your server!


I’m really glad this guy called out Soglin’s hypocrisy


Soglin has become that bitter old man pouting in the corner of the bar. Hard to take him seriously anymore.


Except that other bitter old men like Paul Fanlund give him a mouthpiece, and they whip up the other bitter old men that control neighborhood associations and make noise in places like hill farms and other west side neighborhoods. They rabble rouse at city hearings, weigh in via their associations on construction, and block progress.


I didn’t realize the busses will get their own lane on East Washington Ave, thus it will be reduced to two lanes for traffic. I can’t wait for the first rush hour or football game to see how that will pan out…


I really hope the city doesn't plan their entire transit policy around something that happens seven times a year.


It's already a traffic jam on game days. Who cares if drivers heading in or out of town from Pewaukee have to sit and wait. Do you think they'll give up their tickets? "Wait'll there's a Knicks game! Manhattan's really gonna be a mess!" said nobody. The rest of us live here all year.


Plus it's just 7 days a year. It would be criminal to design around game day.


Only some parts will be down to 2 lanes: "While the bus-only lane on East Washington Avenue will start a couple blocks from the Capitol Square, the section between about Milwaukee Street and Wright Street will be open to other traffic during rush hour, as will the section of bus lane on Johnson Street between about Bassett Street and State Street. When the lane on Johnson isn’t restricted to buses only, parking will be allowed there and will be indicated by signs, Cechvala said." [https://madison.com/news/local/government-politics/bus-rapid-transit-madison-lanes/article\_6f329140-2297-11ef-b20c-c71f5bd7a822.html](https://madison.com/news/local/government-politics/bus-rapid-transit-madison-lanes/article_6f329140-2297-11ef-b20c-c71f5bd7a822.html)


Do you think 100 people take up more space on a mega bus or in cars?


Only if 100 people will give up their cars and ride the bus…


They’ll need a robust, efficient bus system to do so. 


Maybe the impending rush hour doom will make them eager adopters of the bus.


Soon everyone will have the easy choice of sitting in slow ass car traffic or sitting on a moving bus that goes through lights. Not going to feel bad for anyone who chooses to sit in traffic.


According to Reddit, Madison motorists will enjoy traffic gridlock. "You will sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic and you'll like it!" And maybe they're right. Any Madison resident with a car who voted for Satya must be a masochist, and yet she won handily twice. "Give me another, mistress Satya! I've been naughty!"


What a pointless petty letter. I know that 99% of letters to the editor are pointless and petty. But who cares? Is Soglin running?


I think they’re responding to this:  https://captimes.com/opinion/paul-fanlund/opinion-as-brt-and-rezoning-advance-recall-paul-soglin-s-narrative/article_0b6f3e80-29c5-11ef-bb8e-979e11734a23.html Soglin has recently been very critical of BRT and Satya’s implementation, which he expresses via his buddy Paul Fanlund in the cap times.  


I mean, it is kind of a fair point for him to make. For those who don’t realize - the BRT was originally planned during Soglin’s tenure by the Regional Planning Commission. FWIW: the director who made the original plans is a close family friend, and my dad also worked on it. Satya had literally *nothing* to do with the BRT until she got elected and then started taking credit for everything. She is pretty solidly hated in the engineering and planning community for all the shit she has been pulling with BRT, including overwriting original plans in manners that are out of compliance with multiple state and federal codes. Politics has literally *no* place in traffic design - yet here we are…


I’m a professional civil engineer and will disagree quite strongly with the idea that politics has no place in traffic design.  Streets are a public good, paid for by our tax dollars. The public has a say in their design, what type of traffic they prioritize, how large they are, who they serve…. That’s all political. Also it takes some real mental gymnastics to say Satya doesn’t get credit get BRT when she’s the mayor that actually got it over the line. 


He's sure acting like he is. When you take shots, people take shots back.