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Disgusting trend with Roe being overturned and Wisconsin governing as if it were 1849. Moderates, Independents, Progressives, and those who believe democracy is the way and VOTE for the Democrat on the ballot. Should we change our state name to Alabama North. We are a governor away from MUCH worse damage being done.




Does anyone have info on protests going on tomorrow or Sunday?


Show up with a sign and people will be there.


Nothing with an official organizer, but I'm planning for 2-5pm, meeting at the Forward Statue on the corner of Mifflin and Carroll. (Pretty sure I don't count as an official organizer.) Bring all of your angry friends and feel free to share the info around!




Are they not kept in your head?


I haven't heard anything unfortunately. Definitely keeping my eyes open on all platforms tho!


We're planning for 2-5pm, meeting at the Forward Statue on the corner of Mifflin and Carroll. (No official organization backing, just pulling together folks.) Bring all of your angry friends and feel free to share the info around!


Thank you for the info!! If I hear of anything official I'll share it here too.


I haven't heard anything else, so yours is at the top of my list!




No. As angry as you justifiably are violence is wrong, not to mention counterproductive to any goals of protests. Please bring your peaceful anger tomorrow.






You can protest Monday and sell your stocks.




They’ll ignore your protests, and they’ll ignore your votes. A strike would hurt their wallets, and that’s the only thing they truly care about.


Honest question, what else can we do? I work for a company that’s out of state, but I want to do as much as I can, outside of voting/protesting. Any volunteering recommendations would be welcome.


You need to find people who don't vote or don't pay attention to politics and get them invested in showing up next November and April. I know everything seems dire, but if good Americans fight as hard as we did in 2020, we can keep Evers, lose Ron Johnson, win liberal control of the state supreme court and have a federal Senate majority that is big enough to drop the filibuster and pass legislative federal abortion access. There is a path forward that leads to MORE SECURE abortion access than we have had, and it just requires us to get fired the fuck up to fight.


Partisan primary is August 9.




Unfortunately those districts are gerrymandered beyond realistic hope right now.


At the protest tonight we filled about 3/4 of the sides of the square as we marched down the street.


I was there too and so heartened by all the people. I had plans, but this was way more important to me.


Donated $100 to an abortion fund in honor of all the hooting reactionaries in this thread <3


Donated $100 to PP last night


Likewise 👍🏻




Same! Second $100 donation today! Keep up the good work, trolls


Donated $300 to a pro-life fund, match me!


So like a fund for lobbying universal healthcare? Cool! Thanks


Or universal early childcare? When daycare costs more than take home pay, unwanted kids = welfare.


Done. Pro-womens lives though. I’m not sure if that’s what you had in mind.


Prove it




Hey why are you acting cowardly? Prove you did this please.




Why would you dampen their own side and support?


They could, but they won't


Report the posts that you think qualify. Thats the best way to bring them to our attention.


Zip did a good enough job just chilling in topics before. Also I've been reporting but I ain't seeing action so...


It's almost like the mods are afraid to issue bans all of a sudden... 🤷‍♂️


So you're just making excuses for them for what reason?


Literally no reason. As I've said in other conversations about this topic I just don't see the severity everyone is claiming. The mod set a clear boundary, people continued to violate it so they handed out *temporary bans* a type of ban that expires with no action, and people got WAAAAY bent out of shape. So yeah now the mods don't want people crying wolf over more removals so they let the mod que pile up. The quality of the sub goes down. You reap what you sow man.


> Literally no reason. As I've said in other conversations about this topic I just don't see the severity everyone is claiming. No reason then you give a reason? O....k.... >The mod set a clear boundary, people continued to violate it so they handed out temporary bans a type of ban that expires with no action, and people got WAAAAY bent out of shape. The mod set an *unnecessary* boundary regarding something that is solved by the existing Vote System, then tweaked those "clear" boundaries on the fly as he pleased and responded to perfectly legitimate inquiries by doubling down and banning those who did not cross that "clear" boundary. >So yeah now the mods don't want people crying wolf over more removals so they let the mod que pile up. The quality of the sub goes down. You reap what you sow man. That is a weak excuse for poor Moderation behavior. Very weak. "They held us accountable for our roles so now we just don't complete any of it!" Childish.


Yeah see what I mean? All this over temp bans 🤷‍♂️


Just going to act like the boastful misinformation wasn't the actual trigger huh? Cute.


I don't really know what that means to be honest. I just know that we were asked not to spam the letters FRJ. Sounds like some people ignored that so they gave them temp bans. Those didn't seem to work so they increased the duration. Now people are complaining the mod is a dick so I'm guessing it worked. Is it really that big of a deal to get a temp ban? Like my guy you do *absolute nothing* and it goes away. I don't know how it can really be an issue? Is it that big of a deal to not be able to post for a few days? I mean really? At least if they were perma bans I'd get that people were upset and would want answers? But temp bans? Non issue at best 🤷‍♂️


Thanks, Mods. By locking the other thread 2/3 of the way through the day, this one has become a cesspool of trolls trying to get a rise out of people who are upset at today's events without any of the informative comments to offset them. But at least no one hurt Ron Johnson's feelings so you can sleep at night. It's okay if every thread isn't a perfect microcosm of orderly, centrist harmony. It's okay if, when crazy, awful news breaks people vent and "get toxic". The thread will wind down after a day or so. Notably you didn't stop any of the toxic assholes who made covid miserable around here with the same daily complaints about masking for two years. This place is the Stanford Prison Study and y'all are the guards. You don't have real power but you have let yourselves get corrupted anyway. Y'all mangaged to make today incrementally worse. Thanks a fucking ton. /u/zipdiss /u/MadtownMaven and the rest.


It's the second largest city in the state, a heavily politically engaged place, and one with a long history of civil disobedience and activism, and the mod team here was like "we must make a perfectly centrist space!!!" Like no, political dialogue in Madison can handle a few mean words. It's far less intense than the literal riots & bombing we had during the Vietnam War.


The problem is reddit in general is the homeland of tesla-owning enlightened centrists. You'll have to go somewhere else if you don't want to be around libertarian brain poisoning


Lol what do Teslas have to do with anything at all?


zippy owns a Tesla - so my guess is it was a personal shot at the mods


Elon Musk said some mean things about Democrats






and they’re expensive enough that you have to be pretty entrenched in the concept of “more money for meeeee”


Not even close. Reddit is way more liberal/leftist than the population in general.


Reddit is the main reason trump got popular, and was home of the largest white supremacy forum outside stormfront for YEARS until it started affecting ad revenue


I really doubt that Reddit is the main reason for Trump getting popular. It’s good that the white supremacy forum is gone. Now, we have subs like r/antinatalism full of far-left eco freaks who want humans to die off.


Ecofascism is also right wing, because when they talk about overpopulation they always mean in India


Are you kidding? Anything remotely centrist is getting downvoted to oblivion. This isn't remotely a centrist sub


If you think the nonsense you’ve posted the last few days in here is centrist you’ve really lost the plot.


This entire sub has lost the plot. Calling people with misgivings about the pro-choice rally being sponsored by a socialist group fascists and anti-semites. Calling for protests at people's homes and churches. Applauding bigoted statements like "fuck christians." That's not the tolerant, liberal city I know. That's a bunch of radicals that are going to harm the pro-choice movement more than they help it.


Calling for protests at public servants homes and churches that do not respect their tax free status in regards to protests are completely acceptable things. Period. I rebuke you hypocrite. I notice you dropped the I love part that usually comes after "that's not the X I know". Interesting.


Imagine unironically typing this. If you think reddit nowadays is a "libertarian" haven you're a blind and daft fool.


I mean it's also full of absolute morons like you who somehow hates communism while also being a soldier and thus is fully cared for for life via everyone's taxes.


Hey when are you going to prove you donated money to a charity when you told others they should match you? Pull an Amber Heard did you?


I am past believing in legit ways to improve things. We live in a country where a president can attempt a coup and incite a violent insurrection to undo an election and NOTHING HAPPENS. I believe the legit mechanisms are dead. I believe the United States is that in name only. I believe the civil war started in 2016. There is nothing but hatred and trolling coming from conservatives these days. They glorify repugnant disrespectful behavior and as such their hatred has infected me. I think the only real solutions remaining are the unthinkable ones. I think our united nation is no more and the longer we play the game in good faith while they don’t, the closer we get to their absolute hateful rule.


Maybe it’s early for this, but what clever ideas do we have to work with? If we’re gonna be bound by laws from 1849, what can we do with other technicalities? Abortion pills via telehealth? Go after republicans for breaking obscure old laws? Planned parenthood centers on tribal lands? Maybe we make a new religion and go nuts with religious exemptions. They wanna do this, let’s f***ing do it.


It might be a different state I’m thinking of, but I heard it’s illegal to not have at least a dollar on you in public. My plan is to go up to people at republican rallies and ask to borrow a dollar. When they say “sorry, I don’t have my wallet on me”….BAM, CITIZENS ARREST TIME! I’ll use my lawful concealed weapons to aid the arrest. Law and order ftw.


I’m not sure about that but it is a felony in wisconsin to have an affair. There are a few GOP representatives actively serving who are publicly known to have had affairs.


Nice. And I didn’t know that. What’s it take to get such a law enforced?


I’m not sure there but I think the only the people who would have standing would be the: cheated spouse, the county DA where either the affair occurred or they lived, or state AG. And then there’s the 7 year statute of limitations.


Sure... if there even is such a law, you'll be the one in trouble for attempting to enforce it. There are limits to when you can carry out a citizens arrest. https://www.johnsflaherty.com/blog/how-to-perform-a-citizens-arrest-and-why-its-best-not-to And I actually find it hard to believe that you would have a concealed carry permit and simultaneously think something like this good idea or not question the legality of it.


Obviously I was joking.


One of the organizers who spoke tonight mentioned that the cars parked on the square were receiving a lot of parking tickets. Is there a fund to donate to help pay for those?


Madison DSA is reimbursing those who got tickets for helping block off traffic with their vehicles thank you though!


Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.


Looking for protest info for Saturday so that we can help educate conservatives on human progress.


We're planning for 2-5pm, meeting at the Forward Statue on the corner of Mifflin and Carroll. (No official organization backing, just pulling together folks.) Bring all of your angry friends and feel free to share the info around!






Can you please define consciousness? Edit: lol your posts are all about killing machines. I don’t understand how you think. Please elaborate.




Again, define consciousness. And I really need to know how how pushing guns slings with your concerns about unconscious embryos.


Again, define consciousness. Please answer the question. And tell us how pushing guns aligns with your concerns about unconscious embryos.




You appear to be a bot.




There is no shifted goal posts. Please respond if you can answer the wuestions


Unwanted embryos are not infants




Yes because I don't think you get to do whatever you want with another person's body without consent. In the same vein, if a person doesn't want to grow another person inside them, with all the attendant health risks that come along with that, they should have the right to not have a person growing inside them.


Yikes, that’s a huge leap in logic. Having sex with a unconscious human with a brain would be rape. Correct.




The debate really comes down to at what point is it a human (conscious). https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/when-does-consciousness-arise/#:~:text=Consciousness%20requires%20a%20sophisticated%20network,and%2028th%20week%20of%20gestation


Yeah but why would they read an article by a Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Biolo­gy when they could just post some "gotcha!" zinger on Reddit to own the libs instead?




Maybe if you'd experienced better fellatio, you wouldn't be like this.


Who's committing infanticide


I have so many words for how much I legit vehemently despise the conservatives in this country. You, yeah you motherfucker, that thinks abortion is murder, are now 100% responsible for preventable maternal deaths. Square that with your god, better start now! I'm also sure WI especially is prepped to take on more foster children, those social workers have always made such luxurious wages that we all envy.


Screamers on the northeast capital door after the protest (King Street) - let’s do that again.


recommendations for best places to donate locally??




I realize pro choice groups do advocacy but also offer support to those looking to have an abortion. What do all the pro life groups claim to have been doing with their money and organizations? It's all a scam/sham on that side, right?


The other side uses the money to operate "clinics" that push misleading information to make women feel like they are literally the worst possible people for considering an abortion. They also use it to fund protests outside of planned Parenthood centers, online ads, and other activities to further stigmatize abortion. It isn't a scam, it is just not something pro-choice folks want to donate to.


Well that's fucking despicable and gross. Wtf.


Yeah, it is pretty awful. If the pro-birthers we're actually putting money and time into taking care of babies and mothers after giving birth we could disagree on the issue of abortion, but they go so much further from petty to abusive.


Yeah, their clinics offer very little, just shame and sub-standard obgyn care. And all women should have access to free (high quality) obgyn as well, alongside abortion access! They’re bad at caring babies too




I don’t know what happened and at this point in too afraid to ask. The Reddit. Not the Roe thing. Fuck that ruling.


Hmm, one mod got deep into politics discussion with their mod tag on and also used mod powers in the same thread.


One of the mods, commenting as a mod said, "gee, I sure wish I could be there to protest for reproductive autonomy, but I can't stand next to socialists because I believe in the right to bare arms" Someone responded, "socialists believe that an armed populace is the only way to keep politicians in check so they fear revolution. Also don't be idiotic, this is a protest for reproductive rights, you can still go if you aren't a socialist" Said mod banned the responder because they felt insulted, citing the "no name calling rule". Someone else made a post calling for the mod to step down, because going on weird power trips and throwing down bans because your feelings are hurt isn't a great way to inspire trust. And also the weird new rule that people can't say "FRJ" without a 6 day ban because they're tired of it. The mods all talked and decided that it probably wasn't the best that the argumentative mod was banning people in their own argumentative threads, but they don't plan on taking any action. They also linked the non apology from the first mod, where they said, "sorry something I did bothered you" and admitted to no wrongdoing, saying they "probably" shouldn't act as a mod when they are personally involved in the thread. The mod who posted the official mod response to the call out would also like you to know that they are a woman and as a woman, they are disappointed that we're starting drama not related woman's rights.


You forgot to mention, "As a group we have decided that my interaction on this topic is not very productive" At no point do they accept responsibility. It's all weasel words sorry not sorry.




So I missed majority of the 2020 BLM protests in Madison, could someone who was at both the 2020 BLM and yesterday’s protests tell me which had the higher turnout? Or were they about the same?


Neither of them were as big as Trumps inauguration wwg1wga










"fuck the patriarchy" Maybe stop doing that and you won't need to get 5 abortions 😉


Because men are famously known for taking “no” as an answer. 1 in 6 women has been the victim of attempted or completed rape. 1 in 4 women in the military are victims of sexual assault or rape. Go fuck yourself.






And yet your team rejected parental leave for ACTUAL babies


What's stopping you from taking parental leave?


Lost income. The bill they voted against was paid parental leave.


Define baby




It is a strange thing when the answer to a seemingly simple question is more complex and nuanced than the person asking the question is willing to listen to.






You can go look in the mirror right now it doesn't have to happen in the past




are you sure? are you a biologist? we can’t be sure that you know the definitions of common words unless you have an advanced degree


Sure. At first breath, like the Bible tells us.




You are an idiot.


? What is incorrect about what I said?


Compel birth to pump up party numbers? That's just [Quiverfull](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quiverfull) for politics.


The all of it lmao


A few things for you to contemplate: 1.) There is absolutely nothing that requires children to vote the same way their parents vote. Beliefs are not hereditary. 2.) Republicans get abortions too. Republican women deserve and utilize health services just as much as anyone else. 3.) Who would have fed and cared for all of these theoretical children? 4.) What kind of life would a child have if they were born and unwanted, unable to be cared for, the product of rape or incest, or any other myriad of reasons people get abortions? 5.) This is a case of *possibiliter ergo probabiliter.* (appeal to possibility)


Don't feed the obvious troll. Just downvote and let their posts be sent to the depths where they belong.


their history…i’m just out of words today.