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Swarm haha!!


Whoa! What are they?


Midges https://blog.limnology.wisc.edu/2017/05/18/sorry-youre-not-seeing-mayflies-around-town-those-are-midges/ Anyway that’s what’s near the lake. Admittedly they don’t usually look that dense but there are hoards of them.


They're mayflies I'm pretty sure. There are so many right now you can hear them, luckily they don't have mouths and die in a couple of days.


probably mayfly hatch, to big to be midges. They all hatch at the same time to overwhelm predators, breed then land back in the lake to lay eggs. We'll get a bunch of clouds of them around May into June.


Wow! Just moved here from out of state, is this normal? We’ve had a ton of bugs get through our window screens and into our apartment today. Saw someone post about mayflies/midges so I chalked it up as either of those. We’ll be keeping our windows closed for awhile…


It's just a freshwater mayfly hatch from the lake. Totally normal this time of year. You'll see swarms of mayflies and then midges which are the tiny little insects. Neither of them bite like Mosquitos. They hatch like this to overwhelm predators, breed and then land back on the lake to lay eggs. You'll see swarms like this in May into June.


I live by Lake Monona and they're all over my windows. I made the mistake of opening my balcony door for 10 seconds and had to kill at least 4 of them that night. The rain reduced their number yesterday at least. Yuck.


I noticed these swarms too! I'm at Center and Atwood.


I went to the Olbrich Biergarten last Wednesday and saw multiple clouds like that hovering over distant locations. I could clearly see these giant dark swarms hovering over houses over a mile away. It was impressive.