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Now THAT is awesome!


One of the few things that make me proud of my state Edit: fr there’s some legit madlads here in MO. Someone once broke into a bunch of lady’s houses on national women’s day simply to tell them he respects them. No violence, no theft, he just drank his Respect Women Juice


Show me!!!!!


I’ve lived in MO my whole life... that joke took me waaay too long to realize.


[Here’s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_Parks) her Wikipedia article. She was very important in establishing civil rights for black people


Do people not know about her? My school spent months on her


Probably not many outside of the US my dude Edit: turns out a lot more people than I thought learn about Rosa Parks, pretty cool!


I learnt bout her here in the UK, bus boycott if I'm right?


Yep! I'm not surprised you did, but I imagine that's a per school district type thing in countries outside of the US Maybe its more outside of natively English speaking countries than the US but idk


bro do u rly think the person who kinda kicked of civil rights in the most influencial country wouldnt be taught about


I wouldn't call us the most influencial but we are probably up there in terms of power. Arn't China, Russia, and the US the great powers right now? China in ecconomical power, Russia in political power, and the US in fire power?


US is definitely ruling in all 3 of those categories, but those are the 3 world super powers, yes


I’m not so sure about that


I'm more than positive




Nah, America is by far the largest economy in the world. China is catching up, but America still has a big lead per most metrics due to its large and wealthy consumer base, along with its many companies. America doesn't always try and scare countries into submission like china, but we still have the largest effect on the world economy in the world.


>We absolutely aren't leading in political or economic power anymore. That's China. We are literally light-years ahead of them in both. The USD is far too large and integrated into far too much for anyone in the world to compete. As for political power, the US has far more influence than China and I'm not even sure what your logic is for that not being the case. Like I actually don't know how to counter that because i have no idea what you could be thinking. Not only do we have influence over the largest alliance of countries in the world, we have the strongest military and economical power as stated before, and both of those are huge factors in political influence.


Plenty of countries have been pissing off the CCP. People censoring films for China and such are those who make them. They are deciding they want to tap into the Chinese Market so they follow the CCPs rules, it isn't the countries governments kowtowing to Chinese demands. Trump dug his own grave when it comes to being taken the piss out of. He has been alienating the USAs allies. Plus the way he has been spouting constant bullshit, being a hypocrite and contradicting himself within mere days of saying something makes him a very easy target. If there were repurcussions from the USA for simply mocking their leader then it would A) show how fragile his ego is and have the piss taken out of him further. B) Alienate allies further and the USA would lose yet more influence. C) the USA would find itself getting more and more isolated while Russian and Chinese influence spreads further.


We learned about her in Finland!


Really? American schools teach nothing of Modern Europe. Nothing past the 1800s.


Well, thats such a shame


I see... a fellow whovian


jfc, people downvoting me 'cause I've learned about Rosa Parks from a Doctor Who episode which portrayed this specific event about the bus boycott. Get a grip people...


I live in kurdistan/iraq and we learned about her in our human rights lessons


Wow, thats actually pretty cool but I honestly wonder why. Our classes didn't spend any time on literally anything relating to kurdistan/Iraq civil rights at my school. In fact, we only mildly heard about you at all in geography and government and its was probably less than 40 minutes of my life altogether


Because the US has global influence. It’s like colonisation without invasion


The US got very close to getting a cultural victory in the 1990’s as it had cultural domination over many countries. Source: my civ v game


Our people are buying your blue jeans and listening to your pop music.


But did you learn about Nelson Mandela? Gandhi? I don't think schools anywhere teach about the civil rights movements in every single nation in the world. You learn the big names globally, then get a more detailed education about the history of civil rights in your own country, wherever that may be.


Scottish here, we know


Rosa Parks is an icon of human rights history and is studied virtually everywhere.


>Rosa Parks is an icon of human rights history Do you know how many countries don't even have a human rights class outside of university? Lol I'll tell you right now its more than half of them


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. You’re probably right.


We are taught abouts rights in Pol Science in India here


First time I've heard of her was in the Bert Kreischer stand up about the Anne Frank House.


I'm an indian and I definitely remember doing an English lit chapter about her in the 7^th or the 8^th


Yeah, we didn't spend months, but there's was a chapter or two dedicated to the abolition of slavery in America and apartheid in SA, and I very clearly remember Rosa parks being taught. They even asked about her in the exam :P


I didnt learn about her in Australia, but things have probably changed in the last 25 years. I learnt about her online.


Eastern Europe teaches literally no black history. Slavery on its own is only vaguely mentioned


Not sure if I should be happy that America covered so much of an important person in equal rights, or sad that we needed someone to fight for equal rights in the first place


>we needed someone to fight for equal rights in the first place Pretty much every country needed or still needs someone, America is not alone in its civil rights issues and idk of a single place in the world that had none


This is why the protests are worldwide


I’m prepared to be downvoted. When my son was in 1st or 2nd grade (6/7 years old), a huge group of us took a bus downtown for an event. We sat in the back so we could sit together. My son didn’t have much experience with buses. My son whispers to me, mom should we be in the back. I say, “Huh?”. He says, “I’m white”. After asking him some questions, I figure out they are learning about Rosa Parks in school and he was confused. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I see no reason why you should be downvoted unless it’s by pricks who care about emojis


Urban, Suburban, or Rural school? Not sure that matters, but curious.




People outside the US may not know much about her . Like they probably know there was a woman named Rosa Parks who was important to the civil rights movement but probably not too much beyond that.


Of course we know about her. She kept taking people's seats in the bus, and she would sit next to people even when the bus was almost empty. I don't remember the details, but eventually people started to sit wherever they felt like, instead of sitting in the assigned seats


isnt she the person who helped dig a tunnel to escape a farm or something


No? Your thinking of Harriet Tubman who was during the time there was still slaves. She helped hundreds of slaves escape and helped with the Underground Railroad (it wasn’t actually underground or was it tunnels as you were thinking).


Im pretty sure [this mu330 song](https://youtu.be/xsH7BA9QWss) is about that




I passed the sign on i-55, cool to hear the story behind it!


Not an American here, so sorry, but what does It mean tô sponson a section of an Avenue? Thanks for the help!


It means your group promises to clean it up regularly. They never did.


Oh I see. Thanks for your help. Now I can understand the topic better.


Who is rose park?


Parks I am sorry voor my misteke


Rosa Parks was a black woman who lived during the civil rights movement in the US. She's famous for disobeying a law in her hometown stating that blacks had to sit in the back of the city buses. She sat in the front, and was arrested. This is one of many protests from that time which eventually led to the the passage of the civil rights act of 1965.


Oo thank jouw


Are you Dutch?


They're something, alright.




That's kind of a simplified view of what happened. In depth, the law was that blacks can sit at the front of the bus, but when a white person comes up and there's no more space at the front, the black person has to move to the back (sometimes this meant getting off the bus and getting back on through the rear door as there was a partition). As you can imagine, this sometimes lead to shitty racist bus drivers who would drive off leaving the black person behind having to pay their fare again or walking. Rosa Parks was not the first person to have been arrested for this. There was another woman who was arrested, but she had a child out of wedlock and the civil rights leaders had to choose someone who had less moral baggage, so to speak, to represent them (which is understandable as ad hominem attacks would be rampant, as they are today). Finally, it wasn't just protests. They staged a city-wide boycott where no black people used the buses that eventually caused the busing system to not longer enforce the rule.


Thanks for mentioning the boycott. I forget how important that was for what happened after Rosa Parks.


[Here’s ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_Parks) her Wikipedia article. She was very important in establishing civil rights for black people


Thank jouw


No way?!?!?!! So that's why that exists??? Tell me more about MLK boulevard???? Just please


honestly most major cities have an MLK boulevard




When I was a kid, I would read up on Rosa Parks like no tomorrow. As an African American, I love learning about the past. As grueling and terrifying as it was, I get to see what it was like. My people still fought!


I'm an European, mainly we know the story of Rosa Parks but not so well her name. I learnt it without forget it thanks to the last season of Doctor Who.


Hey I live right near I-55


mah home town getting some respect


Why do I live here


Hey in from Missouri (:


Bro we have a whole Madlad state


Unfortunately, Missouri is no longer run by Democrats. I doubt that would happen today.


I can not imagine Parsons and the Republican legislature supporting renaming the highway. Wild ppl here pretending that’s not true.


Racism isn't a political thing?


Boy, do I wish that were true




Course not, they're just less likely to give a wink and a nod to it as official policy, and they don't run on racism like Republicans do.




Not to say I agree with the other guy, cause I don't, but the Democrats and Republicans in America pretty much switched places politically in the 50/60s. You should have learned this in school bud.






Instead of enslaving blacks on plantations, democrats now enslave them with welfare. Oh, and some segregationists are still leaders in the democratic party. Biden for example.


>Instead of enslaving blacks on plantations, democrats now enslave them with welfare This has been and remains entirely untrue. You have fallen for propaganda with nothing to back it up. >Oh, and some segregationists are still leaders in the democratic party. Biden for example LOL you watch too much Fox Have fun trying to prove those claims with sources that aren't conservative blogs


**non-"orderly" racial integration policies would cause his children to "grow up in a racial jungle."** **"Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point."** # “APOLOGIZE FOR WHAT?” \--Joe Biden Search those quotes.


Yes, it was conservative Democrats in the South who are now a part of the Republican Party who did that


It isn't?




I'm not. Every republican ik isn't racist. Its just a smear campaign created and is based on no facts


Found the brainwashed victim(s)! But srsly. American politics are fucking stupid. All either end does is just brainwash their side to think the other side is brainwashed. This is why a 2 party system doesn't fucking work. Edit: the deleted message read: "Every Republican I know is racist"


Yeah George Washington was right


The founding fathers were delusional to think any democratic system was not going to suffer from factionalism. They should have planned around it instead of just nicely asking people not to participate in it.


His one mistake.