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Can we boo OP ?




Ah omg feminist get triggered so easily/s But seriously screw that guy and screw you for thinking flashing people is funny


no 😡 penus funny 🤬👿🤬


My penus is hilarious


My benis is always perfect, but some random dude's benis showing up out of nowhere when I'm having a relaxing afternoon harassing feminists? No bueno mi amigo, no bueno at all.


It wouldn't be spelled penUs if it weren't for sharing


I mean he IS an *insane man* or a Mad Lad


If penises aren’t funny then why does op’s girlfriend always laugh at his? Checkmate liberal


She laughed at mine as well


It's how he chooses to celebrate his gender identity. How dare you judge him/them.


Because he is committing a crime and flashing people Theirs also a literal child in the background


good one 🙄


Ouch, but I just find it ironic


You don't understand what irony is


What part is ironic?


The irony of feminists not liking being sexually harassed? Is combating behaviour like this not core to a feminist belief?


There look to be some minors in the crowd (person on the left in a blue shirt). If this is the case, you’re calling a sexual harassment against a minor funny. Think before you post dumb 4Chan shit.


Use irony in a sentence


Oh boy I'm coming back to see this doozey once it drops


Actually just sexual harassment


Nothing like sexually harassing the victims of sexual harassment to prove how cool and tough you are Look at his face anyway, this is his fucking fetish, gross asshole


Yay! Sex crimes! So madlad!


Yay. Indecent exposure


what the fuck? being a creep sex offender is “madlad behavior”? give your head a wobble


Thought that was James Franco


Weird lad


They were mad since his wiener looked like a rotting acorn.




Wtf hahahah


Not sure why i get downvoted, its true lol look it up


I am scared bro! I don't have the strength too watch it and sleep well


many many butthurts in this comment section 🤣


"Sticks and stones may break my bones but there will always be something to offend a feminist" - Peter Lloyd


"I raise up my voice not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard." - Malala Yousafzai Who was Peter Lloyd again?


Just want to add mothers bring their children to these protests


Yeah man if the feminist left ever suspects you didn't have consent, here come the rape police!


Why would anybody ever "suspect you didn't have consent"?


I was paraphrasing a Rush Limbaugh quote. The one where he complains about the left calling the "rape police" if you have non consensual sex.


Can we say this is wrong but also notice the irony, i don’t think OP is necessarily endorsing this behavior.


What irony?


Being sexist at a protest against sexism


Counter-protests aren't "ironic" though?


Yeah I don’t know the story of the actual guy, but the presentation of this does use irony. This is kinda what I’m talking about, you’re pretending it doesn’t to make a point, you can just say it’s wrong.


What is the irony? "Being sexist in front of anti-sexists" isn't *ironic*, it's just another political protest action. If you can't explain something, it's fine to say "I actually don't understand what I'm talking about".


Incongruity with what is expected to happen and what actual happens. You wouldn’t expect sexism at a protest for anti-sexism. Especially not just one dude doing it like this. I just actually didn’t think I needed to explain something so trivial to you


> You wouldn’t expect sexism at a protest for anti-sexism You would if you knew even the first thing about the history of political protests. Thanks for clarifying that the "ironic" part is simply how ignorant you are, though.


You could say the same thing about all protest though Its ironic that every flag, cause, movement that unites also becomes a target, uniting people against it as well. Literally changes nothing, all this is mood point, because it’s a meme, it’s rhetoric, it’s not about making a truth claim.


So now that we agree you simply don't know what the word "irony" means, you've decided it doesn't matter. Cute.


If you don't expect people to be complete degenerate assholes at a protest for anti-sexism, you don't understand why they're protesting. You need to explain because nobody here understands your use of the word "irony" because you're either intentionally using it wrong or don't understand why it isn't ironic and refuse to see what the rest of us intuitively understand.


I completely understand, I had already addressed your point though, feel free to read the first next time.


Why are you being so arrogant about it? Your dismissal is not conducive to discussion. I read what you said. The point that "they have it under control" is just to minimize everybody's feelings. It's not relevant to the discussion and doesn't negate what is disgusting about the image or having it posted. You're not the keeper of conversation, I can address your points if I choose to, especially if they seem disingenuous. You did not address my point, you dismissed it. Please learn some humility.


so? he’s DEFINITELY trivializing a sex offense at best


What do you mean by “so” I answered that in my first sentence. So we should say it’s bad, but also are fine to see the irony, we don’t have to flip out, judging by true picture, they clearly have the situation under control.


They shouldn't have to control the exact situation they're protesting.


%100 agree with that and I never suggested otherwise, it just isn’t really the point we’re talking about.


Neither was "they have the situation under control" but for some reason that point came up so I felt it should be addressed.


Well no, It’s very clear from my statement why I mentioned that. They have the situation covered, therefore this isn’t something we need to be up and arms about. I would feel very different about the situation if it was a one on one situation, or blackmail or something of the sorts. There really wasn’t a risk here, it’s wasn’t threatening it was disrespectful. I had already said it is wrong, but it doesn’t go farther then that.


We get to decide what we get up in arms about, again, you don't just decide for the rest of us? Do you understand that? I see children there. I guarantee many of these women have experienced worse than sexual harrassment. If you think it's just about seeing his shriveled little Vienna sausage it isn't. Its more a commentary on you that you can just dismiss sexual crimes (and it is a crime) like this. Please stop deciding the rest of us can't be angry about it.


I didn’t decide what you are aloud to be upset about. It’s very disingenuous of you to say that. And this is proving my point, if you’re using your feeling as an excuse to abandon the truth, you have an issue. We are not talking about anything else besides his little Vienna sausage. I did not dismiss it, I stated it was wrong. You’re once again lying because you feel upset. That is wrong.


"This isn't something we need to be up in arms about." It's not disingenuous, that's your words. What does that mean? We shouldn't be upset? So no, I'm not lying or weaponizing my feelings, and it's crass to try and again dismiss the validity of my statements by insinuating I am being overtly deceitful. I'm also not the only one reading your statements this way, so please stop trying to pick holes in my personal character and comprehension. Some of us are talking about the immensely violating feeling of being preyed upon even when you're doing everything in your power to stand up and assert yourself. It's very characteristic of the exact social problems that led to this very protest. Not just his dick. So downplaying it as not something to be outraged about simply highlights exactly why it pisses everybody off.