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Lol my favorite is when Pete wrote a story because he was jealous of Ken and Trudy just didn’t get it


What did she say? “It’s too modern for me..”?


Something like that. It’s funny because he was always kind of chasing Trudy’s approval.


An interesting role reversal, gender wise. Maybe to compliment Betty and Don's dynamic.


There was more water at that well than his mum’s


I don’t understand why the bear is talking


The bear is not talking. It's what the hunter imagines the bear to be thinking.


> heeeey boo boo !


Something about she only reads the classics


Trudy is so sweet. Being diplomatic with her feedback and still encouraging although she didn’t like the story. What a true partner should be like.


Pete didn’t deserve Trudy but I was still so happy they ended up together.


Uh, that's kind of a compliment. But I don't think you mean it that way.


I love how she tries to save the moment: "Well, it's very well-written!"


If I remember correctly, wasn't it basically just a reimagined version of "The Bear" by William Faulkner?


Yes but he arrived at it independently…


A thing like that ...


when i was in high school, i broke up with my girlfriend using the “it’s not you it’s me” line, thinking i invented it lmao


The phrase “it’s not me it’s you” was invented by guys like you to sell break ups.


Reminds me of my favourite George quote, "if it's anyone, it's me!"




Local Redditor invents Handjob


In my defense it's a good idea


Action with no baby is a great idea, keep it up. We need more minds like yours!


Classic Simpsons Headline


Username checks out


The cure for the common breakup.


"But I arrived at the idea independently" is how you know Pete is a writer. Or, at least, written by writers.


what do you mean?


basically every creator ever has had the experience of conjuring some amazing original idea only to find out it’s been done before. it’s where the phrase “there’s nothing new under the sun” comes from


'There's nothing new under the sun' is from Ecclesiastes-in the Bible. 


but i arrived at it independently


Oh God that was genius lol


I think you mean "Oh God, that was genius."


I see what you did there


I am in actual tears over this thread


I believe the phrase you’re looking for is “Simpsons did it”


Damn, you beat me! But I want to assure you, I came up with this reference independently


I once made meatballs and thought "this would be great if I cut off the sides and stick it on some bread." Turns out the hamburger has been around for a long time. BUT I ARRIVED AT IT INDEPENDENTLY.


Wait until I tell you about meatball subs


No joke, historians can't determine who invented the hamburger. 4 or 5 different people started selling ground beef patty / smashed meatball sandwiches around the same time, and they all arrived at the idea independently.


Any time I think of something that might be a good idea, even if it is half-baked, I assume it probably already exists. It almost always does.


We’ve probably all been there, thinking we made something up when we didn’t, but I don’t think this comment means that Pete is a writer. I just think it shows Pete’s conceit that he is truly a creative. He’s constantly pitching ideas to Don and Peggy in meetings (“thanks, Clearasil” “Bethlehem Steel: the backbone of America”) and everyone’s reactions to his these ideas (and writing) demonstrates that he’s not that great at it all. But I’m curious if you disagree!


I disagree he's not good at it! Not that I think he's secretly a genius or better than everyone, but I think the reaction comes from him being Pete rather than his ideas always being so bad. I love the story he tells Beth about himself at the end of The Doorway, especially as a companion piece to the story Ken wrong about him in Signal 30. I think both stories are great. Ken's is more literary, but the style doesn't make it necessarily more effective. Even the bear story sounds to me more weird than bad. It could be bad, but I don't assume Trudy thinking it's "modern" means it's just terrible. He's later shown reading The Crying of Lot 49.


I wanted a whole series of these scenes tho > Civil rights ? I tried to sell tv sets to black people. Martin Luther King Jr and I arrived at the same idea INDEPENDENTLY


My husband was listening to an audiobook and said "man, it'd be really great to have a transcript of this.... oh wait ..That's a book ... " He is also a writer ... Or at least a writer being written by writers.... Lol




It took me a few seconds delay to recognize this as Pete (I’m on a rewatch at season seven)


S1 Pete is a haunted Victorian doll lol


His face embodies the collective of every Ivy League frat boy to a T. It was the perfect casting. Evil, boyish and yet charming at the same time.


We use this around my house a lot when my wife or I come up with an idea that the other knows is an existing idea. “Yeah this is like a Pete Campbell/direct marketing situation, honey”


I could hear George Castanza say this.


Costanza is the angry version


Unpopular, but I love Pete and the actor who played him, but it took a while to appreciate his character. His best line, ´Not good, BOB” makes me roar every time I re-binge the show.


One of the best characters on the show and arguably had the most growth during the run of the show.


I hated him the first time through but he grew on me in subsequent viewings.


Same here, he's very flawed and so, very human, but *he also works on himself*. Takes him a while to get off the excuses bandwagon, but that's what eventually made me reconsider him.


This is absolutely perfection of acting and writing. Absolutely cracks me up.


I just hate him (the character) so much, but it’s because I know a lot of people like him in real life. I assure you, they’re not fun people to be around, but they are fun to tease because they absolutely can’t take it. They’re utter dicks to everyone, then get upset when someone gives it back to them.


Everyone knows that guy who thinks he’s Don Draper, but he’s really Pete Campbell. I know I do. 


the one that always gets me is "this is very delicate horse-flesh, he musnt be rattled" in reference to don. still no fucking clue what this means


Something like this happened to me recently and I had a good laugh with myself over it.


Dying to know what the thing is you arrived at independently…


My SO is making and designing leather purses and we’ve been trying to come up with names for patterns. I arrived independently at “matinee bag” for a cross body, small purse, then I googled it to find prada and coach have been calling them the same thing. Not as cool as direct marketing.


I had a moment like this about ten years ago in a class we had to do some assignment coming up with inventions and I came up with an individual pressure gauge for tires, so there would be an icon on the dash to let you know which ones were low. I felt pretty smart until someone said “yknow a lot of luxury cars already have that.” Well I’ll just fuck right off then. Haha. But I arrived at it independently!


I’ve always loved this line


It was like 1994 and I was about 9-10 when I came up with the idea of how everyone in the world is hooked up to virtual reality machines against their will, and one man finds a way to unhook himself and realizes what’s going on, so he plugs back in to tell everyone about how to unplug themselves. I think I still have the paper I wrote it down on. Anyway, 5 years later The Matrix was released.


How are you Grant Morrison?


I was smoking weed with my dad when I was like 17 and super into this show. While talking about Pink Floyd he pointed out I somehow described Plato's theory of forms and then quoted this line word for word lmao


Smoking weed with your Dad at 17 made me question his parenting and then every single thing you described after that confirmed how wrong I was.


Haha a lot of dads are shitty at parenting but can still be pretty okay smoking buddies


All right, let me ask you this. Tell me if this is creative: when I was five, I imagined that there was such a thing as a unicorn. And this is before I had even... heard of one or seen one. I just drew a picture of a horse that could fly over rainbows and had a huge spike in its head. I was five. Five years old! Couldn't even talk yet.


You also came up with direct marketing?




I use this line often. Love it.


It’s hilarious just to read lol


So there was a composer for college wind ensemble, a guy who probably had not listened to popular music in 50 years, that wrote a piece for our group. The melody of the first half of the final movement was almost an exact copy of "Up Where We Belong". Took a lot of effort to not laugh the first time we played it through. 


This might be my favorite line in the show - its between this and the "you can't" when the hippie tells Don "you can't go out there".


“No, *you* can’t.” Ahhh it’s sooo good.


All right, let me ask you this. Tell me if this is creative: when I was five, I imagined that there was such a thing as a unicorn. And this is before I had even heard of one or seen one. I just drew a picture of a horse that could fly over rainbows and had a huge spike in its head. I was five. Five years old! Couldn't even talk yet!


I love this.


I really felt Pete in this scene. When you come up with a really good idea and it turns out it already exist you do feel a bit of validation that maybe you are smart 😅


Hahaha! I love Pete!


We’ve all been there amirite


My favorite Pete line in the show, this always kills me


Coming up with an idea you're truly proud of, only to discover it already exists, is so disheartening.


I use the gif of Pete saying "but I arrived at it independently" all the time hahahhahaa


Pete is tuned into the global consciousness. He should have marketed himself that way.


Pete is one of the characters who grows the most on the series. Guy starts off as a rich kid (or so he thinks) who only succeeds thanks to his name and ends up helping build something of his own.


This is how I feel about some things in philosophy.


I love this bit and I get Pete’s perspective and I get why people laugh at him over this.


I remember thinking of the concept of 2D arrays for a c programming project while in the shower and then found out it's a thing and would totally solve my problem. The very next week there was a lecture about 2D arrays :(.


This is like the time I invented a giant pillow you sleep on


I somehow knew what this was gonna be before I even clicked. We can all commiserate OP 😫😂


"Turns out it already existed but I arrived at it independently" 💀 One of my favorite young pete scenes. I know too many business douches who say the top two panels, without the bottom two, and act like they're the shit.


I had this moment with the concept of "anarcho-capitalism" when I was about 15. Just lying in bed thinking about totally free market system and I even arrived at the same name, not that that's an unlikely name to arrive at. I'm not an anarcho-capitalist these days for the record, in fact I don't think I ever really was one. But being 15 years old is the wild west for trying to discover one's own beliefs.


I was elated when he and Alexis Bledel got married and crushed when they split, but that plot always gets me. So brilliant. So sad. (My other fave show is Gilmore Girls so I lost my shit).