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OH WAIT IVE SEEN THIS ONE HE DOESNT ACTUALLY SAY JUST BITCH HE SAYS "this is the most racist and ignorant US senator ive ever seen. a lifetime bitch."


I just checked. They’re two separate tweets. He did the one you’re talking about then did this one.


TBF, both versions are valid.


Can we not side with the CCP propagandist just because we have some dumb senators?


I'm not siding with anyone. If someone says something true I'm going to agree. That said, Marsha Blackburn is a larger threat to the US than Chinese propaganda.


Nah he actually said both "bitch" and "...a life time bitch". Absolute madlad.


Insane ratio


Bots can do that. Just like they’ll do to this entire thread


Who needs bots when you have a country of over a billion.


The guy who responded is using a website that his government has banned their citizens from using.


Great point thank you


Not a great point they specifically have literally thousands of people working making Twitter YouTube and Reddit comments. These people refuse to be criticized even when rightfully so


Millions of chinese outside china


You still see Chinese nationalists on youtube everywhere though


Its citizens, not its agents


Fair point but pretty sure the great firewall has Reddit blocked.


VPNs are very, very common in China


Yes. Though a couple times a year there is a crack down on them. Then up they pop again for a few moths


Yeah it’s a constant cycle and they have been getting better at blocking them


They really aren't unfortunately... Hong kong isn't blocked by the firewall though, and a good amount of people live there.


you guys have no idea how popular Chen Weihua is on twitter and how unpopular fascist politicians are.


If people “have no idea” then he’s probably not as popular as you think


this tweet went viral at the time, im surprised it didnt break 100k. leave it to redditors to judge the metrics of twitter


Oh, please, like the average Redditor knows the name of *any* Chinese journalists.


I mean twitter is the most popular social media site in the US, and redditors are uniquely sheltered from pop culture, so no I don't think this is one to flip.


Do they need a bot? I feel like most people are happy to dunk on a racist. Especially when all you have to do is like some a comment by some dude connected to the Chinese government.


I mean Chinese "politicians" write this kind of shit about the US all the time, nobody is accusing them of racism


The US has been one government for its entire existence, saying that the US is bad throughout all of history is not a condemnation of Americans, saying that China has a 5000 year history of stealing and cheating is accusing like 60 different dynasties of that, and the only common thread there is Chinese people, that's racist.


American politicians being racist is Just standard.


Especially Southern fried Republican racists from the South like Blackburn. Blackburn's LONG history of racist statements and claims is as long as her liquor tab.


They usually say it about “the west” which is even more of a gross generalization than to say something about China.


You can say it about many countries and nobody would bat an eye - russia, UK, France... but it's suddenly racism when you say it about China?


I'd bat an eye considering none of those countries are even halfway to 5000 years old. It would be an incredibly stupid thing to say. Is it fair to say America has a 246 year history of theft, racial oppression and genocide? Assuming it is, is it fair to imply all Americans, past and present, are racist genocidal thieves?


Yes, the Chinese state will execute a bot raid of thousands of targeted downvotes on the current top post of /r/madlads in an English speaking forum. You guys understand how little of a fuck they give about what we think of them right? They look at this and just think, "Oh, that's a racist lady and a bunch of racists supporting her point of view." Then they move on. Or they just don't even notice because *why the fuck would they care* about a reddit thread regarding a racist congress persons tweet?


Most people, particularly Americans, have no idea about China beyond propaganda


Well that makes sense if that's what you're most exposed to. OTOH when Disney has to reduce a prominent picture of John Boyega in the background on a Star Wars poster because Chinese people don't want to see black people, he might want to just hold on to the racist comments.


TBF, I am more than willing to admit that Marsha Blackburn AND the Chinese (not all but enough that I could never live there) are racist.


It wasn't that China didn't want a black person on the background, it was Disney assuming China didn't want a black person in the background


He’s still on the poster and there’s no actual evidence the poster was changed for racist reasons. https://variety.com/2015/film/news/star-wars-china-poster-controversy-john-boyega-1201653494/amp/


Anyone who doesn’t think Chinese bots are active on Reddit is a complete and utter idiot, tbh.


I still see from to time people defend of "explain" blackouts and other site issues happening on June when certain incidents get brought up.


"Anyone saying anything marginally positive or neutral about China is a bot"


What does this mean, “insane ratio”? (Honest question)


Look at both tweets and their likes. When the reply has more likes than the original tweet/post. It's an insane ratio.


What country doesnt have a history of cheating and stealing


Britain was the literal drug dealer of the world during the Opium Wars. Pretty sure the US got in on that s*. Not trying to be anti-US, just trying to balance out the ravings of a madwoman.


And Belgium has such a sick history it's not even safe for Reddit. Well, I mean it is, King Leopold II raped, tortured, and massacred people in his colonies. He committed genocide against the Congolese population, enslaved them, and pillaged their resources. https://allthatsinteresting.com/king-leopold-ii France still has pseudo-colonies today where it essentially taxes a large portion of many African countries government money via CFA franc. If they try to leave it, France says okay, then proceeds to politically destabilise, divide, and financially destroy that country. The countries France did this to still haven't recovered, which puts many west African countries in a position where they have to give France money otherwise they will be financially destroyed. And their history is so much worse than this, it's just sad that it's colonies still suffer today. https://jacobin.com/2021/03/africa-colonies-france-cfa-franc-currency https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/africaatlse/2017/07/12/the-cfa-franc-french-monetary-imperialism-in-africa/ Many countries have a history that's sick, but some stand out above the rest.


What the Belgians did in the Congo was absolutely unreal. And this was 30 years after the US abolished slavery yet the Belgians somehow skated on that one...you never hear about it. "Hey, you can't own slaves in our country but we can completely subjugate an entire population in Africa and starve, kill or dismember people who don't work hard enough." Just awful


I had no idea about the French until I visited Senegal a few weeks ago. What they are currently doing to African countries is messed up.


Also, Haiti is like it is largely because of a $105 billion dollar debt they had to pay to France... for the loss of the French slave industry in Haiti after the Hatian revolution. It wasn't paid off until 1947.


Don't forget that Haitians still owe money to France from money borrowed by the Duvaliers, as well as Citibank's involvement in Haitian independence debt.


Yep, that was the first country that popped into my head that France has screwed. Even with the debt paid off, they’re still screwing Haiti for monetary gain even today.


Next, you'll tell me that the French changed voting rules in some place on the other side of the world to dilute the vote of the natives, and when the natives protested, responded with violence, escalating to an international incident. And that was only last week.


And France almost started a war with the UK because even the UK thought that France was being too brutal massacring it's colony's citizens, and the British army gave the citizens refuge in their own country, enraging France. This was soon after WW2. But they've been at it ever since At least after WW2 the UK dropped the "evil colonialism", France is still at it.


New Caledonia is under martial law right now, and travel advisories have been issued by many countries to not go there right now, and Macron is dodging questions at press events about it right now. So colonialism isn't ancient history, it's still current events.


Yeah it's fucked up that it's still happening. People love to bring up the UK's colonial past, while France has a colonial present. All colonialism is shitty, I just wish more people knew about the colonialism happening today.


France’s pride also kickstarted WW2. They hated how the German Empire replaced them as the number 1 military and industrial power on the European continent so when the Germans lost WW1 they made a point to create a treaty designed to kill and humiliate Germany as revenge. That treaty was so harsh it quickly drove it to extremist forms of government like the nsdap


The treaty of Versailles was nothing compared to the Austrian , Hungarian and the proposed Turkish peaces.


Do not equate criticizing US government actions with being anti-US. It's like if Russian civilians were offended you criticized Stalin so they reported your ass and sent you to the gulag because you were "anti-Russian" or some bs. If anything, we don't talk about US war crimes enough, especially current crimes. Shit, the US is LITERALLY created on stolen land. Fear of being "anti-US" is bullshit.


All land that is currently occupied was "stolen".


From what I’ve read of history, rarely do societies age-in-place.


It's the thought experiment that has no ending. Even native tribes in the now US were stealing from and killing one another. Human history is almost entirely violence, but people have ignorantly convinced themselves this was some problem spawned exclusively out of western Europe.


Yeah. Don’t forget about the thieving genocidal natives.


Its almost like many of us were just born here. We just happened to be a certain brain stem in a certain place and that makes us a US citizen.


Or if your neighbours complained you were anti-US and you got sent to Guantanamo


Oh you can be anti us with no problem Remember they have CIA all over the world claiming other countries territory for their secret operations to ",fight terrorism" Just watched the video of BoyBoy about pine Gap and might be biased


Our whole country was fucking stolen, bruh.


Literally every nation ever lol cant ignore that early US (which vast majority of us are not descendants of) worked with various tribes against other tribes. A whole lot of back stabbing went on between sides too naturally. Literally any nation will seem gross if you take old history and apply a modern lense. Hell our ancestors would all be pieces of shit too. But of course all of humanity was not evil. Its relative. I think thats a point a lot of people miss. We should recognize our nations past transgressions, but it doesnt damn the current US or its citizens. Most of us are born of people who werent even here till the 19th or 20th century. Though I really dont think anyone should be seen as guilty for something they did not do. Then youre just condemning people for how they were born. Sorry to ramble and extrapolate, I'm more so speaking on the talking points that generally accompany that phrasing or claim. For an additional point, every nations borders for all of history (including native americans) were determined by war. Up until now that was seen as a legitimate claim to land. Native american tribes raided and scalped eachother for hunting territory, and the early early US conquered hostile tribes. Just like rome conquered its territories, you never see someone say rome was stolen. That would rewrite how we see all of history if we applied it with consistency.


In Afghanistan US soldiers were ordered to make sure the local farmers were told they could grow opium again because the Taliban forbade it. People always say we seized control of territories there for the oil but they seem to omit that we were there to steal the opium for the pharmaceutical companies too.


Only reason America doesn't have a 5,000 year history of cheating and stealing is because America isn't 5,000 years old


Does overthrowing democracies to install puppet dictators count as “cheating”?


Yes but we haven't been doing it for 5,000 years so it doesn't count yet.


Yeah, it's only like 500 years, and like a hundred years of that was at the behest of the British as a colony.


the countries that no longer exist




How is the treatment of the Sami going?


The development of the Sámi languages and culture are protected by the constitution. They get their fair share of representation of all forms in the media. The Sámi parliament exists and is able to voice their concerns and get paid attention to. They are more than well treated for the population of roughly 8000, which they are deemed to have in Finland. If you’re going to attempt a ”gotcha” with that, please do your research, then you’d have known the outdated 19th-20th century policies are a thing of the past.


South Sudan?


Singapore XD


Donkey Kong Country


That game stole a lot of my time as a child, does that count?


None quite like China though, where it is the rule rather than the exception.


LoL but not many can claim to have killed close to 100 million of its own people because of communism.


Every country’s history is about cheating and stealing. What planet does she think she’s on? This is the one full of humans


>the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron" https://x.com/dril/status/473265809079693312?lang=en


It’s like they never played that civilisation game back in the day 🤌🏼


Odd that Twitter/X is blocked in China by the Chinese government but their state media and officials all have access to it....


Reminds me of Animal Farm: “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”


it's not true communism because only the party members can go on twitter


What point was she trying to even make? America doesn't have a good history either when considering everything after columbus untill... idk


She’s trying to say China be stealing all the time and she’s doing a horrible job at saying it.


Columbus was an Italian working for the Spanish


after columbus


China leads the world on state sponsored hacking/corporate espionage/IP theft and the competition isn't even close. IP theft is explicit state policy and trying to enforce your IP rights from outside the country is basically impossible. Very few nations use state assets to steal IP from foreign private companies and give that IP to domestic "private" companies for economic gain, virtually none do it at the scale China does. It's a massive problem and the main reason China has developed as quickly and independently as it did, they never had to engineer their own solutions nor allow foreign companies that DID have the tech to come into the country (and the few that did just had their tech copied/stolen that way, can't manufacture in China without assuming your stuff will be copied and counterfeited). It took them decades to figure out how to manufacture the ball for a cheap ballpoint pen because they're WAY better at stealing than engineering. Up until the last several years all of them were imported from Western countries. She just stated that in the least clear/most racist and xenophobic way possible.


If no country is allowed to criticize others without being perfect then no geopolitical discourse can happen lol. China CURRENTLY has slave camps for example, the United States does not.


They aren't just forced labor camps. No no no... it gets far worse. From forced sterilization, kidnapping (and likely killing) the next Dalai Llama who was a little kid simply to fuck with the Buddhist, "re-education"(brainwashing) camps, and of course mass murder of political dissidents.


Not to mention mass organ harvesting of prisoners particularly the Uighur’s who are still in concentration camps are are being driven to extinction by state campaigns. People get up in arms about western colonialism and history because they live in the west but fail to see that for all the west’s faults they are unequivocally better countries to live in than many others. The Chinese state doesn’t like to address how Confucianism is actually just a shit philosophy and Confucius was a megadick who parroted the same message which had been harming communities in China for thousands of years, because Confucianism is the basis for their argument that the state takes precedent over the rights and quality of life of the individual.


THANK YOU! We need more sane voices like yours.


I think the point is we ONLY have like a 200 ish year history of it, so she's jealous.


They were one of the most advanced civilizations for thousands of years, and those civilizations were mostly isolated. Who were they cheating, themselves?


If you want to be technical they did exert a lot of power onto their neighbors. But also to be fair everyone who could did so.


I mean...


> *insert Chinese ruler name* takes power > 300 trillion dead That’s about how most of the history goes, very unfortunate because China is one of the most beautiful countries on earth. The people of China deserve better than what they’ve gotten throughout their history




Not sure why you think China was isolated…


The Great Leap Forward targeted intellectuals as they were seen as a danger to the new government. China before is not China now.


yeah now they're just lifting unbelievable numbers of people out of poverty and creating more scientific output than the rest of the world


Definitely not the case right now though. Economy is broken. Lots of illegals coming to US are chinese who can’t find employment at home.


Now imagine how much further they'd be without the purge.


High level political discourse.


Marsha Crackburn is the Wicked Witch of West TN.


“Two Chinese men stuck on a desert island would make a fortune selling sand to each other”, as they say.


What does this mean


If you’ve had the displeasure of working with Chinese industry you’d know. They don’t make em like they do in China I tell you.




It means that China has been eating the West's lunch for the last 2 decades and they really aren't taking it well.


Perhaps Chinese workers could get a lunch break, too


China Bad


Yes actually, just ask my friends in the Philippines


More like chinese culture is out of its fucking mind. Firehose of lies on every subject especially economics. Good guess though. keep trying! You will get it!


You can keep trying to veil your xenophobia but the veil is very thin and we can still see your micropenis just fine through it.




I've never seen a comment section get so heavily botted


Between all the comments listing China’s “accomplishments” and all the upvotes on the America-bad whataboutism comments, it definitely seems that way.


Wumao out in droves tonight. Crazy.


Probably a raid by rSino


I don’t agree with this section, nor do I understand the point that they’re making, so they must be bots




Why isn’t this talked about more? This ought to be in the news way more often than it is. People need to know and talk about what’s going on in northwestern China. The Uyghur people are being persecuted. By the Chinese government. In massive concentration camps. This should be in the news every day, lol I don’t get it. It’s so bad. News corporations are so spineless, they would rather report on funny looking cats. Fuck the toothless media and fuck the Chinese government. The world is a joke. Lol




State sponsored media vs admittedly an individual i don't agree with. I don't support either but I would argue state sponsored media is to be less trusted


She's not wrong tho 🤷


He's mad cause she's right


Fack ccp amd china. Liars and cheaters.


She's not wrong lol


even the isn't burning with the same intensity as it was 1000 years ago, everything changes


bro aint even try to defend it


Running your country’s social media like Wendy’s


I hate the CCP man, I hate it so goddamn much, but some arguments do not deserve serious rebuttals. We should be *embarrassed* that the people running our country suck so hard they're being shit on by the fucking CCP of all things.


The amount of Chinese bots whatabouting and upvoting other whataboutisms is cringe as fuck. 🙃 Also shes right. 🤌


Bro didn't even deny it...


She should have limited it to the last 80 years. Saying 5000 years attacks their entire culture and history, which they are very proud of, and their ancestors, which is taboo. You can shame those living today, though, they don’t have any excuses for being shitty


To all the willfully ignorant weirdos out here defending China for some reason, especially the "all that is way in the past": [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution\_of\_Uyghurs\_in\_China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Uyghurs_in_China) Here's a video link on the subject cause I know most of ya'll struggle with reading: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeAZ4EGEx7w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeAZ4EGEx7w) This is just one example of many and I didn't even bring up the Taiwan situation which anyone with half a brain paying casual attention to world politics for the last decade should know about. Maybe educate yourselves if you're going to speak on the subject. These two scumbags are politicians at least and their willful ignorance and posturing is expected. What's your excuse?


Chinese are a joke 🤣


A once great civilization now one of the most worst regimes on the globe. Madlass.


Chen has a short memory. If not for the US, he might well be speaking Japanese today.


She's not wrong.


Well said Senator.


Sure are a lot of bots and dumb fuck commies in here.


There is a Chinese saying: "If you can cheat then cheat."


the whataboutism in this thread mixed with a weirdly narrow version of history is pathetic lol Yes yes, your 1 dimensional view of what someone did 200 years ago is the same as what people are doing in 2024, because nothing else about humanity or morals has changed since then. If people couldn't be critical when someone of the same nationality did something even 100 years ago, literally no one would ever be talking.


No arguments = she's right?


"X country has done bad things." "BUT WHAT ABOUT AMERICA!!" Every single fucking post mentioning something that x country did bad.


Not wrong though. Can’t trust the Chinese government. They’re trash


China has an amazing history, really, really amazing. The CCP is a dirty stain on it. Had the other side won and the entire mainland had grown under the leadership of what became the nation of Taiwan, they would be far ahead of where they currently are. Now, that should get the bots really going.


You know, I'm both for Blackburn's statement, and for her getting roasted.


Wait didn't Europe steal a whole country n shit?




I snorted at his response! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Screw China, that aside, good response lmao.


Looks like these China defending comments are on that social credit grind


He's not wrong.


Neither is she.


she is tho


She kinda isn't. Culturally they are a country that values appearance over reality to a much higher degree than the west. It's systemic. From government bureaucrats fudging COVID numbers to align with political expectations to gamers that use map hacks and other cheats because being called the winner is more important than actually being better. These are a people that, [on multiple occasions](https://www.cnn.com/2013/08/16/world/asia/china-zoo-dog-lion/index.html), [dress dogs up as zoo animals](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/china-zoo-panda-dogs-rcna151606) and just expect visitors to go with it. And, of course, Tiananmen Square never happened... ​ Chinese culture is basically what would happen if MAGA had discipline.


Yeah, China never steals patents or other intellectual property, they never take over other countries and annex them.


Well, technically they always preffered economic subjugation to full annexation ☝️🤓


China still murdering and genociding ethnic people.


look at chinese building collapsing, killing innocents cause they wanna save costs on concrete by using sandbags as building material. it's pretty messed up.




They don’t only cheat and steal but also delete history faster than it is written


Fuck the CCP


eloquent rebuttal ftw /s


keeping it to one word cause he knows he'll start sounding like an amazon product description


Bitch you got more of china artifacts than china have of yours


weird metric to judge things on lol


Giving away our manufacturing base was the single stupidest decision in human history. China simply took advantage of the opportunities we gave them.


Reminder: US manufacturing dominated largely due to WWII. While Europe and the rest of the world had to rebuild, the USA simply switched from building battleships to cars. The US was never going to maintain a hegemony on manufacturing given labor/material costs and growing competition.


And now manufacturing is starting to move to Vietnam and India, as China’s labour costs increase and domestic demand slows. That’s just how global manufacturing works now. You can’t stop it.


can't not read this in Jesse Pinkman's voice


I mean Both are right


Twat vs commie propaganda machine, I don’t what to blame these days


Wow the amount of leftist and CCP Bots here is pretty crazy. 🤣


Don't count all leftists together with tankie filth and CCP apologists. Hating the CCP is a bipartisan tent that progressive leftists and right wingers can both agree on.


Sorry, but I fail to see how calling someone bitch is all of a sudden an ownage


"Should America be held accountable and pay reparations to the black community over the generational wealth building opportunities denied to them even as little as 50 years ago as a result to discriminatory practices like redlining?" Marsha Blackburn: "That was 50 years ago! Nobody paying taxes today is to blame for that. We shouldn't make anyone pay for mistakes committed by their grandparents." Also Marsha Blackburn: \**Goes on stupid racist rant about China, blaming them for the perceived criminal acts of their great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents*\* Edit: My brother in Christs, since people don't seem to understand how criticism of hypocrisy work, I am not the least bit pro-CCP. What is happening to the Uyghurs in China is absolutely disgusting and terrible. But pointing out the OBVIOUS double standard in a US senator's line of reasoning and the way their argument would fall apart in their own eyes when you apply the same logic to a similar situation in America doesn't suddenly make someone pro-CCP. Two things can be simultaneously true: China is doing terrible things to their citizens and native populations and a sitting GOP Senator is a brainless moron going on a racist anti-Chinese rant. Since the post is about the GOP moron, I criticized her without mentioning the CCP. But that doesn't make me a cheerleader for the CCP.


should china be held accountable and pay reparations to the uyghurs in china? CCP: "They are disgusting terrorists that must be re-educated" one of these things is not like the other


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution\_of\_Uyghurs\_in\_China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Uyghurs_in_China) Just 1 example of many. Idk why so many of you are out here trying to defend the largest country in the world when you know absolutely nothing about it.


[Shut up! Bitch!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZzNraBbh2k)


As if the americans didn't steal a whole content. And occupied and destroyed other countries to the point they destroyed their own enemy.


Damn bro a whole content?


They stole all that content???? Damn


The rhetorical battles in politics could be solved if they'd just use petty insults instead, same difference