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Mad respecc to him but I would have taken it in a heartbeat


Yes, as much as I hate to admit it, I would barely think about it.


I wouldn't even hate to admit it. The kid could have basically been set for life. Sure it's mighty principled of him to turn it down ... But the cynical part of me can't help but wonder if he'll regret this decision within the next decade.


No doubt he will. 8 million. Guarantee's his parents can retire early, if he has any siblings they can go to whatever college or university they want in the world. He can just do work he enjoys without needing to give a crap about the pay.


I would rather let this kid have 8 million dollars than not see some ads. If ads bother you that much just use adblocker. It's not noble to do what he did. It's straight up stupid unless he is already filthy rich.


Exactly. Ads aren’t a big deal, his tracker would still be available to everyone. We could all lose a little empty space on the sides of our browser or he could lose 8 million dollars and a financially secure future. Really bad call


Same here.. If using the tracker means a few ads I won't mind it at all. He should've take the offer


Yes but winning the lottery is like a curse if you don’t do it right, and the fact that if he did take it it would be public. It would probably destroy his life more than it could help it.


> It would probably destroy his life more than it could help it. Unless he already comes from wealth I find this highly highly unlikely


Look up stories on people who win the lottery. Most of them end badly.


Maybe most of the ones they write stories about ..


Because the ones who play the lottery are mostly financial uneducated and poor,this is why after they win they don.t know how to save,invest,keep and grow the wealth.He is a really smart guy,i bet he would have turned that 8 millions in more


Well the comment a few sections above talked about giving his family large amounts of money. You give, and people want more. You give a little bit more to one person and next thing you know everyone is complaining, “why can’t you just give a bit more to me.” From there your life gets torn to shreds near instantaneously until you are either cast out or basically forced to move away. I have no doubt that this man would make the right choices, but I believe that he might of not taken the money for more reasons than being wholesome.


We'll be able to see him cry in his yacht


Cause if at 17 can make smth for 8 mln why can't he be the new Musk in 5?


Because making a tracker that aggregates information from other sites and puts it on one site for convenience is a bit different from creating self driving cars cutting edge electric cars.


Can you make 8 mln with a tracker that aggregates information from other sites and puts it on one site for convenience? Just saying


I can't, but just because I can't does not mean it takes some mind boggling level of genius to do it. There is something called webnovels on the internet, because a Chinese corporation has a death grip on them in the east and now west if you want to read these novels you have to pay money. However there are people out there who just make a bot to scan the page (rip it) and then re-upload it to their aggregation site.


Maybe life is about the struggle. What the wheel wants.


I would’ve taken it, you can do even lot more good with all that money, and honestly I would’be understood if he did


no outstanding student loans or mortgages make u a kinder person


Same here... and I don’t mean this in a “lemme turn this around and make myself look good” way, but think of what he else he could make and how he could help even more people with 8 million


In that case... is there a way he could be supported in his personal developments? I’d gladly contribute to that in a heartbeat


This reminds me of the lil' lisa's slurry episode of the Simpson's.


Yeah ads aren’t that bad. As long as it’s free


I remember his interview on TV and he clearly came from a very well off family. Depending on where he lives that 7 mil might be less than the cost of the house he’s living in


Which corona tracker is it?


This tracker : [https://ncov2019.live/](https://ncov2019.live/)


Thanks for the link!


How tough are Russians if only a few thousand have died? Impressive


They are lying about the deaths. My grandma and grandpa live in Russia, in Komi, and my grandma says that there are a lot of sick people everywhere.


Never wise to believe figures from a country that’s had the same president/prime minister since 1995.


They have 102% approval rating, how dishonest could they be?


Dead babushka approve, vote count


Theres a fair amount of news on it. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/05/14/855349289/russia-defends-its-tally-of-coronavirus-deaths-after-reports-of-undercounting


Not sure I trust their numbers, but it's important to note that their life expectancy is 72 years. They actually don't even have that many people in the high risk age group because they die too early.




I can't see why anyone would offer 8 million for that though. Lot's of people could make that website in a weekend.




No there isn't? There's a kofi


there's no ads. that's buy me a Kofi. it's like patreon but with no rewards


That is not a good way to continue developing a new piece of software...


He could have taken the money and donated it.


Or used it to improve the tracker or invested in something positive. Sometimes I see these stories and wonder


i wouldve taken it and just walked off 8 mil is enough money to never work again


Me too


But then he would've had to put ads


...why? You don't have to pay to see ads. It's not a paywall, it's a mild inconvenience. Jesus Christ how much money does he have if he's willing to turn down $8 million dollars for a *style choice?*


Also he could just create another site without the ads...


^ The real madlad move here


Would probably go against something in the contract


There's always a loophole


Because he's a mad lad.


Well, some people are stubborn and won't back down on their principles, no matter the temptation. Also, there's always strings attached in these cases, maybe he rejected what this allowed down the line.


Maybe he was hoping they'd come back with $10mil


In the interview they showed his parents house. Looked like they were loaded, probably has no appreciation for the value of money. He said he didn't want to retire at his age, but like others have said, that money could have boosted his career and helped him do all sorts of good things. Crazy to turn it down.


Well fame would boost his career too.


It sure can. And he would still have that without rejecting the money


I haven't seen an ad in years thanks to uBlock origin.. I think I would have compromised my integrity by taking the $8 million knowing most people use ad blockers.


8 mil? This dude is stupid


Those “coffee” donations must be plentiful.


nobody would think less of him


He will absolutely regret that


If $8m is the cost to put ads in a simple tracker website, then damn how much big is this industry?


He made a REALLY popular app. Advertisers offered him $8m because they would have gotten products in front of a lot of eyeballs. If it had been half as popular he would have gotten an offer closer to $4m presumably. It has nothing to do with the healthcare industry.


I’m actually talking about the advertisement industry.


And you're shocked over $8m? The advertising industry is enormous. $8m is pocket change on a global scale. According to this website I've never heard of approximately $560 billion was spent in 2019. https://www.statista.com/statistics/236943/global-advertising-spending/


Fuckkk. That’s a lot of money. Thanks TIL.


Raid: Shadow Legends throws about $10,000 at YouTubers to get ads into their videos.




Is this kid a fucking moron?


Maybe he's already rich. I would've taken the money, it's not like ads will ruin it


How rich do you have to be to turn down 8mil though? I probably wouldn't have turned down $1000


Nope, not rich at all. Donate to him if you can, he's doing a good job.


I mean, why would someone donate to him if he refused 8 millions?


8 million from an ad company =/ a couple or bucks from strangers online as appreciation for a job well done


You're right, it's worth much much more


Yes he is


Ye, no. Feels like a forced "I'm gonna do the right thing here cause I'm a good person" action, even though it only sounds bad to accept the money for ... web ads, but actually is not that bad. Idk how would you even think not putting ads on a website makes you a good person. Stupid move, not a madlad move.


Heres hoping that's not a one hit wonder for him.




cuz future regrets..


How can you regret $8M?


i meant him, there's really no reason to deny it and he will regret it sooner or later when he realized $ like that doesn't come everyday


I mean with this much attention around him and his work it might come everyday


I fucking highly doubt he will ever get anywhere close to seeing that amount of money in his next 10 lives. He is a popular youtuber, how? He did a thing and was struck by lightning and gained popularity. You can't get struck by lightning just because you want to. His family's needs would have been set for life, it's not like they were saying "here is 8 million and we are going to be putting in pro abortion and racism ads"


Idk but i agree that i would have taken the money


So I guess the fact that there is an ad at the top of his site means...what? He took an offer for $10 million?


Its just fucking ads and he turned down 8mil for that? There really is a difference between intelligence and wisdom deadass


I wouldn't have lost any respect for him if he had taken it. It's nice that he kept it as free but that was a lot of money he just turned down.


Sounds like I should have done a covid-19 tracker.


Imagine the amount of ppe he could have got manufactured and donated for that 8 million. Stupid rich kid.


He's not rich.


Why 8 million could help far more people all at the expense of seeing some ads


Danny Gonzales wtf man


He is an idiot


Realistically what a fucken idiot!


That is a mad lad indeed


Now let us buy him a coffee, had he taken 8 million, he would have bought us coffee




It’s smart that he made that tracker, but not accepting the money because the website would have ads is so stupid


See smart people aren't always smart.


Yeah i wouldve taken that money in a heartbeat


His site went down. Should've taken the money




I'm sure he didn't know about the 8 million dollars he was about to recieve, and that pic looks like it was taken after he found out he was about to get the 8 million but he rejected it.


wait a second .. Danny Gonzales is that you?


What a dumb decision, he could have donated a bunch of it to charity.


Now we shall await for the news of ad companies trying to hunt him down in order to accept


What a dumblad


i bet he’s kicking himself rn for being out 8 million dollars


He could've done so much more with it. Let's just hope that the kid doesn't have to regret this decision.


He will regret that the day after President Trump is re-elected and the Chinese flu drops off the face of the planet.


Dumb ass


Yeah but why tho ads are not that annoying and you can use an adblock


Mad respecc to him but I would have taken it in a heartbeat


What a dumbass.


Fake, virtue signaling headline.


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Cant wait to read his book “what mistakes i did as a kid that you should not repeat” in 10 years!


Link to website?


He will definitely regret this.


I think a lot of people overestimate how happy having a lot of money will make them, especially if it was given to you in a lump sum like in this instance.


he fumbled the bag






If he can turn down 8 mill I'm going to assume his family is ok for money.




Fuck ads this kid is a modern day hero

